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Everything posted by AnteJeebuz

  1. Realistically, if it takes 3 DPS to kill a single healer not being healed by someone else or guarded by a tank. You should consider reading some guides on your class. Also should consider your gear optimization. I can sit there and tank 3 DPS for enough time on my operative for them to lose interest (this happens alot actually) or other DPS starts hitting them. But start adding in the interupts and hard stuns. I hope you fill my resolve so I can break and get out. I've played the Sorc/Sage and Op/Scoundril this expansion and tbh. They are easy to shut down. Try playing them for a bit and learn their weaknesses if you need to. But that goes for any class. If you play other classes you will know their weaknesses as well. Which will help in defense against different classes and specs. All healers have to do is: Go into crowds of people. Then use magical teleporting abilities granted by the gods and start LOS Healing. Or just corner heal to begin with and stop being bad.
  2. Of all the classes to complain about, you complain about the least popular and non-FOTM right now.
  3. The only way this can get fixed is to fix the stances to the individual specs. (In terms of skank tanking) As far as tanks in DPS gear. You wont fix it, ever. Not unless the developers drop all the stats in the game and create it so that the DPS spec and Heal specs multiply your Power, Crit, Alactiry by 150% and tanking specs multiply the Shield/Defense/Absorb stats by 150% (or whatever number works with their crunch to balance it out.) There is no other way than that to ever keep tanks out of DPS gear, and as it sits. No reason to ever buy tanking gear for PVP. Tanks have been running DPS gear for awhile in Regs, not so sure how long in ranked as I have been gone the last 3 seasons. But, as far back as I can remember I was full DPS gear + Shield gen reg-star and a pocket healer carrying 8v8 regs. Quite frankly you could do Seasons 1 and 2 the same way., only difference was relics.
  4. Well, given the update is suppose to be something good, such as a new map (what I've heard only from rumors recently returning.) They wont give any updates on the Season 7 until the patch notes for the update are released. Pretty much wait for the patch notes and stop believing what bioware says. Still waiting on the "Ilum will come back at a later date once we can fix some stuff with it." Which obviously turned into "ilum will never came back.." Then the infamous "We will only re-release the white crystals during special events." *points to cartel market*
  5. 10-30, play annihilation. You have no abilities what so ever. So roll with the dots that classes cannot cleanse yet. Rage requires a lot of additional attacks in between your spec with absolutely no filler except for abilities to build rage and 30 stacks. Carnage is just useless until you can get your 100% execute. 30-54: Continue annihilation until 36. Roll over to rage. Around 47 roll over to carnage or back to annihilation if you want to. As a guy who plays a marauder quite often, but still doesnt "main" the mara for pvp. I do not find myself on the top of any of the death charts. Who knows why that is, my only guess is because a marauder requires a bit more work and paying attention then a three-four button spec, like 32 of the top 50 AC in ranked at the moment being Sin/Shadow and Sorc/Sage. People have to get use to the fact their marauders do not have a "God Mode" anymore with UR. Though, as that was changed *********** forever ago, still do not understand why it is so hard to adjust to having to know when to use your CD and when to **** to get some heals. Annihilation will heal you for a small bit, though really negligible in regards to the damage you will receive in a warzone. Though dots will keep damage going, only really effective if the opposing team doesnt have healers. Rage: Leap, smash kill ****. Smash some more. Same old spec as before but now you dont do anything for damage the damage prior. Play it if you want to watch your buffs less and a relatively easier to maintain spec then the other two. Though, better off playing a jugg for rage if that is the way you want to go. Carnage: Completely "weaK" and "useless" in PVP. Everyone will push you away or stun you to negate your execute proc. LOL Yeah, all fine and dandy when people say that but really, that **** rarely ever happens in solo ranked, happens even LESS in regs and no one queues for teamed ranked so.. yeah. Need to **** from a fight or get to a node/pylon/ballholder? Predation. Need to fast burn a healer? Beserk at 8 rage, if leap is not available, burst rotation the healer and try not to burn your scream or all your rage into their DC. Force camo has a speed buff in the carnage tree. Use it.
  6. I am interested to know if this went, and also how far they got
  7. I look forward to the grind for all my guys. I really just look forward to new content. Hopefully new PVP maps too. Wishful thinking though
  8. My favorite moment in huttball is when I am op healing a marauder and sin. Then we farm your entire team as they come out because you cant kill two or three people who are kicking the **** out of your healers, while healing through your attempts at tickling the two DPS I am healing. Premades arent ruining PVP. What is ruining PVP is people who cry about everything being unfair when you get rolled but proceed to say "NAW STAHP CRYING!!" when you are on the winning team. We have all been face-rolled and we have all face-rolled. You cannot tell me you have never spawn camped Novare or Civil in a complete pug group before. If you can, dont talk until you do at least 1k matches and have the achievement to prove it. The constant crying about every loss or how every class is better. Or how you cant solo 8 people with your specific class is getting annoying.
