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The developers' responses regarding class balance are 100% justified...


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Isn't this the same SirMarty of a while back, under a slightly different name (Sir-Marty instead of SirMarty)? Also, though I disagree with SirMarty's attitude (you don't need the "resume" for us to agree or disagree with you on your own merits), he does make a point in that as players of the game, we need to relearn our classes after any changes (not saying that nerfs and buffs are always the best thing, but there isn't a heck of a lot we can do).
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Your gaming "Resume" doesn't mean anything. BW made some very stupid remarks and now they have to deal with the backlash of what they have said.

How dare you insult Sir Marty.


His Gaming Résumé doesn't mean anything? I have grouped up with Sir Marty before and I can assure you that he is a Legendary Gamer. He provides insight and inspires people to win warzones.


The Résumé shows how much he has contributed to the Gaming Community and I constantly see multiple women who make advances in hopes that Sir Marty with be their soul mate. Sir Marty is on a level you can't possibly reach and I believe that you're just jealous.

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I've kept at it and learned to play and master many games since 1997. Being a professional gamer, I may have many advantages than all of you here don't have, but you people need to realize that this is an MMORPG of an extraordinary caliber. That being said, you all just need to take the hint and learn to play.


Cliff notes:

I'm better than all of you.


My advice kid, don't quit your day job.

Edited by Spamfritter
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Look, you people need to realize I am a gamer of an extraordinary caliber. I take this – and every other game I play – very seriously.


I am a very zealous person when it comes to things like this, and that is why I'm here telling it the way it is. Whether you like it or not, just please save the rage and hate for your pillow.


I know some of you don't understand me or my way of life, but if the disrespect continues I will be forced to take drastic measures.

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Look, you people need to realize I am a gamer of an extraordinary caliber. I take this – and every other game I play – very seriously.


I am a very zealous person when it comes to things like this, and that is why I'm here telling it the way it is. Whether you like it or not, just please save the rage and hate for your pillow.


I know some of you don't understand me or my way of life, but if the disrespect continues I will be forced to take drastic measures.


Just in case anyone didn't get it yet, this was the post that makes this threads nature abundantly clear here folks. "A gamer of extraordinary caliber" and "I take this - and every other game I play - very seriously" are dead give aways. Just remember to point, laugh, and then move on, because the longer you look, the weirder it gets.

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Sounds like an incredibly arrogant person. There is no need to post what you have done in video games. It does not add credibility to anything he has to say. Sticking up for something ridiculous the devs have said.


He is arrogant, but he's earned that right...you haven't.

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Look, you people need to realize I am a gamer of an extraordinary caliber. I take this – and every other game I play – very seriously.


I am a very zealous person when it comes to things like this, and that is why I'm here telling it the way it is. Whether you like it or not, just please save the rage and hate for your pillow.


I know some of you don't understand me or my way of life, but if the disrespect continues I will be forced to take drastic measures.


Whoa there internet tough guy. Don't start talking about drastic measures because you can't, and will not do anything to us in real life. You know, the one that counts. ;) Having no life outside of gaming doesn't make you worthy of respect. Especially not in light of your horrible egomaniacal attitude. Almost no one is going to care how good you are at a game. It just doesn't matter that much to most of us. Throwing it in everyone's face and telling us who you are in the beginning of each thread you start is pretty sad. You are an attention whore. Plain and simple. You probably have real psychological problems but that's not the main issue here.


How good you are with a Sorc/Sage doesn't matter. The FACT is that Sorcs and Mercs are easily shut down in PvP. If you interrupt one their damage output drops to almost nothing. They can't move and do optimal damage at the same time. Marauders and Juggernauts as an example can. You can't interrupt anything of consequence on a Marauder. Sure you can spike or knock them back during the cast of Ravage / Master strike and while that helps, it's not as effective as interrupting a Sorc / Sage is.


In PvE content Mercs and Sorcs not being able to move while DPS'ing is a problem in some fights. Aside from that they've got no cool downs to speak of. The force barrier for example stops all DPS. A Marauder can DPS while their cool downs are active. Sure Sorcs can heal themselves but they can't effectively DPS and heal at the same time. Assassin / Jugg tank self-heals and cool downs don't interrupt them doing their primary job. Marauder cool downs reduce the amount of damage taken, and undying rage almost makes them completely invincible for a time. And guess what? They get to DPS during that time.


