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the real game ends with end of class story


the people quitting not because endgame content is not challenging enough, it is because class story content is much better )


most of us played a lot of endgame dailies, rep grinds, etc. in other mmos and got bored with that already

Edited by elstaar
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The hardcore players will always be bored. If you started wow today, you would be in heaven for a LONG while, then get bored. If you started wow when it started, you are probably still bored. SWTOR has not been out a super long time and it is growing. They are releasing several small updates and adding different types of things. Some people like certain ones and others don't. In a few years, they content will be a lot more vast, but we are in really at a fairly early stage.

Every game site you go on people say that the game is dieing. Really tired of hearing that this and every other game is dying. I am in end game content and starting NiMs just now. There are lots of areas for dailies, there is PvP, hutball, 8 class stories, datacrons, world bosses, dreadtooth, have you done all the missions on every planet, treasure hunting, have you gotten the pleasure speeder, have you earned all the operation/boss speeders, have you tried to collect full gear sets from flashpoints, have you tried for the rare crystal, have you done the storyline of all your companions, got both tauntauns, have you tried to get your reps all up, have you tried to get some of the harder titles or achievements.... I am sure there are plenty that I have not brought up. But, there are a lot of things I feel and they are trying to bring out more, but if you are super hardcore, sorry, no game will be able to sustain you really if you burn yourself out on everything as soon as it comes out.


Have you tried to make a server wide event with races, pvp, find the jedi, treasure hunting.... etc etc

Take some control ourself and use some of the stuff bioware has given us to do fun things.


Consider like eating 30 kilograms of icecream in one setting... Yeah, it's awesome in the beginning, but you wil get tired of it quickly, but throw in some pizza and other tastes and suddenly it is much better. But, I do feel that BioWare is not doing a bad job and no matter how fast they release stuff, people will certainly go crazily fast through it.

Edited by Krytie
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Indeed, I believe many went through rise of the hutt cartell in a day.


I pity those people who cant stop to enjoy something and must rush towards the ending. Probably wont enjoy any movie made before 2000 then since they'd find it too slow paced.

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OP: Go play another game for awhile. It's that simple. There are dozens of very high quality MMOs out there that only require a download and $15 for a month's sub. Take a break from SWTOR. It will still be here, just like all the other MMOs that people claim(ed) are dead or dying.


Being a content locust means that you have to accept that no game will ever be able to satisfy you fully. That's OK, you can easily cap out in 2-3 games at a time, and you will then never run out of content.

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Very few games single player or MMO last forever (maybe one type exception are crazy team games like Team Fortress games like that can last you a life time of fun playing them ad-hoc ). As you have done all there is to do you just need to take time out come back in 6 Months or whatever and re-roll by that time you may have forgotten how to play well and have to start the learning process over.


I do agree there needs to be more to do end game. Maybe a design your own operation function. Raced operation mode between the rep and imp sides first team to defeat all mobs and bosses wins the loot that is put into a shared pot, that sort of thing. Guilds is defo something that needs expanding with PVP Guild battles.


There is lots that can be done, but I am not holding my breath for such things to happen any time soon if atall. The focus seems fairly and squarely focused on getting the bucks in through the Cartel Market, biggest returns ratios for the smallest investment back into the game basically. :cool:

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OP is too good for her/his own good.


Some of us try to enjoy the ride, and avoid space-bar'ing every convo in sight. Like you, I clear the H2+ FPs in CZ-198 solo, and continue to do so for some degree of challenge (though not much), and, of course, fun. Some people are crazy good at PvE (like yourself OP), some are insanely OP'd in PvP, others are merely good enough in either/or - or, at times, mediocre - and then there are those that are absolutely terri-bad. My point is that different players bring different levels of skill and gameplay with them to the game. Like others have said, maybe you just need to take a break from this game. Get out of the house. Meet some people. Go out on some dates. Enjoy life - 'cuz, if you're not careful, it can pass you by in the blink of an eye.



Also, this guy...

I do agree there needs to be more to do end game. Maybe a design your own operation function. Raced operation mode between the rep and imp sides first team to defeat all mobs and bosses wins the loot that is put into a shared pot, that sort of thing. Guilds is defo something that needs expanding with PVP Guild battles.

