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Leaving a match early


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With 8 vs 8 rated gone, it makes no sense telling people that they cant que with 3 friend for the only objective based PvP left in this game. Perhaps if rated was still around i might be able to understand supporting this but even then....

Its an mmo, not a single player game, and in MMO's you get rewarded for playing with friends. Pretty simple logic.


About quitters, I agree some kind of lockout could be usefull, but as someone alerady said, he would just relog to another toon, so I guess its not so simple to do.

Edited by ZipZep
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i cannot envision any situation where a lockout will work, so this topic is pretty much moot:


1. quitter will still leave and just log in an alt

2. quitter will stay in the WZ, sit in a corner and do nothing (or even help the enemy team), spew crap in the chat how how much everyone stinks and how great they are, and just make everyones ears (or eyes rather) hurt.


3. quit the game, making for less people in pvp pool, less wz pops, etc.


What needs to be done is to increase the incentive to stay in the match. Whether it means higher rewards for staying the entire match, making the wzs more fun, better team balance, etc thats up to the devs to decide.


Maybe they should have a wz new stat, called it 'completed entire WZ'. Each WZ where a player starts/stays from start to finish, and meets a minimium objective score, they get 1 added to this stat. When this stat gets to 100 (eg. 100 wzs completely played), the player gets a 100k coin bonus. This stat reachs 200, they get 200k, etc.


Need positive reinforcement...

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I have never left a warzone because we were going to lose. That said, I have no interest in playing arenas. None. I prefer objective based PVP. Unfortunately Bioware has decided to force arenas upon us, whether we like them or not. So whenever I get a queue pop for an arena, I'll be leaving it. I don't care what the teams look like, I'm leaving it right away. Sucks to be the team I was on, starting short handed, but that is the corner Bioware has backed me into.
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I have never left a warzone because we were going to lose. That said, I have no interest in playing arenas. None. I prefer objective based PVP. Unfortunately Bioware has decided to force arenas upon us, whether we like them or not. So whenever I get a queue pop for an arena, I'll be leaving it. I don't care what the teams look like, I'm leaving it right away. Sucks to be the team I was on, starting short handed, but that is the corner Bioware has backed me into.


I can actually understand this.

Four people leaving Hypergate before the match even starts, though...that's just stupid and screws over whoever finally jumps in once it's started.


Once I even had one person just sitting back on Voidstar. Not guarding anything, not moving, just sitting there, except to attack every once in a while to avoid being kicked.


So yeah, I'm all for penalties for bailng WZs if they can do it in a way that's not harsh on players who happen to abruptly disconnect or for one reason or another have to leave their computer when in a WZ once in a while.

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I have never left a warzone because we were going to lose. That said, I have no interest in playing arenas. None. I prefer objective based PVP. Unfortunately Bioware has decided to force arenas upon us, whether we like them or not. So whenever I get a queue pop for an arena, I'll be leaving it. I don't care what the teams look like, I'm leaving it right away. Sucks to be the team I was on, starting short handed, but that is the corner Bioware has backed me into.


Actually agree with that one. I played a few arena's on PTS with my op healer and they were so gosh darn boring. It was just so boring (had to say it twice), I can't imagine doing more than 1 a day so I will probably do the same thing.


BTW, I'm not saying arena's suck or are a horrible idea, just to me personally (others probably do not feel this way) they are extremely boring.

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It's mostly bads quitting. They claim it's because the team around them sucks or is under geared but if they were as good as they claimed they'd still be able to pull off a win.

The action of picking and choosing the fights that aren't difficult proves you're not that good (which is why you shouldn't admit to it here). The rest of us hate some maps or playing with noobs as well, but we tough it out and even win regardless. That's what real skill is. Not quitting till you get the easy win; so good riddance to quitters.


I just hate the 2 minute backfill gap while we lose waiting for 2 more players. So to solve that we need to identify the quitters beforehand. I say a forced "Coward" title on the character for 2 game hours and the ability for 4 people to vote kick even if they're in combat.

Ideally we'd kick them before the game starts, and if they don't want to be kicked they can appeal to the team making promises not to quit this time.


The best solution would just be match making system that groups all quitters together. If they're all as good as they think they are they should be super elite teams, although in reality they'll just be stuck in an eternity of playing with people who drop when it's not an easy fight.

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It's mostly bads quitting. They claim it's because the team around them sucks or is under geared but if they were as good as they claimed they'd still be able to pull off a win.

The action of picking and choosing the fights that aren't difficult proves you're not that good (which is why you shouldn't admit to it here). The rest of us hate some maps or playing with noobs as well, but we tough it out and even win regardless. That's what real skill is. Not quitting till you get the easy win; so good riddance to quitters.


