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9K dirty Kick


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yes its a stun like debilitate


OK, my point is that my debilitate doesn't hit for 9K infact i dont have a single ability that hits for that amount of damage, even more confusing to me is that if this is a lagacy ability where is mine? i have the buff and orbital strike but no debilitate. also the animation unless my eyes were tricking me was a sith smash, nice 1vs1 and then Bam, a third of my health.

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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OK, my point is that my debilitate doesn't hit for 9K infact i dont have a single ability that hits for that amount of damage, even more confusing to me is that if this is a lagacy ability where is mine? i have the buff and orbital strike but no debilitate. also the animation unless my eyes were tricking me was a sith smash, nice 1vs1 and then Bam, a third of my health.


dirty kick doesnt hit for 9k its probs jus a bug

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Its a legacy heroic moment version of dirty kick so it probably hits a bit harder then you typical dirty kick xD. (though i thought they got legacy flyby) I know legacy force sweep for knights crits higher then an actual focus buffed sweep tho its not auto crit. Edited by AngusFTW
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OK, my point is that my debilitate doesn't hit for 9K infact i dont have a single ability that hits for that amount of damage, even more confusing to me is that if this is a lagacy ability where is mine? i have the buff and orbital strike but no debilitate. also the animation unless my eyes were tricking me was a sith smash, nice 1vs1 and then Bam, a third of my health.


You only get Legacy Dirty Kick from completing chapter 3 on Smugglers. There is no such thing as Legacy debilitate, only Legacy Orbital Strike.


And Legacy Abilities hit abnormally hard. Which is why they are tied to the 20 minute cooldown of Heroic Moment, and are only usable with an active companion.


Legacy sweep hits for 10k on Trash mobs. Same as a normal smash right? Except. No ramp up time. None. At all. Even more of a no brainer than regular smash.

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You only get Legacy Dirty Kick from completing chapter 3 on Smugglers. There is no such thing as Legacy debilitate, only Legacy Orbital Strike.


And Legacy Abilities hit abnormally hard. Which is why they are tied to the 20 minute cooldown of Heroic Moment, and are only usable with an active companion.


Legacy sweep hits for 10k on Trash mobs. Same as a normal smash right? Except. No ramp up time. None. At all. Even more of a no brainer than regular smash.


OK but this inst a bit harder, its exactly 10 times harder, and wait a minute, why are pubs getting a 9K instant for smug while imps get a 3 second casted AOE that takes another 6 to do damage? OH well, flash bang and sever tendent will tell me how hard that hits, 10X orbital strike this is gunna be interesting

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warriors get a choke, knights get another lawl smash


This game promotes storys if u do all the storylines of all the classes in the game u will get all the legacy special ablilitys :D


depends, is that choke channelled like the legacy force storm i just tried out on a sage wasN'T and have the same increase on damage? i got a 55 jug, not far off the story so it shouldn't take me long in my conq gear, il let you know how it goes :cool:

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OK but this inst a bit harder, its exactly 10 times harder, and wait a minute, why are pubs getting a 9K instant for smug while imps get a 3 second casted AOE that takes another 6 to do damage? OH well, flash bang and sever tendent will tell me how hard that hits, 10X orbital strike this is gunna be interesting


Well, Imps also get Legacy Force Storm, a channeled AoE that hits harder than every other AoE in the game, while Pubs get Project. :p


Besides, it's only a "bit" harder than a FOCUS smash. You know what a normal smash hits for? 2k. :p

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I had an operative that was definitely a healer hit me for 7k. I do not have screenshots. I know on my merc there is really zero chance for a hybrid is this something specific to operative


If this was in Open World, it could very well be one of the legacy skills. They hit crazy hard.


In a warzone/arena? No clue. Maybe they Shivved you when you had an armor debuff + they had a Mara use Bloodthirst and it crit?

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Well, Imps also get Legacy Force Storm, a channeled AoE that hits harder than every other AoE in the game, while Pubs get Project. :p


Besides, it's only a "bit" harder than a FOCUS smash. You know what a normal smash hits for? 2k. :p


Legacy force storm is not channeled, you hit it and that's it.

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Well, Imps also get Legacy Force Storm, a channeled AoE that hits harder than every other AoE in the game, while Pubs get Project. :p


The Legacy version of FS is not channeled


The best thing you can do is getting them all, I only need C3 with a consular and then I have all of them :p

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Its a legacy heroic moment version of dirty kick so it probably hits a bit harder then you typical dirty kick xD. (though i thought they got legacy flyby) I know legacy force sweep for knights crits higher then an actual focus buffed sweep tho its not auto crit.

We have a winner!


Entertaining skill, really. Kick in da nads for over nine thousand!

You can use Heroic Moments in PvP? :rolleyes:


Yet another reason that companions should auto-despawn when PvP happens in the open world.....

Fascinating tale, chap! Please do shed more tears.

Edited by Helig
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You can use Heroic Moments in PvP? :rolleyes:


Yet another reason that companions should auto-despawn when PvP happens in the open world.....


Yeah you can literally use nothing but legacy abilities in open world PvP and totally decimate someone with it. They hit like trucks carrying other trucks.

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