...has some great ideas. Can we get these implemented please BioWare?



Oh, speaking of skill disparities, I offer a fun little fact:


There is a fairly large guild in an obscure server tucked away in the corner of SW:TOR. The population of that guild is nearly maxed (somewhere between 400-500 toons). As such, they have like half-a-dozen 8-Man Progression Raid Groups set up ... to progress through ... level 55 ... STORY MODE operations (that's right: progression in content released 6 months - to - a year ago) ... just to get to the [weekly] (and sometimes will go further, but will always fail to finish the op). It will take them about 2 hours and 10 wipes to get there -- each week, and every raid. LAWL. W.T.H? ... My sides exploded when I heard that -- and from their sister guild, no less, who see them as an embarrassment. Oh ... wow.


Thankfully, that guild full of bads are all grouped together and rarely interfere with other raids that happen on their side of the server. They see no reason to ever leave that guild, and are blissfully ignorant to everyone's opinions of them; because, as far as they are concerned, they are having fun and recognizing some degree of achievement (in the form of commendations and [weekly] quest completions). As a happy happenstance, that guild has become both a blessing (to those on the outside) and a curse (to those poor toons trapped within). But the curse is a transparent reality to them. Ergo, bads never know that they are bad.

Edited by PifferPuff
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Over the past month, I have witnessed 18 people leave SWTOR to begin playing other MMO's. The main reason for these people leaving was "I am bored". Everyone who left has level 55 characters that are maxed out in gear, reputation, and completed all the hardmodes and most of the nightmare pve content.


As a PVE endgame player, once I hit level 55, I began developing my perfect min/maxed gear which only took a month or so. Now that I have cleared almost all the operations on a nightmare level, there is nothing to do. I really don't want to give up on SWTOR, but I can see why everyone is moving on to new games, there is just nothing to do. I have 6 level 55 toons, all are fully geared out with perfect stats. Considering most of the people who I schedule operations with left, there isn't anything else to do.


My suggestion is:

We need MORE content, more expansions, more leveling, new flashpoints, new operations! You gave us Czerka. I solo'd the Czerka story mode flashpoints the first day. It takes less than 30 minutes to complete the dailies on Czerka. I am already champion level with Czerka and find it painful to do every day. Its just too simple.


I am on the PTS. I have seen what will be coming soon and can already say its too boring. I cleared the operation the first night, in a group of complete strangers who had never done it before. This just wont be enough to keep people interested. Considering my lack of experience, compared to those who have played games for many years, this content should NOT be so simple. Make hardmode what it is supposed to be - difficult.

Another suggestion:

Getting gear should be more of a challenge. Because of the legacy gear, gearing is not a challenge anymore. Remember the speeder awarded for completing all of the operations in hard mode? This was a great example of a challenge. We should have to do more to get more! One suggestion, don't make all the gear boss drops. It would be a lot more rewarding to get a relic, or a set bonus piece that is given only to those who have cleared the all the content in hard or nightmare mode.


And lastly- those of us who are level 55, geared out to the max, need something to do. Standing around on the fleet all day, staring at general chat just isn't keeping people interested. I know there are dailies and flashpoints to do, but why would I want to do them? Credits... comms....Why do I need credits? There is nothing to buy with credits. Basic comms? The only thing worth buying is isotopes, which I dont need because I got the gear so easily in the operations. Crafting? Why would I want to craft? To get credits? There is nothing to buy with credits. Anything credits can buy, you can get with cartel coins- which I get every month for free.


we need more. please..


People who only want to get to the end get bored fast, there is so much to doa nd explore, I find exploration type missions all the time, am no where near discovering the entire game, but it happens on every mmo, for those who only want the best egar and to go as fast as they can through their story line skipping most the rest, i get you say people are bored withthat, I have seen swo many go through things ina day or week without even watchign the movies hitting space bar nonstop even if they never saw it before, skipping everything but their story lien to 'progress' . There is alot mroe to the game besides just the last operation and just the latest rep and just the best egar. I do agree there needs to be more gear options as in harder and harder to get to the point it is impossible almost literally, I agree maybe a little mroe content at end game, but u gusy are doing liek those watchign the latest movie, then sayign ok i want to see the next one right now, u have to give them time for a mmo of this quality, the voice acting isnt a trivial thing, to just skip through all that and say i want mroe is what i see on every mmo and always have by the same types of people. I have run guilds large ones on wow, sto, tera etc, and I have seen this every time on every game. its like ok i paid ya now give me more, give me more, but no appreciation for what u get almost ever, im not saying u personally but many are liek this, they come and go, catering to peopel who come and go and stop subs just because they got bored for a week etc is whats wrong with mmo's in general, u shoudl cater to those who never lapse in subs who are always here and enjoy the entire game. theres alot to do . if ur here for the game, not to just act liek your the best. when truly the best is subjective to what ur doing.


