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Nerf operative healers


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Bottom line. Rogues ruined pvp for me in WoW, and EA BW is making the exact same mistake.


You'll all be glad to hear i will never play another pvp a match with an operative or scoundrel playing. Its basically an exploit, not skill. Its software thats all one-sided now, the players actually are not good players. They are just exploiting it.


mmos are never about skill.


don't even try.

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As an Operative Healer, no thanks. It's not the easiest class. What are you even saying needs to be nerfed?


There is no other healing class in this game that can survive that much dmg as operative/scoundrel.To fix it, you have to lower the healing received from hots and instant cast. Comparing with Warcraft, is like old druid class in vanilla, when rejuvenation+swiftmend was enough to full the hp of the caster and they were imposible to kill. The tooltip must be changed. The rest is fine. It give you the confidence of an imortal man. I simply enjoy my new class, ops ofc. :D

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There is no other healing class in this game that can survive that much dmg as operative/scoundrel.To fix it, you have to lower the healing received from hots and instant cast. Comparing with Warcraft, is like old druid class in vanilla, when rejuvenation+swiftmend was enough to full the hp of the caster and they were imposible to kill. The tooltip must be changed. The rest is fine. It give you the confidence of an imortal man. I simply enjoy my new class, ops ofc. :D


so you want all healers to bend over and accept to be "as. fu..." i mean killed without effort as otherwise they would be OP.

who do you think would ever play a healer under those circumstances?


ops are fine. they heal as much as supposed, if you are unable to kill or at least shut one down nearly completly its your fault, as i am able to do so.

Edited by Tankqull
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lol Tankqull ^^


I know why you say Ops are fine, because you play one. No Issius in energy management, most of the time you can heal with instants, not forced to cast and risk to get interrupted, and if anyone attacking you, roll away, vanish or something else.


The other two Healer Classes in this game need to be careful with Force/Ammo Management, the Operative/Scroundrel dont have to. The only spam their probes, getting their overhands/Tactical Advantages and heal with the Operation Probe/Emergency Probe the most time.


Thats it. And comon, every bad scroundrel/operative healer outheals easyliy the other Classes in the same Match. Absoluteley Faceroll, nothing more.


if you are unable to kill or at least shut one down nearly completly its your fault


lol´ed again ^^ which Scoundrel/Operative you killed alone or forced to run, so he wasn´t able to heal his teammates with his instants? Ever tried to shut down or kill or really good Scoundrel/Operative like Phrakk, Riki? Have fun while whasting your time .......

Edited by Citinetty
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op healers wouldnt be so bad if their heals could be interupted like the other healers. Having to wait until they are <30% to cc/burst is just stupid. They tank better than tanks for godssake. Having all those cc's, plus vanish, plus healers, plus shields, plus roll, plus energy recovery, is just a bit over the top survivability wise.


What they should do is make the healing probe the same as all the other probes. Only one can be active at a time. Decrease either the crit chance and/or the crit amount on all heals. Then make adren probe remove health (like consum on sorcs) when getting energy back. Then put backstab back at pre-1.7 cooldowns for concealment and lower the cooldown on their vanish.


But whatever. You'll get a massive amount of people come on here saying l2p, they can take them out 5v1, shouldnt be able to 1v1 a healer, blah blah blah. The truth is, everyone has one of these healers now, and they want it to remain like this..

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so you want all healers to bend over and accept to be "as. fu..." i mean killed without effort as otherwise they would be OP.

who do you think would ever play a healer under those circumstances?


ops are fine. they heal as much as supposed, if you are unable to kill or at least shut one down nearly completly its your fault, as i am able to do so.


uh huh. sorry, anyone who says they can easily kill an op/scoun is just lying because it doesnt cost them anything to do so. this forum is not a firing squad, its just in the hopes BW is reading and will improve the game for EVERYONE, not just the people who love exploiting a poorly crafted class program.

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so you want all healers to bend over and accept to be "as. fu..." i mean killed without effort as otherwise they would be OP.

who do you think would ever play a healer under those circumstances?


ops are fine. they heal as much as supposed, if you are unable to kill or at least shut one down nearly completly its your fault, as i am able to do so.


