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Some of these suggestions make me lol. Be a little more realistic, I think camo on a 1 min cd and ur reducing 90% damage would be a good start. See how they perform after that and make additional changes if still needed.


LOL That might be a good idea if they balanced regularly, but they like to make massive changes and leave them sit for several months. That's why I hate mentioning things needing a nerf even when I think there might be an issue. I like to play around with all classes from time to time and these heavy handed nerfs are usually too much for too long.

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All this hate about sentinels and marauders make me sick, when the real unbalanced issue is and was always the focus/rage tree.

Serious how can compare the defensive cool as op? so in focus tree we have:

Rebuke lasting extra 4 seconds and dealing more 15% damage

Guarded by the force only coast 25% hp

even twin saber trow build focus.

Can a sentinel jump in middle of 5/6 guys and kill 1 or even 2? hell yes is just derp smashing, plus 9% extra damage during 6 seconds after smashing and even taking benefit form 1 or 2 secs from set effect after the jump, and having even blade storm free.

Look at the watchman and combat sentinels, without this defenses they are dead specially combat which is the worst tree in survival, and when 99% of sentinels play focus please.

And camouflage not even cancel combat like shadow cloak.

Start looking is to where the real issue is instead try destroy one class.

But since even devs play rage/focus that is why the real problem isnt fixed because for them is working as intended.

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All this hate about sentinels and marauders make me sick, when the real unbalanced issue is and was always the focus/rage tree.

Serious how can compare the defensive cool as op? so in focus tree we have:

Rebuke lasting extra 4 seconds and dealing more 15% damage

Guarded by the force only coast 25% hp

even twin saber trow build focus.

Can a sentinel jump in middle of 5/6 guys and kill 1 or even 2? hell yes is just derp smashing, plus 9% extra damage during 6 seconds after smashing and even taking benefit form 1 or 2 secs from set effect after the jump, and having even blade storm free.

Look at the watchman and combat sentinels, without this defenses they are dead specially combat which is the worst tree in survival, and when 99% of sentinels play focus please.

And camouflage not even cancel combat like shadow cloak.

Start looking is to where the real issue is instead try destroy one class.

But since even devs play rage/focus that is why the real problem isnt fixed because for them is working as intended.


Combat and Watchman is just as bad. Camo and GBTF is stupid. Take one of the 2 away and things are fine.

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Once again, the issue is rage with it's base 7% (better than heavy armor) mitigation and 45 second cooldown on undying rage/GBTF.


That would be a start as well. IMHO, Heavy Armor wearers should have 5% minimum more base reduction in equal stats and any other armor, the exception being Shadow/Assassin Tanks. Damage reduction DCDs are fine but those that are on 1 minute or less CDs should be lengthened.


Figure ~30%/25%/20% with BIS gear?

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Combat and Watchman is just as bad. Camo and GBTF is stupid. Take one of the 2 away and things are fine.


Evolixe mate nothing against you or attacking you, but as far i know you play rage on your marauder too.

Try play the other trees first and then see how long you survive.

Focus rage have simply without argument the best burst, and survival due the tree itself buffing the defenses, you say combat and watchman is bad? and still people want screw even more the defenses for who still play anything that require skill and not just derp smashing?

And if you have problems with sentinels man, clearly isn't watchman or combat, is focus.

You self said combat and watchman are just bad...

Edited by Zez-Kai-Ell
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Combat and Watchman is just as bad. Camo and GBTF is stupid. Take one of the 2 away and things are fine.


I wouldn't have a problem with that if they increased damage output and Rage management by a proportional amount, especially in the Anni/Carn trees..

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I wouldn't have a problem with that if they increased damage output and Rage management by a proportional amount, especially in the Anni/Carn trees..


It's just people complain about them but they forget to say what tree are these so op marauders and sentinels are playing.

Leaping twice, survival increased... serious?

A friend is playing sentinel and i asked him why only focus and not try combat, and said? why not? focus have the best of all trees, higher burst and the best survival and combat just to run faster? meh no way...

Oh yes and i forget and important detail

As a rage and focus they ignore all mechanics that other trees and class need like: accuracy and limit on surge.

Yes because they just stack power and surge and even focus gives more 15% surge, because i see smashers running around with 90% sure against the +- 75%

And aside note, i know this thread isnt about guardian but a vigilance guardian strives as hell to kill guardian smasher since they too are better than them... Nice one...

