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New PvP system - still can't believe it :-(


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...I played some normal "warzones"...


...and I must say I have never seen such fail. Mixed bag of arenas and warzones, no deserter debuff, arenas starting at 3 vs 4, no team matchup rules and the list goes on.


Seriously hire somebody who plays PvP. On competitive level.


Shame on you Bioware!

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I will always quit when I see an Arena. The fact Bioware won't even give PvP'ers a choice, despite choice being the very foundation this game is built on is bad. As usual, the stupid pvp team didn't think about this despite posts on the forums during 2.4 PTS.


To rub salt in the wounds, we can;t even respec now. PvP just gets worse

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Wait...if I queue for "warzones" i might get put in a 4v4? I don't want that ****


Yup. Welcome to Biofails idea of PvP 2004 style. Now Arenas will start 3v4 etc etc because the second I see one, I am out. I have ZERO interest in wasting time in a dumb arena designed for the clueless player

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Yup. Welcome to Biofails idea of PvP 2004 style. Now Arenas will start 3v4 etc etc because the second I see one, I am out. I have ZERO interest in wasting time in a dumb arena designed for the clueless player


^^ That’s my feeling as well. I love to pvp, but I dislike arena style pvp. I burned myself out in WOW doing arena style pvp. So I will be quitting any group that puts me in an arena. Sorry in advance to all those that affects, but blame EA/Bioware for not giving choice to those who don’t like arena style pvp.

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3 vs 4

(2dps 2heals) vs (2tanks 2dps)

(2dps 1heal 1tank) vs (2heals 2tanks)

(2dps 1heal 1tank) vs (3dps 1heals)



Group roles? Ha! :rolleyes:

This is pure BS but not a "PvP system"... :mad:


Ive noticed this. The matching making, isn't. Failed game mechanic from the start.

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It seems people didn't catch this before I have been fairly vocal that this is a horrible plan for obvious reasons. People that want arenas have a solo and ranked queue. Putting reg arenas in the WZ queue is stupid people will leave as soon as they load into arenas in addition scrubs will queue 4 mans with proper roles to get reg arenas and reg star it up vs pugs causing more qq. Bad idea.


The only reason I can think they did it is so that leveling you get a taste of arenas which I don't overly kind because a good player at low levels can likely win arenas by themselves much like reg WZs at lower levels. However that's a small consolation for the head ache it will cause at 55.


That and no class balance of course....

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If ranked solo Q does not give any ranked comms, they might as well just make it a "solo arena " Q and then just leave the old regs as "solo warzone" Q with no arenas. Why let people who only want to have arenas have thier choice, but not give people who only want objective warzones to have theirs? All it will cause is people to quit what they don't want to play.
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Bioware just keeps getting worse and worse with the warzones. Why are they forcing us into Arenas? The queues should have been separated. Now on top of Huttball, I have to start leaving arenas. I wish they would allow us the ability to pick the warzone we want to play.


It is bad enough when you are in a 6 vs 8 game, but dealing with 3 vs 4 is probably worse.

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Agreed, although I am a hardcore PvPer I do not enjoy having a random Arena pop up when I specifically DID NOT queue for it. Queues need to remain separate and not become a random potluck of queue dodging until you encounter a Warzone which you queued for. Cross Realm Function would alleviate this and many other problems easily, how or why it has not been implemented yet is beyond me. Bioware seriously needs to rethink their priorities, PvP is an absolute mess with little to no Class Balance changes and obvious neglect for PvP as a whole.
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I've never had much of a choice when I'm not in a group. I learned to roll with the wz qs even though I hated 1 or 2 of the wz maps. Now I have a choice and I'm happier because of it.


I'm really not sure why some people on these boards hate arenas - they are more pure pvp than wzs are. I'm pretty sure most are just anti-change mongers (just like so many people jumping on the "save ranked 8s" that didn't even play them remotely regularly).

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Separate the non ranked arenas and regular warzone queue, this **** is retarded to constantly get 2v4 over and over again. Some people just want to do normal warzones for fun and dont necessarily want to participate in arenas, stop forcing us to.
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I've never had much of a choice when I'm not in a group. I learned to roll with the wz qs even though I hated 1 or 2 of the wz maps. Now I have a choice and I'm happier because of it.


