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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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I don't. Not interested in the slightest.


I already did my grind 5 times. All I want now is end game content. That is all. Give me things for my already lvl'd toons to do that I've not done 600 times already.


I'd much prefer they spend time and invest in end game, which is the real bit of the game for most people. The lvl'ing is just to get you to know your class.

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While I agree with the overall message you put out here, you have no basis for this statement. The budgets apparently do not have room in them to add class stories in addition to what they are already adding because, well, they are not adding class stories.


Considering the volume of threads and posts wanting more class stories and I would go out on a limb that many of the devs would like to add to them you would think that if the budget was there, it would be a done deal.


EA is certainly under budgeting resources to this game. I doubt any would disagree with that. The dev's have decided that with the limitations they have, class storyline continuation will not pay off as well as the content that is being produced. Right or wrong, seems to be the decision.


Your logic is a tad circular. ;)

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I don't. Not interested in the slightest.


I already did my grind 5 times. All I want now is end game content. That is all. Give me things for my already lvl'd toons to do that I've not done 600 times already.


I'd much prefer they spend time and invest in end game, which is the real bit of the game for most people. The lvl'ing is just to get you to know your class.


You're not the only one playing the game though. Plenty of people want more story. Sure, I've done every class story at least twice, some of them even more than that. I love revisiting them and trying different angles...but I want the stories extended...more missions for class and companions. I for one don't care about end game. I'm not a raider, and I've pvp'd very little, though I'd probably pvp before I'd raid, if it came to a choice.


I'd be happy as heck doing more story and decorating my houses. :D

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You should consider giving ops a try. I'm all about story, but raiding is not only really fun, it also has significant story implications. You can't really finish the Oricon story without doing the two ops. They're integral

I refuse to start the Oricon quest chain on any of my characters until that character has completed S&V. It only changes one or two lines of dialogue (maybe just a single word, actually), but to me it makes all the difference. :p

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I've never done Oricon on a character that hadn't done S&V. Could you put the differences in spoiler tags so I can see what it is? :)


Re: doing ops if you haven't...don't start with pug groups. It will give you the wrong impression, lol.

Edited by errant_knight
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I've never done Oricon on a character that hadn't done S&V. Could you put the differences in spoiler tags so I can see what it is? :)


Re: doing ops if you haven't...don't start with pug groups. It will give you the wrong impression, lol.


It's just a difference between whether they acknowledge that you personally were involved in killing Dread Master Styrak or just say that he "was killed" on Darvannis.


I just like having my character's story play out where s/he has been a part of the Dread War at every key step.



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You should consider giving ops a try. I'm all about story, but raiding is not only really fun, it also has significant story implications. You can't really finish the Oricon story without doing the two ops. They're integral


If I could find a group of raiders that will carry me through ops without yelling about mechanics, I'd happily raid for just the story. Until I find this nirvana of casual raiding, no ops for me. With out a group like this, raiding for me would be highly stressful and anxiety inducing, which is zero fun.


I did the solo portion of Oricon once and never went back because I thought it was ****** that the story arc can't be finished without raiding. I pray to the gamer gods that Bioware never does that again!

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If I could find a group of raiders that will carry me through ops without yelling about mechanics, I'd happily raid for just the story. Until I find this nirvana of casual raiding, no ops for me. With out a group like this, raiding for me would be highly stressful and anxiety inducing, which is zero fun.


I did the solo portion of Oricon once and never went back because I thought it was ****** that the story arc can't be finished without raiding. I pray to the gamer gods that Bioware never does that again!


Well, with a group that's geared toward teching learning doesn't have to be stressful. You just need a good guild. But you'd need to want to learn because truly casual raiding=death.

Edited by errant_knight
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If I could find a group of raiders that will carry me through ops without yelling about mechanics, I'd happily raid for just the story. Until I find this nirvana of casual raiding, no ops for me. With out a group like this, raiding for me would be highly stressful and anxiety inducing, which is zero fun.


