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Is My DPS Bad?


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Im a level 55 Rage Spec Jugg and I think my DPS may be garbage lol. I was running a HM FP today (Czerka Labs) and on the CZ-8X boss it took forever to down him. At first I blamed it on the boss mechanics. If you are melee then you cant hit the boss for a quarter of the fight (He is standing in water that becomes electrical charged at different points) Then we get to the last boss and he enrages, so clearly it was a DPS issue the whole time. The other DPS was a Sniper with 32k health (Cant be the other DPSs fault)


So after the above I got on my ship, set up a parser, and started smacking the opps dummy. In mostly 66 mods with a few 61s I ended up with 1635 DPS after 3 minutes (fully buffed) I then tried the Veng spec and ended with 1635 DPS. I feel that my talent build is correct (4/6/36) and I fully understand my procs and rotation. I am not really sure what I am doing wrong.


I know Juggs with BiS are pulling around 2,900 DPS after 2.0. But I really do not know what people are pulling with gear that is 2 or 3 tiers below BiS.


What was your DPS in 66s?




Thanks for all the feedback (For the most part lol)


I upgraded my hilt in my main hand and my armoring in my generator and it helped a lot. Another problem was that I did not realize I had a passive that increased my damage after each smash (Thanks to the guy that pointed that out!) Now I do ravage right after each smash instead of rage build attack. My DPS is now up to 1870 on average on the ops dummy. It is over 1900 on Veng, but I like smash too much to change the spec. Thanks again for the feedback.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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Im a level 55 Rage Spec Jugg and I think my DPS may be garbage lol. I was running a HM FP today (Czerka Labs) and on the CZ-8X boss it took forever to down him. At first I blamed it on the boss mechanics. If you are melee then you cant hit the boss for a quarter of the fight (He is standing in water that becomes electrical charged at different points) Then we get to the last boss and he enrages, so clearly it was a DPS issue the whole time. The other DPS was a Sniper with 32k health (Cant be the other DPSs fault)


So after the above I got on my ship, set up a parser, and started smacking the opps dummy. In mostly 66 mods with a few 61s I ended up with 1635 DPS after 3 minutes (fully buffed) I then tried the Veng spec and ended with 1635 DPS. I feel that my talent build is correct (4/6/36) and I fully understand my procs and rotation. I am not really sure what I am doing wrong.


I know Juggs with BiS are pulling around 2,900 DPS after 2.0. But I really do not know what people are pulling with gear that is 2 or 3 tiers below BiS.


What was your DPS in 66s?


If your'e wearing 66's and 61s, your dps is not going to be very good. There's a huge difference between that and being fully augmented in BIS gear. Even then, numbers like 2900 are not what you see on the average in a real time fight. Most people on HM operation bosses tend to do 2200-2600 over a 5 minute fight. But you're fine for flashpoints. That boss always takes a really long time to die, even when I'm in a group that I know is doing good dps.

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Eh, pretty sure you should be (3/7/36).


Two points into dreadnaught really adds to your DPS.


Not really sure you need two points into enraged sunder. So, could be better to put two points into ravager instead. Although, I do admit, I don't do much in the way of PvE, but, I generally find my rage stays up high enough so I don't have to use the basic attack much.


And remember, before you smash, make sure to have plenty of rage so you can just unload stronger attacks and make good use of that 9% extra damage.


Oh and if you aren't stacking power and surge, you should do so. And of course, don't forget to throw in some accuracy if you aren't. As for augments; most recommend strength augments. Oh and, make sure to use the mods that are higher in power. You will get more damage out of them.

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I concur with all the above, and if you got out of there without an enrage, you did ok. Parser numbers are silly, unless there is an operation boss that stands there like an OPERATION DUMMY with nothing to make you interrupt your tunnel vision of doing damage! Well, there isn't! So people who do 3000 dps are great at doing dps, not in Czerka Labs, but alone on a SHIP! That is it. If numbers were all there were, they wouldn't build quarter mile dragstrips! Keep gearin' up! Edited by EarnestBunbury
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You shouldnt even be doing hardmodes until you get at least 66 s. your lucky you didnt get booted. Dont expect ppl to carry you. It tells you what gear u need on the quests


You are right... and apparently you have not read it. HM recommends level 148 gear. 148 is BLUE 66s, sir. I am in mostly 158 gear, meaning purple 66s. The 61s were purple as well (146 gear) I was well over the gear requirement.

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You are right... and apparently you have not read it. HM recommends level 148 gear. 148 is BLUE 66s, sir. I am in mostly 158 gear, meaning purple 66s. The 61s were purple as well (146 gear) I was well over the gear requirement.

Then maybee you shoukd have said purple 66s instead of just 66s. I read it all and you never said anythig more than 66s. Which doesnt make my statement wrong. If you hit enrage someone obviously was being carried

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Then maybee you shoukd have said purple 66s instead of just 66s. I read it all and you never said anythig more than 66s. Which doesnt make my statement wrong. If you hit enrage someone obviously was being carried


Who has blue 66s? When you get to endgame and you are running HMs then it should go without saying that you have all purple gear. You assumed without asking and jumped right to talking **** as so many of you people do. Now you are backtracking... like so many of you people do lol. Thanks for trying to help I guess.


