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  1. I'm split between what is easier 1. You guys actually reverting gearing back to pre 5.0 2. Me creating a time machine to go forward in a future when you have actually reverted gearing back to 5.0 1 actually sounds easier but 2 certainly sounds faster.
  2. But this doesn't matter. To quote BW So it doesn't matter if you or I can tell the difference. What matter is if BW can and what they do after that. And they choose not to punish anyone. From my point of view i'll be free to document an "accidental" exploit and should expect not to be punished since i did it unintentionally. It's precedent for "accidental" uses that you'll be able to document.
  3. You gain X CXP from factured. Cheating the boss rewards you with a 25% faster kill. Hence you get a 25% freebie. Unless you're too slow and do fractured in more than 6-8mins. You are wrong to emphasize on the CXP the boss gives you. The completion time is what matters. You do it faster so you earn more in the long run. Someone who is not cheating and using the cartel CXP booster will gain the same amount of CXP with someone that is cheating and not using the cartel booster in the same amount of time. You focus on the CXP the boss gives so that your cheating seems small. Guess what, wasn't born yesterday.
  4. You are getting a freebie. A 25% one. No matter how you dress it up it still is a freebie.
  5. But that's a non answer. Anyone can exploit accidentally. What you do against someone who is intentionally taking advantage of said exploit is what matters. And BW is not doing anything against them in case they "harm" someone who accidentally exploited . The problem is that in a future exploit i should take advantage and shouldn't get harm since those who accidentally took part in it shouldn't be harmed just because i cheated. It's a cheat no matter how you phrase it, no matter how big or small an advantage you gain, no matter if everyone participated by accident or by intention (and everyone who did it did do it intentionally, doing it once is accident, twice maybe to check if its bug or whatever, more than thrice is exploiting). It is precedent and a bad one.
  6. But this is precedent now. Why shouldn't someone misuse a future bug/exploit that will run under same circumstances as this one? There was a freebie with Nefra, now we get another one? So we should expect to get one per 4 major exploits? Its an exploit, it should be treated as one. If not, future exploits should be treated as this one.
  7. There is no reason for this to happen. His guild could do cheap character transfers up until last week (90cc cost). They could transfer the bulk of their characters then. He chose to stay so he could get the Galaxy Conqueror achievement on a dead server. Don't enable such bad behaviors. They should stay on the server he wrote they should stay on only 10 days ago (a whole 10 days!!!!) People warn about him, ppl didnt listen.
  8. Λίγα λόγια για εμάς Οι Odyssey είναι το μεγαλύτερο ελληνικό Republic guild στο SWTOR. Βρισκόμαστε στον σέρβερ Tomb of Freedon Nadd και ασχολούμαστε κυρίως με το pve κομμάτι του παιχνιδιού, αν και έχουμε casual και pvp-only μέλη. Σκοπός μας είναι να έχουμε μια φιλική κοινότητα με συνεργασία ανάμεσα στα μέλη μας και να διασκεδάζουμε στο SWTOR. Playstyle Δεν είμασταν ουτε και θα γίνουμε ποτέ ελιστιστές! Βοηθάμε όλα τα μέλη μας που ενδιαφέρονται να συμμετάσχουν στα operation μας και τα εκτιμούμε περισσότερο από την πρόοδο μας. Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που έχουμε υιοθετήσει ενα πιο casual τρόπο να κάνουμε τα operation μας. Παρόλα αυτά και παρά τις δυσκολίες που παρουσιάζει ο μικρός αριθμός ελλήνων παιχτών είμαστε περήφανοι για την συνεχή μας μέχρι σήμερα πρόοδο στα operation του SWTOR. Τι ψάχνουμε? Ψάχνουμε έλληνες παίχτες ανεξάρτητα από ικανότητα και εμπειρία σε mmorpg με μοναδική προυπόθεση να έχουν μια ώριμη παρουσία και να συνεισφέρουν στο guild. Όποιος ενδιαφέρεται να γίνει μέλος του guild μας μπορεί να κάνει μια αίτηση στο site μας odyssey-guild.eu ή να μιλήσει σε κάποιον από τους ακόλουθους officer μας στο παιχνίδι (Boeotian, Demian, Galliant και Jun'ta).
  9. Λίγα λόγια για εμάς Οι Odyssey είναι το μεγαλύτερο ελληνικό Republic guild στο SWTOR. Βρισκόμαστε στον σέρβερ Tomb of Freedon Nadd και ασχολούμαστε κυρίως με το pve κομμάτι του παιχνιδιού, αν και έχουμε casual και pvp-only μέλη. Σκοπός μας είναι να έχουμε μια φιλική κοινότητα με συνεργασία ανάμεσα στα μέλη μας και να διασκεδάζουμε στο SWTOR. Playstyle Δεν είμασταν ουτε και θα γίνουμε ποτέ ελιστιστές! Βοηθάμε όλα τα μέλη μας που ενδιαφέρονται να συμμετάσχουν στα operation μας και τα εκτιμούμε περισσότερο από την πρόοδο μας. Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που έχουμε υιοθετήσει ενα πιο casual τρόπο να κάνουμε τα operation μας. Παρόλα αυτά και παρά τις δυσκολίες που παρουσιάζει ο μικρός αριθμός ελλήνων παιχτών είμαστε περήφανοι για την συνεχή μας μέχρι σήμερα πρόοδο στα operation του SWTOR. Τι ψάχνουμε? Ψάχνουμε έλληνες παίχτες ανεξάρτητα από ικανότητα και εμπειρία σε mmorpg με μοναδική προυπόθεση να έχουν μια ώριμη παρουσία και να συνεισφέρουν στο guild. Όποιος ενδιαφέρεται να γίνει μέλος του guild μας μπορεί να κάνει μια αίτηση στο site μας odyssey-guild.eu ή να μιλήσει σε κάποιον από τους ακόλουθους officer μας στο παιχνίδι (Boeotian, Galliant και Jun'ta).
  10. The 31 points drop seems like 28 from a blue augment and 28*6% from the tree. Did you move out one maybe? changed an item, got an overkill one isnted perhaps?
  11. The knight buff (Force Might) increases bonus damage and healing done by 5%. The consular buff (Force Valor) is the one that increases the main stats by 5%, alongside damage reduction by 10% for internal/elemental. So it's correct when your main stat doesn't increase from Force Might.
  12. At least find the decency after your response to update the patch notes indicating that this extremely crucial fix General Missions The Fate of Theoretika (Imperial): While completing [HEROIC 2+] Directive: Activate Assassination Protocols, players who are not the phase owner will no longer see "Not eligible for this conversation" when attempting to collect the Datalogs required to complete this bonus mission. will revert any progress made to either Republic or Imperial HK missions. Or will we have to wait a couple weeks to get another response like the sorcs had to after your sweet first response there?
  13. Totally unacceptable answer. There is time and in game credits wasted. Find an appropriate solution and don't ever post something like this again
  14. 6 chars affected for a total of 21 parts. Thank you once again
  15. The Loremaster The Beastmaster Oh wait. They are in game but unobtainable due to bugs.... meant features sorry Very sorry to everyone for whining here. Though a lit whiny and trollish thread it's very amusing and fun. Kudos to the op
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