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How do you kill a scoundrel?


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Do you actually read what you quote? He specifically said it is possible, but you need to be skilled and time your cc's. It's harder than killing a squishy sorc, but it is doable.


Another entitled brat.


You can't solo a proper healing operative with 2018 expertise and LoS.

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Why not? He's not a tank, he's not a DPS, he is a Healer and his job is "to heal their team" not to be unmortal.


Why should he not be? He's a healer.


You're a dps, not a tank or a healer. Your job is to dps, not to hold an objective on your own against 5 people for a minute straight.


Your argument is stupid.

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I've said this over and over, the reason teams can't kill me is that they don't have good players at the classes that kill me the easiest and there's not enough people playing those classes out there because of perception problems.


#1 VG/PT

#2 non-smash specced Mara


Unless I get myself caught out in the open for sorcs/mercs/snipers, or keep my HP low enough for a sin/op to blow me up, then I'm probably not going to die; especially not to 1 guy trying to smash me to death.

Edited by darthruff
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Killing healer operatives is hilariously easy with an AP PT, carnage marauder, or deception sin and lethality operative, just gotta keep on them and hard stun when they get to 30% HP, also keep them slowed, will stop them rolling away any great distance, other than that, just do your rotation well lol
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Killing healer operatives is hilariously easy with an AP PT, carnage marauder, or deception sin and lethality operative, just gotta keep on them and hard stun when they get to 30% HP, also keep them slowed, will stop them rolling away any great distance, other than that, just do your rotation well lol


Not really, unless the operative is a moron.. he won't even have to break anything UNLESS there is nothing to LoS at all. But if there is, and there is bolster.. no way.

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Not really, unless the operative is a moron.. he won't even have to break anything UNLESS there is nothing to LoS at all. But if there is, and there is bolster.. no way.


When it comes to LoS, it depends on what type of LoS. For example that little cannon in Nova Coast might be enough to annoy, but if the DPS is skilled it will probably not help much unless the operative does it perfectly.


If it is that big square in the middle of hypergate, or crate in void star, then honestly that goes for any healer. Merc can kite around it, sorc healer can self heal with forcefield, the HoT, and innervate-they might get interrupted but that first one will be a powerful heal thanks to the proc from the HoT. And if the DPS gets lucky and throws out all his CDs there is always that bubble that can protect them-I personally use a grenade sometime after I just started the bubble, unless I am waiting for a CD. Then mezz while they are stunned for 4 seconds and force speed and heal to full, or just force speed if there is more than 1 stunned.


It's definitely easier surviving with an op, but if there is a good LoS any healer can survive honestly.

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You shouldn't be able to solo scoundrel healers unless they are bad or undergeared. Guarded one is extremely difficult, but try to seperate them from their tank. Keep them slowed all the time, this cuts their roll distance in two. CC them when they're 30% or below and burn.


If you can't solo scoundrel dps (unless a scrapper opens on you first, haha you're screwed) then you're either bad or they're really good or both. They can be tricky, especially if they know what they're doing but they're very squishy and lack defensive cooldowns. I love focusing them on my vengenace jugg :) !

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You shouldn't be able to solo scoundrel healers unless they are bad or undergeared. Guarded one is extremely difficult, but try to seperate them from their tank. Keep them slowed all the time, this cuts their roll distance in two. CC them when they're 30% or below and burn.


If you can't solo scoundrel dps (unless a scrapper opens on you first, haha you're screwed) then you're either bad or they're really good or both. They can be tricky, especially if they know what they're doing but they're very squishy and lack defensive cooldowns. I love focusing them on my vengenace jugg :) !


This ^ Buff scoundrels in 2.4 please bioware.


Scoundrel heals need these changes.


Underworld medicine costs zero energy.


emergency med pack now does not require upper hand.


Kolto pack will now apply a buff to the target it is cast on granting said target 20 seconds of 100% damage reduction!


Scamper now cost no energy


Edited by mfourcustom
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Simple question, I find it impossible to kill a scoundrel, because he can heal, roll, go invisible, mezz me, heal up, kite me all over the map etc...


I spent the whole time in one warzone trying to kill one of them but they were kiting me everywhere, i pulled them to me and they just stunned me and went invisible...basically they were taunting me the whole match but i couldnt kill him...


I'm fully geared/augmented, half my gear is conq BiS, I have no trouble killing other classes but i cant kill a scoundrel.


If they're a scoundrel healer with guard with another healer on their team...well theres no chance they're gonna die even if 3 of you are attacking it


DOTs get me every time and cure rarely sheds them all immediately which prevents a successful vanish and totally trips me over.

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1 v 1 is easiest with a concealment/scrapper I find, but if the healer is well-skilled and CDs aren't in your favor atm, you're going to need some help.


Problem is in PUGs not everyone watches what others are doing and coordinates accordingly, or pays any attention to the healer's resolve, bars, or protection. So typically you end up with teammates chasing the op around spamming attacks while the op laughs their **** off. Or they're focusing a lethality while 15 feet away a medicine is freecasting.

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Why should he not be? He's a healer.


You're a dps, not a tank or a healer. Your job is to dps, not to hold an objective on your own against 5 people for a minute straight.


Your argument is stupid.


Because being "hard to kill" is Tank's job not healer's. Healer''s purpose is to keep their team alive, not to be imposible to be killed.

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Because being "hard to kill" is Tank's job not healer's. Healer''s purpose is to keep their team alive, not to be imposible to be killed.


