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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2nd Digital Expansion


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Sub = open beta testers. ;)


Yup. Our work begins Dec. 3. I'm not complaining. Lol!


Although... I would like a trial run on the PTS before then as well. Got my PTS client updated and ready to go.


Oh.. and the money will come from ship cosmetic customization. Yeah... it will be a boon too given what peeps spend on their terrestrial toons. Hey... that rhymed. :D

Edited by Rafaman
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It's PvP only so I won't be playing it. Can I opt out on downloading it?


You are probably being sarcastic, but the frame work for this is patch 2.5 and I'm sure you want that especially if you are a Shadow. So... no, probably not. But I assure you want the patch.

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This had bloody well better not go pay-to-win.


Reason I say this is because I seem to recall a "Starship Bundle" of power-gear (for the existing ship) that was only available in that disgusting cash-shop that offered certain advantages.


I dunno, refresh my memory someone, the current on-rails space shooter is of no interest to me at all, soooo...


hope I'm off-base there?


Actually you are completely off-base as those items were also available in-game.

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You are probably being sarcastic, but the frame work for this is patch 2.5 and I'm sure you want that especially if you are a Shadow. So... no, probably not. But I assure you want the patch.



I'm not being sarcastic. I'd rather see Bioware remove PvP altogether than to create a PvP centric expansion only.

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Although I cannot go into specifics yet, what I can say is that there is a system of leveling and progression for Galactic Starfighter itself, and just like the rest of SWTOR, subscribers will get a bonus to that progression.




I have a question.

Will the legacy and boosters for space combat apply to the GS as well? So that if we play GS we will earn more xp if we have the space combat legacy boost or the useable booster?

And what about warzone boosters? those are for PvP and GS is PvP only (for now)

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It's PvP only so I won't be playing it. Can I opt out on downloading it?


I don't do Ops. I don't do hardmode FP's. I don't PvP. I don't do much end-game activities at all really...


But I sure as hell do not whine about having to download those in patches.


Just because you don't want to play the expansion doesnt mean you have to whine about it. Grow up!

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I don't do Ops. I don't do hardmode FP's. I don't PvP. I don't do much end-game activities at all really...


But I sure as hell do not whine about having to download those in patches.


Just because you don't want to play the expansion doesnt mean you have to whine about it. Grow up!



What a ridiculous reply. This is a PvE game with PvP side game.


Why create a PvP expansion when PvP players are an absolute minority in ANY PvE oriented game. You choose not to participate in PvE scenarios, or very little like you said. You can completely opt-out on PvP and not miss a thing.


If you don't do OPS, hardmode FP or PvP what do you do?Then what on earth are you playing this game for? Just storymode fps?

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What a ridiculous reply. This is a PvE game with PvP side game.


Why create a PvP expansion when PvP players are an absolute minority in ANY PvE oriented game. You choose not to participate in PvE scenarios, or very little like you said. You can completely opt-out on PvP and not miss a thing.


If you don't do OPS, hardmode FP or PvP what do you do?Then what on earth are you playing this game for? Just storymode fps?


I hope you're trolling, but...


Are you actually suggesting that increasing the content for ANY play-type is a bad thing? :t_confused: Why would you want to do that? There's enough for everyone to have something to do. Besides... it might even be FUN! Why don't you give it a try before passing judgement?


PvP is a perfectly viable part of this game and should not be dismissed. Feel free to not participate, but don't knock anything that potentially brings in new players, returns old ones, or provides more gameplay. :t_mad:

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I hope you're trolling, but...


Are you actually suggesting that increasing the content for ANY play-type is a bad thing? :t_confused: Why would you want to do that? There's enough for everyone to have something to do. Besides... it might even be FUN! Why don't you give it a try before passing judgement?


PvP is a perfectly viable part of this game and should not be dismissed. Feel free to not participate, but don't knock anything that potentially brings in new players, returns old ones, or provides more gameplay. :t_mad:



Sigh. I want to be able to opt-out on a PvP centred expansion. That's what I asked. I know it isn't going to happen.

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I'm not being sarcastic. I'd rather see Bioware remove PvP altogether than to create a PvP centric expansion only.


I suggest you quit over it instead. With that attitude, this community would be better off without you. I don't RP or do space...but I understand the bigger picture of an MMO and understand that keeping those players happy is just as important.

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I suggest you quit over it instead. With that attitude, this community would be better off without you. I don't RP or do space...but I understand the bigger picture of an MMO and understand that keeping those players happy is just as important.


Quitting is not needed. Education and maturity are called for here.


Some people can't see the forest through the trees, you know.

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I suggest you quit over it instead. With that attitude, this community would be better off without you. I don't RP or do space...but I understand the bigger picture of an MMO and understand that keeping those players happy is just as important.


I'm not quitting. I'm having a blast doing my story arcs for 8 different classes.

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What a ridiculous reply. This is a PvE game with PvP side game.


Why create a PvP expansion when PvP players are an absolute minority in ANY PvE oriented game. You choose not to participate in PvE scenarios, or very little like you said. You can completely opt-out on PvP and not miss a thing.


If you don't do OPS, hardmode FP or PvP what do you do?Then what on earth are you playing this game for? Just storymode fps?


I am not a PvP player... but I will definately be playing the space PvP.

It's a completely different thing.

It's like comparing this games PvP with GTA V's vehicle deathmatches.

The fact that you do not like it doesn't mean it has no right to be made or that you have a right to demand that the game should be patched in a way that allows you to opt out of downloading this expansion.

It is part of the game wether you use it or not.

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It is a feature patch or free DLC. It is NOT an expansion.