I am a hardcore player of combat and would love hit harder but cant since i have to have also accuracy or am screwed.

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It's just people complain about them but they forget to say what tree are these so op marauders and sentinels are playing.

Leaping twice, survival increased... serious?

A friend is playing sentinel and i asked him why only focus and not try combat, and said? why not? focus have the best of all trees, higher burst and the best survival and combat just to run faster? meh no way...


That's fine, but the basis for the AC is to have very little defense, uberleet offense. Its goes back to horrible ideas of role definition. The entire AC should be offensive based. Defense should be on the Rage tree, as it is a shared tree with the tankie alt AC, and the burst needs to be adjusted IMO.

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That's fine, but the basis for the AC is to have very little defense, uberleet offense. Its goes back to horrible ideas of role definition. The entire AC should be offensive based. Defense should be on the Rage tree, as it is a shared tree with the tankie alt AC, and the burst needs to be adjusted IMO.


Defenses should be on rage tree? mate you joking?

All this complains about his survival and you think rage should have more defense just because is shared?

The issue is focus not his defenses, and with all this qq about him the only thing will happen is the class will be so crap and really useless to play unless smash and will put him on cause to the pve content as operations.

It was all the cry baby's and qq about shadow that put shadow tanking ability in the situation he is today.

And bw logic is, nerf on class until to ground to see how will perform and or only a couple of people still play it, and only fix it sev months later, like they did on sage dps on 1.2, they have screwed such way, and sudden alot of sages have vanish.

And as far i remeber they nerfed even just 1 second, the duration of guarded by the force, then on 2.0 give the sec back on set effect (go figure why)

Even watchman was nefed twice over the time when was far from over power.

Am sorry this damm wall of text, my point is: focus is the issue not the defenses cool down on its default state, peopel need to learn how to deal with them and not cry for a nerf, i have all classes and when i see them using one of the def tools i have to adapt.

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Evolixe mate nothing against you or attacking you, but as far i know you play rage on your marauder too.

Try play the other trees first and then see how long you survive.

Focus rage have simply without argument the best burst, and survival due the tree itself buffing the defenses, you say combat and watchman is bad? and still people want screw even more the defenses for who still play anything that require skill and not just derp smashing?

And if you have problems with sentinels man, clearly isn't watchman or combat, is focus.

You self said combat and watchman are just bad...


Just AS bad. Meaning equal to focus. The only thing they lack is real teeth to show for it. Which imo.. they can have.

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Defenses should be on rage tree? mate you joking?

All this complains about his survival and you think rage should have more defense just because is shared?

The issue is focus not his defenses, and with all this qq about him the only thing will happen is the class will be so crap and really useless to play unless smash and will put him on cause to the pve content as operations.

It was all the cry baby's and qq about shadow that put shadow tanking ability in the situation he is today.

And bw logic is, nerf on class until to ground to see how will perform and or only a couple of people still play it, and only fix it sev months later, like they did on sage dps on 1.2, they have screwed such way, and sudden alot of sages have vanish.

And as far i remeber they nerfed even just 1giveond, the duration of guarded by the force, then on 2.0 give the sec back on set effect (go figure why)

Even watchman was nefed twice over the time when was far from over power.

Am sorry this damm wall of text, my point is: focus is the issue not the defenses cool down on its default state, peopel need to learn how to deal with them and not cry for a nerf, i have all classes and when i see them using one of the def tools i have to adapt.


Yes, the point if having a shared tree is to give access to talents that are not available in the other trees. I already pointed out Shii-Cho is based on having solid offense and defense. Good at both, not leet at either. The Smash output on a single target should not be higher than any other single target on the other trees.


What I am saying is moving one of those to a speccable talent in the focus tree for both ACs and changing singularity to proc cyclone slash would make this spec just fine, and a bit more challenging.


In the case of a Mara, the other trees should offer, effectively, increased offense. That's the deal... Your offense should be your defense, but those don't currently have the firepower to make up for the lack of defense if you made that change, but your role is to deal damage, not to have defense. In other words, Peyton Manning should not be trying to cover a wideout.

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Defenses should be on rage tree? mate you joking?

