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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I want my smuggler to do some smuggling, my bounty hunter to hunt bounties. I want my Inquisitor to deal with the infighting in the Dark Council. I want the Emperor's Wrath to actually do something about the missing or dead Emperor. I want to continue building relationships with the companions I have and not just collect more and more new ones. Even if it's just a couple of quests per expansion, our characters need to be true to their classes and not just be generic cannon fodder for the rest of the game. No point in playing alts if they are all going to have the same story.
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Even if it's just a couple of quests per expansion, our characters need to be true to their classes and not just be generic cannon fodder for the rest of the game.

I think this hits the nail on the head, what BioWare really needs is to give the feel of playing a unique character, and there are cost-effective ways to do that without having to create a completely separate quest chain for each class. Honestly, the dialogue in Hutt Cartel did a much better job than I expected it to, but I think adding in a few class-specific quests to an overall faction story arc would go a long way.


Say the Empire is gearing up to attack a Republic stronghold, all the quests leading up to this point could have been the same for the faction (secure a landing zone, defeat the locals, kill an enemy commander, etc.) with class-specific dialogue like we saw in RotHC, but when you get to the 5th or 6th mission, the quest-giver tells you there is a concerted effort going on to set up the attack, and your part is:


Bounty Hunter: We need you to track down and capture a Republic commander who's deserted his post, his security clearance may still be valid and he will know the security procedures in the base.

Imperial Agent: We need you to infiltrate a nearby Republic outpost that is networked into the main base and slice in a virus that will deactivate their automated turrets.

Sith Warrior: We need you to wipe out a Republic squad patrolling near the base, if they're not eliminated they could reinforce the base once our attack begins and flank our forces.

Sith Inquisitor: Something-Something-Darkside


Scatter just a few of these throughout the overall course of a planet's quest chain, especially if one or two involve utilizing or deploying your companions, and BioWare can give the feel of a unique class experience even though 90% of the content is shared between all classes of the faction.

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I would love to see a continuation of the class stories. I was so engrossed in the JK story of hunting down the emperor and redeeming my fallen comrades. Same thing with the SW story becoming the emperor's wrath. Class stories are THE MAJOR draw of this game; this game was fun but in my honest opinion has lost that feel of epicness that we saw in the class stories. I'd even be ok if the story arcs combined with other classes. Something along the lines of the Hero of Tython needs the Barsen'thor to help take down the emperor, while Darth Nox needs the IA to help root out his enemies and consolidate his power. The sooner this game goes back to individual or small scale stories, the better.

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I think this hits the nail on the head, what BioWare really needs is to give the feel of playing a unique character, and there are cost-effective ways to do that without having to create a completely separate quest chain for each class. Honestly, the dialogue in Hutt Cartel did a much better job than I expected it to, but I think adding in a few class-specific quests to an overall faction story arc would go a long way.


Not a bad idea, but to be honest, I'd really prefer a direct continuation of all the things involved with one's class storyline up to the end of Chapter 3. That is, the main storyline, the companion storylines/acquisition of new ones over the course of the main story, the special locations you'd sometimes have to go to in-between planets, etc...


What I'm thinking is this: they could set the next part up as a sort of "sequel" to the first three chapters. Upon finishing the first three and starting up the next part, there could be a new opening crawl/cinematic sequence. It's not really necessary, but it would be kinda cool and make sense IMO.


I think the best way to do it, as I've said before, is to extend the storyline by another chapter with each new expansion they release. A chain of class quests taking one across the planet, some class-specific locations to travel to with your ship, a few companion quests...I think some class-specific quests during a world arc or something isn't that bad of an idea, but not really enough.

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Not a bad idea, but to be honest, I'd really prefer a direct continuation of all the things involved with one's class storyline up to the end of Chapter 3. That is, the main storyline, the companion storylines/acquisition of new ones over the course of the main story, the special locations you'd sometimes have to go to in-between planets, etc...


What I'm thinking is this: they could set the next part up as a sort of "sequel" to the first three chapters. Upon finishing the first three and starting up the next part, there could be a new opening crawl/cinematic sequence. It's not really necessary, but it would be kinda cool and make sense IMO.


I think the best way to do it, as I've said before, is to extend the storyline by another chapter with each new expansion they release. A chain of class quests taking one across the planet, some class-specific locations to travel to with your ship, a few companion quests...I think some class-specific quests during a world arc or something isn't that bad of an idea, but not really enough.

If they had unlimited resources, I'd say that absolutely would be the way to go, but the problem of creating a full new Chapter's worth of content for each class is that it exponentially increases the development cost.


If "Chapter Five" was, say, 25 quests long, then making it strictly faction-specific (like RotHC was) would involve developing 50 quests worth of unique content, and most players would end up experiencing either half or all of that content. Making it class-specific instead would involve developing 200 quests worth of unique content, with a lot of people only ever playing through a fraction of it. I think a smattering of class-specific quests in the midst of a larger faction-specific chain would give BioWare a "sweet spot" of a unique feel for each class, but with manageable development costs.


