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Why all the ugly PvE armor?


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More like Guild Wars than Star Wars




hk-51 Crysis game skin, a recycled trooper gear with a stupid box on it ( why, bioware? why? ) and a MICKEY MOUSE COSTUME YAY


Yes we know you can take out mods and put them into whatever you want, but in my opinion these new possible PvE set models are ridiculous. If you showed them to someone who doesnt play this game, they'd have no idea it was Star Wars.


Why can't bioware put a bit more effort into these armor sets...you might as well just give us the mods and armorings and enhancements separately instead of making me pay like 35k credits to take them all out the ugly armor in my opinion.


But hey, at least the new possible pve and pvp gear isnt recycled versions of the last tier ones.


Some people (like me) actually want to show off their gear and in game achievements to people but are disappointed because the gear is UGLY...


This is all in my opinion.

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The gear in this game is 50/50 for me. Half of it I really like, the other half is fraking horrible. It's always a mixed bag, just like every other MMO's gear. To be fair though, half the reason the gear isn't that bad is due to the cartel market. Otherwise, it would be pretty bad, since most of the tier sets look pretty horrible. The ROTHC sets are better than pre-xpac, but sill. Mixed bag.


I actually really like the Hallowed Gothic set except for the helm. The stupid bat helm is zarking stupid. Otherwise it's really well done, and I'll definitely pick the chest/pants up for my sorc to wear :D


Well, lets be honest here...who didn't see this thread coming? Nobody? Yeah.


They look good. Colouring is off imho...so long as they're dyeable...all is good. Besides...you apparently weren't here at launch. Armour was worse.


^^^ This.


I don't miss those tionese/columi/rakata sorc pieces at all. LOLTRIANGLEMAN.

Edited by Arenatah
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Oh hey, I can finally turn my knight into a bat... and my trooper, well... guess it's back to cartel market armor. Once again, the art department threw the baby out with the bath water. Why oh why, can't they put this stuff up on Facebook or some other place for votes. Apparently the gear design supervisor is as blind as the bat armor that he approved.


Rated this thread a five because it's a valid question why their art department can't get the armor right.

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They look good.


If you are blind, or don't know what Star Wars is.


At release it was worse? At release we had for most classes the same armor copypaste-designed five times. Thats just a bit different to now. Now they combine parts from various armor to a 'new' one.


PvE and PvP armor ist still ugly, like it was at release.


The good looking you get in cartel market packs.

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I think the only way to look decent in this game, is to mix and match whatever pieces you like together, to make your own look, and pray they're dye-able so you can customize that too.


Players need to be more creative and not depend so much on the designs they throw at us, because, they do pretty much suck as a whole, but there are individual pieces you can make work with other things.

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If you are blind, or don't know what Star Wars is.


At release it was worse? At release we had for most classes the same armor copypaste-designed five times. Thats just a bit different to now. Now they combine parts from various armor to a 'new' one.


PvE and PvP armor ist still ugly, like it was at release.


The good looking you get in cartel market packs.


So you like the Inquisitor Tionese / Columi / Rakata helm and chest huh? Good for you. Some people like looking like Shaman triangles.

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Forgot to rate the thread. Apparently we can't 1 star :/


Saying you are rating the thread and trying to give it one star because you don't agree with my opinion (or most likely you don't like the fact I have an opinion) is very childish IMO. :rolleyes: You should have just voted and said nothing about it. You seem rather annoyed i'm able to post things you don't agree with :) You like the armor? Cool, maybe you need to realise other people don't like it.


Also, saying that has nothing to do with the thread topic, so please read the rules before you start posting. It's considered hijacking and spam, you could have easily edited your first post. :)


Thanks have a nice day :)

Edited by Ayelinna
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Well, lets be honest here...who didn't see this thread coming? Nobody? Yeah.


They look good. Colouring is off imho...so long as they're dyeable...all is good. Besides...you apparently weren't here at launch. Armour was worse.


I WAS HERE at launch, don't dare say that the new gear is better than the original pvp and pve gear sets. At least they had thought put into them and Bioware hadn't resorted to what they are doing now with giving both factions the same gear in different colors. The new gear is thoughtless and in my opinion an atrocity compared to the original in game gear. I liked the old gear tot he point that before removal I stockpiled as much as I could on my back then 50's.


The point is the new stuff is garbage, for a jedi or sith its not bad, but it doesn't even look like what any of the non force user classes would wear. BIOWARE IF YOU ARE READING THIs GIVE US BACK THE LOOOK OF THE OLD BATTLEMASTER AND RAKATA SETS BY GIVING US THE SHELLS OR SOMETHING, AND PLEASE DON"T MAKE IT A LITTLE MARKETING OPPORTUNITY BY CHARGING 1000 CARTEL COINS FOR EACH ONE

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Saying you are rating the thread and trying to give it one star because you don't agree with my opinion (or most likely you don't like the fact I have an opinion) is very childish IMO. :rolleyes: You should have just voted and said nothing about it. You seem rather annoyed i'm able to post things you don't agree with :) You like the armor? Cool, maybe you need to realise other people don't like it.


Also, saying that has nothing to do with the thread topic, so please read the rules before you start posting. It's considered hijacking and spam, you could have easily edited your first post. :)


Thanks have a nice day :)


ignore that guy he just a troll and being childish

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Ayelinna complaining about something here? That's so rare I just had to post.


Now if it'd been anybody else then I would've agreed, but since it's Ayelinna, I am just going to put my hands on my ears and go: LA LALA LA LAA LAAA LA LA LAA LAAA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just like I said it on the other thread.... terrible :/ I really want to keep playing this game, but all the good looking gear goes to Cartel and all the stuff we earn in game is ugly and lazy. I can't see myself wanting to earn anything. Edited by Heaviermetal
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I WAS HERE at launch,


then you are aware how much everyone hated it, all links are from early 2012 just after launch and all full of complaints about how gear looks the only difference is now you guys act all righteous and blame some conspiracy theory involving the cartel market, like its gear isn't 90% hideous too [how are those "wings" and the helmet on your awesome cybernetic gear :rolleyes: is that star wars enough for you] your guys constant complaining is getting old















Edited by Vis-Tecum
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I hate the new basic comm sets. I have no idea what the BH set is...Am I a burn victim? or did i lose a fight to a raccoon?:rak_02:...really miss the tion/ rakata/ dread gear...but whatever. I will wait and hope that they will someday bring back the shells.

But I think the one thing i would like to see is the ability to dye Lore items (Revan's, Mandalore for example) I know it wouldnt make sense lore-wise to dye them...but come on...lore has been taking a left turn lately. why not? idk. just my opinion.

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Just like I said it on the other thread.... terrible :/ I really want to keep playing this game, but all the good looking gear goes to Cartel and all the stuff we earn in game is ugly and lazy. I can't see myself wanting to earn anything.


Most of that stuff you can get on the gtn anyways. The in game stuff is generally more for the stats really. Like it or hate it, but the CM is probably an important part of why this game didn't crash and die last year. As long as they keep it to cosmetics, I'm ok.

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