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This is a game from 2011?


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ill save you the trouble:

-no UI customization? go back to WoW

-addons? go back to WoW

-no endgame content? go back to WoW

-laughable pvp? go back to WoW

-dont like small instanced zones? go back to wow




Seriously? This game..and no other game is tailored to your specific wants and desires. The creators didn't pause and wonder.."Oh hold on..what does Homelessflea want in an Mmo?" UI customization will be implemented..addons will be implemented...Endgame..who the hell has reached that yet? And two operations with 3 difficulty settings is a hell of alot. Pvp is being worked on..and small instanced zones makes this game better than the rest.



Don't go back to WoW..just grow up and have patience..and know that the game will get better with age.

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This game is in a pretty sad state for a 2011 title. All the constructive threads raising valid issues are being torn apart with "go back to WoW" or "it just came out" and it makes the entire community look bad.


First and foremost, telling people to go back to WoW is ridiculous, I like to give new things a try, as video games are a medium of entertainment I like to open myself to new experiences within this medium to derive maximum enjoyment from it. Sadly however SWTOR is nothing new, it follows only the basics of what an MMO should be without adding on anything new that should be expected with a 2011 title. World of Warcraft drew on a lot of things from everquest, and improved upon them, and improved upon itself over the years the game has been in circulation. I expected SWTOR to do what WoW did with everquest, it did not. I got WoW in space.



Second, saying the game just came out is a poor defence. It had years of development time to add features to the game as well as a multimillion dollar budget. Many MMO's came out over the last decade to draw inspiration from and improved upon features present in previous MMO's. I cant even customize my UI. The quests are not only grindy, but they make no attempt to be anything other than grindy. I have been tasked to simply kill X more than i would like, sometimes they will make me collect Y or ill get a bonus mission to kill 30 more of X. Riveting stuff.


ill save you the trouble:

-no UI customization? go back to WoW

-addons? go back to WoW

-no endgame content? go back to WoW

-laughable pvp? go back to WoW

-dont like small instanced zones? go back to wow


congratulations on making a game that leaves little options other than returning to WoW.


I feel that I got WoW (when it was good) with 100% better story, crafting, gameplay, and pvp. Maybe you should go back to the stale WoW...


I do love addons, but Rift worked great without them for a while.


The zones feel the same size as WoW zones, but with less empty or pointless filling. WoW's zones blend together awkwardly and are just laughable.


There is a need for some more customization options built into the game. If they do not wish to do this, then I will agree to add addons to the game to do just that. There are lots of modern mmo features missing, but they are features that we just take for granted now.


I have never played an MMO that had an amazing endgame at launch and that is understandable to me. You bought a game and got the beginning and end. The endgame is like an expansion or sequel that you can play with your same character. Hang in there. :)

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You've already mentioned a half dozen ways enemies show up, and there's dozens more.


Compare that to WoW and 99% of other mmos where you walk into the open world... and enemies are just walking around or standing aimlessly with no purpose. Most enemies are doing something- slicing, checking data, fixing robot teammates, etc...


What exactly are you expecting? That every time you take a step something completely unexpected happens? People don't want to be fighting a group of enemies they saw and felt they could take on, only for a swarm to show up out of the sky or someone in a catwalk they can't reach to start killing them, that happens in flashpoints for a reason.


I'm not comparing it to anything. I'm saying 99% of the quests are lifeless and unchanging. I'm not asking for 50% to be crazy, just 5% or so to be more than clear this hall and click. Questing, based solely on the framework already available to them, could definitely be more fluid and interesting, especially the indoor stuff. As it stands most of it is mundane and static.

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I feel that I got WoW (when it was good) with 100% better story, crafting, gameplay, and pvp. Maybe you should go back to the stale WoW...


I do love addons, but Rift worked great without them for a while.


The zones feel the same size as WoW zones, but with less empty or pointless filling. WoW's zones blend together awkwardly and are just laughable.


There is a need for some more customization options built into the game. If they do not wish to do this, then I will agree to add addons to the game to do just that. There are lots of modern mmo features missing, but they are features that we just take for granted now.


I have never played an MMO that had an amazing endgame at launch and that is understandable to me. You bought a game and got the beginning and end. The endgame is like an expansion or sequel that you can play with your same character. Hang in there. :)


IMO based on OP's posts, hes not even at end game. Most if his rantings lack depth in argumentative structure and constructive feed back suggesting that a lot of the complaints he has are not his own experiences but rather the minority's bandwagon opinions.