Umm...even Bioware calls it an EXPANSION...it IS an EXPANSION


Happy Friday!


Lead Designer Michael Backus has written the first of many Developer Diaries centered around Galactic Starfighter! We start with some of the history behind the development of the upcoming Digital Expansion here.

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It is a feature patch or free DLC. It is NOT an expansion.


It is an expansion because they call it an expansion. Which actually makes sense, because a new play-style is being introduced, which, you guessed it, expands the game!


The fact that it is free does not preclude it from being an expansion.

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I'm still boggling over how people are trying to apply traditional "PvP content" rules versus "PvE" i.e people asking for heroic free-flight operations


Firstly there will never be space operations in the traditional since. Why?

1) there are no tanks, dps, healers in dogfighting

2) there would be no boss mechanics as people envision them

3) A.I I mean come'on you can't script free flight dogfighting AI like you can a ops boss


On subject of AI

There are two types, both are easily doable and both wouldn't really work

1) Ai follow invisible guides (splines for those familiar to battlefront 2 modding) AI jump between "splines" to follow objectives

2) AI sees position of a target (player) and there are algorithms to guide AI to target ship


Of course option 2 is the obvious, but you can't do that here.

asteroids ships debris - All are evident in most star wars space games. Programming a AI to follow a player while dodging obstacles is near impossible.. An obvious solution would be to surround objects with invisible danger zones that an AI would be programmed to leave. But even then since the AI is following a player it could approach these at any given orientation, velocity, and angle, meaning that it would be all too easy to trick scores of AI to ram themselves into a ship.


Also not to mention group PvE free-flight PvE would be a joke, it would be nearly impossible to program a AI (obsticles or not) that could challenge a group. Even the most basic of dogfighting strategies would completely fool an AI. And if its follow the spline model, it would be an even bigger joke.

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I'm still boggling over how people are trying to apply traditional "PvP content" rules versus "PvE" i.e people asking for heroic free-flight operations


Firstly there will never be space operations in the traditional since. Why?

1) there are no tanks, dps, healers in dogfighting

2) there would be no boss mechanics as people envision them

3) A.I I mean come'on you can't script free flight dogfighting AI like you can a ops boss


On subject of AI

There are two types, both are easily doable and both wouldn't really work

1) Ai follow invisible guides (splines for those familiar to battlefront 2 modding) AI jump between "splines" to follow objectives

2) AI sees position of a target (player) and there are algorithms to guide AI to target ship


Of course option 2 is the obvious, but you can't do that here.

asteroids ships debris - All are evident in most star wars space games. Programming a AI to follow a player while dodging obstacles is near impossible.. An obvious solution would be to surround objects with invisible danger zones that an AI would be programmed to leave. But even then since the AI is following a player it could approach these at any given orientation, velocity, and angle, meaning that it would be all too easy to trick scores of AI to ram themselves into a ship.


Also not to mention group PvE free-flight PvE would be a joke, it would be nearly impossible to program a AI (obsticles or not) that could challenge a group. Even the most basic of dogfighting strategies would completely fool an AI. And if its follow the spline model, it would be an even bigger joke.


Gotta agree with this. AI would just be too easy for players to overcome. Look at the game War Thunder. There is a reason they made it a PvP game. Of course there are objectives for leveling and not just shooting down planes. It looks like this may be similar to that . I'm stoked for it. I don't PvP but this is definitely going to be my foray into that area. I posted in an earlier comment that fighting against AI is boring. Someone mentioned that that's what you do in PvE. But there are objectives to do also. PvP for me isn't really objective oriented. Not counting hutball which I didn't like the one time I played it. But if they did GS right with objectives, I think I'm gonna love it.

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Gotta agree with this. AI would just be too easy for players to overcome. Look at the game War Thunder. There is a reason they made it a PvP game. Of course there are objectives for leveling and not just shooting down planes. It looks like this may be similar to that . I'm stoked for it. I don't PvP but this is definitely going to be my foray into that area. I posted in an earlier comment that fighting against AI is boring. Someone mentioned that that's what you do in PvE. But there are objectives to do also. PvP for me isn't really objective oriented. Not counting hutball which I didn't like the one time I played it. But if they did GS right with objectives, I think I'm gonna love it.


Someone who recognizes practicality. Need more of these

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Firstly there will never be space operations in the traditional since. Why?

1) there are no tanks, dps, healers in dogfighting

Gee STO did it years ago.


2) there would be no boss mechanics as people envision them

Oo STO says hi again.


3) A.I I mean come'on you can't script free flight dogfighting AI like you can a ops boss

Have I mentioned STO?


Every point you make is moot. Because a game that is 5+ years old has already done it.

Edited by KgLlama
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Seems to be a lot of staff response on this thread. I wonder if anybody can provide an answer for this:


Is it worth running a lot of Space missions before this launches to hone my skills? I've been doing that a bit for the last week because I'm really looking forward to this new Expansion, but I wonder if the system will be so different since it's free flight that running the current space missions for practice won't really be that helpful.

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Every point you make is moot. Because a game that is 5+ years old has already done it.


Please tell me where you see healing in those trailers, no all current information, data mine included point at a straight space dogfight, not whatever your thinking


And *** is STO?

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Seems to be a lot of staff response on this thread. I wonder if anybody can provide an answer for this:


Is it worth running a lot of Space missions before this launches to hone my skills? I've been doing that a bit for the last week because I'm really looking forward to this new Expansion, but I wonder if the system will be so different since it's free flight that running the current space missions for practice won't really be that helpful.


No, GS is completely unrelated to current space combat.

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