Yet its okay for Sage Healers to bend over game after game right? I stopped playing my sage healer. Its plain stupid to try as its easier for a team to just take the FoTM Op/Scoundrel healer instead of trying to work harder with a a sage healer. This whole system is broken

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lol Tankqull ^^

lol´ed again ^^ which Scoundrel/Operative you killed alone or forced to run, so he wasn´t able to heal his teammates with his instants? Ever tried to shut down or kill or really good Scoundrel/Operative like Phrakk, Riki? Have fun while whasting your time .......


killed phrakk quite often before he and the hutten switched to tofn ;) even while beeing guarded by don...

uh huh. sorry, anyone who says they can easily kill an op/scoun is just lying because it doesnt cost them anything to do so. this forum is not a firing squad, its just in the hopes BW is reading and will improve the game for EVERYONE, not just the people who love exploiting a poorly crafted class program.


killing an ops is not easy never said that, all i said is that their survivability is at a spot a healers survivability should be as they are killable when you know what you are doing as a DD but are not bending over like a wet noodle. both other healers are not as they have absolutly no healing output while beeing preassured - and that is the problem merc/comm and sage/sorce have its not energy management nor movement or escaping tools it is only the number of heals(and resulting out of that the HPS) they are able to deliver or better not able over a WZ/arena because of purly relying on casted heals.they need the tools to get their heals off on a regular basis and not only for 10-15sec every 2-3minutes.

when you have all three healing classes viable for arenas you can start to tweak e.g. the trauma debuff for 8man WZ´s to match healing/guard/taunt and dmg. or in terms of the ops/scound reduce the number of hots they are able to maintain in pvp to lets say 6 that wont harm arenas but drastically lower their HPS in 8mans.

other much needed changes would be a reduction of the effective guard range to 5m currently its much to large(still 30m aplyable), and change taunt from DPS specs from a dmg reduction to a heal debuff in exchange reduce the reusetimer for tankspecs(25+ points spended).

in other words much can and should be done before breaking the last viable healer.


Yet its okay for Sage Healers to bend over game after game right? I stopped playing my sage healer. Its plain stupid to try as its easier for a team to just take the FoTM Op/Scoundrel healer instead of trying to work harder with a a sage healer. This whole system is broken

no definatly not but nerfing ops/scoun does not make sage/sorc viable, i´d rather take a 3rd/4th DD over a sage healer in arenas as they contribute to a battle far more than a healer being shut down.

Edited by Tankqull
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Keep crying, continue to wallow in your own pitiful crapulence. For even if we are nerfed, you will continue to cry.


And cry, cry you shall. For bads will never learn, never develop, never adapt.


Then we, the mighty Operative, will rise from the ashes to return to our original stunlocking glory. Then you will know it was your own tears which ushered in the new era of dominance.


L2P, teehee! ♥♥♥

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Without cross healing and guard a carnage marauder can take down an operative healer reasonably quick, if even he dont take him down be a major hassle for him.

With guard well yeah, you need to seperate the tank from the healer or use CC cleverly.

Cross healing is more of an issue, but than again if you are just in a reg warzone against like 3-4 healers, it is not like you will kill anybody anyway. Is there a way to fix that?

I guess not people roll what they want and if you get matched against so many healers you just have to swallow.

Do operative healers need a nerf?

Maybe a little, but once you fiddle with energy management and meaning they are quicker below 50% energy they become basically useless. Their effective healing output is not that great either, if you ever had to burst heal on an operative you know what i mean, it is really hard to keep a target up that is take bigger damage in an small interval.

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PvP viability is mostly about how many instants you have and how good are they. Instants can't be interrupted and also allow great mobility cause they can be casted while moving.

This is basically the reason why the mara/jug/sent/guard + scouperatard faction rules PvP big time. They can do their job while running around and spamming instants.


And it is also the reason why sorcs are so weak in PvP, compared to the above. Sorcs stand around while being beaten and try to cast something that will be interrupted anyway. Sorcs can't even chase a toon who's on 1% HP cause while they stand and cast this toon will run away out of reach. The sorc himself can't run away cause the melee will simply run with the sorc and kill him while running.


This design is so obviously on purpose that one has to assume that BW wants to narrow down the sorcs population.

Edited by Cretinus
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Also as an op healer, we do not need to be nerfed. The issues that most people are putting forth is "dps cant keep up with all the heals over time that are being put out". Most of the time, its because you have derpy dps who arent being situationally aware and keeping an eye out for when the operative healers are popped out of stealth to focus and burn.
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This needs to be fixed because its killing pvp for everybody. :mad:


Go play one before you start QQ about OP. Match up on a power tech or have a sorc or two start lighting you up from range. I would love to see how OP you will be with your Operative Healer.

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