Edited by Teilo
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ill save you the trouble:

-no UI customization? go back to WoW

-addons? go back to WoW

-no endgame content? go back to WoW

-laughable pvp? go back to WoW

-dont like small instanced zones? go back to wow


OR...... go back to Rift, or wherever you came from. :D


Seriously though. Why do you bother posting this kind of stuff? Just need to complain?

Edited by Andryah
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This game is in a pretty sad state for a 2011 title. All the constructive threads raising valid issues are being torn apart with "go back to WoW" or "it just came out" and it makes the entire community look bad.


First and foremost, telling people to go back to WoW is ridiculous, I like to give new things a try, as video games are a medium of entertainment I like to open myself to new experiences within this medium to derive maximum enjoyment from it. Sadly however SWTOR is nothing new, it follows only the basics of what an MMO should be without adding on anything new that should be expected with a 2011 title. World of Warcraft drew on a lot of things from everquest, and improved upon them, and improved upon itself over the years the game has been in circulation. I expected SWTOR to do what WoW did with everquest, it did not. I got WoW in space.



Second, saying the game just came out is a poor defence. It had years of development time to add features to the game as well as a multimillion dollar budget. Many MMO's came out over the last decade to draw inspiration from and improved upon features present in previous MMO's. I cant even customize my UI. The quests are not only grindy, but they make no attempt to be anything other than grindy. I have been tasked to simply kill X more than i would like, sometimes they will make me collect Y or ill get a bonus mission to kill 30 more of X. Riveting stuff.


ill save you the trouble:

-no UI customization? go back to WoW

-addons? go back to WoW

-no endgame content? go back to WoW

-laughable pvp? go back to WoW

-dont like small instanced zones? go back to wow


congratulations on making a game that leaves little options other than returning to WoW.


1. I will anticipate the release of your groundbreaking MMO in a few years. Because you clearly have the pulse of the gamer nation.


2. I find it funny that you reference WoW by saying that it took what Everquest did and made it better in the years it's been in circulation, but then later on say that telling people its because the game is new is a cop-out....wait what? Double standard much? What do you expect from a game that has, only within the last 2 days, been released to the general public in a mass release fashion? We all know that WoW was a complete blockbuster with fully customizable user created add-ons, customizable ui's, awesome endgame and pvp content and an amazingly perfect, bug free environment when it was released......


3. It seems to me that you have a hard-on for WoW judging by the number of times you reference it in this post.


4. I happen to think the whiny "I want it now" attitude makes entire game communities look bad. I thank WoW for this....yes I said it.


5. You clearly space-bar through all the content or you wouldn't be saying there is nothing new. What was the last MMO that was fully voiced? Oh ya.....


6. So I will tell you what everyone else has been telling you. If you don't like what you find here, move along (back to WoW).

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You really think making it so players can mod the game is that easy? Think about it, you can't just let people do that, you have to also have it so the mods being made can't exploit the game- that's where it gets tricky. Frankly, I can see why BW doesn't want to be dealing with problems that rise with launch AND all the problems that players have made with mod hacks/exploits at the same time.


Much easier to wait til you have everything under control, and then deal with the issues that come from modding.


Good point.


But God damn, their UI is terrrrrrriiiibbbllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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I was one of those people who was very ANTI-SWTOR.


I'm playing it now and am enjoying it.


The biggest COMPLAINTS come NOT from SWTOR-haters though.


They come from people who think the game should have mechanics that suit their whim and are like other games (in most cases they want SWTOR to be like WoW).


When you see people complaining that the game is missing a Wow-ish mechanic .. those people should EXPECT to get 'GO BACK TO WoW' replies.

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I like the voice acting, but i feel the resources used to voice all the quests could have been used to improve the game as a whole. My trooper has said "i live to serve the republic" too many times in my opinion.


The depth of story is similar to what i would find in a single player game, which isn't a bad thing, but this is an MMO. And following my class story leaves a linear questing experience. It seems i have less choice on the places i want to visit to level because of this.


Correct me if I'm wrong here but isn't the leveling experience usually linear? In all the mmos I have played over the years its always go kill x number of things and gather y and bring it back to me or take it here. Its the end game mostly the usually defines an mmo.


Here I am loving the story and voice acting. I'm loving that my story is different than what you might be playing based on my choices.


Yes I do agree the UI needs to be fixed and they have listened and currently working on that.

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Many MMO's came out over the last decade to draw inspiration from and improved upon features present in previous MMO's.


