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Something fishy is happening on the bastion republic side


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I was killed in the bottom, not on there spawn ledge


How long did you have the ball? You can only carry the ball so long or it auto kills you. If you look at the chat box in the SS it doesn't list the attacker. The only time you get that is with a auto-kill mechanic.

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I wasn't carrying the ball. I was Hack Kill, plain and simple


Last time I checked none of the AC's had a ability called Kill, and trust me you can't hack abilities or add new ones, its all server side. It could be a glich or bug, but your up by four so I don't think it matters

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Looks like people are being pulled up to the enemy spawn location (you can't score from up there if you have the ball either). It's an instant kill.


If I remember correctly the spawn location gives you a message that you were killed by 0 damage, kinda like PvE one-shot mechanics.

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you were pulled up, you didnt see the animation because the moment he clicked pull the system knew to kill you just like force leaping a lightning sorc you dont see the leap it just feezes for a moment and then your stunned in front of them. And it didnt say who killed you because it was the system that killed you theirs fall damage, fire damage, acid damage, and ofcourse when you enter part of the map your not allowed to, KILL damage.
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Held the ball too long maybe?


Ok, so you said you weren't holding the ball. Next question, did you try to force leap on someone that was still on the spawn ledge?


I guess you could have been pulled up there too, the guy might have jumped down just before you SS'ed, the vanguard up there wouldn't have been who did it though, it would have been on CD and it looks like he's harpooning as you took the SS.

Edited by beattlebilly
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The same thing happened to me, but I play on the Harbinger so I doubt it's a hack - probably a bug.


Anyway, I didn't have the ball but our team did. I was standing in mid with full health when I engaged a sorc. He hit me once and I insta-died. The log said I was hit by (blank) with kill for 68k dmg.

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you were pulled up, you didnt see the animation because the moment he clicked pull the system knew to kill you just like force leaping a lightning sorc you dont see the leap it just feezes for a moment and then your stunned in front of them. And it didnt say who killed you because it was the system that killed you theirs fall damage, fire damage, acid damage, and ofcourse when you enter part of the map your not allowed to, KILL damage.


You can't be pulled up there.

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The fact that you were killed by yourself means something in the environment insta killed you. I've heard rumours of the Lightning Sorc bubble being buggy atm and instead of blinding you it insta kills you, although it is very rare. There are no hacks that could allow that much damage to be done by a player and the only things capable of hitting those numbers are the environment or Ni bosses that hit enrage timers
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