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Open world PVP is a joke.. No reward or anything what gives?!?!


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last game i played which handled it pretty well was Age of Conan. You only get reward for the firsts kills and its decrease with every kill of the same person.

For example:


1 Kill 100% reward

2 Kill 75% reward


5 kill no reward

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I know for a fact with that statement you play too much WoW and you didnt play beta or the first 6months to a year of the game. No raids, no BGs for the first year almost. Open world PvP had no rewards but it was epic.... SS/TM fights would draw 100+ per faction, with not a terrible amount of lag for huge fights.


End game were UBRS runs, scholo and DM tribute runs. Arcanite reaper was the s***....


A lot of people quit then too for the same reason and came back year+ later when MC was out, BWL in the works and BGs were made. Like Rome, Wow wasnt made in a day and this game will be no different.


Not that I am trying to keep you here, just saying. Give the game a chance it may surprise you where it goes. Ultimately it could suffer the fate of AoC, Rift and others though... Everyone wants instant perfection and have really short or no memory of the great games and their level of initial fail.


All that said, I will be getting GW2 when it comes out myself :p But see myself still playing this as well.


Good lord...if WoW is the model they are going to use for PVP I think I will just quit now.

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Yes there is a difference. Just because you can't comprehend that, doesn't make it an invalid comment.


There are people who pvp for the challenge and consider any additional loot rewards as just bonuses. They don't need to pvp only for rewards, or will only pvp with an incentive.


True pvp'ers do it for the challenge and to learn from it. They are enticed to engage in combat for the purpose of just winning the fight. If the fight is lost, they will learn from it and continue to fight to be better.


Whether loot or valor points is involved, it's irrelevant. That's what Warzones are for, and perhaps future Arenas if implemented.


People who do things for the purpose of improving themselves, are truer to the activity than those who do it specifically for tangible rewards. This applies to real life. Try learning some Martial Arts, as an example, and perhaps you may be able grasp this idea of what overcoming challenge really means.


You want loot or valor? That's fine. I'm just not calling you a true pvper. Too bad.


I want something similar to DAOC. A world based objective and a small amount of reward (like Realm Rank levels/abilities that took forever to gain).

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I want something similar to DAOC. A world based objective and a small amount of reward (like Realm Rank levels/abilities that took forever to gain).


If there is something world-based that offers an incentive for more people to be available for pvp, then so be it. While the rewards only serve as a bonus to me, my interest would be so there are more bodies for me to destroy.

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If there is something world-based that offers an incentive for more people to be available for pvp, then so be it. While the rewards only serve as a bonus to me, my interest would be so there are more bodies for me to destroy.


I agree...I also want region-wide kill spam :).

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So much Drama Players in here....Just quit the game please. I dont want cry babies...


Yesterday we killed like 50 republic scums in alderaan and the only reward i got was the satisfaction to kill them with my guildies and that is more than enough.

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Why do people need a reason to kill someone. Is the pure gratification of slaying your enemy and watching him bleed not enough? Do you REALLY need valor points to justify killing another person?


Suck it up.



My reward for open-world PvP is griefing QQ'ers and solidifying my troll status.


Come at me bro.


Edited by Gravesyuh
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Reward?? ***.... who cares, open world pvp is its own reward. Some pittance reward could add some interest but for me and many people who are serious about pvp , no reward needed.


Now perhaps adding more opportunities for open world pvp would be nice (but im only level 24 and game is 3 days old so maybe its just too soon)

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I don't care about rewards one way or another, but purely from an immersion aspect there could be a basic reward system set up that would fit well with the overall themes of SWTOR.


I would say, for rewards for PVP a system could be set up based on a few simple rules:


1) Ambush: If you engage a person who is not targeting you, and you kill them, you get DS points (not much, small numbers like 5 or so, maybe adjust based on the targets status when ambushed [fighting other mobs/players, health lowered, no companion, etc]).


