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PTs/VGs IMO (arenas)


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EDIT: as i said, i thought i might get flamed out, and as i also said this is just my perspective not a statement or a QQ please nerf again! a simple no they aren't as OP as that would have been enough guys <3


Am i really the only one that thinks bioware have made these guys invincible? i have an even harder time killing them now than pre 2.0 and i run a mercenary! infact i haven't seen a single PT loose an arena since they started it, just seems like the team lucky enough to get the good class wins every time. Not that i take any pleasure in being the one to call overpowered on classes i know that makes me look a newb but without pulling out all the numbers and such wasn't it there damage that needed fixing? and now they have better defences to? (and i regularly saw them top 1mil dps in warzones before 2.4)


It absolutely astonishes me how fast and how happy BW were to rebuff these guys after what they did to mercenary and its not like they were even remotely unviable like we were.:mad:


and finally i get that every class has it's bane i have 4 (nearly 5) but this is consistent with every one of em im not talking 1vs1 obvi there are ways and means for every class to face any other as im sure you will all list to me as if i haven't already worked this out in WPVP (my thang :cool:) but what they bring to arenas in terms of DPS/CC/survival seems totally unbalanced to me at this point.


TLDR: why did they get the additional defensive CDs as well as DPS when only DPS was raised to be an issue?

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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Am i really the only one that thinks bioware have made these guys invincible? i have an even harder time killing them now than pre 2.0 and i run a mercenary! infact i haven't seen a single PT loose an arena since they started it, just seems like the team lucky enough to get the good class wins every time. Not that i take any pleasure in being the one to call overpowered on classes i know that makes me look a newb but without pulling out all the numbers and such wasn't it there damage that needed fixing? and now they have better defences to? (and i regularly saw them top 1mil dps in warzones before 2.4)


It absolutely astonishes me how fast and how happy BW were to rebuff these guys after what they did to mercenary and its not like they were even remotely unviable like we were.:mad:


and finally i get that every class has it's bane i have 4 (nearly 5) but this is consistent with every one of em im not talking 1vs1 obvi there are ways and means for every class to face any other as im sure you will all list to me as if i haven't already worked this out in WPVP (my thang :cool:) but what they bring to arenas in terms of DPS/CC/survival seems totally unbalanced to me at this point.


Wow what an a amazing QQ. This from a class that regularly pulls 10k crits with heat seeking missile, when my highest hit with immolate is 7K. You have the ability to plaster around 24K in damage to a stunned target. You get electro net, and the ability to shut down certain unnamed cloaking rolling invincible healers. You know what that ability does to PT's right?


So.. Pot, meet kettle. We're both OP. You're just mad that PT's are finally viable now.


So hush child, put a band aid on, and stop crying. Your toys are still better than ours, and frankly you look stupid standing there blubbering like an idiot.

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O lawdy I knew once PT/VG got a small buff the first QQ thread would be following shortly. 2.4 burst is still no where even remotely close pre 2.0. What your seeing is people actually dusting off there PT/VG and you associate your teams horrid play with a higher population of PT/VG in WZ.
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O lawdy I knew once PT/VG got a small buff the first QQ thread would be following shortly. 2.4 burst is still no where even remotely close pre 2.0. What your seeing is people actually dusting off there PT/VG and you associate your teams horrid play with a higher population of PT/VG in WZ.


No doubt. To be honest I thought a smash monkey would be the first to cry about PT. I'm kind of disappointed that it wasn't.


But here instead we get a merc, one of the highest burst class in the game, crying about PT's being viable again.


The OP just discovered that she isn't nearly as good a player as she thought she was, after spending all of 2.0 dominating gimped Powertech players. Now she loses arenas to them. LOL


It's hilarious. Take a picture.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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Wow what an a amazing QQ. This from a class that regularly pulls 10k crits with heat seeking missile, when my highest hit with immolate is 7K. You have the ability to plaster around 24K in damage to a stunned target. You get electro net, and the ability to shut down certain unnamed cloaking rolling invincible healers. You know what that ability does to PT's right?


So.. Pot, meet kettle. We're both OP. You're just mad that PT's are finally viable now.


So hush child, put a band aid on, and stop crying. Your toys are still better than ours, and frankly you look stupid standing there blubbering like an idiot.




Neither class is OP


OP gives troopers/bounty hunters a bad name.


This. x100000000000

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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O lawdy I knew once PT/VG got a small buff the first QQ thread would be following shortly. 2.4 burst is still no where even remotely close pre 2.0. What your seeing is people actually dusting off there PT/VG and you associate your teams horrid play with a higher population of PT/VG in WZ.


i thought this might be the case but im actually referring to their survivability compared to jug/sins.


And i DID SAY that it was my own perspective, i didn't mean to state anything out right and tried to make sure you understood that in the OP and that it was a question. but hey i would rather get called a noob for asking than feel like im playing an unbalanced game :rolleyes:

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O lawdy I knew once PT/VG got a small buff the first QQ thread would be following shortly. 2.4 burst is still no where even remotely close pre 2.0. What your seeing is people actually dusting off there PT/VG and you associate your teams horrid play with a higher population of PT/VG in WZ.


Let's not be disingenuous. It was a huge buff. In arenas, PT Protos are on par with marauders for DPS roles,and both classes noticeably outperform other DPS. Not to the extent that other classes are non-viable, but enough that PTs and maras are optimal.

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TBF it was my understanding that PTs were nerfed for a reason but again im not talkiing about their damage or making any statements. i see im gunna be repeating this alot but then again im starting to see that alot of this flaming isnt about me at all since none of it bares relevance to the OP Edited by HexDecimalUK
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i thought this might be the case but im actually referring to their survivability compared to jug/sins.


And i DID SAY that it was my own perspective, i didn't mean to state anything out right and tried to make sure you understood that in the OP and that it was a question. but hey i would rather get called a noob for asking than feel like im playing an unbalanced game :rolleyes:


**** NOOB, but no really I didn't say your a noob that as a team you might have made bad decisions on who to focus first. I started arena's with my guild there mostly all PVE we went 0-6. Then I went 6-3 solo Q, honestly our defense got a nice bump. However once CC'd PG/VT go limp as per usual. I actually advocated burning down the PT/VG a few times in my group first if he was AS/Tactics as I now how squishy I can be. Take also in to consideration you most likely are getting a aoe/single taunt applied to you and if he/she has our bubble popped anyone with that much DR will seem invincible.

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I have no problems with their damage as it is. I think PT/VG are in a decent place for arenas.


the problem I see is that they are the only class that can have 90% of their talent points in a dps tree while still being able to use a tank stance for guard and what not. normally tanks don't put out as much damage if not more than pure dps.... just sayin

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