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2nd Digital Expansion


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This is just a starting point. Will it be everything you want and the kitchen sink? Probably not. Is a refreshing new addition that could lead to an improvement in PvP and PvE. Yes. Temper your expectations, relax and wait and see what we get.


This is nothing more than typical forum over reaction. I often wonder if when the devs read the forums they take anything we say seriously. Everything is so guardrail to guardrail around here.

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After they release nightmare mode Oricon and the space project, all the pre-release content they had in the can the last two years will be used up. The dread master chain is over. I want to see what's next for 3.0 and beyond. Can their skeleton crew come up with compelling story arcs and fully fleshed out content that can sustain another two years? New forms of combat? Or will the quality suffer and look 'budget', rehashed and uninspired? Edited by Projawa
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So it is only a PvP expansion?


Will off the rails flight be coming to PvE space as well? This seems a long way off what was offered in the SWG's JTL expansion which I think most people were seeing as the bench mark for space combat. It seems if you don't like PvP flight you don't get anything out of this. And I take it there wont be any advance of the story as its PvP replay focuses more than anything else.

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I understand you can't go into specifics, Eric, but is there any update on the very early on mentioned guild ships, what with the addition of multiplayer space combat? Without too much detail, I feel Guild PVP could emerge from this, with guild ships becoming practical bases to store and upgrade starfighters as a group for those in guilds, or even share them around.


Also, again realizing specifics can't be delved into, but I imagine these starships will have to be upgraded or purchased for some kind of expense. Will these be through the Cartel Market, or in game credits?


Looking forward to this expansion! :D Keep up this work!

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How do people expect Bioware to consider anything they say on the forums nowadays, when all they get from half the people is negativity about every single move they make? Oricon was a great addition, and so were the Arenas. This looks even more compelling. Yes, updates can be slow, but if they're good in the end then that's worth it. I'm not surprised half of the ideas don't get listened to on the forums, because the vast majority of posts are people complaining about the game or attempting to troll and upset others who might be excited about something. :jawa_mad:
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if you really want them to develop new space PVE based on "off the off rails" , the best way to let them know would be to play the pvp zones, no :i_confused:
Agreed, though I'd like to add a caveat if I may. If you play it and like it - keep playing it. If you play it and don't like it - stop playing it. Their metrics will tell whether or not they're on the right track. Edited by GalacticKegger
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This is just a starting point. Will it be everything you want and the kitchen sink? Probably not. Is a refreshing new addition that could lead to an improvement in PvP and PvE. Yes. Temper your expectations, relax and wait and see what we get.


This is nothing more than typical forum over reaction. I often wonder if when the devs read the forums they take anything we say seriously. Everything is so guardrail to guardrail around here.




The best thing about this is that it is additional content included with the price of a subscription. It signals that they have woken up and are at least trying to win customers the old fashioned way, by providing value for the money.


The ultra-positive reactions to the actual feature are pretty hilarious since we know almost nothing about it, and the negative ones are silly. It's free. If you have no interest in it, then who cares? You aren't paying extra for it.

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After they release nightmare mode Oricon and the space project, all the pre-release content they had in the can the last two years will be used up. The dread master chain is over. I want to see what's next for 3.0 and beyond. Can their skeleton crew come up with compelling story arcs and fully fleshed out content that can sustain another two years? New forms of combat? Or will the quality suffer and look 'budget', rehashed and uninspired?

This and no.


We all know it's a skeleton crew and the game is losing subs at a fast rate. There's just nothing to hold anyone to this, now if it was like SWG and had those open worlds, player housing, pvp anywhere and a character that 'you' get to build? Well I think we all know this game would have been huge.

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I don't want SWTOR to turn into SWG. Simple as that.


The nostalgia over SWG is getting a wee bit silly.


Don't make me start on SWG. As time passed you had player settlements everywhere. Even on the bloody Krayt dragon graveyard on Tatooine. The crafting was partly ridiculously convoluted. The professions? Stuff like, what was it, entertainer? Fun as an alt on an RP server. Outside of that? Meh. Space combat, yeah... I don't remember any big actions. Most fights my guild was in happened between us and another guild. It wasn't like XvT at all.


In the end it wasn't even the NGE that killed it. The moment people figured out how to grind Jedi, they did it. There were even plenty of guides available for it. I don't know anyone who played who didn't go for it. Everybody wanted to be one. Then SOE adapted to people's wishes and brought the NGE and what happened? People finally got what they wanted and yet they still screamed.


So no. SWTOR must stay SWTOR. I don't want a repeat of SWG. SWG is dead and done. Time to move on.

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This and no.


We all know it's a skeleton crew and the game is losing subs at a fast rate. There's just nothing to hold anyone to this, now if it was like SWG and had those open worlds, player housing, pvp anywhere and a character that 'you' get to build? Well I think we all know this game would have been huge.


Then why are you still here? Because you want to see the game fail? That's why you pay a sub? Yeah, makes sense. In Absurdistan.


But I get it. You're one of those nostalgic ones, no factual evidence, just "it was so much better back in the days".


You want SWG back? SWG is DEAD. Live with it.

