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Why is everyone ignoring the biggest issues?


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With season 1 coming up you'd think people would be focused on the biggest problems with pvp/arenas.

Mainly, the biggest problems are stuff like:


1. Assassins/operatives being able to autowin every game by abusing acid mechanics. Game-breaking, completely ignored by everyone. No comment from bioware and no QQ threads from the players.

2. Classes with obvious and well-known bugs in critical places. Warriors not reaching leap targets, sin shroud/phase walk not working, and so forth. Even had a video of my mara killing a sorc through his bubble (can't really tell which bug it is, but in either case the bug is important). Evasion on snipers/ops allowing hits to go through. There are lots of these bugs that can change the outcome of a game in critical moments by dev-programmer RNG and they go largely unnoticed and/or ignored.

3. No cross-server queue - it's been two years now and it's been brought up repeatedly. This game will never have competitive pvp if there are only three teams that are ever in the queue. One way or another bioware is going to have to address this if it wants a pvp community.

4. Classes not being queued appropriately in solo queue. Why can't there just be "hybrid" slots when classes have more than 10 points in a tree that isn't the highest tree? If I have 23 points in darkness and 23 in dps, I should be queued as a hybrid, not as a full dps or as a full tank. Or it could just, you know, force people into the appropriate roles via the methods discussed in that other thread. Gets some attention, but is on the bottom of my list as it only affects solo queue and not team queue. Still needs to be addressed and should be a prime concern for the players who do solo queue arenas.

5. EDIT: fake globals. Game-breaking when they happen at the wrong times, but at least the RNG is fair to everyone on this bug.


I'm sure the reason this stuff gets ignored is because there's nobody arguing creating a five-hundred page thread. If everyone sees it, agrees it's stupid, the thread just moves on down the list, while arguments over operative and mara QQ go for twenty pages. But this is the stuff people need to be vocal about, these are critical issues.

Anyways... yeah I'd like to see some balance in this game but seriously, how about we make the game playable while we're at it/first?

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Acid mechanics on an assassin? Like what?


Played against a shadow yesterday in solo ranked on the Corellia map. His entire team died when he didn't engage in combat. We spent a bit looking for him but that ended up being futile. We huddled in the middle popped our entrench, overrides etc. at the gas started. He never showed himself, we all died to the gas when it reached us. Lost the game.


Ended up winning the match at least...


There some kind of exploit with that map, I heard it could be the fountain. Only map I have seen it occur in.

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Notice all 3 times our entire team is waiting in mid with full health, 4v1.


Oh, I see. I thought you meant they had an acid ability or something.

I dunno though, like ya it would suck to have that happen but it seems to me like good use of his classes stealth and abilities. Maybe you guys need to try to kill stealthers before they have a chance to do that or something.

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Notice all 3 times our entire team is waiting in mid with full health, 4v1.


I have had many assassins try this, but they have never been successful. I don't understand how the assassin didn't die at the same time as you.


Edit: seems like resilience or his defensive CD's are not working as intended. He was at almost 50% hp when you guys died. I was also under the assumption that once a stealth hits the green, they are removed from stealth. Every time an assassin tried this, I and my team put down every aoe we had (while spamming the frame to target him when he is out of stealth), stunned him, he phasewalked out, but he was in a hp deficit.

Edited by ManiacDavis
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I have had many assassins try this, but they have never been successful. I don't understand how the assassin didn't die at the same time as you.


Edit: seems like resilience or his defensive CD's are not working as intended. He was at almost 50% hp when you guys died. I was also under the assumption that once a stealth hits the green, they are removed from acid. Every time an assassin tried this, I and my team put down every aoe we had (while spamming the frame to target him when he is out of stealth), stunned him, he phasewalked out, but he was in a hp deficit.


a super easy way to fix this would be for the acid to hurt more the further you go out? i mean, the acid did start on the outside and work its way in...


/end phasewalk to outside of midfight in OT= instadeath

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With season 1 coming up you'd think people would be focused on the biggest problems with pvp/arenas.