This is also true. I've had or joined matches where we were down a minute in and we reversed it after a few people quit. I'm convinced 90% of quitters are average or worse and demand to be carried. They'll say their team sucks and maybe they'll blame it on the other side's pre-mades, but the truth is that they're not as good as they think they are.

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With the current state of the pvp (aka no match making system) quitting is the pro move because you're dodging the muppets. If you will try to stay you can not only lose your sanity but you can be placed one more time with the same muppets in the team.


I once thought the same that leaving match is for bads but I was mistaken. Loosing 15 minutes of your game time when from the start you know that you have 0 or even -100% chance to win it's just a bad business.

Edited by MasterBLASTERpl
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It's definitely situational. There are times when we were able to turn things around after losing pretty badly (especially in matches like hypergates where one mistake can cost you the game), but there are other times when you can easily tell if you will win or lose. When you have 4+ people with 2000 main stat, 1600 exp, no augments and you are facing a fully augmented conqueror gear premade in void star, your chances of winning are almost none. Sometimes I try to stick around, but when 5 of them them wipe the entire defense in 4 seconds and they cap, it's honestly not worth it (especially if I am trying to get my weekly).


I wish they would just get rid of expertise and bolster everyone to max level of whatever item/mod a user is wearing (22A would be 31A for example) and nullify augments. Get rid of these ridiculous gear imbalances so we could at least try to coordinate.

Edited by sithBracer
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It's definitely situational. There are times when we were able to turn things around after losing pretty badly (especially in matches like hypergates where one mistake can cost you the game), but there are other times when you can easily tell if you will win or lose. When you have 4+ people with 2000 main stat, 1600 exp, no augments and you are facing a fully augmented conqueror gear premade in void star, your chances of winning are almost none. Sometimes I try to stick around, but when 5 of them them wipe the entire defense in 4 seconds and they cap, it's honestly not worth it (especially if I am trying to get my weekly).


I wish they would just get rid of expertise and bolster everyone to max level of whatever item/mod a user is wearing (22A would be 31A for example) and nullify augments. Get rid of these ridiculous gear imbalances so we could at least try to coordinate.


Mate it's not a gear issue, it's not a expertise thing, it's not a augments one. It's a lack of the match making system (elo, TrueSkill) in any form.

This team you're referring to - they would crash you, with or without gear, expertise, all this crap. They didn't get their conqueror sets as Xmas gifts, they work to get them. So they had some warzone awareness, experience that your team didn't have.


For me this is a vicious circle - there is no matchmaking system because too few ppl is playing pvp, because there is no matchmaking system, because...

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Mate it's not a gear issue, it's not a expertise thing, it's not a augments one. It's a lack of the match making system (elo, TrueSkill) in any form.

This team you're referring to - they would crash you, with or without gear, expertise, all this crap. They didn't get their conqueror sets as Xmas gifts, they work to get them. So they had some warzone awareness, experience that your team didn't have.


For me this is a vicious circle - there is no matchmaking system because too few ppl is playing pvp, because there is no matchmaking system, because...


Not true, I played against that guild before in full partisan geared augmented pug. Once my tank friend put a guard on me, the monkeys couldn't do anything more than hop around, while our mercs blew them away. We had one competent guard calling out when they pressed our node (alderaan btw), not everyone came, but me and my tank friend were usually more than enough since they couldn't kill us-I think only one person realized I was guarded and kept force pushing me and leaping at me, no one figured out this extremely easy strategy until the end when they focused me (but there were only 3 of them left at our node lol).


Now, don't get me wrong, I am sure that probably 70-75% of the time you are right and we would get steamrolled, but at least there would be a chance to coordinate. A chance to try to take the lead, and maybe not win but go down fighting hard-make it a match to remember. With such a huge gear disadvantage, there is no chance, and I'm sure it gets boring for the other team as well.


And for the record, I'm fully purple augmented with conqueror on left, min/maxed partisan on right and stimmed up.

Edited by sithBracer
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I used to leave WZs a LOT, especially when trying to finish a weekly and move on to something else. These days I try to stick it out, and sometimes the results are surprising. (I was in a NC the other day that my team won when it was 2% to 0%, although it admittedly it should not have been that close but the derp was high everywhere, and I AFKed for a few minutes as a result.)


But, e.g., I was in a Voidstar the other day in which a) the time to die for members of my team was, on average, about 4 GCDs, and b) the attacking team in round 1 planted one bomb in the first 10 seconds, then had bombs on BOTH of the second doors in the next 30 seconds, because they managed to put nearly my entire team behind the respawn door with maximum time. That was not a game that was going to be won in round two. So I left, as I just needed a win to finish the weekly. Anything else would have been a waste of my and everyone else's time.

