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Warzones/Arena please let the player decide!


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Hey discbox!




Zoom_VI is on the right path here. As we continue to separate queues, we will continue to increase queue times. Our goal is to make sure you can get into the PvP action ASAP!


Hope that answers your question.




I hear this argument a lot, but I also know that some people will just decide to leave the match before it even begins if they don't like the type of warzone that you selected for them. All that you are doing how is trading one problem for another.


Why not just give us the ability to select which warzones that we want to play when we enter the queue? Then we could simply check the ones that we want to play. Doing this would let us have some control over which warzone we enter, and would provide you with valuable information about which warzones people actually prefer. Of course it is possible that this would still lead to longer queue times, but it is also possible that more people would be inclined to queue if they knew that they had this choice, and queue times might even become shorter as a result.

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They have the ability to make PVP queues work the same way they work for PVE, i.e. choose what you queue for.

Do I want to queue for Warzones and Arenas? Check both.

Just Arenas? Check only that.


I don't see how that's so difficult to do.


I did not say it was difficult.. I said people would come to the forum and complain about it. Any player that, unlike you, is open to either Arena OR WZ and has to queue to one and cannot queue to both..WILL be here complaining about it. MMOs generally avoid allowing players to multi-queue because it create other issues. and Bioware has stated that for this particular MMO. Some people just want the first pop to PvP.. and don't care if it's arena or WZ is what I am stating.


Again.. Bioware will watch the telemetry and if they see an issue... they will address it with a change. ;)

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I hear this argument a lot, but I also know that some people will just decide to leave the match before it even begins if they don't like the type of warzone that you selected for them. All that you are doing how is trading one problem for another.


and... guess what.. they will be monitoring to see if this is a 1% problem or a 99% problem, or somewhere in between.


You guys like to talk like it's a 99% problem. None of us actually know one way or the other.


Let it run for a few weeks, let them gather data. If the data supports the concerns expressed here in this thread.. I'm sure they will do something about it. If the data does not support the concerns.. you don't fix something that is not broken.. nor is a 1% problem = broken.

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I don't expect bioware to do anything regarding their fabricated telemetry. At least, not in a timely manner when it comes to PvP.


That's your problem, not mine.


They have demonstrated since launch that they gather data, and DO make changes based on that data when it indicates something other then corner case problems with a very small number of players.

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Let it run for a few weeks, let them gather data. If the data supports the concerns expressed here in this thread.. I'm sure they will do something about it. If the data does not support the concerns.. you don't fix something that is not broken.. nor is a 1% problem = broken.


You say that as if they adjust anything regarding PvP regularly O.o

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This is pointless.

They obviously think that making people do stuff they don't want to do will help them.

It's unfortunate that in this game, history keeps repeating itself and Bioware never learns to be proactive instead of trying to pick up the pieces after the damage is done.


It happened less than 2-3 months after launch, it happened again less than a year after launch, it happened with Ranked warzones not getting the attention they should've and it just keeps happening.


People have to start complaining about 3v4 for BW to actually care about it.

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That's your problem, not mine.


They have demonstrated since launch that they gather data, and DO make changes based on that data when it indicates something other then corner case problems with a very small number of players.


really? REALLY? It took them A YEAR before they made any adjustments to PT for PvP balance, and then it was largely due to negative backlash from their rep answers.

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People, you keep beating a dead horse. The population sizes on all servers DOES NOT support different ques. The que times will get insanely long. When we have cross servers, this should be implemented. Other than that, we are stuck with what we have.
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People, you keep beating a dead horse. The population sizes on all servers DOES NOT support different ques. The que times will get insanely long. When we have cross servers, this should be implemented. Other than that, we are stuck with what we have.


agreed. It's unfortunate, but there isn't much else we can do about it. I'm hoping they will decide to implement matchmaking for regs like they have for ranked. That would fix a lot of problems IMO

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Hey discbox!


You raise a good question and it is one I can answer. There are two reasons it appears as it does currently in the queue. First, what you have to keep in mind is that Arenas are a new type of Warzone. Similar to how Huttball is a type of Warzone and Voidstar is a type. Technically each different Warzone currently in the game is its own type, with a single map of that type. Warzone Arenas are the "type" 4v4 deathmatch with 3 different maps. That is why they are in the Warzone queue.