  9. No, just no. Go back and play your Monk in WoW if you think this is a good idea.
  10. Oh while we are asking, bioware can you please change the way my female marauder runs? She runs absolutely horrible, her hips are too big and I mean FFS there is no way her body type 1 would be able to do 99% of the abilities she is doing. But yes, must change or I will quit!
  11. Baseball swing.. so.. ravage but only once?
  12. I am sorry, there is no way Honour, the servers best troll guild is capable of being the ONLY group that can kill HE. I mean, seriously. No way. 99% of the warzone members, to include their Overpowered-as-**** operative healers are dying to DPS PTs, Maras, Juggs, Lightning sorcs and tanks solo. No *********** way that Honour is the only guild that can clear 16m SV. I do not believe this at all. Though seriously, has honour even beaten SV SM without a wipefest on each boss?
  13. Recruitment forum is above, in its own subforum.
  14. Here is an idea for a better leaderboard. Get rid of the leaderboard until you release cross-server queue. So everyone can actually be ranked according to how they play against everyone else. You are being ranked against people you cant play now. Awesome leaderboards.
  15. I dont know about you, but when I used ED most of the time I just get stun locked until it goes away. Then I get focused down.
  16. I have noticed I can run out of energy a lot easier. That is pretty much it. I can still get 2k HPS in both arenas and Regs and outhealing both mercs and sorcs without an issue though so, not sure the issue you're having.
  17. When I level a new character, I dont even bother doing the class anymore. I mean I have gone through them all with Light and Dark choices but, with no additional chances at story in the future. I dont even bother I just run flashpoints and PVP. Maybe go do my class at 55 when I wanna power boost a crew skill and need a couple more companions but, its just so pointless. Planet leveling is really useless with flashpoint and PVP dailies. As well as with KDY. I have done makeb three times, out of 21 level 55 characters across three servers. Makeb is just pointless. The planet lags. The story of makeb is the same thing for every character. Makeb was dull content that most people just completed after two or three days. Now people mainly go for xp until 55, or toborros. Nothing else. Edit: I would like with the next expansion to actually get the level cap to 65 or 70. Then have two planets for Chapter 4 (class) story. 55-63 and 63-70. hell, even a location such as a Kuat "planet" would suffice to expand an individual class story.
  18. Play with madness for a bit in regs. Get use to the casting, procs and such. Fully augmenting is the way to go before going into ranked. I personally augment my obroan relics but at the same time i mix-max obroan gear completely and by that point I generally am short of the ranked I need a single brut relic.
  19. A lot of the SR I get with my operative have an AFK DPS unless I queue late at night. The removal of 8v8 was **** and retarded. They couldnt "fix" the system, yet they "fixed" the rating system with Arenas right after they said they couldnt fix it. So, the whole thing was *********** stupid to ever remove it.
  20. Here are some fixes: Lower the AFK timer to 60 seconds of no movement, typing in chats or mouse panning your screen. If you go AFK you are removed from queue, since many DPS and tanks like to go AFK with their queue still open. if you have an active pop and you do not respond to the pop in 30 seconds you are removed from it. This long pop button for Ranked Warzones when you are automatically put into it is *********** retarded. Why wait 60-80s before automatically loading in? Just drop it to 30 seconds, if they dont hit accept they get booted from the queue, lose points and the team still has time to get a refill for the spot. Do not start ranked matches until all slots are filled and completely loaded in. as in make a movement inside.
  21. I remember when lagswitches use to be an issue before so, I will bite. Do you have a video of when you get near certain players and lag out? What maps are you on? Are you taking into consideration the ****-spots in maps that have been known for lag since the beginning of time? Such as Normal Huttball with the firepits closest to center. Voidstar with the bridges (This is more of a computer issue). Novare with its 50/50 chance of having lag in the center when high amounts of constant animations are added (Sorc/Sage Aoes). My favorite, Makeb mesa Arena, everywhere. Lag has not to my knowledge gotten worse since conquest came out. And lets be honest here. Outside of PVP-week for conquest. You gain more points by not wasting 15 minutes in a PVP warzone. ****, you can gain more points hitting up flashpoints in 4 man premades and blitzing them down ignoring all bonus bosses.
  22. Only attempts at "cheating" I have seen in the last year was an attempt at a speed hack that moved players slightly faster then out of combat sprint. Kind of like a constant predation, but they were in combat (and not receiving predation) for quite some time. If you just run overwolf or something, just turn on your recording. Follow them in the warzone, upload to youtube and send a ticket. As far as Cherry Pops being Gods of PVP. I'd believe that when their brut geared sniper will out DPS my crafted 28 geared, 1911 expertise, half augmented Veng Jugg in even one match I have been placed with them.
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