That's exactly what this game did. It took a lot of similar/familiar tropes from the MMORPG genre and added cutscenes in an attempt to tell a story. That's what it's doing to build on the foundation of the standard genre game.


I cant even customize my UI.


Games have come out this year which also have this limitation. So I wonder if your criticism is properly focused? Why would poor customization make it not 2011?


Also, cite examples of UI customization you want, so people can at least get an idea of the standard you wish this game adhered to.


The quests are not only grindy, but they make no attempt to be anything other than grindy. I have been tasked to simply kill X more than i would like, sometimes they will make me collect Y or ill get a bonus mission to kill 30 more of X. Riveting stuff.


What is the alternative? The standard you feel this game should achieve? Rift came out this past year. It has the same grind. Does that make it some anachronistic game that should have been released in 2002?




What kind of addons does this game need? And would you consider them more important than, say, content additions? Speaking of content ...


-no endgame content?


There is an endgame. It's just not fully developed yet. Which is standard operating procedure for MMORPGs. What kind of endgame do you want them to add?


-laughable pvp?


MMORPGs tend not to be the best setting for PvP. I'd recommend Team Fortress II over WoW.


-dont like small instanced zones?


Here's a short list of games that minimal to no instancing and were large persistent worlds:


Everquest. Vanguard. Star Wars Galaxies.


What's the interesting fact about all of those games? They're old. MMORPGs made in 2010 and beyond are all instance-laden. WoW is instance laden. This criticism doesn't seem to fit within the framework of your topic.

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This game is in a pretty sad state for a 2011 title. All the constructive threads raising valid issues are being torn apart with "go back to WoW" or "it just came out" and it makes the entire community look bad.


First and foremost, telling people to go back to WoW is ridiculous, I like to give new things a try, as video games are a medium of entertainment I like to open myself to new experiences within this medium to derive maximum enjoyment from it. Sadly however SWTOR is nothing new, it follows only the basics of what an MMO should be without adding on anything new that should be expected with a 2011 title. World of Warcraft drew on a lot of things from everquest, and improved upon them, and improved upon itself over the years the game has been in circulation. I expected SWTOR to do what WoW did with everquest, it did not. I got WoW in space.



Second, saying the game just came out is a poor defence. It had years of development time to add features to the game as well as a multimillion dollar budget. Many MMO's came out over the last decade to draw inspiration from and improved upon features present in previous MMO's. I cant even customize my UI. The quests are not only grindy, but they make no attempt to be anything other than grindy. I have been tasked to simply kill X more than i would like, sometimes they will make me collect Y or ill get a bonus mission to kill 30 more of X. Riveting stuff.


ill save you the trouble:

-no UI customization? go back to WoW

-addons? go back to WoW

-no endgame content? go back to WoW

-laughable pvp? go back to WoW

-dont like small instanced zones? go back to wow


congratulations on making a game that leaves little options other than returning to WoW.


If I recall correctly WoW didn't even have end game for months when it was out. And even then it took them almost a year too introduce BWL and things like that.

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As if they did not have some years to check out whats viable in games today and/or needed.

Blizzard has set the bar for how we play mmos today, live with it.


You fanbois is just a laugh, all of ye


blizzard set a bar that they themselves failed to reach, the bar they set was miles off with cataclysm and the end of wolk....1 year and 1 instance...and don't even go near ruby sanctum as an excuse.


blizzard are yet again set to fail with mop, not solely because of pandaran, but for many other reasons, frankly i'm sick of the blink pathing bug thats been the bane of a mages life in arena since vanilla wow, your gonna tell me they couldn't sort the pathing out in a 60 foot box with 7 years to do it? come now.


then there was blizzards 32 year plan to balance pvp...they haven't done it yet so i can only assume next patch will fix it? ye i've heard that since classic wow, every 2 year old with an abacus could tell wow's pvp was impossible to balance in the way they implemented it.


don't get me wrong i spent nearly 4 years playing wow on and off, and sure it had some nice aspects but no storyline what so ever to really follow no real involvment pointless attempt at cut scenes in uldum...oh the joy's, the only really memorable storyline was the one leading up to ulduar.


now i'm not about to say all that and then say swtor is anywhere close to perfect that would be outright absurd, but learning and doing are 2 different things, it was the blizzard dev team that collected all the data on mistakes not bioware so now we have a company that is joining the market for mmo games, you'd have to be niave to think they won't make mistakes.


bioware will have a check list right now and probably have content to add as well most likely ready or very close to it.

so their check list will be like this.