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To recap for those just joining us:


OMG so much content for me! Thank you!

OMG, no content for me, no thank you!


Finally, we get what everyone's been asking for! You rock!

What? Who asked for this? This sucks!


Everyone will play the heck out of this!

No one will play this!


And my own reaction:


Oh, that looks pretty cool. PvP isn't generally my cup o' tea, but I'm going to give this a try because it might be fun.

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This and no.


We all know it's a skeleton crew and the game is losing subs at a fast rate. There's just nothing to hold anyone to this, now if it was like SWG and had those open worlds, player housing, pvp anywhere and a character that 'you' get to build? Well I think we all know this game would have been huge.


He's just a troll, and a bad one at that. He already claims he canceled his subscription though he clearly hasn't, as he continues to post. Also, SWTOR has been gaining subscribers and is the second most subscribed MMO on the market, last I checked. You may want to get your facts right before going into the trolling business, or else you just look like a gigantic fool. "Losing subs at a fast rate" might make you feel all warm and cuddly, but eventually you're going to need to face the fact that SWG is dead because this game is better, and the more time you spend subscribed so you can rant and spew doom and gloom on the forums, the more money you're giving to this game, and technically making it better. Are you against swtor? Then don't be a subscriber. I guarantee no one will miss you.

Edited by idnewton
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To recap for those just joining us:


OMG so much content for me! Thank you!

OMG, no content for me, no thank you!


Finally, we get what everyone's been asking for! You rock!

What? Who asked for this? This sucks!


Everyone will play the heck out of this!

No one will play this!


And my own reaction:


Oh, that looks pretty cool. PvP isn't generally my cup o' tea, but I'm going to give this a try because it might be fun.



I will pewpew your pewpew with my pewpew. PEW! PEW!


Just for S&Gs (***** & giggles)

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Starting to think SWG didn't go under cos of the fact the game was bad but due to the toxicity of the population that migrated here and is now working its venomous "magic" on another game.


But at the end of the day you cant feel anything other than pity for the old bitter & cynical lot whose sole purpose now seems to be to rain on every parade they can find.

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Starting to think SWG didn't go under cos of the fact the game was bad but due to the toxicity of the population that migrated here and is now working its venomous "magic" on another game.


But at the end of the day you cant feel anything other than pity for the old bitter & cynical lot whose sole purpose now seems to be to rain on every parade they can find.


While subscribing to the game they insult. That's the hilarious part.

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It takes an incredible amount of talent to take good news, positive subscription and earnings numbers and turn it into a convincing argument that the game is now bleeding subs and is doomed to fail.


It takes even more talent to have been here since launch, claimed that the game was gaining subs, people loved the game, find every way possible to spin the losses when it could no longer be denied and then, when the game turned itself around after the launch of F2P start forecasting the game's doom though the numbers, reports and content additions have all been impressive.


I call shenanigans.

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It takes an incredible amount of talent to take good news, positive subscription and earnings numbers and turn it into a convincing argument that the game is now bleeding subs and is doomed to fail.


It takes even more talent to have been here since launch, claimed that the game was gaining subs, people loved the game, find every way possible to spin the losses when it could no longer be denied and then, when the game turned itself around after the launch of F2P start forecasting the game's doom though the numbers, reports and content additions have all been impressive.


I call shenanigans.


I don't believe that what your'e describing is talent. :p

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I'm happy for the people who have been asking for off-rails Space Combat.


Personally, I couldn't care less about it.

Rise of the Hutt Cartel was exciting. This is just...well.. not. At least not for me.


My time in Swtor is coming to an end soon and this expansion offers absolutely nothing that would make me want to play. Imo, spending time creating a Space Sim in an MMORPG is time and resources wasted. Time and resources that could've been used to create PVE/PVP content. This is not, nor will it ever be, EVE. And I don't get people's obsession with a space combat sim in SWTOR when there are other games (even MMOs) that will always be one step ahead in space combat because they were built around it.



That said, I'd like to ask Eric to pass on something to the developers.


Eric, just in case they get too liberal with their definitions of what's "a type of WZ" and what's a completely different PVP type and they come up with the genius idea of placing this in the same warzone queue with normal WZs and Arenas, please be sure to remind them their arrogance and know-it-all disposition hasn't served them that well in the past and that maybe sometimes, it's OK to learn from your mistakes instead of trying to disguise them as "convenience features".


Just my 2 cents.

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As a RPer (who RPs a Fighter Pilot infact) it would be nice to see a non PvP environment, even if it was just an empty space instance so I can fly with other players to train and RP and such.


As a Flight simmer it would be nice to see cockpits and joystick support.


But at present it's a good step in the right direction, just to be able to move my own ship (and for that ship to be an Imperial Starfighter!) and have other people there is a massive improvement over the 'stuff' that currently passes for space combat. :p

Edited by MikdiBoken
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Don't get me wrong i love the idea of space combat. But people asking to make it a sim. Come on it's a MMORPG not a flight sim. I hope that after this more PVE content for GROUND COMBAT is being developed. I love to do the operations and hope they keep it fun and stay on the direction that they went with Oricon (Dread Fortress and Dread Palace).
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