The developers acted as if healing to full (which stops DPS) or LOS'ing is enough. (Which it isn't as a Marauder or Juggernaut can always leap to the target immobilizing it) Then they told everyone that they need to learn to play and Powertech's poor DPS output is imagined. They insulted us and provided no viable strategy to counter the inherent weakness of the classes. So oh great gaming god, tell me how the developer responses are justified again? Tell me how fair it is one more time?


I hate to break it to you but how many medals you get in PvP isn't the benchmark that determines how well a class operates compared to another.


I main on a Marauder and thought BioWare's treatment of Sorcs / Sages, Mercs / Powertech's, Vanguard's and Commandos was BS.

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Endless repetition of the same tired old jokes does not give one the right to be arrogant.


Wait, are you making a joke?

Apologize to me right now.


This is probably the most immature and disrespectful gaming community I have ever encountered in my years of professional gaming.


If this continues, I will have no choice but to contact BioWare and terminate my contract with them. Thereafter, I will transfer my time and resources to other games who could use a gamer of my caliber.


Unless the attitude is adjusted, I will highly consider leaving this game.

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Why oh why do so many people not get it when somebody makes a humorous post that is disguised in the slightest way. Do people even read the funny details and notice the totally exaggerated arrogant tone?


People have a problem "getting it" because


a) it sounds too much like a real forum post and

b) it isn't actually funny. The schtick was old back before Copperfield created the duplicate Marty forum ID. Humor is supposed to actually BE funny and these posts may be several other words, but "humorous" really isn't one of them.

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Good morning,


Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Sir Marty the Magnificent. I'm a professional Gaming Legend who takes video gaming very seriously. I am posting here today for one reason and one reason only. But first, allow me to divulge my credentials which prove my professionalism within the gaming industry.

isn't that the same line sir copperfield uses?

are you a friend of his or just a copycat?

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isn't that the same line sir copperfield uses?

are you a friend of his or just a copycat?


I can assure you that Sir Marty and Sir Copperfield are not the same.


I once bore witness to the two of them infiltrating the Imperial Fleet and slaying every last Imperial that stood in front of them.



They are the reason Ilum was "revamped".


The servers could not handle their awesome use of Force abilities in unison.

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Apologize to me right now.


This is probably the most immature and disrespectful gaming community I have ever encountered in my years of professional gaming.


If this continues, I will have no choice but to contact BioWare and terminate my contract with them. Thereafter, I will transfer my time and resources to other games who could use a gamer of my caliber.


Unless the attitude is adjusted, I will highly consider leaving this game.


Please do. The gaming community would be better off without gamers of "your caliber." The only contract you have with BioWare is your monthly subscription so your nothing special. I for one would gladly kick in the $15 a month to BioWare to make up for sending your arrogant attitude somewhere else.


Good gamers are great to have around if they are actually helpful in some way and their attitude is at least tolerable. Your attitude isn't. If this is a joke it's not funny in the slightest. It just comes off as a ****** attitude. Sadly I've run into a few people in the game that actually have a similar attitude. They always end up on my ignore list where they belong.

Edited by Spamfritter
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Apologize to me right now.


This is probably the most immature and disrespectful gaming community I have ever encountered in my years of professional gaming.


If this continues, I will have no choice but to contact BioWare and terminate my contract with them. Thereafter, I will transfer my time and resources to other games who could use a gamer of my caliber.


Unless the attitude is adjusted, I will highly consider leaving this game.


Oh man, and here we thought our efforts were in vain. See guys, there's hope, trolls (or seriously delusional egomaniacs) can be purged from our community. The trick is to work together though, we must band together!


Back under the bridge from whence you came troll! And bring your goofy misguided butt kissing entourage with you!

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Apologize to me right now.

I will not. I have an advanced degree.


This is probably the most immature and disrespectful gaming community I have ever encountered in my years of professional gaming.

Piffle. I can be way more immature and disrespectful if I try.


Unless the attitude is adjusted, I will highly consider leaving this game.

Thomebody needth a thpanking.

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[*]2012 Halo 4 – The first ever to max pass SR50, and cleared all 8 Specializations and became the 1st ever to reach SR130. I'm also the first ever to get an Unfrigginbelievable with an Assault Rifle, BR, DMR, Magnum, Energy Sword, Ghost, Scorpion, and Mongoose.

Not even the plasma pistol? Come back when you display some real skill.

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I just spoke with my agent and she told me not to respond in this thread any longer. Disrespecting a Gaming Legend and professional gamer is unacceptable and just sickening.


She also notified me that she has forwarded this to the higher-ups at BioWare. They will take appropriate action immediately.


Lastly, just so you all know, she works for me. Not the other way around.

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