When people say scoundrels are "impossible to kill" I just take that as code for "in reality I just suck or am too lazy to learn the proper technique to killing them". How about we ask bioware to just give you a button that will instantly kill anything you want, and fire a laser from a satellite to scratch your butt for you?

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its really sad how terrible most DPS are playing - im really not the best at it by i havent had any ops/scoundrel i was unable to kill with my shade/sent as long as the fight was with equal numbers (1vs1, 2vs2 etc) if you are outnumbered you simply should not win. :eek:

it takes some time to chew yourself through his defenisve CDs and ccs but once its done they are dead meat.

Edited by Tankqull
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When people say scoundrels are "impossible to kill" I just take that as code for "in reality I just suck or am too lazy to learn the proper technique to killing them". How about we ask bioware to just give you a button that will instantly kill anything you want, and fire a laser from a satellite to scratch your butt for you?


Well, I'm only able to kill then in 1 vs 1 when using my commando with electro-net. With all my other chars is just a "hide and seek" game till they get some help.

Edited by Royox
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Simple question, I find it impossible to kill a scoundrel, because he can heal, roll, go invisible, mezz me, heal up, kite me all over the map etc...


I spent the whole time in one warzone trying to kill one of them but they were kiting me everywhere, i pulled them to me and they just stunned me and went invisible...basically they were taunting me the whole match but i couldnt kill him...


I'm fully geared/augmented, half my gear is conq BiS, I have no trouble killing other classes but i cant kill a scoundrel.


If they're a scoundrel healer with guard with another healer on their team...well theres no chance they're gonna die even if 3 of you are attacking it


1. Reroll Carnage/Combat.


2. Troll them/force their teammates to actually peel for them..


3. Profit..

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Why? Do operatives not just roll right through most huttball hazards with little cost and no cool down?


Did I miss something about your poor little overpowered class?


You can keep your trophy, you've more than earned it.


You posted that they could "survive" fire pits not roll through them.


And you missed a few things.


1. You are not invincible you get still get burned when you roll through them (it's about the ticks really). I find it hit or miss, sometimes I roll through sometimes I get burned.


2. You can't do it if you are slowed or are carrying the ball as you can only roll 6 m with the ball (my sorc can easily run through while slowed with the ball and take minimal damage).


3. 25 energy is not minimal cost if the op was actually doing his job during the match.


4. you want to complain about something in huttball complain about the jugg. Force charge can get you to any platform your enemy is, intercede can take you to any platform your allies are (both can be used with the ball and both can get you through fire), combine that with resolve and all the CDs he has and you have to either have the entire team attack him, or he/his team needs to really suck to keep him from scoring.

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No it's not. A healer shouldn't be soloable.


Yeah... They should. Hence paper to DPS scissors. Out of all the DPS ACs, how many can actually threaten to kill a healer? The only time they should not be soloable is when tanks are present, which is the entire point of the guard mechanic.


It's a bias opinion you have because healers are gbanged often, but maybe if healing wasn't so frakked up, you wouldnt need to be banged as often, right?

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Yeah... They should. Hence paper to DPS scissors. Out of all the DPS ACs, how many can actually threaten to kill a healer? The only time they should not be soloable is when tanks are present, which is the entire point of the guard mechanic.


It's a bias opinion you have because healers are gbanged often, but maybe if healing wasn't so frakked up, you wouldnt need to be banged as often, right?


You honestly believe healers would not be targeted if healing was weaker. Either you are lying through your teeth, or you are really really living in a dream world.


The reason why healers are so hard to kill in 1 v 1 situations is because they escape. Anyone who can't kill a face tanking healer is either really bad, or the healer is just really good at duels (or both).


The one who escapes always has the advantage over the chaser as he is acting while the chaser is reacting. the escaper is the one setting the pace and running the show, this is not limited to healers, just healers are able to self heal while doing it, while ranged dps could sometimes throw out a powerful attack while running (something healers can't do).


Healers are not able to do much damage, they can't soak up damage, and now you don't even want them to be able to escape a fight when 1 person attacks them? Maybe you just want them to stand still and smile while you kill them in 2 gcds?


Give me a setting what is your example of a perfect healer?


Here's what I think you want: the healer stands there, heals 1 or 2 guys for less than half of what dps does to them, then you (the big hero) kills the healer in 3 gcds, because ... well in your world thats how it should be, and then you smile thinking you actually accomplished something, when you in reality you did nothing remotely challenging.


If I'm wrong, please tell me the most fair scenario you can think of.

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If you are up against a really good team with 2 scoundrels and 1 good tank it's sometimes better to have one person keep pressure on each of them while everyone else kills their dps.


The biggest weakness of scouperatives is when running and healing they are most focused on keeping themselves alive while using hots to keep their team up. That is great if 4-5 people are chasing them. But if 2-3 of those chasers are killing their team instead, they run into a hard limit of gcd ticks for refreshing their hots while spamming their minor self heal.


They have no mobile burst heal. They are best at healing one person that is below 30% health or a team of people taking splash damage. Where they are weakest is trying to heal themselves, their tank, and somebody else that isn't guarded.


Learn the class. Respect the class. Focus on the weakness of the class.


Oh and if this complaint is in regards to fighting a solo scouperative, please learn to play :-p any dps should be able to 1v1 kill them, though not always quickly.

Edited by ErikGW
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