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10 Good
  1. Terrible thread. Terrible idea. Never seen an mmo community actively WORK to destroy pvp like this one. First there was 55 bolster, now this nonsense. This idea is bad and you all should feel bad.
  2. This is the absolute worst idea I've ever seen in the history of mmo pvp. Why do people on these forums actively try to degrade pvp in this game? I just don't understand it. Why would you ever remove gear progression in pvp? Absolutely terrible idea.
  3. This is a long-winded way to say that you aren't very good at PVP and need the game to artificially boost your gear so you can compete.
  4. it's only "viable" because it's over-performing against all other healers. more variety in ranked would be a good thing, one would think......
  5. Just a terrible, terrible thread. Bolster already puts you close to conqueror (un-augmented), what more do you want? Free obroan?
  6. That would be great if there were rewards for open world pvp. Unfortunately there isn't, and most servers are for carebears (like most of the people defending bolster).
  7. Right, just alienate the hard core demographic of pvp players. And they wonder why no one does rateds anymore.... It's because hard-core pvper's have left the game. But I guess that's the way you like it so you can queue a warzone once a month and feel like you're competing. I honestly don't care what's best from a business standpoint. Greed has already destroyed countless gaming franchises by watering down the experience for lazy/entitled gamers like yourself. Seriously, it's an MMO. Grinding is all an MMO is. Why remove the grind from pvp but leave it for pve? No one will answer that question because you simply won't admit that it's a giant double standard. Why even have levels at all? Let's just give everyone all of the abilities at the start of the game and give them all the gear they need to play effectively. Everyone should be equal, right? /s
  8. Bolster has no place in 55 pvp. None. This bolster changed is what made me unsubscribe back in February. I reluctantly came back to find that pvp gear is near useless now. There's literally no point in having conqueror gear at all. Why have pvp at all if you're just going to make is so pathetically easy for anyone to play, even in terrible greens? What is the logic in this? This argument about "well they just want to crush bads in pve gear" is bunk. If you don't put forth the effort to grind gear in pvp then you aren't a good pvp player. It's a rite of passage. Stop crying about it and do it. There is no reason that someone in pve gear should even compete with a player who has spent weeks grinding for pvp gear. That's the point of pvp gear. And the funny thing is, this entire board would explode if they added bolster to pve. But noooo, let's cater to pve players who think they should just hop into a warzone and compete with players who have dedicated time and effort into their pvp gear. Dumbing down pvp for the masses isn't going to attract more players to warzone queues. It's only going to run off your best pvp players who have been here since the start, and that's exactly what has happened.
  9. anyone who plays this game competitively knows that good teams utilize this tactic of mass bubble spam. this completely ruins the game for anyone on the receiving end of the non-stop stuns. stuns are bad enough as they are with the new resolve system, and this tactic makes it 100x worse.
  10. you can only use mind trap when you're invisible and out of combat. so what happened was, he waited for you to break his cc, then he stealth's, which pulls you out of combat. then mind trap is used and seethe to 100%. not an exploit.
  11. qq. l2p. soon all classes will play patty-cake with each other the way u guys whine.
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