I'm really not sure why some people on these boards hate arenas - they are more pure pvp than wzs are. I'm pretty sure most are just anti-change mongers (just like so many people jumping on the "save ranked 8s" that didn't even play them remotely regularly).


1. people have a right to hate arenas just like people have a right to hate huttball (although I personally love it).

2. 2 dps 1 healer 1 tank vs 2 tanks 2 healers simply because they don't have a proper matchmaking system.

3. no class balance affects small 4 v 4 battles to the death a lot more than coordinated 8 v 8 objective battles. This will mean cookie cutter teams (marauders, jugg tanks, op healers and ranged snipers). When I was doing PvP in the lowbies I saw nothing but scoundrels and op healers leveling up. People are reroling because that is the only healing class that is viable in arena's.

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1. people have a right to hate arenas just like people have a right to hate huttball (although I personally love it).

2. 2 dps 1 healer 1 tank vs 2 tanks 2 healers simply because they don't have a proper matchmaking system.

3. no class balance affects small 4 v 4 battles to the death a lot more than coordinated 8 v 8 objective battles. This will mean cookie cutter teams (marauders, jugg tanks, op healers and ranged snipers). When I was doing PvP in the lowbies I saw nothing but scoundrels and op healers leveling up. People are reroling because that is the only healing class that is viable in arena's.


Bad matchmaking is a big problem in 8v8s right now. Nothing new.


the fact that one team setup is so much better than others is a symptom of bad game balance and I'm hoping that gets addressed soon.


And of course you're allowed to hate arenas without giving them a chance. I still don't understand why however. I hate Huttball because it is more about cc and mobility than it is about combat prowess and it has numerous cheap one/two-shot kill mechanisms that have little to do with skill. It's fine for silly fun but not where I want to spend much time.

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On perusing the forum I realize that many many posts are rage posts, on a second look I realize that most of them are the same people.

The conculsion I draw is that certain people hate the changes and are raging but everyone else loves it and is too busy playing to be wasting time on the forums.


The only reason im here is I can check forums while in a lecture

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Bioware just keeps getting worse and worse with the warzones. Why are they forcing us into Arenas? The queues should have been separated. Now on top of Huttball, I have to start leaving arenas. I wish they would allow us the ability to pick the warzone we want to play.


It is bad enough when you are in a 6 vs 8 game, but dealing with 3 vs 4 is probably worse.


You act like this game has enough players to let us "pick-and-choose" what we want to do...

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You act like this game has enough players to let us "pick-and-choose" what we want to do...
You think it's better to implement a thing that undoubtedly will make even more players either quit the game or quit arena warzones, making the games worse for those who want to play arenas?


If people want to play arenas there's an easy solution, queue for ranked in a group or ranked solo. There's really no reason for arenas to be in the normal queue, or at 55 atleast, because for a pug it's better to atleast have some spec balance in ranked solo. Ranked solo is going to be so casual and messed up in terms of ratings that it's basically the same thing as unranked.

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3 vs 4

(2dps 2heals) vs (2tanks 2dps)

(2dps 1heal 1tank) vs (2heals 2tanks)

(2dps 1heal 1tank) vs (3dps 1heals)



Group roles? Ha! :rolleyes:

This is pure BS but not a "PvP system"... :mad:


Matchmaking was only for ranked iirc :(

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- Eliminate 8v8 ranked very shortly after collecting money from hundreds of people that transferred to a PVP server to get involved in a regular ranked scene.

- Eliminate Daily/Weekly progression from from rated arenas forcing people to queue for regs.

- Force people to queue for both arenas and warzones in regs despite them being completely different aspects of PVP.

- Leave out role matchmaking in regular arenas, resulting in completely unfair matchups.

- Eliminate PVP respec'ing preventing people from compensating from these unfair matchups.


Bioware, even if you were oblivious to the completely obvious you only had to look at the concerns and backlash you were receiving from your community. Rather than address the issues that people have been begging you to work on for months/years, you create completely new ones and make an already lacking PVP environment even worse. Your inability to listen to your community isn't going to cost you much in the short run since there is little in the way for competition, but is going to cost you severely when Wildstar and ESO launch.

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