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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Cutthroat Dailies!


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Revan is disappoint son.


PVPing to PVP is another perspective. PVPing to complete PVE objectives too.


I don't care about Revan. Revenaught was around long before Revan was created and my name has nothing to do with him. Oh and I'm not your "son".


PvPing to PvP is another perspective I agree. And there is nothing wrong with it but it that was enough there wouldn't be such a lack of PvP in this game outside of warzones. There are plenty of areas and planets where the people who only look for PvP could find other players but you never see massive battles happening.

If increasing PvP is the goal they need to do more than just lure PvE players into the same area.

Edited by Revenaught
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Well.. just tried out the area, gave it 24 hours after patch to enter it.


Never seen so much infantilism and ninjaing ever.


that, and the fact that we're all shut into tight corridors, forced to carve our patch through trash, made me last an astonishing 10 minutes in there.


Back to black hole and the other ones. :)

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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A few weeks back there was a thread in the pvp section about pvp players not receiving enough rewards through pvp dailys and a request to have this looked at. Now, I'm not crazy enough to believe they pushed this moon out for PvP'rs alone but I do like the idea of some wpvp while getting some extra credits in between q pops.


Seriously, I did this on two toons last night in no time whatsoever, on a PvP server. Yes I am imp and yes I have gear...my point is that out of the other daily planets this one actually has potential of a skirmish here and there and I like that while doing my daily. It's mainly one big open room with stuff to do and you are done in no time. The only thing I did not like about it, which goes back to being day 1, is that it was so overpopulated. In time it will calm down and will be just another vacant daily zone, with high probability of pvp, once a new one is added.


I mean seriously, there are 4-5 quests there and only 2 of them have to be done in the open pvp room and one requires walking through it to an elevator, which is an instanced quest? It doesn't seem like a big deal but to some who shy from PvP it may be. There are plenty of routes and LOS opprotunities in there, which I thought made the zone fun for all.


I only hate the ninja looting and was hoping they'd get away from that....sort of how they worked with the tauntaun nests but meh :rolleyes:

Edited by Master_Nate
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I don't care about Revan. Revenaught was around long before Revan was created and my name has nothing to do with him. Oh and I'm not your "son".


PvPing to PvP is another perspective I agree. And there is nothing wrong with it but it that was enough there wouldn't be such a lack of PvP in this game outside of warzones. There are plenty of areas and planets where the people who only look for PvP could find other players but you never see massive battles happening.

If increasing PvP is the goal they need to do more than just lure PvE players into the same area.


Sure, but in this area I can:

- Do dailies

- Do FPs

- Buy stuff, use GTN, etc.



It's not the best of any of those things, but offers a degree of them all very accessibly.

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The whole point behind open world PvP is that there are no goals or objectives and people just do it for fun. That is how it is different than instanced/warzone PvP. That is why I say you haven't heard of it, because you are clearly missing the entire concept.


Not everything has to have an objective to be fun.


Incorrect. Open world PvP can happen anywhere it doesn't mean there can't be goals or objectives involved, just that it doesn't need a instanced warzone to happen.


Now even if your version of it was correct and people love it so much why doesn't it happen more often in game? There are plenty of times and places it could occur but doesn't?


But to be honest we are derailing this thread. It's not about PvP but about the new daily mission section and the PvE missions there that are designed so poorly that people have to stand around waiting for nodes to not be camped so that they can camp and spend more time waiting for them to respawn 8 times.

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Incorrect. Open world PvP can happen anywhere it doesn't mean there can't be goals or objectives involved, just that it doesn't need a instanced warzone to happen.


Now even if your version of it was correct and people love it so much why doesn't it happen more often in game? There are plenty of times and places it could occur but doesn't?


But to be honest we are derailing this thread. It's not about PvP but about the new daily mission section and the PvE missions there that are designed so poorly that people have to stand around waiting for nodes to not be camped so that they can camp and spend more time waiting for them to respawn 8 times.


The reason why it doesn't happen as much in game because The way bioware set up the earlier planets and daily areas players on opposite faction barely saw each other as they were cut off from one another for the most part or they would have to travel a considerable distance in order to get into some pvp. Outlaw's den is out of the way and takes time getting there plus its a massive area where even if people on opposite faction are there they still can never see each other.


With the new daily area because its more concentrated and player of opposite factions can interract alot easier pvp will occur more often. I don't need objects or rewards to pvp just give me players with red/yellow names and that is incentivised enough. just look at this youtube video from what happened on POTF:


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I'm glad that the new Tauntaun mounts don't require competing with each other at least. :p


I thought that was very well done too. In fact, it's made it fun enough that I think that I'm actually going to go for a couple while it's still being swamped just because it's so well done that having a bunch of people there is weirdly making it more fun rather then less and I usually avoid crowded areas like the ninja-locust infested areas that they usually are.