Mainly, the biggest problems are stuff like:


1. Assassins/operatives being able to autowin every game by abusing acid mechanics. Game-breaking, completely ignored by everyone. No comment from bioware and no QQ threads from the players.

2. Classes with obvious and well-known bugs in critical places. Warriors not reaching leap targets, sin shroud/phase walk not working, and so forth. Even had a video of my mara killing a sorc through his bubble (can't really tell which bug it is, but in either case the bug is important). Evasion on snipers/ops allowing hits to go through. There are lots of these bugs that can change the outcome of a game in critical moments by dev-programmer RNG and they go largely unnoticed and/or ignored.

3. No cross-server queue - it's been two years now and it's been brought up repeatedly. This game will never have competitive pvp if there are only three teams that are ever in the queue. One way or another bioware is going to have to address this if it wants a pvp community.

4. Classes not being queued appropriately in solo queue. Why can't there just be "hybrid" slots when classes have more than 10 points in a tree that isn't the highest tree? If I have 23 points in darkness and 23 in dps, I should be queued as a hybrid, not as a full dps or as a full tank. Or it could just, you know, force people into the appropriate roles via the methods discussed in that other thread. Gets some attention, but is on the bottom of my list as it only affects solo queue and not team queue. Still needs to be addressed and should be a prime concern for the players who do solo queue arenas.

5. I'm sure I missed other critical stuff, let me know.


I'm sure the reason this stuff gets ignored is because there's nobody arguing creating a five-hundred page thread. If everyone sees it, agrees it's stupid, the thread just moves on down the list, while arguments over operative and mara QQ go for twenty pages. But this is the stuff people need to be vocal about, these are critical issues.

Anyways... yeah I'd like to see some balance in this game but seriously, how about we make the game playable while we're at it/first?


I agree wholeheartedly!


the leap issue is game breaking. (i mean this has been happening since the middle of 8v8 preseason in huttball with guardians not being able to leap to friendlies)


skipped global cooldowns is game breaking. (this is ALL AROUND game breaking... not even pvp centered either. you're also talking about people who are trying to parse competitively on the server to push the top tier raids, but skipped global cds srsly effects dps/heals alike)

^pvp is even worse because anything and everything can come down to... that's right, ONE GCD. especially when you're also talking about arenas.




on a more serious note: cross server que probably isn't even enough to save this game. :'[



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3. No cross-server queue - it's been two years now and it's been brought up repeatedly. This game will never have competitive pvp if there are only three teams that are ever in the queue. One way or another bioware is going to have to address this if it wants a pvp community.

Brought up repeatedly by the community and turned down repeatedly\.

The code just doesn't cut it without significant overhaul. My guess is it's prohibitively expensive with the number of coders they have, it would be like rewriting a new game, and considering how long it took to write this one in the first place...

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Brought up repeatedly by the community and turned down repeatedly\.

The code just doesn't cut it without significant overhaul. My guess is it's prohibitively expensive with the number of coders they have, it would be like rewriting a new game, and considering how long it took to write this one in the first place...


i'm pretty sure they be doin fine with their marketing techniques.


have you seen all of the pumpkin vader chambers out and about already?

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I have had many assassins try this, but they have never been successful. I don't understand how the assassin didn't die at the same time as you.


Edit: seems like resilience or his defensive CD's are not working as intended. He was at almost 50% hp when you guys died. I was also under the assumption that once a stealth hits the green, they are removed from stealth. Every time an assassin tried this, I and my team put down every aoe we had (while spamming the frame to target him when he is out of stealth), stunned him, he phasewalked out, but he was in a hp deficit.


Stealth is removed, Resilience doesn't work. Obviously he positioned himself well enough to remain unseen. Of course medpacks and stuff, and I personally always pop Battle Readiness and all def cds, just to be on the safe side.


EDIT: Anyway, can't see how this is wrong. It is using your class specifics and if you are lucky to win for your teams. This gives stealthers a certain edge in some cases. Otherwise we will see only maras, op healers, and pt hybrids in arenas...