Now I understand also losing people because of it isnt great either, u want to still keep those people active, but I suggest more to the world we have as a start, u dont need more 'content' to add new things to what is existing, hidden things stuff u have to choose right to find, stuff u have to look for urself, not just follow some guide, or speed through to finish. its dumb its liek fast forwarding throyugh a movie u just paid to go see at the theater.


My proposal and what has worked is simple, add mroe to what is existing, that is easy to add, u can very easily add bonus missions, add popup missions frome xploring, add rewards to these that make it worth goign to do is the main thing most mmo's ignore, u only get the best gear from ops, that needs to change, u need to add soem of the best gear to randomly be out in the world and that be the only way to get it and make it bound so it cant just be farmed or some guide let those doign this kind of thing exploit it. those sid emissions not part of the story line need to have enough of a reward to get the im done and bored people out in the rest of the game if u want to end boredom, u have to stop following every mmo's example of only putting the best of the rewards in the common ways to get it.

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The hardcore players will always be bored. If you started wow today, you would be in heaven for a LONG while, then get bored. <.........>

Pretty much this. Haven't seen a game that has enough content to satisfy people who raid 6/7.


If you're bored, take a break. Obsessing about a game so much, spending so much time on it is pretty gosh darn unhealthy.

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My suggestion is simple to enact: random world drops that are bound that are the best gear in game, wider gear ranges at end game, nightmare modes that are impossible. the coolest items not able to be bought or sold or gotten from ops and dailies. Still have top end gear in ops, but not the very top of each spectrum, from toys to moutns to gear. there needs to be better then uc an 'farm' or get by being carried persay, out int he wolrd at undisclosed places only found by each individual character not somethign youc an repeatedly find the same way, unique to each person experience with random chances depending on what your doing. if you are soloing something impossible for u, then give a reward for accomplishing that based on the fight and the character alot like the eway they have stopped farming of the same elite over and over, add hard champions wondering through places randomly not just soem set path or spawn point etc, dont let the web guides allow bored peopel to exploit the game by making it have to be done the same way over and over and make the rewards for this be somethign truly special, u cant just get beating the same flash poiint over and over or doign the same dailies over and over, limit these kinds of things to solo or small groups etc also so they arent just exploited by peopel who get alot of others together to do it, u have to cater to those who dont leave, and make those who get broed not really be able to say hey im the best cause i beat soa nd so and am geared now, it is not hard to up the stats on soemthing existing and make a new version fo it only randomly droped for peopel who are doign challenging things alone, or to make 'monsters' that sometiems spawn harder then you woudl expect and are actually a higher level. for example, what if when youw ent to do your daily today, you went to the same mob liek always but this time it had randomly added a level or two and ate u because you didnt see the level of it or pay attention,a nd when you beat it if youc an, you got a real reward for doign so, but tommrorow that same random happoening that ti was just all the sudden a few champions there instead of your normal daily was ona different planet with a different monster etc, random champions in the same old same old mob that change without a schedule, that type of thing and make that reward amazing so peopel go look and go have fun out int he game.


just my suggestion as a 7 plus year gm of hundreds/thousands on multiple mmo's

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OP is too good for her/his own good. .