All this complains about his survival and you think rage should have more defense just because is shared?

The issue is focus not his defenses, and with all this qq about him the only thing will happen is the class will be so crap and really useless to play unless smash and will put him on cause to the pve content as operations.

It was all the cry baby's and qq about shadow that put shadow tanking ability in the situation he is today.

And bw logic is, nerf on class until to ground to see how will perform and or only a couple of people still play it, and only fix it sev months later, like they did on sage dps on 1.2, they have screwed such way, and sudden alot of sages have vanish.

And as far i remeber they nerfed even just 1 second, the duration of guarded by the force, then on 2.0 give the sec back on set effect (go figure why)

Even watchman was nefed twice over the time when was far from over power.

Am sorry this damm wall of text, my point is: focus is the issue not the defenses cool down on its default state, peopel need to learn how to deal with them and not cry for a nerf, i have all classes and when i see them using one of the def tools i have to adapt.


Hush, hush baby, get ready for a nerf :D

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Implying a stun makes GBTF malfunction?


No, but I am implying that you are most likely a terrible player and also someone who doesn't read previous posts so now I have to repeat this again. GBTF takes 50% of current health; meaning most smart players will not pop it till they are almost dead. Any half intelligent opponent will stun them forcing them to waste the DCD and then kill them when it wears off.

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Hell, I could jump into a group of 6 players on my own on a marauder


This is marauders job, facetank everything... Try to jump on these people with NO dcd's up. Or try to do something because you'll be stunned to death. The amount of stuns and knockbacks compensate the fact dcd marauders have to facetank all the ranged classes to reach the enemy healer.


You just said why marauder has these dcd's, it's not too much if you look at Sniper, they have more dcd's.

Undying rage needs to be removed? Endure Pain and Kolto Overload is the same, gives you some seconds of life...


I'll say again, marauders CAN'T 4sec stun you, this won't matter? Play one with no stuns and try to control your target.

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No, but I am implying that you are most likely a terrible player and also someone who doesn't read previous posts so now I have to repeat this again. GBTF takes 50% of current health; meaning most smart players will not pop it till they are almost dead. Any half intelligent opponent will stun them forcing them to waste the DCD and then kill them when it wears off.


I pop mine when I'm 30-50%, if have a medpack up. That move forces them to blow the stun, and likely fills my resolve bar, I still have enough HP to do something and we all know what happens when a Mara gets a full resolve bar......


Wrecking Ball


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This is marauders job, facetank everything... Try to jump on these people with NO dcd's up. Or try to do something because you'll be stunned to death. The amount of stuns and knockbacks compensate the fact dcd marauders have to facetank all the ranged classes to reach the enemy healer.


You just said why marauder has these dcd's, it's not too much if you look at Sniper, they have more dcd's.

Undying rage needs to be removed? Endure Pain and Kolto Overload is the same, gives you some seconds of life...


I'll say again, marauders CAN'T 4sec stun you, this won't matter? Play one with no stuns and try to control your target.

If you get a 4 sec stun then you can't have ravage anymore

I mean really you would just run two combat sents. One awes the tank and nearby dps while the other hardstuns the target and both do masterstrike with presicion slash up. No way to survive period, and if target does miraculously survives those he still gets double 8k dispatches on the end of the channel.

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No, but I am implying that you are most likely a terrible player and also someone who doesn't read previous posts so now I have to repeat this again. GBTF takes 50% of current health; meaning most smart players will not pop it till they are almost dead. Any half intelligent opponent will stun them forcing them to waste the DCD and then kill them when it wears off.


This, happens constantly when sentinels are faced by experienced players

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Hush, hush baby, get ready for a nerf :D


Oh but i know it will come, we all know how bw devs are idiots, and no idea what are doing.

No matter the nerfs they do because will only affect no smash players, they will always keep safe that faceroll tree, and baby? sccoundrels too will get nerf at some point they already said it. :)

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This is marauders job, facetank everything... Try to jump on these people with NO dcd's up. Or try to do something because you'll be stunned to death. The amount of stuns and knockbacks compensate the fact dcd marauders have to facetank all the ranged classes to reach the enemy healer.


You just said why marauder has these dcd's, it's not too much if you look at Sniper, they have more dcd's.

Undying rage needs to be removed? Endure Pain and Kolto Overload is the same, gives you some seconds of life...