The fact that one team is a better deathmatcher shouldn't mean that a smart player can't ruin it for them. ;)

Edited by DarrelK
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Not sure if some of those are bugs or if people are hacking somehow... I was doing a match today and this Operative was able to sleep me while I had Hunker Down up, he did it 5 times during the match... Problem with PvP Is that there are people who will do anything to win including spending hours upon hours trying to find hacks/cheats/exploits


Doesn't help that Bioware takes forever to address any of it.. Hell their PvP Dev's won't even step foot into these forums to explain anything...

Edited by Monoth
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1. Assassins/operatives being able to autowin every game by abusing acid mechanics.

l2p. More than that is bubbling sorc/sage :p


2. Classes with obvious and well-known bugs in critical places.

Bugged for more than a year, i personally have lost all hope.


3. No cross-server queue - it's been two years now and it's been brought up repeatedly.

A big yeah, please. (but they already said is too big of a challenge...)


4. Classes not being queued appropriately in solo queue.

yeah either queue as hybrid or just don't make hybrid attractive to play in ranked since they said multiple times that they don't like them.

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In my opinion, bioware should encourage hybrids. You know, hybrids give a distinct personality to the player... if hybrids are viable as much as full trees, this gives some unique experience.

The good old days of tons shadow hybrids :rolleyes: Infiltration+Balance in different combinations depending if the build is more balance heavy or infiltratio heavy, Kinetic + Infiltration, Kinetic + Balance...

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l2p. More than that is bubbling sorc/sage :p



//////////Edit> will check the vid later today. no time now..



Bugged for more than a year, i personally have lost all hope.



A big yeah, please. (but they already said is too big of a challenge...)



yeah either queue as hybrid or just don't make hybrid attractive to play in ranked since they said multiple times that they don't like them.





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Can this even happen anymore? You realize that this is from 24 days ago, before they had fixed the relic bug that made you invulnerable. I can see it proc (white swirls) in the second video during both gas deaths. The first video you can't see the proc, but you only see Surprise-Fury at the very very end.


I honestly haven't seen a stealth class successfully do this since the relic fix.

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Can this even happen anymore? You realize that this is from 24 days ago, before they had fixed the relic bug that made you invulnerable. I can see it proc (white swirls) in the second video during both gas deaths. The first video you can't see the proc, but you only see Surprise-Fury at the very very end.


I honestly haven't seen a stealth class successfully do this since the relic fix.


The relic shouldn't have anything to do with it. If undying rage doesn't prevent the damage I doubt the relic would, but I guess it'd be hard to tell.

I have by the way seen this done after the relic fix, but I have no idea where it'd be in my stream archive.


As far as the "its too big to tackle" problem with cross-server queues, if they have time to make new operations and add space pvp to the game (which, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful and super hyped for) they have time to re-code the queue and server mechanisms.

I understand it's a lot of work, but it doesn't change the fact that without cross-server this game's pvp is on a timer to extinction.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Arenas are a dumb game mechanic to introduce without adding any kind of balance and will only drive down the numbers in pvp.


I'm not happy when players always call out 'Class X' is OP when the class plays to its own advantage. Each map has an advantage for certain classes and that will never change. The gear gap for some makes matters even worse.


PvP needs a huge refresh because Bioware does have a great pvp format but they appear to be too inexperienced to make the changes or even bother asking us, what we would like to see added/changed.

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Can this even happen anymore? You realize that this is from 24 days ago, before they had fixed the relic bug that made you invulnerable. I can see it proc (white swirls) in the second video during both gas deaths. The first video you can't see the proc, but you only see Surprise-Fury at the very very end.


I honestly haven't seen a stealth class successfully do this since the relic fix.

I still see operatives and DPS with the cool whtie swirls around them to this day and wonder what awesome ability that is. =( My Mara/Sentinal/Operative/Scoundral/Sorc/Sage dont have that cool animation but theirs does. This was repeatedly over the last two days as well. After they fixed more relics.



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