2) Ambush Recovery: If you are ambushed and you kill the ambusher, you get a credit locker, not much but the amount in it is taken from the ambusher himself and will be dependent on the level gap of the ambusher and ambushee and also the other factors listed above (fighting other mobs/players when you're ambushed, health lowered, no companion, etc).


3) Ambush Assistance: If another person sees someone be ambushed and you help defeat the ambusher you gain light side points (again 5 or so) and credits would be dropped to the person who was ambushed based on the Ambush Recovery rule.


4) Fair Fight: If both people fight fairly (target each other prior to engaging combat) and no one assists (the moment someone assists it becomes an ambush instead of a fair fight, with the exception that the neither of the initial 2 people in the fair fight receive any DS points from the kill, but anyone who assisted/Ambushed does.) then it would be considered a duel and the loser would just lose some credits, amount based on the level gap, but less than if it was an Ambush Recovery.


This system would add some risk to anyone planning to kill someone else and provide a small monetary or LS/DS reward depending on how the PVP was initiated. It would also add some of the LS/DS morality into PVP itself.


It just seems retarded that a Jedi would go into open world pvp and just start slaughtering people without taking any dark side points.

Edited by Kaladin_
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Before WoW people used to PvP for fun and the thrill of fighting another player rather than AI.


Looking for "rewards" from PvP is silly and you have the option to queue for 3 different PvP modes with rewards if that's all you care about.


What you're asking for is already in game. World PvP is just for fun. Why should you be rewarded for ganking someone?

Edited by PhoenixStar
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Before WoW people used to PvP for fun and the thrill of fighting another player rather than AI.


Looking for "rewards" from PvP is silly and you have the option to queue for 3 different PvP modes with rewards if that's all you care about.


What you're asking for is already in game. World PvP is just for fun. Why should you be rewarded for ganking someone?


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If you look at my suggestion, ganking someone would fall under the Ambush mode and DS points isn't really much of a reward there, if anyone ever caps that out they woudln't get any anymore anyway.


However the person who does survive the gank attempt would get something out of it and I think that's a fair trade off, especially considering the person attempting to gank would be losing from the attempt as well.


People who plan to just go kill super low level people that they can waste easily would end up losing a ton of credits to the high level person hiding nearby to perform the ambush assistance. If you make the loss of credits scale in % rapidly the further apart the levels are, the less likely someone is going to risk the gank attempt against lower level players.


So I think a system like this would not only lessen people who have e-peen cause they can gank lowbies, but also provide a little more immersion into the actual game itself, if by nothing else than making PVP choices affect LS/DS.

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So my friend and I had been so excited to do open world pvp. We hit 25 and got our speed racers. We then went to Tattooine to scope out the open world pvp. After about 15 minutes we found our first victim. We killed him then were looking for what we got loot/xp anything. We got nothing.


We figured maybe we missed it so we killed a few more people for the same result. NOTHING. I then asked if we get anything in general chat and people said no just enjoyment.


So the bottom line is world PVP is pretty dull. There is absolutely no reward/gain/loss for doing it. So what is the point in even having open world pvp if there is no risk involved? I would like to see some xp, or loot or something but nothing?


I was loving this game up until the dull open world pvp. At least in warzones you get something out of it but I prefer open world PVP.


However someone did say they would be adding more to open world pvp. Can anyone confirm this?


Bioware if you want to retain your PVP crowd you need to fix how open world pvp works. Right now it is a huge let down.


If there will be reward then there must be also loss from dying , otherwise everyone will fight with each other, and it will be like a big PVP fest and become just another WARZONE on the big planet . At the end all will have milion credits and will be 50 lvl in no time and what will you do after that ? you wont need credits or exp anymore, whats then ?


There must be no reward for PVP, BUT there must be REASON to make sense in PVP. Best example is some world boss which respawns 3 ties a day , or some castles or some spots where are many resources etc just something to fight FOR.

