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operative immobilization BUG


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So i am wondering if there are a lot of Operative that have this problem and if you game developers are going to fix it. Because it is really pissing me OFF. If i ever get force pushed, knocked back, or anything happens to me when i am doing a operative roll, then i become immobilized when i land.


This will happen about 4-5 time a day. this has been happens since the roll was introduced.

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It happened in 3 warzones tonight and I had to leave each one. I've submitted numerous tickets and, like the posters above, am starting to get super angry about this. Can this please be seriously looked into? I can't believe you've allowed this bug to continue this long.
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it's not fixed, still happens to me. really annoying when my team is winning a WZ and I have to quit it because the roll bug leaves me stuck in place and then I get killed and end up stuck at the spawn point. I've reported the bug in-game many times, never get a response
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