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the SUPER but still fairly secret space project! Where's the buzz?!


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Firstly here's the trailer for those who havn't seen it.


Ok so this teaser trailer for the Super Secret Space Project was revealed at the Seattle cantina event and then posted online on august 31st. Not by bioware's official youtube page or on facebook but rather some other youtuber.


The video itself has a measly 30k views. Many of the comments on the video are possitve thou there are still haters of course. But where is the hype behind this? Or should I say why is there no hype about it and why hasn't bioware broadcasted this for the people?


Every so often I ask on the fleet when it's jam packed what people think of the SSSP trailer and people have no clue what I'm talkin about and the main overall response I get is like "what trailer!?"


Which really baffles me. So many people since launch now been saying they want proper space combat and not a rail shooter. We get a trailer for it and hardly anybody knows about it which is stunning.


I dunno, maybe it's cuz it's not officially posted by bioware and publicized yet and it's still in the shadows is the reason behind this which I'm hoping. But more importantly why would Bioware put this out at a cantina event and then not make it mainstream? I'm really confused, I thought a trailer like this would have upwards of hundreds of thousands of views by now. :confused:

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It's a bit early for buzz IMO.


But the teasers have at least permitted most to let go of the chew-toy about "Wheres the SSSP!!??"


People who are interested know it's coming now. Don't know when or how.. or final details.. so not much to get worked up about yet.

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It is my opinion that mos of the people that play TOR do not visit the official forums or fan sites like dulfy BEFORE anything new and spectacular comes out. They first find out about changes when they are implemented, not before.


I also believe that some who used to keep an eye on upcoming changes have stopped, because they became tired of the dissapointment when reality does not live up to the hype. Some updates are excellent, some aren't. If you aren't paying attention to what is coming, there won't be any dissapointment when things go live.


I would like to stop paying attention as well, but I like finding out everything I can early a little bit more.

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I'm holding out hope that this is going to be part of 3.0 and that it will be within the next 4 months.


I believe it would be a strong enough project to be a 6-8 week update on it's own, but as space and pvp are both niche markets, hopefully it's not counted on to be the content for a longer period than that.


What I am excited for is that I think it could be something we all dabble in a bit for years to come, I just don't see it as something I'd play all day ever though.

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Projects, could, JTL exceeded most people's almost 10 years ago. On this engine, with these devs, outlook not so good.

You are correct. I'll adjust my post to properly limit the scope.


It's like Dec 2011 all over again. So many unrealistic expectations... so much disappointment incoming.

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We burned up most of our buzz in the pre release of 2011. Then the rest of the buzz has been slowly eaten away by patches and a DCL. For the "Space Project" we are being very consciously optimistic.


If we don't get our hopes up then maybe it won't seem that bad

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What was JTL anyway and why are so many people expecting SSSP to be it/not be it?


The Jump To Lightspeed expansion for Star Wars Galaxies in 2005ish? I forget the date. It let players opt into a new profession of shipwright, build, customize and buy/sell player-made spaceships, you could take them from one planet to any other planet, bypassing the existing planetary shuttles(think zeppelins from WoW or boats in EQ). While in space, you could engage in ship combat with other players and do missions against PVE content in space. If you were a solo player you might have a tiny ship, but rich guilds would collaborate to make a BIG ship and man the controls and gun turrets separately. It was very open-ended.

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It's a bit early for buzz IMO.


But the teasers have at least permitted most to let go of the chew-toy about "Wheres the SSSP!!??"


People who are interested know it's coming now. Don't know when or how.. or final details.. so not much to get worked up about yet.


We agree!


(see, it's not that hard to admit I'm right ;) )

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Forum Goers:

What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening



Why should you want to know?

Don't you mind about the future, don't you try to think ahead

Save tomorrow for tomorrow, think about today instead


Forum Goers:

What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening



I could give you facts and figures

I could give you plans and forecasts

Even tell you where I'm going -


Forum Goers:

When do we fly into Super Secret Space?



Why should you want to know?

Why are you obsessed with flying in space

And fates you can't defy?

If you knew the path we're riding you'd

Understand it less then I

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The Jump To Lightspeed expansion for Star Wars Galaxies in 2005ish? I forget the date. It let players opt into a new profession of shipwright, build, customize and buy/sell player-made spaceships, you could take them from one planet to any other planet, bypassing the existing planetary shuttles(think zeppelins from WoW or boats in EQ). While in space, you could engage in ship combat with other players and do missions against PVE content in space. If you were a solo player you might have a tiny ship, but rich guilds would collaborate to make a BIG ship and man the controls and gun turrets separately. It was very open-ended.


So... a mini EvE?


That does sound a bit much for the SWTOR engine.

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So... a mini EvE?


That does sound a bit much for the SWTOR engine.

The spiritual predecessors would be closer to the X-Wing or Tie Fighter PC space sims with an added crafting and customization component. You could even walk around on the larger ships.


Now I'm getting all nostalgic for my YT-1300. I think I had more fun customizing the interior than I had getting my group into fights with it... heh.

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Oh, the buzz is coming.

People are going to hear "it's great" and believe that this is going to be the Second Coming. They'll watch videos and listen to interviews from the devs selling their new product and then immediately create unrealistic expectations only to have them crushed when the final product doesn't live up to their impossible expectations. And then they'll blame EA, the Devs, the Cartelm Market, BW, George Lucas, Disney, Obama etc etc because of it.


Just another day in Swtorland.


I'm so going to get flamed for this but, frankly, although I hope people enjoy it when it's released, I don't really see this being a success for Bioware and I'm kind of hoping that it won't be.


I understand some people's desire for free space combat, but this is an MMORPG. There are other games that are designed around free space combat and they will always remain a better choice than playing SWTOR for the free space combat. In this game, space combat is a mini-game, it's not the game itself and as every mini-game in a large RPG, it shouldn't take up as much of the Devs time as a new Operation, new story content, new PVP maps, new planets and quests do.

Edited by TheNahash
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Oh, the buzz is coming.

People are going to hear "it's great" and believe that this is going to be the Second Coming. They'll watch videos and listen to interviews from the devs selling their new product and then immediately create unrealistic expectations only to have them crushed when the final product doesn't live up to their impossible expectations. And then they'll blame EA, the Devs, the Cartelm Market, BW, George Lucas, Disney, Obama etc etc because of it.


Just another day in Swtorland.


I'm so going to get flamed for this but, frankly, although I hope people enjoy it when it's released, I don't really see this being a success for Bioware and I'm kind of hoping that it won't be.


I understand some people's desire for free space combat, but this is an MMORPG. There are other games that are designed around free space combat and they will always remain a better choice than playing SWTOR for the free space combat. In this game, space combat is a mini-game, it's not the game itself and as every mini-game in a large RPG, it shouldn't take up as much of the Devs time as a new Operation, new story content, new PVP maps, new planets and quests do.


Erm, I role-play a space pirate smuggler that doesn't really get to do much in space. I'd like more rpg elements that involve space, in my space going role play game. That's all I'm looking for.

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