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Nerf operative healers


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The problem is that PVP is the smallest part of the game in terms of content. If you nerf them, then that player is going to be screwed for the rest of the game. A better solution would be to boost Merc healers or fix the cue so each team has an equal amount of healers.


Also you need to gear up and play better. If you have a DPS character and aren't killing players in under 10 seconds you are doing something wrong especially healers who are pretty squishy.

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As an Operative Healer, no thanks. It's not the easiest class. What are you even saying needs to be nerfed?


It's pretty easy. You have tons of HoTs and all of them are instant. This means that you can regenerate health faster than the DPS can put damage on you. All Ops do is spam kolto probe.

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It's pretty easy. You have tons of HoTs and all of them are instant. This means that you can regenerate health faster than the DPS can put damage on you. All Ops do is spam kolto probe.


Unless the DPS is awful, there's no way they can't deal more damage than our Kolto Probe heals.

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let me guess, another case of an operative healer outhealing 4 dps focusing on them? if those were smash maras/sents, well, I am happy :D


4 of any class/spec played right will melt anyone including operatives. Key word there was played right.

Edited by cycao
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it's only "viable" because it's over-performing against all other healers.


more variety in ranked would be a good thing, one would think......


Yes, more variety would be good. But the other two healers as they are not cannot hang in ranked. They are too easily interrupted, locked down in position and killed.


The real fix would be to address the two UNDERpowered healers, not the one that is doing what it should.

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Yes, more variety would be good. But the other two healers as they are not cannot hang in ranked. They are too easily interrupted, locked down in position and killed.


The real fix would be to address the two UNDERpowered healers, not the one that is doing what it should.


But why should they do this? Besides some tweaking merc and sorc healers, I think they should address the op energy management which is simply broken. I mean, when you can spam your main HoT like crazy and still have 90% of energy, so there is something wrong. There is no CD, no debuff like bubble one. The second thing is that this class has why to many utilities (2 stuns, stealth, roll).


PvP in this game don't need more healing, coz healing was buffed, and WZ with 2-3 healers can be unbearable. Some classes need nerf (rage-mara and op healer) really badly.

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it's only "viable" because it's over-performing against all other healers.


more variety in ranked would be a good thing, one would think......


I hope Bioware looks at the statistics from ranked warzones, looks at participation numbers by class and role, and evaluates how to help bring sorc and merc heals back up to par in ranked wzs.


I've played a Sith Sorc healer as my main, starting from the initial SWTOR Beta. I primarily PVP. While I would not claim to be the best Sorc healer ever, I'm pretty decent, routinely topping heals in WZs, etc. I still dominate heals in regular WZs. Paired with good dps, guard, etc the class is viable in reg warzones with pugs. When queuing with good players in reg warzones, it's still regular wins.


But not in ranked arenas. In ranked arenas, pretty much all I see are Op heals nowadays. With the HOTs, stealth, and escapes, it's gotten to a point over the last few weeks where I rarely can support a team to a win. In general, I have a hard time making half the opponent's heals. I'm generally dead after a quick bubble, dropping a grenade, one skill, and poof. I don't put up big heal numbers when dead. After I'm locked down and faceplanted - while my team ineffectively chases down something to kill, the team is down 3v4 and it's a fast downhill ride.


I don't think anyone cheers when they see a Sith Sorc healer on their team in ranked. It's more of a "oh ^&*(, here's a loss..."


I would prefer to heal, but I'm at the point where I guess I will try to dps to have any role in ranked arenas. From what I have seen with sorc dps compared to other class survivability and damage, that may be pointless. So it's waiting for some fix to this or doing something else with my time and money.


Please, Bioware - look at the numbers and evaluate what needs to be done. Please do it soon.

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It's pretty easy. You have tons of HoTs and all of them are instant. This means that you can regenerate health faster than the DPS can put damage on you. All Ops do is spam kolto probe.


We have one instant HoT, and it's not great. You can get a second one from the top of the healing tree, slightly better.


Kolto Probe delivers 2371 healing over 18 seconds, at level 53. That's less than 800 over 6 seconds. If you can't do 800 damage in six seconds at level 53, your cat is sleeping on your keyboard. Stacked twice, it's still a minor HoT, useful mainly for its proc, needed for an instant heal.


The heals you can count on are slow-cast: 2 seconds and 1.5 (also requiring a proc). The latter one (Kolto Infusion) has a HoT - maybe that's what you're thinking of? - but it isn't instant.-cast.


That's it for many Operatives, since mixing trees is more common than for, say, a BH, who really needs the instant heal at the top. But even for those who have it, that other HoT is nothing spectacular (450/sec for 6 seconds), and it's on a 15 sec cd.


I love my Op, but it's much, much easier to play my Sorc or Sage, without their conditional heals and without long cd's for damage mitigation.

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I actually wanna play and do something on the battlefield instead of going to medcenter every 10 seconds of fight. So my bet is to buff the other two healing classes to scouperative level (mercmando healers need a complete re-design. Since people learned to interrupt, it's been a hell for these classes, and ammo/heat management does not help).
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But why should they do this? Besides some tweaking merc and sorc healers, I think they should address the op energy management which is simply broken. I mean, when you can spam your main HoT like crazy and still have 90% of energy, so there is something wrong. There is no CD, no debuff like bubble one. The second thing is that this class has why to many utilities (2 stuns, stealth, roll).


PvP in this game don't need more healing, coz healing was buffed, and WZ with 2-3 healers can be unbearable. Some classes need nerf (rage-mara and op healer) really badly.


OP energy management isn't ****ed because of kolto probe.


OP energy management looks ****ed in pvp because thanks to the ludicrous amounts of interrupting there is little to no casting and energy costs are very polarized for operatives. Everything is either dirt cheap/free or costs almost our whole energy bar.


Recuperative nanotech - 2/3rds our effective energy bar


Kolto probe - neutral at top tier


Surgical probe - small heal, energy management tool. Free.


Kolto injection - Best single target hps tool we have available, costs half our energy pool. We only get to use this against bads.


Kolto infusion - 2/3rds our effective energy pool. Best heal per gcd tool we have available. We very rarely get to use this against anything but bads.


We don't look like we spend energy on healing because the only abilities we get to cast in pvp are our energy neutral management tools. EVERYTHING else get's interrupted.


If this game was balanced on the premise that healers actually get casts off not only would operatives not be in the spotlight but mercs and sorcs would be considerably more practical choices for arena than they are now.

Edited by CaptainApop
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