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A simple yes or no answer..........


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Why do so many people NEED acceptance of the game to enjoy it? Would you walk away if you were having fun but everyone voted "No"?


The same reason why I states "to answer the immediate question."


Those of us that are looking at the big picture, the people that are "flaming" and "whining" know that there are SERIOUS flaws with this game that will inevitably shorten the life cycle of this game (for me) drastically.


But I still answered Yes.

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When you play STWOR ar you having fun? I mean after the queues. After the bugs. Forget if you think the game is original enough. Ignor the bad stuff and the bad air in the forums, when you are playing the game are you having fun? Yes or No.


The social aspect is a little lacking right now. That may be because the game is new and everyone is grinding away.


I plan on joining a guild soon to enhance the social part.

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Yes :D.


and I'm sure all the noobs who would say no are too busy writing illiterate posts about how thegame has outdated graphics, is instanced more the guildwars, and whatever crazy notions they have developed after playing for 5 minutes.


lol after reading all the ************ it's really sounds like they aren't even playing the same game. It's like they are looking for reasons to hate on it, and go back to some other game they just played for 7 years straight but first they need to share their feelings with the internet.



Definition of ILLITERATE

1 : having little or no education; especially : unable to read or write


Maybe you should know what you are speaking about before throwing out insults, their opinions are theirs, they have a right to them, just as much as you have the right to be as stupid as you want with yours

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So far so good, but I''m started to get a little disturbed by the wimpiness of the pure melee Jedi/Sith w.r.t. the lightsaber, and I don''t mean the tank.


When I got Vette, the pew pew companion, and seeing her crush my own DPS, well...


/marge on



Edited by Gorgor
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