-create solid game

-launch the game

-iron out serious bugs during early launch period

-patch up some stuff

-add content.


ye ye it's small and i'll be willing to bet there are countless targets having to be met before some changes even occur as well.


once the game gains stability on the client and the servers then you'll start to see changes/content being pushed through, even after all the beta time the game went through there are many bugs and querks still to be ironed out.


also it's christmas, i know you all want to play the game but these guys have probably been working solid for the last 6-9 months now and frankly i'd be surprised if they weren't taking a 2 week break to remind there brains they are human.



and no not even rift or any other game for that matter was free of issues on release, it's never happened and it never will and certainly not with mmo games.


having experienced as much of wow as i could from periods of hc progression across different teirs and full on pvp in tbc and even some roleplay wow hit alot of the right notes but it didn't do it all the time and given how much complaining goes on at the forums their i'd say there are alot of unhappy players just sticking it out because there wasn't anything better or close enough yet different.( my experience doesn't make that point valid it is just an opinion)


i'm trying to keep proper comparisons out of this but i know i got too close on a few points, in the end if you feel the need to compare the two games and not just take them at face value then your letting yourself in for disapoint before even giving either game a chance or a fair judgment.


almost every thread that says...wow had this or wow has that are failing to realise that swtor is not wow reskined with new shineys.


frankly if you don't like the game don't play it, there are many other games to choose from, i did like and still do to some extent like wow but i was a fan of the rts, wow was an interesting side note to that series for me. but it's gone to far from the rts series now and i have no affinity with the new stories.

i do like the old republic story lines and i enjoy the star wars universe i know where it's going and now i get to see where it came from.


ramble ramble my god and this is the edited version.

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That's exactly what this game did. It took a lot of similar/familiar tropes from the MMORPG genre and added cutscenes in an attempt to tell a story. That's what it's doing to build on the foundation of the standard genre game.


The problem is that cutscenes and story are not gameplay.


Therefore it focused in an area that adds nothing to the single most important thing.

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If I recall correctly WoW didn't even have end game for months when it was out. And even then it took them almost a year too introduce BWL and things like that.


Yeah, you don't recall correctly. WoW had Molten Core, Onyxia, UBRS, Scholomance and Stratholme at launch as raids. (Yeah they were raids, they later converted them to 5 man).

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WoW didnt have any endgame content on release, It only had instances at release and that was it. When i started playing endgame was simply running UBRS, Strat UD/Live, Scholo.


Ive had many many many many quests that have people coming out of holes in the walls and people sniping on catwalks and all other manner of things. Im only lvl 35 and i cant even count how many times ives been snuck up on while questing by assassins and things like that. I love the fact that people arent just standing there waiting to be killed. Majority of the time i see them talking to each other and sometimes i can hear them talking about stuff.


Every quest is a grind yes when you spam spacebar through the movies and dont allow yourself into the story, this is a STORY driven game, if you actually listen to what the quest givers are saying its not, hey <insert name> go give this letter to bob right next to me, or hey go kill 30 guys over there. its usually about they lost something of certain value or they need you to clear the way for some civilians to get to a base. Theres a story to everything you do in this game. Its only a grind if you make it a grind, if you engage yourself into the story and actually try to play it like they meant for it to be played, youd actually enjoy the game and not say its a grind.


Bottom line, this game is what you make it. If you want it to not be a grind then dont spam spacebar and actually engage yourself into the game. From lvl 1-35 i didnt notice what lvl i was the entire time when i was questing, the only time i would look at my lvl or even care was when i was learning abilities or looking to do a flashpoint. If you engage yourself in the game, you'll quickly lose yourself into an immense story.


I played WoW from the first 2 months of it launching till 1 year ago, this game is a barebones MMO for a reason. They want to start it off simple and work on it on what Us, the community, wants and go on from there. If they came out with a WoW clone in space id be very disappointed. But since it isnt even close to being a WoW clone, im loving it.


And if your looking for new things never before seen in an MMO, look no further.

Companions system with advanced AI, yup thats a first

Fully VO, yup its a first. others may have some of it but not to the extent of this game.

Social system with rewards, yup its a first

Relationships with companions with an everchanging and engaging story driven by what you chose with your companion. Yup thats a first

Crafting system, It may not be flashing and basic but no other MMO out there lets you quest and do whatever you want while you have companions gathering/crafting. You never are sitting there in front of a table or a forge with a progress bar for 30 mins crafting 90 bars of something. Yup thats a first.