I disagree, they are tryign to address an issue that happen on every mmo, that is why i suggested what i did. random things that have better then u can get by farming the same thing or doign ops out int he world unable to be traded so u have to go do ti yourself if u actuallyw ant the besta nd dont allow this to be exploited by making it random and happen to only small groups or solo adventurers, the adventurers dotn get broed and hardly get rewarded for supporting the game so thsoe that get broed have a game to play - base it on that group or charcters chance to find soemthing, not something predetermiend uc an go find once u elave, let it spawn and despawn in your vacinity, would make xploring and adventure alot mroe dangerous, btu thats the poiint isnt it, can keep ti out of start worlds of course, or not have it be quoite as deadly etc lol

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There is a fairly large guild in an obscure server tucked away in the corner of SW:TOR. The population of that guild is nearly maxed (somewhere between 400-500 toons). As such, they have like half-a-dozen 8-Man Progression Raid Groups set up ... to progress through ... level 55 ... STORY MODE operations (that's right: progression in content released 6 months - to - a year ago) ... just to get to the [weekly] (and sometimes will go further, but will always fail to finish the op). It will take them about 2 hours and 10 wipes to get there -- each week, and every raid. LAWL. W.T.H? ... My sides exploded when I heard that -- and from their sister guild, no less, who see them as an embarrassment. Oh ... wow.


Now THAT would be a guild I'd like to have some fun with ! ;)


No pressure, just having fun ... :)

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I would bet my house that less than 1% of the playerbase has a single piece of 75 armour.


New content is dropping in about 6 weeks but that is still tooo long for some people..who then turn around and OMRGRD CAN NOT WAIT TO RACE THROUGH IT...


We should just keep bumping this thread every few months too see who keeps posting.

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I don't think we need more content, I think existing content needs to be made more fun to go back to, even as a higher-level character.


I know this may seem a bit far-fetched, but it'd be nice if players could go back to planets and just explore, find secret areas, kill things for *fun*, not just because it offers them a fancy new hat but because they want to.

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For the OP have you played other MMOs? This is the exact samething in every MMO more or less. Unless you progress into Hard/NiM or PvP or do random other things its the same thing in most MMOs.


As for the new MMO's look better, I have learned and I hope most other vets of MMOs have as well, the grass always looks greener, the hype is always better then the game turns out to be. I dont buy the hype just look at the all the hyper MMOs including this one. Personally WS doesnt excite me it looks like a mesh of GW2 and WoW, it will release with bugs and it will have problems. Their 40v40 PvP sounds great right now till it launches and it turns into Illum. Or its GW2 WvWvW where people just flat out disappear on your screen. Its all speculation till the game is released and fleshed out.


Point being all MMOs have issues and end game is nearly the same.


If you are with people you like playing with any game is fun, the trick is finding that group and in SWTOR its not easy to find a guild you fit into. The Guild Forum posts are bare and chat recruitment is very hit and miss. I am still looking for a mature guild I fit into that loves to PvP and is excited about up coming arenas. Hopefully I find it because that can make or break the game for players.

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I don't think we need more content, I think existing content needs to be made more fun to go back to, even as a higher-level character.


I know this may seem a bit far-fetched, but it'd be nice if players could go back to planets and just explore, find secret areas, kill things for *fun*, not just because it offers them a fancy new hat but because they want to.


That's kind of what the seeker droid and macrobinocular missions do. They added areas to existing planets. Also, the gsi missions. The types players racing thru content don't appreciate these types of missions. What may define "fun" for you and me obviously doesn't equal "fun" to them.

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I know this may seem a bit far-fetched, but it'd be nice if players could go back to planets and just explore, find secret areas, kill things for *fun*, not just because it offers them a fancy new hat but because they want to.


I think the Digging Droids and the macrobinoculars quests are already a step into that direction.


And partially the Bonus Series, too.


Edit : GatorAndy was faster.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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  • 1 month later...
This is why I keep wanting BioWare to introduce things OTHER than flashpoints, raids... oh sorry... operations... and pvp arenas. Card games with a pokemon-like gotta catch em all mechanic, pvp or static pve swoop racing, and so on. Give us stuff to do and focus on other than gear progression and I think people would enjoy the game more. Pass it on.
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This is why I keep wanting BioWare to introduce things OTHER than flashpoints, raids... oh sorry... operations... and pvp arenas. Card games with a pokemon-like gotta catch em all mechanic, pvp or static pve swoop racing, and so on. Give us stuff to do and focus on other than gear progression and I think people would enjoy the game more. Pass it on.


No. Don't speak for me.

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