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It's mostly bads quitting. They claim it's because the team around them sucks or is under geared but if they were as good as they claimed they'd still be able to pull off a win.



What a load of bull. Example - today, I was with a Pre-made group and was going to leave because I just had a gut feeling they would be bads. Civil Bore - I go an grab the node after kicking off 1 interceptor and cap it. Suddenly, I see lots of my team dropping like flies - Snow lost, mid lost.


Team bad then decide to stand at the spawn area and fight. Didnt mark the healer, didnt have the brains to go around, which was quickly followed by 8xEnemy is unbeatable. So I QUIT. I refuse to lose warzones due to stupidity. Losing because you all battled hard and just lost to the better side - fair enough. Bads have no place in MMO gaming and should stick to something less of a challenge, like Sim City.

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Not saying I agree or disagree with it...


But people leave because they need wins for the weekly. When you are at 7/9 on monday night and have 2 hours left to play, it seems reasonable to leave a WZ when you feel its a loss. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Also, the weekly/daily in 2.4 will not require wins so this problem is likely to get a little better.

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Also, the weekly/daily in 2.4 will not require wins so this problem is likely to get a little better.


The problem with leavers is likely to get better, but the problem with "stand arounders" will get worse. And I'd take a leaver over a "stand arounder" anyday.

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Not saying I agree or disagree with it...


But people leave because they need wins for the weekly. When you are at 7/9 on monday night and have 2 hours left to play, it seems reasonable to leave a WZ when you feel its a loss. Don't hate the player, hate the game.


Also, the weekly/daily in 2.4 will not require wins so this problem is likely to get a little better.


Dont hold your breath. And most of you in this post are missing the point totally why people quit. It's not about the winning, its about the manner in which you are about to lose. Losing to a bomb plant within 15 seconds, a node cap, etc etc is the reason why people leave which leads on to faster games = less comms

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I have never left a warzone because we were going to lose.


I have left matches when "our" team decides they have no chance and just sit on one node hoping to get some crappy defender points. I am disgusted about such behaviour. Too bad I can do nothing about it.


I wish those people not even willing to fight would be punished instead of those leaving.

Edited by Karkais
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The only people crying about wanting a form of punishment are the people who PvE more than they do PvP. The same people coming in wearing PvE gear, putting up crap stats, standing in AoE's, LoSing their healers, putting guard on 1 player and not switching it around, stunning people multiple times back to back so that their white barred, not calling for help when guarding a node, am I missing anything?


Stop doing everything above and people will stop leaving. As far as the OP's post. If he kept coming in than you wouldn't of ever gotten a replacement anyways as he was the only person queueing, so you coming to the forums and crying is ridiculous.



tl;dr version


Get better at your class and call out inc's and people won't leave you to lose a wz.

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I fully support a leaving a WZ penalty. Should be 20 mins where you cannot join any normal or ranked matches. It would solve some basic problems but not all. It's a start but a good start.




So now instead of leavers we will have afk'ers - great idea.

Leaving penalty without matchmaking system of any sort will only make more ppl to quit this game completely coz the pvp instead of medicore will be unbearable.


I won't be tormented for 15 minutes with 7 muppets who don't give a damn about the teamwork and can't do more then a 200k dmg. And if you try to say that you should regroup, push grass a little, to take the heat off the mid, you get a reply "****, I'm having fun" (where this "fun" is 170k dmg and 16 deaths).


If this is the state of pvp where you think that quitters should be punished for leaving, be my guest - by I will just leave this game.

Edited by MasterBLASTERpl
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..... Queues up. Leaves again. Queues up. Leaves again..... see where this is going? This happened a total of 7 times in ONE match. He prevented someone who actually wanted to try from coming in.


I am really confused. How did this player prevent someone else from filling the opening on your team? He left the match so someone else could fill the spot. The next person in the queue gets the open spot. Obviously the queue was empty and nobody else was in the queue to fill your spot. The match making program isn't smart. It only takes the person who waited the longest.

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I think an actual punishment is reasonable for rated matches, but not until BW figures out how to allow reconnects when someone's connection drops.


since regs are where dailies will count and most people who drop do so because they've decided early on that they won't get that win (and since you don't even need wins in 2.4 to accomplish weekly), I can live with a queue debuff for ppl who quit, but only for those who quit after the WZ has begun.


If they quit in the spawn zone beforehand, they should not be punished. if I see someone or a group of people who I know are derps or trolls or whatever, I have every right to choose not to play with them without being penalized for it.



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