ETC... theres a ton more new and exciting new features to be added to an MMO, you just have to look for them.


but by far the most innovative thing that will most likely have a major impact on future MMOs will have to be the immensive and deep story that every quest is involved in, Every planets quests are interlinked into another and change on what you do on key quests. No other MMO has that.

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The problem is that cutscenes and story are not gameplay.


Therefore it focused in an area that adds nothing to the single most important thing.


agreed. they took something that isn't a true next-gen aspect and thought it would carry the game for years.

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I just got back from watching the adventures of tin tin, i see a lot of "WoW didn't have x at launch" which is true, and i see people saying WoW had years of polish, also true. So why then, does bioware not implement the improvements WoW has made to the MMO genre, for example, UI customization. WoW has been out for 7 years, and it is clear that it has made improvements over this time period, so why hasn't bioware taken note on these things from the most successful MMO on the market? Why does it lack things considered standard for MMO's?


This is a thread to highlight the games faults, which are glaringly apparent and have been stipulated in a large number of threads. With such a large budget a game should not be this bare, an MMO should not have a story that draws players away from the in-game community and set them off on their own linear path. That is the method of storytelling used in singleplayer games, not MMO's. We where promised a story driven MMORPG, we got a singleplayer game with multiplayer elements.

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The problem is that cutscenes and story are not gameplay.


Therefore it focused in an area that adds nothing to the single most important thing.


Story is content. These games are content driven. That is a long term innovation for the genre.


Take that out and it's just a hamster wheel.


Yeah, you don't recall correctly. WoW had Molten Core, Onyxia, UBRS, Scholomance and Stratholme at launch as raids. (Yeah they were raids, they later converted them to 5 man).


And you don't recall correctly either. Molten Core wasn't ready at launch.

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same ole thread I seen when lotro launched, same ole thread I seen when the Rift launched, not all games are for everyone, not everybody disects the game down to the atomic level, some folks, just play it to have fun, and if they don't have fun they dont play it, I played wow, for 3 months way back, bored me to tears, thought it's lack of depth just blew chunks, the game had good polish and a little humor along the way, but was not the game for me, I did not go rage on the forums, I just closed my account and moved on. I have played mmo's for 14 years and video games even longer, I can compare games, all day long, just like I could compare cars, but what a waste of time that is and it's not really fun at least to me.. /shrug
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This game is in a pretty sad state for a 2011 title. All the constructive threads raising valid issues are being torn apart with "go back to WoW" or "it just came out" and it makes the entire community look bad.


First and foremost, telling people to go back to WoW is ridiculous, I like to give new things a try, as video games are a medium of entertainment I like to open myself to new experiences within this medium to derive maximum enjoyment from it. Sadly however SWTOR is nothing new, it follows only the basics of what an MMO should be without adding on anything new that should be expected with a 2011 title. World of Warcraft drew on a lot of things from everquest, and improved upon them, and improved upon itself over the years the game has been in circulation. I expected SWTOR to do what WoW did with everquest, it did not. I got WoW in space.



Second, saying the game just came out is a poor defence. It had years of development time to add features to the game as well as a multimillion dollar budget. Many MMO's came out over the last decade to draw inspiration from and improved upon features present in previous MMO's. I cant even customize my UI. The quests are not only grindy, but they make no attempt to be anything other than grindy. I have been tasked to simply kill X more than i would like, sometimes they will make me collect Y or ill get a bonus mission to kill 30 more of X. Riveting stuff.


ill save you the trouble:

-no UI customization? go back to WoW

-addons? go back to WoW

-no endgame content? go back to WoW

-laughable pvp? go back to WoW

-dont like small instanced zones? go back to wow


congratulations on making a game that leaves little options other than returning to WoW.


I feel that I got WoW (when it was good) with 100% better story, crafting, gameplay, and pvp. Maybe you should go back to the stale WoW...


I do love addons, but Rift worked great without them for a while.


The zones feel the same size as WoW zones, but with less empty or pointless filling. WoW's zones blend together awkwardly and are just laughable.


There is a need for some more customization options built into the game. If they do not wish to do this, then I will agree to add addons to the game to do just that. There are lots of modern mmo features missing, but they are features that we just take for granted now.


I have never played an MMO that had an amazing endgame at launch and that is understandable to me. You bought a game and got the beginning and end. The endgame is like an expansion or sequel that you can play with your same character. Hang in there. :)

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