I did the solo portion of Oricon once and never went back because I thought it was ****** that the story arc can't be finished without raiding. I pray to the gamer gods that Bioware never does that again!


I did a PUG run yesterday that would have fit you perfectly and this was not a rare occurrence.


The usual spam on fleet of a group looking to do a full clear of 16 man SM Dread Palace, full clear. Joined in and as we were getting ready to do first boss, we lost 2 people and decided to go anyway. It turns out 2 of the remaining 14 had NEVER been in DP. The group did not freak out and they were given simple mechanics to follow. Cleared DP with only 2 wipes in a 14 man group with 2 noobs.


Yes, some groups have more than the usual number of jerks who have no patience for inexperienced people. Plenty of groups do not. I have found that if you are geared OK and state that you have not done before but have read some guides, many groups are fine.

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I agree that a lack of an expansion of the class and companion stories, however limited, is a huge mistake. I see it as one of the biggest PR mistakes they made recently, one so bad that I think it actually took the thunder out of F2P.


I completely understand why they chose to go the route they did....almost every other game on the market does not individualize progression based on class. I think it was, however, a very bad choice to "close the door" on story progression in this game in the future.


This game is unique in that class story IS the game. It is almost the only real card it holds. That is not to say the rest of the game is garbage...far from it, but it is the single aspect in which this game dominates the market.


I would suggest the following.....


1) Revamp of the bounty event.


I think the entire system should be reworked. The current system in place should remain for BHs, but variations on it should be made for specific classes.


Smuggler - missions to smuggle cargo and people from planet to planet, sometimes getting into combat as a result.

Sith - missions for the Sith Order, to include hunting down and killing or turning Jedi and traitors.

Jedi - missions for the Jedi Order, to include hunting down and apprehending or turning Sith and criminals.

Agent - missions for espionage, sabotage and the elimination of enemies of the Empire for Imperial Intelligence.

Trooper - missions from Republic Command for combat, rescue and support operations.


2) Small extensions of individual class stories and companion missions


We are talking very short story arcs here. Perhaps one mission that furthers a story, much like any mission given in the game, but with a specific class flavor. They could perhaps contain two or three cutscenes. They would be single missions released for individual classes and companions over time.


This, combined with more major story expansions like Makeb would, IMO, flesh out the game quite nicely and keep it moving forward.

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I sure hope the next expansion has an "individual class" focus, at least in some regards. I also hope we will get some new companion dialogue. Both these aspects would greatly improve upon Makeb.


Can I sign this petition again? I do support it. And thought, I should say so again since my subscription is about to run out.

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The problem with class stories is that of all the types of content you can put into a MMO, class stories require the most development time and reasources and at the same time are burned through the fastest by the players.


Like makeb for example, the devs spent almost six months on that just to have people burn through it in a day.

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Gearing the game to power levellers who burn through any content in a day would be less than ideal. That even if they did that, creating nothing but ops, fps and warzones, it would never be enough. Frankly, there are better games for those people than one which has story content as its main feature.


That being said, to meet the demand for story content along the lines of what was originally intended, they may have to hire back a few of those folks they laid off.

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getting close to finishing my imp agent class story and was thinking it would be nice for class stories to come back. for my jedi knight to get a briefing from general var Suthra again along with feeling im obi-wan is something i miss.
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That being said, to meet the demand for story content along the lines of what was originally intended, they may have to hire back a few of those folks they laid off.


Well they are... But they are bringing them in as freelancers or consultants intead of putting them back on a permanent payroll.

Which makes sense since they won't be needed for the "downtime" between larger story expansions (a la Makeb or the next digital expansion of makeb size they are talking about).

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I dont. If the added class or companion story is in the form of daylies then sure, but adding story that can be played 1 time only, and just by 1/8 of the characters, seems to me, from a cost benefit point of view, to be a waste of resourses.
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/signed I have 2 advance class left to finish. One is a level 50 and near the end. The last is 30 so it won't be much longer with the new events coming up. It is a good game but the only reason I bought it was for class stories. Someone said have patient I believe. Well I think most people have been. It is up toTor if they make new class stories but it is up to me if I stay subbed. I don't think they will miss me ..sniff..oh well
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I dont. If the added class or companion story is in the form of daylies then sure, but adding story that can be played 1 time only, and just by 1/8 of the characters, seems to me, from a cost benefit point of view, to be a waste of resourses.