Also, just so you know, 66s DROP in HMs. One of the only ways to get 66s is DOING HMs. So when you say something like "You should not do HMs until you are in 66s" it makes you look pretty ignorant.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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Who has blue 66s? When you get to endgame and you are running HMs then it should go without saying that you have all purple gear. You assumed without asking and jumped right to talking **** as so many of you people do. Now you are backtracking... like so many of you people do lol. Thanks for trying to help I guess.


Also, just so you know, 66s DROP in HMs. One of the only ways to get 66s is DOING HMs. So when you say something like "You should not do HMs until you are in 66s" it makes you look pretty ignorant.


Ya my bad for taking exactly what was said and nothing more. There are other ways than hms to get 66s. You never stated the color i didnt aasume nor am i backtracking im going off wjat little evidence you gave


Im ignorant and you were the one asking about your dps when you hit enrage obviously its crap dps and yu could habe looked at parses on the interwebs. Asking a question where you provide your own answer just looks like a cry for attention. Next time dont ask a question you already habe the answer to


You said is my dps gimp i saif yes it was if you dont want an answer dont ask the question

Edited by mmjarec
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You said is my dps gimp i saif yes it was if you dont want an answer dont ask the question


If that was your answer it wasn't very helpful. The OP had a fair question to which others have managed to provide a helpful solution. Your assumption that he had blue 66s WAS wrong to make and that is not the OP's fault either - to assume is always wrong...you know what they say - it makes an *** out of U and ME.


Also the fact that the drops from comploeting the mission are (PURPLE) level 66 items and you didn't know that clearly shows you aren't in a position to help the chap. Stand down gracefully and accept that you might have been UN-helpful on this occassion.

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your gear seems fine for doing HM 55s


your parse is probably a little low, but you are also probably not doing some things other people do like use adrenals, and do you have every class buff on your legacy? are you using a nano-infused stim? these things can make a huge difference on parses.

also, people typically parse for 5m on a dummy, and do several parses. or go 10m, 20m, or even longer because the longer you stay at it, the less RNG will affect a short sample size (such as really high or really low crit)


that said, i encourage you to check out the guardian and juggernaut forums for some guides or you can start a thread there to ask for help with your spec, rotation, and stat budget. there's a lot of people in there that should be able to help a bit more than the people in general discussion (and usually a bit less trolling).


also, you're geared enough for a story mode terror from beyond or scum and villainy operation. there's a one-time quest that will reward you with some crafting materials. i believe you get 2 purples (mass manipulation generators) and 4 blues (exotic equalizers). the purples also drop from optional bosses in operations and the blues also drop randomly in operations and the final and bonus boss in HM 55 flashpoints.


you can get someone to craft a 72 hilt for you for your mainhand and a 72 armoring for your offhand. it requires 1 purple (generator) and 4 blues (equalizer) as well as 5 isotype-5s, which you can get for 35 daily comms from the vendor.


if you supply these mats, most crafters will craft it for you for free, since they can sell any crits they get. or ask in your guild. i'm sure someone can help you a bit more with this about who to talk to on your server.

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If that was your answer it wasn't very helpful. The OP had a fair question to which others have managed to provide a helpful solution. Your assumption that he had blue 66s WAS wrong to make and that is not the OP's fault either - to assume is always wrong...you know what they say - it makes an *** out of U and ME.


Also the fact that the drops from comploeting the mission are (PURPLE) level 66 items and you didn't know that clearly shows you aren't in a position to help the chap. Stand down gracefully and accept that you might have been UN-helpful on this occassion.

Since he didnt provide what kind of 66 he had i had to make an assumption and it was the correct one considering his thread is about his crap dps. I dont see how its unhelpful when i simply and directly answered precisely witj one word. I answered wjat he asked nothing more or nothing less if u read too mich into the title its your fault. And je said u only get the 66 from hms and i corrected it. A bit of self reliance could habe answered his question or if he could figure out that if yu hit enrage someting obviously is wrong with dps


Only on this forum could you be chided for providing a simple and accurate answer

Edited by mmjarec
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Who has blue 66s? When you get to endgame and you are running HMs then it should go without saying that you have all purple gear. You assumed without asking and jumped right to talking **** as so many of you people do. Now you are backtracking... like so many of you people do lol. Thanks for trying to help I guess.


Also, just so you know, 66s DROP in HMs. One of the only ways to get 66s is DOING HMs. So when you say something like "You should not do HMs until you are in 66s" it makes you look pretty ignorant.


There are a few things that contribute to lower DPS, first and foremost is spec. Focus/Rage-guardians/juggs put out lower sustained damage during PvE boss encounters. It is not a preferred spec for endgame PvE. Secondly, your hilt. Your mainhand damage is directly influenced by the hilt your are using. If you're using a 61 (Black hole) hilt then your damage will be substantially less than even a blue 66 hilt.