This is like forcing PvEers to join the Flashpoint queue to do an Operation Eric...they're "similar", but they are NOT the same freaking type. This is a horrible decision. I don't want to duel...I want BIGGER PvP, not smaller...

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I don't want to duel...I want BIGGER PvP, not smaller...


Twice in one day I find myself agreeing with TUX.


This makes me uncomfortable.


Not agreeing with you as such, just agreeing with someone on these forums .... it doesn't fit.

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Hey discbox!


You raise a good question and it is one I can answer. There are two reasons it appears as it does currently in the queue. First, what you have to keep in mind is that Arenas are a new type of Warzone. Similar to how Huttball is a type of Warzone and Voidstar is a type. Technically each different Warzone currently in the game is its own type, with a single map of that type. Warzone Arenas are the "type" 4v4 deathmatch with 3 different maps. That is why they are in the Warzone queue.





Zoom_VI is on the right path here. As we continue to separate queues, we will continue to increase queue times. Our goal is to make sure you can get into the PvP action ASAP!


Hope that answers your question.




Understood about Q times, but couldn't you just not split it and have just arenas in the solo ranked and just the other Warzones in the regular solo Q we have had? Still only 3 Qs. It's not going to help Q times when people are just quitting when they get the warzone type they don't want.

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10 months without any attention to a primary aspect of the game is excessive by even the poorest of standards.


You are making false equivalence arguments now.


I suppose you are taking the mindset of "it doesn't affect me, so it doesn't matter when they get to it?"


Not at all. And I did not say that.


What I said was it makes sense that they would go with less queues and monitor it.. and make adjustments if their analysis indicates it is needed. Stop distorting what I am saying just because you don't like what they did and Eric's response.. which frankly makes complete sense for newly launched features.

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This is like forcing PvEers to join the Flashpoint queue to do an Operation Eric...they're "similar", but they are NOT the same freaking type. This is a horrible decision. I don't want to duel...I want BIGGER PvP, not smaller...


That is a great analogy.

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and... guess what.. they will be monitoring to see if this is a 1% problem or a 99% problem, or somewhere in between.


You guys like to talk like it's a 99% problem. None of us actually know one way or the other.


Let it run for a few weeks, let them gather data. If the data supports the concerns expressed here in this thread.. I'm sure they will do something about it. If the data does not support the concerns.. you don't fix something that is not broken.. nor is a 1% problem = broken.


No. Like most things I actually expect things to act in accordance with Preto's Law (also known as the 80/20 rule). In other words, I expect that 80% of the people will be willing to accept whatever BioWare decides to do without even thinking twice about it, and 20% will have a problem whether they leave the queue the way that it is, or if they were to separate it into two queues. And then BioWare will have to spend 80% of their time dealing with complaints from the 20% group. What I offer is a third choice that lets them maintain a single queue, but also allows people the ability to enter their preferences for which type of warzone that they queue for.


On the other hand, you seem to have lumped me into some 99% bracket, and in doing so you have once again shown your true colors.

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That is a great analogy.


Actually, it's not that great of an analogy. Why? Because instanced PvP is PvP. Only the map and the team size is different, not the fundamental objectives.


Look.. I get why people would like the choice. I also get why they launched arenas this way. I also get that they will change it if/when they find a need for the overall (note: overall, not for any particular players tastes/wants) player base.


You guys talk like it's cast in concrete and can never be adjusted based on how players actually access and use the content.

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Actually, it's not that great of an analogy. Why? Because instanced PvP is PvP. Only the map and the team size is different, not the fundamental objectives. .


Stopped reading there because that part is completely wrong. The objectives ARE in fact, a major thing that is changed.

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You are making false equivalence arguments now.



last time there was PvP balance was in 2.0, which launched in April. Before that was in December with 1.6. So, my mistake, six months (for some reason I had the dates of April 2012 for 1.6 and Dec 2012 for 2.0 in my mind)


Not at all. And I did not say that.


What I said was it makes sense that they would go with less queues and monitor it.. and make adjustments if their analysis indicates it is needed. Stop distorting what I am saying just because you don't like what they did and Eric's response.. which frankly makes complete sense for newly launched features.


I read and understood what you said, however it holds no truth value. The team has shown time and time again that PvP is a low priority, so getting anything changed any time soon, when it would still be relevant, is likely not going to happen.

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