That is a matter of point of view. If lots of people want something and it keeps them playing, it's a good investment.


There are people who enjoy story lines and people who like playing lots of alts.


I have 20 characters, 15 of which are level 55. Honestly, while leveling I only really play the class story lines because I can't stand to do most of the planetary and side quests anymore because they have outlived their replay value. The class stories haven't.


Especially because the story lines are for just 1/8 of the characters makes them more valuable for replay value. Also you shouldn't count in characters but players. A player plays one character at a time generally. More story lines for each individual class gives you a reason to play all of them and not just to quickly get them to the next level cap but actually enjoy the story.


Personally I avoid Makeb as much as I can because that story got boring. I can't get myself to bring all those 15 characters through that story line, because it is a planetary story line that's the same for all characters in each faction.


Also, while not downplaying the effort involved, do mind that most planets have about 4 class specifc quest per character class. That's 16 quests per side, so a total of 32 quests. It takes something to do this but it's not a massive undertaking either and it adds to this funny thing called replay value.


So that's why I think class stories are a really good investment in this game. I mean Strongholds is exciting stuff from what I can see, the upcoming level cap raise and new ops are also overdue but replay value is also important to keep people playing and leveling characters...come to think of it, new races and more character slots would be welcome too ;)

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A year later, and I still want more class stories. :)


Heck, I'll agree to two cutscenes and a few letters for the class per planet. Just give us more! As it stands, the story's over at level 47(50, if you do not rush it), and then... well... nothing.


I know some players appreciate dailies, end-game operations and grinding seeker droid missions, but I play the game for the story. And I'd like to keep playing.

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The class stories are the only reason I play, so far as i'm concerned the game currently ends with chapter three's conclusion, so naturally i'd love to see them come back. Sadly, I have to believe that the amount of time and expense that would have to go into it makes it unviable in EA's eyes; too much cost with no guaranteed return.


However, in a utopian world, and for sake of conversation:


- If they did bring them back, it should pick up from 50, and Makeb should be an optional sideshow (with a view to quietly removing it altogether, along with the on-rails space game)


- No further references to Revan - it's been overcooked enough already, I felt his inclusion in the game outside of a couple of historical references was garbage personally.


- A better focus on QA and QoL


- Improved animations for all of the Republic classes.


- Rewrite entire consular storyline.


- Rip all of Nolan North's dialogue out of the game and redo with another VA who doesn't sound like a muppet.


- Rip all of Xanthe Elbrick's dialogue out of the game and redo with another VA who doesn't sound like a simpleton who consistently needs to clear her throat.


- Rip all of Grey DeLisle's dialogue out of the game and replace with another VA who can actually be bothered.


- Replace all Sith Warrior, male and female, dialogue with Northern English dialect.


- Give David Hayter a kick up the arse and firm instructions to sound more alive from now on.


- Option to permanently remove members of your crew in variously, hilarious, brutal, painful and ignominious ways. I'm looking at you, Corso.


- Option to choose your own crew to replace removed ones.


- Various new playable species as requested by the community.


- Make all character unlocks in legacy global.


- Increase subscriber stipend to 1000cc (1200 with security token)


- Make all species available to subscribers again, and make character re-customisation cost in game credits.


- Make CM Packs armour drop in only full sets. If pack bought with CC items therein automatically unlock across legacy in collections once bound. If item or pack bought with in game credits use current unlock system.


- Replace ship droids with HK line droid.


- With the advent of player housing, while you're at it allow for customisation of player's ship internal environments.


- Make inheritance system relevant or remove it.


- Allow players to contact relevant party to complete fp via the ship's holo.


I have more but i'm losing the will to live.

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