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Your 3 Favorite AC's to play in PvP


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Is it really that much worst on sins? As I find Balance/Madness on my Sage/Sorc to be the funnest class.


It's as squish as sorcs/sages, shroud wont save you and the force management is worse I feel and you have to be in melee. Part of the reason I like madness on my sorc over my sin is the kiting potential.

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Which operative build did you use? I have played all the classes and I would say that in the end; I have more buttons to press and things to watch as a DPS scoundrel than any other class and it isn't even close. Have a use for everything, even cover; while other classes I tend to drop using some abilities based on spec, let alone AC.


Well, fwiw, it's only a lvl 35 IA at the moment, so I only have about half of the abilities so far, but this is the spec I use:




At present, my rotation tends to be backstab (from stealth), shiv, then go to cover and immediately debilitate (if the target isn't moving a lot), break from cover, and start kiting. I'll typically throw in a corrosive dart right off the bat, with laceration whenever I notice it.


I should mention, though, that with the IA, I focus more on a smaller set of key abilities and only pull out the extra stuff when it's necessary (or, to probably be more accurate, when I remember); grenades for groups, flashbangs for groups when I need to escape, laceration when I notice it, corrosive dart when I'm alone against an opponent and need to bleed him, etc.


With the sentinel, it's much worse. Do I force leap to close or run at the target? Depends on if he has knockback. Then I gotta try and remember who has that. If I leap, I do overload saber and rebuke in mid-air. Usually do the zealous strike as the opening move once I'm on target. If the opponent seems kinda noobish or distracted (i.e. not moving a lot), I throw out master strike. Then I try to use cauterize and blade storm, if the target is still up.


After that, it usually becomes a faceroll for me as I'm trying to keep track of focus and often try to use focus burning abilities when I have no focus or use force builders when I'm maxed. I'll often root someone who's already rooted, throw a slow on someone right as I'm dying and no allies are around to take advantage, heal when I'm surrounded by five enemies, all focusing on me, so that I die 1.2 seconds later instead of 1.1 seconds later, use Guarded by the Force when I'm rooted and unable to do anything, so that I die 7 seconds later instead of 1 second later, but am completely useless that entire time anyway, I pop my Resolute without looking at my resolve bar, and typically do it when I'm surrounded by enemies anyway, so I get rooted by the 2nd guy right after breaking the 1st guy's root, etc.


One of the few things I've managed to learn to do somewhat well is play on the node and call out incoming enemies, so I like to think I'm becoming a better team player (not that I ever had a problem remembering that kind of thing, as that's fairly easy to recall), but the other stuff... wow. Lots and lots and lots of practice.


Of course, it also doesn't help that I find the IA storyline endlessly fascinating, am somewhat obsessed with crafting mostly purple stuff for my toons (at least for the two sents, the IA, and their companions), and only play the 37 Sent when I get in the mood. Plus, I have the world's crappiest memory (seriously; this isn't even a joke), so coming back to the Sent after two weeks away is only a few steps away from being a brand new learning experience for me.


But... as I said before, hella fun.

Edited by georgemattson
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Well, fwiw, it's only a lvl 35 IA at the moment, so I only have about half of the abilities so far, but this is the spec I use:




At present, my rotation tends to be backstab (from stealth), shiv, then go to cover and immediately debilitate (if the target isn't moving a lot), break from cover, and start kiting. I'll typically throw in a corrosive dart right off the bat, with laceration whenever I notice it.


I should mention, though, that with the IA, I focus more on a smaller set of key abilities and only pull out the extra stuff when it's necessary (or, to probably be more accurate, when I remember); grenades for groups, flashbangs for groups when I need to escape, laceration when I notice it, corrosive dart when I'm alone against an opponent and need to bleed him, etc.