I do like your point that the content should feel like a continuation from Chapter Three. Maybe the breadcrumb quest to get you into Chapter Five could establish a very unique reason for why each class is helping, which could be played out through the class-specific dialogue: say the Inquistor is there because a Sith Lord is looking to be a loyal ally and winning the battle for the planet will get her into an open seat on the Dark Council, or the Bounty Hunter has learned that the overall commander of the Republic forces on the planet just personally defeated Mandalore and now has the single biggest bounty in the galaxy on his head.


The few class-specific quests sprinkled throughout could also easily involve characters and locations from the class storylines. At one point you could have the Inquisitor returning to the Silencer superweapon to wipe out a Republic fleet that's moving to reinforce their position on the planet, while at the same time the Sith Warrior learns that a member of the Hand has been captured on the planet and must be rescued or killed before he can reveal anything.

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If they had unlimited resources, I'd say that absolutely would be the way to go, but the problem of creating a full new Chapter's worth of content for each class is that it exponentially increases the development cost.


If "Chapter Five" was, say, 25 quests long, then making it strictly faction-specific (like RotHC was) would involve developing 50 quests worth of unique content, and most players would end up experiencing either half or all of that content. Making it class-specific instead would involve developing 200 quests worth of unique content, with a lot of people only ever playing through a fraction of it. I think a smattering of class-specific quests in the midst of a larger faction-specific chain would give BioWare a "sweet spot" of a unique feel for each class, but with manageable development costs.


I do like your point that the content should feel like a continuation from Chapter Three. Maybe the breadcrumb quest to get you into Chapter Five could establish a very unique reason for why each class is helping, which could be played out through the class-specific dialogue: say the Inquistor is there because a Sith Lord is looking to be a loyal ally and winning the battle for the planet will get her into an open seat on the Dark Council, or the Bounty Hunter has learned that the overall commander of the Republic forces on the planet just personally defeated Mandalore and now has the single biggest bounty in the galaxy on his head.


The few class-specific quests sprinkled throughout could also easily involve characters and locations from the class storylines. At one point you could have the Inquisitor returning to the Silencer superweapon to wipe out a Republic fleet that's moving to reinforce their position on the planet, while at the same time the Sith Warrior learns that a member of the Hand has been captured on the planet and must be rescued or killed before he can reveal anything.


When you put it like that...


To a certain extent, I think that BW was (sadly) too ambitious with the original game i.e. as you mention, continuing the class stories is a huge task.


I love the 1-50 class stories (I'm playing them all) but as many people have said, the only way that we'll get to see class stories again is if they are all tightly focussed around a single plot (and probably the same characters), but just doing slightly different tasks. Here's hoping that we'll see this sometime in the future, anyway.

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When you put it like that...


To a certain extent, I think that BW was (sadly) too ambitious with the original game i.e. as you mention, continuing the class stories is a huge task.


I love the 1-50 class stories (I'm playing them all) but as many people have said, the only way that we'll get to see class stories again is if they are all tightly focussed around a single plot (and probably the same characters), but just doing slightly different tasks. Here's hoping that we'll see this sometime in the future, anyway.


They werent too ambitious, many of you are failing to realise Bioware has very long history of story telling in their games. At launch they were asked how were they going to be able to put out content quick enough and they said at the time they were already 2-3 years ahead with the content.


New class story storylines are done

Voice Over for the storylines are done


This is a matter of the developers now. As Iv said many many times, Bioware went from over 500 to around 150 with the launch of f2p which is divided amoung the game, bugs and cartel market. EA has reported at the last 3 earnings call that swtor revenue has gone up by around 50% each time. Thats a pretty big figure each time, yet there hasnt been any devs hired. Bioware has no intention of getting more devs this is a cash grab while they can.

Also the thing that caused the f2p was the rushed release to be close to the Cataclysm expansion for WoW and the bugs that had been in the game since the first round of beta.

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If they had unlimited resources, I'd say that absolutely would be the way to go, but the problem of creating a full new Chapter's worth of content for each class is that it exponentially increases the development cost.


If "Chapter Five" was, say, 25 quests long, then making it strictly faction-specific (like RotHC was) would involve developing 50 quests worth of unique content, and most players would end up experiencing either half or all of that content. Making it class-specific instead would involve developing 200 quests worth of unique content, with a lot of people only ever playing through a fraction of it. I think a smattering of class-specific quests in the midst of a larger faction-specific chain would give BioWare a "sweet spot" of a unique feel for each class, but with manageable development costs.