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So far I have seen 1 person bring up the fact there are world PvP zones specifically designed to offer rewards.


So to say there are no world PvP rewards is incorrect. Its there, Bioware did make some nice open world PvP you just have not experienced it yet.

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Wanting rewards has nothing to do with being a true pvper or not lol. What a stupid arguement. Some people like rewards for doing something it makes you feel like you are accomplishing something with your character rather than nothing at all. I will open pvp either way but in the end there should be some sort of reward even loot that is sold to a vendor or a little valor. Warzones should not be the only way to acquire valor. As it is there won't be many people doing open PVP for the fact there is nothing for them to gain from it.




Youre reward is not getting a trip to the cloner...

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From a Dev himself right here regarding warzones and open world pvp:


Georg Zoeller


"one of the top things on our list for post launch is a rated Warzone system where players can form teams, earn team ratings, earn individual ratings, as well as participate in tournaments"


I imagine the majority of people queuing up for instanced PvP if that's where the best rewards will be coming from.People will do what they like. If the majority likes to queue, then that's what they want to do.


Honestly, this reads a lot like 'OMG, there might be incentives for players to do what they like instead of what I like.'


If people prefer to do Warzones over open world PvP or vice versa, then that's their prerogative and we won't force them to do the other thing. As for where the best rewards are, you'll earn rewards by doing either.




I found that link from another thread and figured I would add it here too.

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Youre reward is not getting a trip to the cloner...


Oh no, the 8 second respawn time! The horror.


In a game where there is almost zero consequence for dying, who cares? Earlier today, I saw an Imperial on Tatooine and decided to give chase. I trailed him for about 30 seconds when he decided it would be more convenient to take his speeder off of a cliff to avoid conflict. Awesome. I'm not even a hardcore PVPer and I thought this was ridiculous.


To be honest, I don't blame him. You don't lose XP or credits, you respawn at a medical center 8 seconds later, there's no "rez sickness," debuffs, or item damage, you can avoid most of the PVP areas by fast travel. There's very little incentive. So while I agree victory should be your reward in combat, if there aren't other systems in place to make said combat meaningful, then victory/death is pointless.


Without risk, there is no reward.

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In regards to the open world PvP I have this to say:


There is none.



Will this improve with time? I am hopeful that it will. I consider myself a pretty hardcore PvP oriented player. On the same side of that illustrious coin I do not enjoy the "ganking" and "greefing" associated with PvP in most MMO's. Its been my experience skilled PvP players shine (not only individually but as a group) when put in *hypothetically, I.E. as an exmaple* in a 8v8 setting where core healing is mandatory, positioning is imperative, and communication is key. Also a ranking system that seperates the casual players from the elite would be necessary.


One shining example of how this is executed comes via Guild Wars. Quite possibly the most ballanced PvP game created with guild ranking systems that would match you with someone along the same rank as you, giving you the opportunity to work up to the higher echelon of competitive PvP. With this system lies great oppurtunity for tournaments that are based on skill rather than equipment.


I also believe a skill bar to be managed with over 24 bindings is excessive and hard to really balance. For the best results in a competitive PvP setting skill bars should be severely limited as to pick from core skills that designate a specific class to preform a specific function (I.E. you have a list of 100 skills, you pick 10 each class. You have 8 player slots, you make the best team build out of the 80 allotted skills. Otherwise you are looking at 8-16 players with 24+ skills on each bar which equals to pure chaos on the subject of PvP "balance."s It would become an unnecessary and unrealistic challenge to tackle.


I would love to see some sort of Guild vs Guild option that is CROSS-SERVER & GAME WIDE. Give us a chance to fairly compete against everyone, and when its all said and done have a tournament for the top 25 guilds in the game. The top 3 get some sort of cool accommodation that shows who they are and what they earned.


GIVE ME A GUILD CAPE OK? I really really want it. Thats it, over and out.






<<Dark Side>>

Zergy of the zerggiest, zerg tasticly zerrgy.

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