With the sentinel, it's much worse. Do I force leap to close or run at the target? Depends on if he has knockback. Then I gotta try and remember who has that. If I leap, I do overload saber and rebuke in mid-air. Usually do the zealous strike as the opening move once I'm on target. If the opponent seems kinda noobish or distracted (i.e. not moving a lot), I throw out master strike. Then I try to use cauterize and blade storm, if the target is still up.


After that, it usually becomes a faceroll for me as I'm trying to keep track of focus and often try to use focus burning abilities when I have no focus or use force builders when I'm maxed. I'll often root someone who's already rooted, throw a slow on someone right as I'm dying and no allies are around to take advantage, heal when I'm surrounded by five enemies, all focusing on me, so that I die 1.2 seconds later instead of 1.1 seconds later, use Guarded by the Force when I'm rooted and unable to do anything, so that I die 7 seconds later instead of 1 second later, but am completely useless that entire time anyway, I pop my Resolute without looking at my resolve bar, and typically do it when I'm surrounded by enemies anyway, so I get rooted by the 2nd guy right after breaking the 1st guy's root, etc.


One of the few things I've managed to learn to do somewhat well is play on the node and call out incoming enemies, so I like to think I'm becoming a better team player (not that I ever had a problem remembering that kind of thing, as that's fairly easy to recall), but the other stuff... wow. Lots and lots and lots of practice.


Of course, it also doesn't help that I find the IA storyline endlessly fascinating, am somewhat obsessed with crafting mostly purple stuff for my toons (at least for the two sents, the IA, and their companions), and only play the 37 Sent when I get in the mood. Plus, I have the world's crappiest memory (seriously; this isn't even a joke), so coming back to the Sent after two weeks away is only a few steps away from being a brand new learning experience for me.


But... as I said before, hella fun.


Agent story was fun. I guess at that level, you haven't got flechette round yet. Not that it makes things more complicated but you will have more potential then to say the least.

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Agent story was fun. I guess at that level, you haven't got flechette round yet. Not that it makes things more complicated but you will have more potential then to say the least.


Nope, not yet. Top of the Concealment skill tree, I believe.


By the way... totally random question that I could likely answer myself by just looking at a parse, but since I'm at work; is Carbine Burst broken? Haven't seen a post on this since 2012, and even when I'm pointing straight at a mob (character, not just camera), I don't see health bars budge even a fraction.


Something I've been meaning to ask on the forum for a while, and I'll likely take a closer look at it the next time I'm on my IA, but figured you might know off the top of your head.

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Nope, not yet. Top of the Concealment skill tree, I believe.


By the way... totally random question that I could likely answer myself by just looking at a parse, but since I'm at work; is Carbine Burst broken? Haven't seen a post on this since 2012, and even when I'm pointing straight at a mob (character, not just camera), I don't see health bars budge even a fraction.


Something I've been meaning to ask on the forum for a while, and I'll likely take a closer look at it the next time I'm on my IA, but figured you might know off the top of your head.


You know, I'm not sure I remember the last time I fired that off. I haven't gone full go on my smuggle much for the past few weeks though.

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You know, I'm not sure I remember the last time I fired that off. I haven't gone full go on my smuggle much for the past few weeks though.


No worries. I've been noticing it for a while now (ever since I first got the skill) and never bothered to look it up, so it obviously isn't cramping my style. The IA seems so godawful OP by way of comparison to my Sent (or rather how I play the Sent, which is probably more accurate) that I haven't needed it.


How *is* the smuggler story line, by the way? I got a bit bored with it shortly after hitting Coruscant, and haven't been back to it yet.

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No worries. I've been noticing it for a while now (ever since I first got the skill) and never bothered to look it up, so it obviously isn't cramping my style. The IA seems so godawful OP by way of comparison to my Sent (or rather how I play the Sent, which is probably more accurate) that I haven't needed it.


How *is* the smuggler story line, by the way? I got a bit bored with it shortly after hitting Coruscant, and haven't been back to it yet.


You staying within 10 meters with that carbine burst?