I'll say again, marauders CAN'T 4sec stun you, this won't matter? Play one with no stuns and try to control your target.


This is all funny tbh :)

they cry about guarded by the force but forget the cost by other side, when rebuke only last 6 secs and go up to 30 right, but if they are constant atacked, but hey they forget in focus rebuke normal duration go up to 10 sec and deal 15% more damage, ofc stuns will be wasted 2 stuns and you are full resolve wich means after the 2 stuns he will still have 1 or 2 secs of damage reduction.

if you play watchman wath you have to def? zero, on combat?also zero, you have only a skill that increases melee and ranged def not a single one to reduce damage taken and you have to keep blade rush buff, increased def is not same as damage reduction, and the fact 99% or more sent play smash is no coincidence, they realize how op as hell is the tree but will say its not ofc they don't wanna such tree get a nerf.

All this complains are just bad as the players. yes because i dont believe they will have same issues with watchman or sent trees. when watchman is the worse for pvp atm

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This is marauders job, facetank everything... Try to jump on these people with NO dcd's up. Or try to do something because you'll be stunned to death. The amount of stuns and knockbacks compensate the fact dcd marauders have to facetank all the ranged classes to reach the enemy healer.


You just said why marauder has these dcd's, it's not too much if you look at Sniper, they have more dcd's.

Undying rage needs to be removed? Endure Pain and Kolto Overload is the same, gives you some seconds of life...


I'll say again, marauders CAN'T 4sec stun you, this won't matter? Play one with no stuns and try to control your target.


I could be going out on a limb here, but I think it's a tanks job to face tank everything. Now in randoms that ain't the case all the time, but I'm pretty sure most ranked teams have them. When a Focus/Rage specced Sent/Mara can tank better than a tank something ain't right.


Also, how many roots and snares do you have? 4? Or is it more?

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If you get a 4 sec stun then you can't have ravage anymore

I mean really you would just run two combat sents. One awes the tank and nearby dps while the other hardstuns the target and both do master strike with precision slash up. No way to survive period, and if target does miraculously survives those he still gets double 8k dispatches on the end of the channel.

well damage break awe, and for example as combat sent, doing master strike without zen is a waste of time, doing blade rush is simply much better meanwhile. let them nerf sent, next they have to find another class to nerf, shadow infiltration for it looks, many alredy qq about them...

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I could be going out on a limb here, but I think it's a tanks job to face tank everything. Now in randoms that ain't the case all the time, but I'm pretty sure most ranked teams have them. When a Focus/Rage spec can tank better than a tank something ain't right.

yes and you know why:)? because focus like i said before simply amplify the currents defense skills, not to mention not even a root work since the smash jump allow you to jump 10m even immobilized .

Serious the focus tree gives even more def than a poor vig guardian... rebuke on its normal state is fine, on focus it doesn't

And the smash damage since is a auto crit it isn't absorbed or mitigated by armor or even a shield, so ye a smasher can off tank better and even kill a pure tank... working as intended, spam slash and other skill to speed up smash cd getting finish and keep repeating dose... working as intended

Edited by Zez-Kai-Ell
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This is marauders job, facetank everything... Try to jump on these people with NO dcd's up. Or try to do something because you'll be stunned to death. The amount of stuns and knockbacks compensate the fact dcd marauders have to facetank all the ranged classes to reach the enemy healer.


You just said why marauder has these dcd's, it's not too much if you look at Sniper, they have more dcd's.

Undying rage needs to be removed? Endure Pain and Kolto Overload is the same, gives you some seconds of life...


I'll say again, marauders CAN'T 4sec stun you, this won't matter? Play one with no stuns and try to control your target.


lets even consider stasis a cc.

It need to be channeled, not like force stun and keep hitting

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well damage break awe, and for example as combat sent, doing master strike without zen is a waste of time, doing blade rush is simply much better meanwhile. let them nerf sent, next they have to find another class to nerf, shadow infiltration for it looks, many alredy qq about them...


LOL This is funny because it is true that people do cry about infiltration shadows, but they really are not that big of an issue if people know how to counter them. They are a bit better than scrappers, IMO; but but I would say either is very vulnerable in that if they do not finish off their target quickly from the element of surprise, they are lackluster compared to any other DPS class.

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