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20 bucks for a one use dye, REALLY?


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The whole point of Black-Black dye is its rarity.


It's not a particularly pretty shade of black, most armors look better in two colors... but what it does have going for it is rarity. They made it cost twice as much as the other dye for a reason.


Black-Black goes for 3+ million on the GTN on some servers. If it were something reasonable like 300 coins... admit it, how many of those complaining would be buying it just to sell it in-game?

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So it costst twice as much for a single use dye module than rothc? rofl

I've seen very few level 50's in 61-63 gear around, which anyone without RotHC would quickly earn.

Or even if we count whatever rare f2ps that can't get the AEA... just no 50's in all-50 blues.


This means everyone and their dog have RotHC. Zero exclusivity.


For Black-Black dye, think more along the lines of VIP Wristband.

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This means everyone and their dog have RotHC. Zero exclusivity.


It's an expansion, of course everyone has it.


But seriously, $20 is £12/£13 at the moment - that's madness. As in, mind-bogglingly short-sighted and money grubbing. Who thought that was a good idea?

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Saw this coming a mile away...first people were ************ that it was unobtainable, now they ***** because it cost too much. If it were too cheap they would ***** about it not being rare enough (rare is what it is designed to be). Bottom line is that you have multiple ways to obtain it.


Or you can choose NOT TO. No one has you over a barrel forcing you to spend your cartel coins or your in-game credits....

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That's actually cheaper than the typical market conversion prices I see (100cc = 100k credits).


Not terribly surprising.


Yep seems a little questionable at first but once you look at the math it's a better deal than what's already available; especially considering you can buy it straight-up. This will probably even lower the price of it on the GTN as well, or at least make it more consistent. The dye system probably needs some sort of overhaul in general, but this isn't anymore outrageous than what's already there.

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Wait till they're on sale?


Really, if they were 5 bucks, I'd bet more people would spring for them and BW/EA would make more money through sheer quantity through perceived accessibility.


However if they are trying to match the price in game of direct CC conversion to credits at a current going rate - if anything they're cheap.

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Normally I'd open with the phrase "I'd hate to say it." or something rather, but even I have to agree that paying $20 bucks for a single dye that cannot even be reused is damn insulting. It's moves like this that keep people at odds with how much involvement they want to continue to have with the game, which is quite stupid when you think about it really, but still has a semi serious effect. Also.. It keeps people hating the CM and rightfully so.. .


There are better ways to handle rarity. However that would intell make it reusable. They want people to pay $20 bucks for a dye? Well then it had damn-well better be reusable at the players discretion. Not trade-able, Not something to be sold on the GTN after some ridiculously long bound timer either. But bound to the toon it was purchased on at that time. It keeps it rare while making it worth while and worthy of considering spending $20 on it.


The people in charge of the CM really need to get it together.

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I notice that lots of folks are complaining about the current price, but do not want to offer suggestions for alternate prices or setups.


So here is what I suggest...I will create a list of suggestions from folks on what they think the price should be and/or whether or not it should be part of a collection.


Here is my suggestion


Suggestion 1: Keep at it's current price but make it collectable, or reduce the price of the b/b and w/w by 50 percent.


If you guys would like to offer specific suggestions on how this should be handled, I will add it to the list so we can all discuss the different options and see if we can come to a consensus.

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I notice that lots of folks are complaining about the current price, but do not want to offer suggestions for alternate prices or setups.


So here is what I suggest...I will create a list of suggestions from folks on what they think the price should be and/or whether or not it should be part of a collection.


Here is my suggestion


Suggestion 1: Keep at it's current price but make it collectable, or reduce the price of the b/b and w/w by 50 percent.


If you guys would like to offer specific suggestions on how this should be handled, I will add it to the list so we can all discuss the different options and see if we can come to a consensus.


You clearly didn't read my post.

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Leave stupid people to continue buying packs, more and more packs, so i can buy them for credit, so they have more money and we see more content. It works fine. If a guy is so stupid to pay 20 bucks for a single use dye... leave it pay, more money to them, more content to us. End of the story.
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Here is my suggestion


Suggestion 1: Keep at it's current price but make it collectable, or reduce the price of the b/b and w/w by 50 percent.


Personally I'd say reduce it to 350CC (the price of one of the multi-packs of stuff) and keep it as a one use. Make another one at 700CC that's reusable. Have that as a benchmark for making rare/popular dyes in the future, with popular dyes being cheaper than the "rare" dyes.


Add more colours.

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well they could also be doing a bait and switch, start off at 2000 CC let us fume and rant, then "lower" the price to say 1000 CC the original price they wanted,If they offered it at 1000 CC we would complain,this way they can say we "heard" your and adjusted the price, we feel like we won, they laugh all the way to the bank
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Personally I'd say reduce it to 350CC (the price of one of the multi-packs of stuff) and keep it as a one use. Make another one at 700CC that's reusable. Have that as a benchmark for making rare/popular dyes in the future, with popular dyes being cheaper than the "rare" dyes.


Add more colours.


Would you want both colors at that price point? Remember, black commands more interest than white IMO.


Hmmm, why instead if giving only 1 USE, they give us a pack, like, 2 or 3? even with the price as it is, the rarity will be mantained, and I would look better the price tag.


I will add that to the suggested change list if you would like.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I notice that lots of folks are complaining about the current price, but do not want to offer suggestions for alternate prices or setups.


Suggestion 1: Keep at it's current price but make it collectable


a lot of people have suggested this already

Edited by oaceen
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