As for gateways to hardmodes, you only need to be in blue 66 gear. That will provide the baseline DPS necessary to down content. With an intelligent rotation, you're probably better off than a good 40% of the people you will pug with (since they don't take the time to learn their class and rotations).


You sound like a competent player. You realize that there is something wrong with your current methodology, and you are seeking to fix it. Congratulations, you're better than solid chunk of the player population since they would just blame it on everyone else and continue to be a baddie. But it could possibly be that while your numbers were a little lackluster, when compiled with the rest of your group's sub-optimal performance, there was just no way that the encounter could be achieved. Even if you rocked it in full 72's, it wouldn't work.

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Since he didnt provide what kind of 66 he had i had to make an assumption and it was the correct one considering his thread is about his crap dps. I dont see how its unhelpful when i simply and directly answered precisely witj one word. I answered wjat he asked nothing more or nothing less if u read too mich into the title its your fault. And je said u only get the 66 from hms and i corrected it. A bit of self reliance could habe answered his question or if he could figure out that if yu hit enrage someting obviously is wrong with dps


Only on this forum could you be chided for providing a simple and accurate answer


You shouldnt even be doing hardmodes until you get at least 66 s. your lucky you didnt get booted. Dont expect ppl to carry you. It tells you what gear u need on the quests


Your post was neither simple nor accurate. You told him to get gear he already has and then accuse him of expecting people to carry him. You didn't have to assume anything, you could have simply gone with what he said and provide an actually helpful answer. Instead you chose to be accusatory and derisive.


But please, go on and continue being a productive member of the community. I'm sure we all look forward to your next insightful post.

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Since he didnt provide what kind of 66 he had i had to make an assumption and it was the correct one considering his thread is about his crap dps. I dont see how its unhelpful when i simply and directly answered precisely witj one word. I answered wjat he asked nothing more or nothing less if u read too mich into the title its your fault. And je said u only get the 66 from hms and i corrected it. A bit of self reliance could habe answered his question or if he could figure out that if yu hit enrage someting obviously is wrong with dps


Only on this forum could you be chided for providing a simple and accurate answer


Your assumptions were not correct as the man has now told you himself that he had mostly purple 66s...but you have made clear how you jumped to conclusions and made this wrong assumption. You also assumed in your original post that he was looking to be carried though a hardmode flashpoint and warned him against doing so even though its clear he was trying to improve his skills. Then once again you wrongly assumed he had not read the suggested gearing requirements for the mission which again the OP has subsequently stated he had done.


Finally you mistook my comments in thinking that I was chiding you for providing a simple and accurate answer when in fact I was attempting to defend the chap who had asked the initial question in a reasonable way and to suggest that rather than making incorrect assumptions you might have been better served to ask him to clarify his stats than to make assumptions about his lack of ability to play.


Anyway...having said all that neither of us are probably helping him much with this line of arguement and we'll leave it at that. Well done to those who have!:)

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I have done it on a shadow infill in blackhole gear and my dps was more than enough for this. When I heal this, I would have told you to stay in the water, but I guess that all depends on what the group/healer decides. If I see a 72 healer, I'm staying in on my watchman or shadow, my slinger only gets her feet wet to collect the comms. Hunker Down for the win.
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Who has blue 66s? When you get to endgame and you are running HMs then it should go without saying that you have all purple gear.

No it does not, people try to do it in greens, it is a fact.


P.S. Recently added flashpoints are known to be a bit challenging and you should not use them to determine if you are geared for HM FP at level 55. Some of these fights require everyone to be highly involved and can easily punish any slacking off.

Edited by ELRunninW
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Ya my bad for taking exactly what was said and nothing more. There are other ways than hms to get 66s. You never stated the color i didnt aasume nor am i backtracking im going off wjat little evidence you gave


You did not assume? You clearly assumed that I was in blues. You are the only one in the entire thread that thought I was in blue gear. People that actually play endgame content understand that when someone says 66s they are talking about level 156 gear. I did not state that I was in purple 66s because it does not need to be said when conversation with people that play endgame content. The proof of that is in this very thread. Everyone but YOU understood exactly what I was talking about. You drove the final nail in the coffin when you said that you need to be in at least 66s to run HMs when everyone knows that 66s DROP in HMs. It is hands down proof that you have no idea what is going on at endgame.


Im ignorant and you were the one asking about your dps when you hit enrage obviously its crap dps and yu could habe looked at parses on the interwebs. Asking a question where you provide your own answer just looks like a cry for attention. Next time dont ask a question you already habe the answer to


You said is my dps gimp i saif yes it was if you dont want an answer dont ask the question


Based on your spelling I am not surprised that you did not understand that the title of the thread was rhetorical. The title was for purpose and the post was for information. After the FP I knew something was off. That is why I came here seeking meaningful feedback on how to improve my DPS. Just about everyone but you gave just that. I say "you people" and mean you people that talk out of your *** about things you know nothing about, and do so in a rude and immature way. Its people like you that turn most of the community away from the official forums.

Edited by CharleyDanger
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