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According to the galaxy map...


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Nar Shaddaa is 768 parsecs away from Hutta, which according to google is roughly 2,200 light years.



Seems legit.


That is one BIG *** SOLAR SYSTEM. What kind of moon orbits it's planet from 2,200 light years away?


There are solar systems that are only 2 Light Years apart.

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It makes about as much sense as the Milenium Falcon completing the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs.
The Kessel Run is a navigation challenge... i.e. who can do it by traveling the shortest distance.

In that context it makes perfect sense.

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The Kessel Run is a navigation challenge... i.e. who can do it by traveling the shortest distance.

In that context it makes perfect sense.


I trust your Star Wars knowledge but in the original movie the context of the conversation was clearly about how fast the ship was so this navigation thing was obviously changed after the fact to correct the mistake.


I mean obi wan asks Han if it's a fast ship and Han's response was the Kessel run comment.

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Nar Shaddaa is 768 parsecs away from Hutta, which according to google is roughly 2,200 light years.



Seems legit.


It's because you're using hyperspace routes dude! You need to take the long route, otherwise you'd just fly right through the planet. Taking a shuttle shortens the trip significantly, unfortunately, shuttles are reserved for hutts.

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It makes about as much sense as the Milenium Falcon completing the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs.


If you had read a few things the Falcon making the Kessel run in 12 parsecs makes a lot of sense. For you see the normal Kessel run is made AROUND the Maw. A large collection of black holes that no one seems to want to brave to make the run.


But Han flew threw it. Cutting his run to under 12 parsecs.

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I trust your Star Wars knowledge but in the original movie the context of the conversation was clearly about how fast the ship was so this navigation thing was obviously changed after the fact to correct the mistake.


I mean obi wan asks Han if it's a fast ship and Han's response was the Kessel run comment.


Again makes good sense if you listen to it right. If you can make a long run shorter is that not fast?

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There are measurements on the ingame Galaxy Map? Where?


Oh and as for the Kessel Run, it was originally a complete BS because George Lucas does not know a thing about science, or made the common mistake of people thinking light year is unit of time. It was later retconned to make sense, but orignally, it was used as a unit of time

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The Kessel Run is a navigation challenge... i.e. who can do it by traveling the shortest distance.

In that context it makes perfect sense.


this.. and by travelling so close to the black hole's event horizon that time is actually bent and warped and thus allowing the Falcon to "fast forward" slightly and actually slip time a bit, saving phsyical distance and by extention chronological time.


**** you science !

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this.. and by travelling so close to the black hole's event horizon that time is actually bent and warped and thus allowing the Falcon to "fast forward" slightly and actually slip time a bit, saving phsyical distance and by extention chronological time.


**** you science !


Sometimes I wonder why I should bother with science fiction when science is so damn amazing.

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Oh come on, you gotta know that Kessel Run nonsense was just made up after the fact to try and cover an idiotic mistake.


Seriously? You're swallowing that crap?





Also, considering that Nar Shadaa and Hutta each dominate the sky of the other, if they are really that far apart then damn, they are BIG! :)

Edited by PLynkes
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I think i sugested many months ago that they actually include the planet and the moon that are orbiting each other on the outside of your ship.


Nar shadaa is a moon, but when i travel there and look out the window of my ship, all i can see is Nar shadaa. Hutta is nowhere to be seen. And vice versa.

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Nar shadaa is a moon, but when i travel there and look out the window of my ship, all i can see is Nar shadaa. Hutta is nowhere to be seen. And vice versa.


I think you need to clean the windows on your ship, mate. :)








(Or possibly get a ship with a window along the side.)

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this.. and by travelling so close to the black hole's event horizon that time is actually bent and warped and thus allowing the Falcon to "fast forward" slightly and actually slip time a bit, saving phsyical distance and by extention chronological time.


**** you science !


Actually, you need to break event horizion of a black hole for time to be altered. A blackhole is simply put a huge ball of matter that is increadibly compressed (If Earth was put through that kind of gravity it would become the size of a golfball). The gravity is so strong it sucks everything into itself, thus increasing in size and weight. The reason a black hole is called a black hole is because it even draws the light into itself.


Furthermore if you flew close enough to a black hole for time to be altered, you, your ship and your crew would all cease to exist. It will all just be a tiny clump of matter.

Edited by Zerlas
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As others have said, Lucas had no idea what he was talking about when he wrote that dialogue - obviously thinking that the "sec" part of parsec was short for seconds making parsec a unit of time and not distance. I think it was one of the EU authors who managed to save something of it by making it seem that Han cleared the Kessel run in a shorter distance - skirting closer to the black holes.


But there is still a problem with that. A clock here on Earth runs slightly slower than a clock out in space orbiting the Sun between Earth and Mars for example, because the one on Earth is subject to a stronger gravitational force.


So...when you get closer to a black hole (or a group of them), your personal time slows down. What that means is that you come out of the other side and say to someone, "Did you see that? I cleared the Kessel run in 2 hours!" and everyone else tells you, "Dude, you've been gone for 6 weeks. We already sent another load of spice for your buyer because he got tired of waiting. Oh, on that point, Jabba wants a word..."

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Well, they may have mistaken the Unit of a Parsec as a measurement of Time. And so wrongly used Parsec as a unit to measure the distance from Hutta to its Moon Narshada. Its a mistake... as a Parsec is a unit of distance. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Parsec But we also have the possibility that the Unit we know as Parsec, can be used to measure both. Or has a meaning when calculating Distance that is both small and large... But that would be confusing as heck. I would just argue that the game designers used it as way to judge time incorrectly.
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As others have said, Lucas had no idea what he was talking about when he wrote that dialogue - obviously thinking that the "sec" part of parsec was short for seconds making parsec a unit of time and not distance.



Um, the "sec" of Parsec is short for "second." It is still a unit of distance, though.

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Could someone tell me where on galaxy map is this ludicrousness said? In the description? Or where?


Go to Nar Shaddaa. Then select Hutta (without going there), or vice versa. You'll see it somewhere above the description, it'll show you a distance from your current location, to your selected location.


According to http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Parsec , The Parsec in star wars would be based off Coruscant's space mumbo jumbo and not Earths, making it slightly different.


To whoever said that your ship needs to calculate an alternate route due to stars - How many stars do you know that are between Hutta and Nar Shaddaa? 0, unless Hutta's star gets to steal Nar Shaddaa for a time :rolleyes:


Using ilum and tattooine, seemingly to be endpoints on the galaxy's diameter, I calculated a distance of 31774 parsecs, or roughly 103,635,141 lightyears. Of course this number could be slightly too big, as galaxies are not planes, and this distance may be "diagonal."



Edited by Zunayson
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