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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Your sig got me :)


Classic movie with so many memorable quotes...Val Kilmer was superb :)




Thank you! I put it up as a subconsciousness suggestion to all the people who say they hate the game for this or that reason. Thought it might help them come to the conclusion they should maybe just move on. ;)

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The Failed Trolling sound like your title of choice.


So you choose to label an industry standard business practise as a "scam" because you want to have your cake and eat it...and I am the troll?


That's not even disingenuous it's down right shameful...


Do you finish a meal leaving one last mouthful and THEN send it back to the kitchen claiming there is something wrong with it too?


How about BW give you £5 wirth of CC and then downgrade all your toons back to 50 and remove any and all items and gear you have obtained in the 5-6 months that you have been happily playing RoTHC...how does that sound? Sounds fair to me...



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... based on the forum postings these past few days. Not to be taken seriously. :rak_09:


The Slapped-in-the-Face

The Paid Agitator

The Paid Fanboy

The Bad Timer (bought RotHC a day or two before the cutoff date for the 1050cc)


Eh, I'm sure there are others.


The best ones.

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The Paid Agitator

I wonder if anyone believes in this one, as how many instances have you heard of Gamespot (lulz) being paid off to review a game poorly?


Not only that but it's not like other game devs feel threatened by SWTOR or other MMOs, most are 'struggling' anyways and it really seems like Blizzard can get away with anything.

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The Bugged - for sending in 100 bug reports on live servers

The Testy - for sending in 100 bug reports on PTS

The Canned - for getting 100 canned responses to tickets not related to bugs (too easy otherwise)


The Crash Pilot - for 50 crashes at the end of flashpoints (BT/Esseles/Foundry etc.)


The Uninspired - for 50 unsuccessful naming attempts


The Commoner - Reaching level 50/55 on one character without choosing an advanced class

The Classy - Reaching level 50/55 with all classes without choosing an advanced class

The Unskilled - reaching level 50/55 without talking to any of the crew skill trainers

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The Speeder Lot - Have more than 20 speeders unlocked

The Tired - Spend more than 5 hours in the /chair emote

The Twitchy - Accumulate 100 global cooldown failures

The Cheezy - Acquire the killing blow on a world boss you aren't grouped for


Legacy Titles


It Burns When I Gree - Sell more than 25 Gree Trophies after reaching max rank.

I lost My Wife/Husband For This - Have over 1000 Companion deaths while in a romance.

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Haha, this thread is pretty amazing, I like it. My personal fav so far is...


...only because it is literal (you are entitled, because you have a title), but it is also a pun. I love me some puns.




Oh Eric, you crazy CM you. This is not going to end well. *Puts helmet on*

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To piggyback off that:


"The Exhausted" Earned with 5 or more deaths by accidentally running into exhaustion zones.


or not so accidentally as the case would be.


Favorite - Earned by rolling multiple toons of the same class and advanced class

The Stuck - Earned by getting "stuck" X number of times

The Mysterious - not sure what it could be given for, but sounds cool

NPC Hater - Earned by getting to level 55 without completing past the prologue part of a toon's storyline. (for PVP only toons)

Completeist (spelling?) - Earned by doing every planetary story quest, heroic quest, and flashpoint for all planets and levels in your faction.

The Provoker - Earned by healing an NPC that an opposing faction player is trying to kill.

Edited by Stretchie
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FIRST <anything>

For those that need to be well FIRST!



for those that sub, unsub, sub again.



swap out x number of items from a single piece of armor


the Vain

Purchase and swap out N number of dyes


the Whale

spend $1000 on CM

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