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I reported someone for suspected exploiting, but not knowing the class. I thought I would ask here. How can a Slinger kill me in 3.82 seconds flat? Yes, I timed him. I got hit for 7997, 2384, 2678 in a second. Sniped in place. And he repeated that and killed me. Virtually no cooldown it seemed. He was also not taking any damage past 90%. I couldn't touch him. I tried full PvE gear. I tried my full PvP gear. Nothing. I even switched specs twice.
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I reported someone for suspected exploiting, but not knowing the class. I thought I would ask here. How can a Slinger kill me in 3.82 seconds flat? Yes, I timed him. I got hit for 7997, 2384, 2678 in a second. Sniped in place. And he repeated that and killed me. Virtually no cooldown it seemed. He was also not taking any damage past 90%. I couldn't touch him. I tried full PvE gear. I tried my full PvP gear. Nothing. I even switched specs twice.


7k , 2.3k, 2.6k

ambush, followthrough, instant snipe (particularly with laze target up)

Series of shots can easily tick for 2.6k every second as well


Since ambush is casted the gcd finished before his ambush went off so the followthrough occurs at the same time as the ambush


didn't drop below 90%? he has cooldowns and if your that squishy he won't need to pop more than his defense screen

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7k , 2.3k, 2.6k

ambush, followthrough, instant snipe (particularly with laze target up)

Series of shots can easily tick for 2.6k every second as well


Since ambush is casted the gcd finished before his ambush went off so the followthrough occurs at the same time as the ambush


didn't drop below 90%? he has cooldowns and if your that squishy he won't need to pop more than his defense screen


I don't really understand Bioware when it comes to PvP.

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I don't really understand Bioware when it comes to PvP.


what class where you and what did you attack him with?

Also was this open world or in warzone if so what bracket?


Those numbers are not that big at all, that's standard for 55 and even lowbie bracket warzones

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I am a Sorc. I tried a hybrid 0/30/16 spec which I usually run and then I went Lightning. Force Lightning was all absorbed, Affliction ticking doing no damage. Shock procced twice and did 1500 each time. Then he went back to 100% health. Death Field I -think-did 2900. Mind you I was in full PvE gear and fully min maxed conq.
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Lol this guy reported me too. Allow me to give you some insight on how I destroyed you every time:


Open each fight with flourish shot to reduce armor by 20%, roll into cover with 3 seconds of hunker down to neutralize stun, instant cast charged burst from snap shot talent, wait for dot stack and use dodge to remove, apply shield prob for damage absorption, speed shot, trick shot, burst volley, speed shot, trick shot. In between interrupting force lightning. When you would bubble I would loiter for a sec then hard cast an aimed shot when you had about 2 seconds left.


It is worth noting I never saw you use a WZ med pack or adrenal.


Here is how you should have fought me: dot up and LOS. This is the way to counter a SS GS. If you try to go open field cast for cast you're fighting a real uphill battle.


edit: just realized I didn't even have my stim on. Hashtag :rak_04:


Thanks for the flattery though! :rak_03:

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Sounds like:


Explosive Probe > Series of Shots > Sniper Volley > Series of Shots


Same thing happened to me once. Sniper got super lucky where Probe and like 6 out of 8 ticks for Series all crit. I was dead in seconds.


slick shooter talent gives 4% inc crit chance to speed shot and aim high talent gives 15% inc crit to speed shot. On top of a base 26.5% crit chance on average it is common to at least have 4-5 crits per channel. 6 is not that far from the bell curve.

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I am a Sorc. I tried a hybrid 0/30/16 spec which I usually run and then I went Lightning. Force Lightning was all absorbed, Affliction ticking doing no damage. Shock procced twice and did 1500 each time. Then he went back to 100% health. Death Field I -think-did 2900. Mind you I was in full PvE gear and fully min maxed conq.







Edumicate yourself.

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The issue is we know way too little about his complaint. I imagine he isn't a tank class and obviously never used a single defensive cooldown the entire fight ... repeatedly.


I find it hard to supply suggestions. An important element to pvp is knowing your enemy. Reading their guides offers a great deal of information without ever playing that class. More than this, he sounds like he doesn't even know his own class.

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I am a Sorc. I tried a hybrid 0/30/16 spec which I usually run and then I went Lightning. Force Lightning was all absorbed, Affliction ticking doing no damage. Shock procced twice and did 1500 each time. Then he went back to 100% health. Death Field I -think-did 2900. Mind you I was in full PvE gear and fully min maxed conq.


You can't beat any decent sniper 1v1 in a head-on confrontation. Get your static barrier up first so it absorbs his first few hits, then affliction and shock and any instacasts (death field, force slow) you have ready while you retreat behind a barrier. Make him move then whirlwind him,if he has re-entrenched and the whirlwind didnt take, hide again. Remember to refresh static barrier,and toss yourself a quick heal.


If the whirlwind did take, cast crushing darkness. Once he moves again, overload, shock, then electrocute, now start dumping on him with lightning bolt, chain lightning, (use wz adrenal), then force lightning, and have fun blasting him down.


knock him back and root him again if he starts to out dps you. Hide again, you have a few gcds to heal and refresh static barrier.


At this point you've annoyed him a lot, and he should be close to dead with no entrench and wondering if he should continue this. Thats if it even lasted that long. Usually after the electrocute and using an adrenal, i finish them off and dont need to hide again.


Understanding the 4 viable sniper builds right now might give you a little more competitive edge but you fight them all almost exactly the same way, and that is make them move, then exploit it. Make them come to you and always hug a los obstacle.

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So you only had 13k health? :rolleyes:




This is why I wont be doing Solo Queue Arenas rofl


Im sure he posted the numbers wrong, or he didnt realized series of shots ticks 4 times so it was 2600x4 and probably an engineer sniper that got him with snipe (laze), explosive probe, series, takedown. While not as bursty as the other sniper builds, the engineer can really nuke a squishy noob sorc.


And he might opened with interrogation and plasma probe too. I often do on a dps sorc because i know he will try to blow force speed to get out so i leg shot him them dump a few free overload shots into him while i get a better position and entrench.

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Im sure he posted the numbers wrong, or he didnt realized series of shots ticks 4 times so it was 2600x4 and probably an engineer sniper that got him with snipe (laze), explosive probe, series, takedown. While not as bursty as the other sniper builds, the engineer can really nuke a squishy noob sorc.


And he might opened with interrogation and plasma probe too. I often do on a dps sorc because i know he will try to blow force speed to get out so i leg shot him them dump a few free overload shots into him while i get a better position and entrench.


Then it didnt happen in <4 seconds as the OP claims.


So there is a lot more wrong with the OP than just what numbers he used.

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to be honest mate. if you want to kill a sniper, bring a friend. I can easily get someone's health to 0 if they want to 1v1 me (in any spec) no exploiting, I just know what my class can do along with the opponent.


Same goes for killing someone in 3 seconds. For example

Target Aquired>Ambush>Followthrough>Cover>InstaSnipe>Followthrough>Takedown>Followthrough would do over 30k damage in a few seconds easily - assuming you have no defensives


I have been 3sec stunlocked>murdered by other classes, just goes with the territory. You should continue reporting players though, as it just highlights how good they are at killing you :)

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