Smuggler was meh. Trooper through 2 chapters is meh. Both of those have seemed as bland as the BH story, which I felt was the only downside of all the Imp stories. Counselor has put me off from the beginning with the guys voice through 1 chapter. Knight at least has a basis of a decent story so far I guess, and I am one chapter into that. I will finish them this next round of double XP weekends late November. Anyway; thats pretty much PvE stuff. ;)

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No worries. I've been noticing it for a while now (ever since I first got the skill) and never bothered to look it up, so it obviously isn't cramping my style. The IA seems so godawful OP by way of comparison to my Sent (or rather how I play the Sent, which is probably more accurate) that I haven't needed it.


How *is* the smuggler story line, by the way? I got a bit bored with it shortly after hitting Coruscant, and haven't been back to it yet.

Works for me. And the scound storyline is interesting imo, was expecting certain things to happen.


Anyway, favorite acs-


Scoundrel scrapper dps, tons of fun, love it

PT AP DPS, yeah its somewhat op, but its tons of fun to play imo

Sage heals, ive always enjoyed this spec since i rolled my sage, been healing since 10, will heal forevermore.

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You staying within 10 meters with that carbine burst?


Smuggler was meh. Trooper through 2 chapters is meh. Both of those have seemed as bland as the BH story, which I felt was the only downside of all the Imp stories. Counselor has put me off from the beginning with the guys voice through 1 chapter. Knight at least has a basis of a decent story so far I guess, and I am one chapter into that. I will finish them this next round of double XP weekends late November. Anyway; thats pretty much PvE stuff. ;)


You know... that's a good point to look at. Pretty sure I am, but might not have. I'm so used to abilities not being available if I'm out of range (due to only playing the Sent) that I might very easily have missed that.


Sent was fun, but definitely gets old the third time through (rolled another sent on a PvE server, though I didn't play that one through to 55).


Can't recall the other class I tried on the PvE server, but I do recall it was either the trooper or the BH (want to say trooper, though, as I believe the mara was my first Imp alt). Didn't even make it to my advanced class, IIRC, before I got bored and gave it up. Might have to try it again, though.


Works for me. And the scound storyline is interesting imo, was expecting certain things to happen.


Oh yeah; definitely works for me as well. Just funny how it's so much easier than the Watchman Sentinel. I *really* gotta get the practice in on that.


By the way... that reminds me of something else that's really spoiling me about the IA; stealth. I tend to enjoy that capacity in MMOs, and really liked the barbarian's capability for it in Age of Conan (although it never seemed to work quite often enough for me), and I'm loving it with the IA. I'm finishing quests significantly faster with the IA than with the Sent because I can sneak right past all the mobs on the way to the quest goal, do the quest, then sneak back.


However, the side effect to finishing quests at a faster rate is that I'm slowly but surely under-leveling myself for the class quests. Whereas the Sent is regularly 2-4 lvls higher than the class quests (at lvl 39), the IA is typically 2-4 lvls under (at lvl 35). I'm also regularly doing my PvP dailies with the IA, but not so much with the Sent. Guess all the "trash" mobs you hit on the way to and from actually do add up.

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1. Vigilance Guardian/Vengeance Juggernaut (I have both, for some reason). Hands down. Without Unremitting I couldn't play melee in this game. Well, maybe I could, in small doses before ragequitting.

2. Sorcerer healer. I'm not very good at it - to say the least - but I healed 1 million in a 31-54 warzone yesterday and it felt good. It's just so much fun; I tried Operative healing and I can see the merits but Sorcerer has a better flow to it, imho.

3. Concealment Operative. Gimped as **** but still. It's fun. Though I've only played her in lowbie. Needless to say, I'm not very good.


I also liked my Combat Sentinel but she's only level 45 and haven't played her since 2.0 came out. Also, no Unremitting sucks, as I mentioned.

Edited by Siorac
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