I do like your point that the content should feel like a continuation from Chapter Three. Maybe the breadcrumb quest to get you into Chapter Five could establish a very unique reason for why each class is helping, which could be played out through the class-specific dialogue: say the Inquistor is there because a Sith Lord is looking to be a loyal ally and winning the battle for the planet will get her into an open seat on the Dark Council, or the Bounty Hunter has learned that the overall commander of the Republic forces on the planet just personally defeated Mandalore and now has the single biggest bounty in the galaxy on his head.


The few class-specific quests sprinkled throughout could also easily involve characters and locations from the class storylines. At one point you could have the Inquisitor returning to the Silencer superweapon to wipe out a Republic fleet that's moving to reinforce their position on the planet, while at the same time the Sith Warrior learns that a member of the Hand has been captured on the planet and must be rescued or killed before he can reveal anything.


I realize that the things I'm suggesting would probably take a lot of resources and be fairly time-consuming, and I don't disagree with your ideas. I think they sound pretty good.


However, I also think that it's important that the personal storyline for each class get continued as well. Each player should feel like the hero of their own story, as was the major selling point of the game from the beginning. It may be a lot of work, but it's those personal storylines that are at the core of the game, and should be brought to the forefront rather than be abandoned or just referenced over the course of new world arcs.


I actually do think that those few class-specific quests that you mention could be a good way of going about this, though. If it were like, three or four of those per class for each new chapter, I think those could easily be strung together in a quest chain with a central threat to deal with or situation to focus on.


In any case, though, I think that for either class or world arcs, a new companion should be earned for each chapter. All of this stuff, of course, would come in the form of future expansions. I'd be satisfied with all the stuff mentioned above.

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Sorry, still no plans for more class-specific storylines, though we'll still have class-based content in our shared storylines


So yeah. More Makeb.


I can't even be angry, I don't have the energy. Seriously, guys, what the hell.

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If there's no continuation of class stories, then I'll be done with the game soon. Doing class stories is the primary reason I keep playing and since I'm in progress on my last 2 at the moment, it's not gonna be much longer for me. It's not that the end-game sucks or anything, it just doesn't compare to class story experience. I will probably return for expansions and do them on main 2 mains on opposite factions but not more. The grind/chasing the NiM stuff or other things ain't enough to keep me playing on a regular basis.
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I thought we should show them what we'd like...more individual class stories and companion stories...basically our sagas continued on, and NOT in a lame generic way like Makeb was done, where everyone's story is nearly identical.

They've already said that they are focusing on faction-specific stories for new content going forward instead of class-specific stories. Given that the game is now F2P and it takes 4 times as long to design 8 class sets of quests/stories as it would 2 faction sets of quests/stories, it's highly doubtful we'll see any more class stories in this game.


Simple fact is F2P has destroyed the game.
Fact? Not quite. If the game hadn't gone F2P, there would be no game. They determined it was not financially feasible to continue as a Sub only game. So their options were shut down the game or go to the F2P hybrid model. So how did F2P destroy the game? The game was done without the F2P switch.
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Well, I've already sent a PM but don't expect a reply..


Preferred Status - I can't remember if they changed Operations access permissions recently or do we still need to buy weekly passes?


Edit: They're under Consumables, not Authorization. Whoot.

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"Sorry, still no plans for more class-specific storylines, though we'll still have class-based content in our shared storylines"


I guess I blinked and missed the class-based content.


"Hello [Havoc Squad commander], let me introduce you to Makeb." [companion remains mute during all conversations]


"Hello [Hero of Tython], let me introduce you to Makeb." [companion remains during all conversations]


The only real difference I noticed was the very first intro cutscene (and even that is essentially cosmetic, since nothing substantive changes). Also (at least Republic side) I think one of the Protectors (? Whatever the name of that unit that helps you evacuate civilians on Makeb) has a different line depending on your class too. Immersion!

Edited by Lesaberisa
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If all the Class Stories are gone and there is only one storyline left (like Makeb, which was ok for an interlude), then I might as well go preferred and play it with one Rep and one Imp Character. I am not too fond of reruns on TV, why would I want to play the same storyline over and over again with different chars? The story driven character developement was the thing that made me fall in love with this game despite its shortcomings.

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Hm, guess that's that. Time to start finishing up the storylines I wanted to do before it's time to move on.


Agreed, they don't seem to be getting the message. What a shame they were doing a good job with interesting items to rake in the cash. Pity they use it to travel the world and live it up, when all we want are extensions of the stories they brought us in with.

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Agreed, they don't seem to be getting the message. What a shame they were doing a good job with interesting items to rake in the cash. Pity they use it to travel the world and live it up, when all we want are extensions of the stories they brought us in with.


Hopefully BW will reconsider their course of action regarding the class stories, considering the fact that quite a few people are expressing the desire for more of those and a willingness to unsub if there aren't any more.

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If there are really not going to be anymore class stories, I don't see a reason to keep playing if there isn't a chance that I may get to talk to my companions again, or see what happens to my character other than "he dies at some point."

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