Between that and the fact of the two breeds and, I do believe we have seen an amazing rarity... Someone, at BW seems to have been actually.... (pause for gasp of amazement) thinking.


(Starts looking for the other signs of the apocalypse.....)


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I don't think they need to be instanced (although I appreciate the one that is, since it'd be annoying waiting for one object), but if you aren't interested in world PvP, I do think the area is too small/poorly designed, especially if you're fighting over the biotoxin/kolto spawns.


Not the end of the world, though, I don't mind avoiding daily areas except when I feel like doing them/when the rush is less.

Edited by Lesaberisa
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The reason why it doesn't happen as much in game because The way bioware set up the earlier planets and daily areas players on opposite faction barely saw each other as they were cut off from one another for the most part or they would have to travel a considerable distance in order to get into some pvp. Outlaw's den is out of the way and takes time getting there plus its a massive area where even if people on opposite faction are there they still can never see each other.


With the new daily area because its more concentrated and player of opposite factions can interract alot easier pvp will occur more often. I don't need objects or rewards to pvp just give me players with red/yellow names and that is incentivised enough. just look at this youtube video from what happened on POTF:



Not hatin' on the vid but it reminds me of why/how Ilum failed. Ofc performance issues had a lot to do with all that but camping the spawn point isn't wpvp to me. Pulling into drones/droids isn't pvp to me either.


At least on Ilum they could speeder out. I don't think they have any options like that here but I've only been there a time or two and not incredibly long durations. What your video showed is all I saw happening on POT5, so I left. I enjoy the thrill of being ganked or killing an enemy player while we are all doing the same thing but sitting up top of the ramp looking into their spawn is far from fun to me. I had more fun pvping on Hoth yesterday than I did in the new section tbh.

Edited by Master_Nate
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It would be nice were the area larger and more objectives available, especially considering it was obvious that everyone was going to head there immediately.


The fact that its such a small area puts too much pressure on the spawns and objectives.

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Bioware couldn't find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, so they created their own. Even made it a huge open space indoors to make sure people's framerates would slow down and perhaps be slow to draw objects on the screen, making accidental ninja'ing of quest objectives more common. Edited by ptwonline
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If that's truly the intent behind it then it's really piss poor design. There is no reason to be PvP in the first place there. No goals, no objectives, and no reason to engage the opposing faction. Doing so will just hinder your attempt to complete the quests given. It's hard enough to finish the dailies there as it is why would I make it harder on myself by throwing PvP into the mix.


Sure there is - The Republic wants to prevent the Imperials from completing their objectives - think of it as a new "RP" area instead, ok?!


The allure of easy to complete daily missions, almost all in a single room, is too great for most people to avoid. Risk vs quick reward. The daily missions are a piece of cake to complete in the span of under 10 minutes...if it took you longer, you did it wrong.

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The allure of easy to complete daily missions, almost all in a single room, is too great for most people to avoid. Risk vs quick reward. The daily missions are a piece of cake to complete in the span of under 10 minutes...if it took you longer, you did it wrong.


The new daily missions typically take me 25-30 minutes (I know because I can see how much time left on my 60 min buffs) because it's so hard to find the quest objectives uncamped. Seriously, now I mostly see people sitting where 1-2 of them spawn not even bothering to run looking for them. Just sit there for respawns til they are done. When they are ALL camped like that you either have to be a jerk or you have to wait.

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The new daily missions typically take me 25-30 minutes (I know because I can see how much time left on my 60 min buffs) because it's so hard to find the quest objectives uncamped. Seriously, now I mostly see people sitting where 1-2 of them spawn not even bothering to run looking for them. Just sit there for respawns til they are done. When they are ALL camped like that you either have to be a jerk or you have to wait.


And that is why it is fun on a PvP server. You start fighting for those spawn points. Or just fight in general and eventually you get your turn..


Server transfers are a possibility now. Maybe Bioware needs to design things differently for the PvP servers and PvE servers. PvP servers get more daily areas like this. PvE servers get theirs instanced or limited zoned. Transfer to what you like.


EDIT: Whatever you do Bioware; at least leave this as an option on PvP servers. Saw the videos and it looks awesome and you got at least my sub back.

Edited by Technohic
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Sure there is - The Republic wants to prevent the Imperials from completing their objectives - think of it as a new "RP" area instead, ok?!


The allure of easy to complete daily missions, almost all in a single room, is too great for most people to avoid. Risk vs quick reward. The daily missions are a piece of cake to complete in the span of under 10 minutes...if it took you longer, you did it wrong.


Ok Pollyanna. Way to ignore the reality of the situation. If you're on a low pop server or lucked into an instance that wasn't packed yet Great. You can do them that fast. When you have only one instance and it's packed and every spawn point is camped and people waiting in line to camp next it takes a little longer.


All I want out of the new area is reputation so I can purchase the new dye schematic. Anything that impedes that for me is unwanted. For those who want spontaneous PvP and can get it there great. I hope you're having fun. No sarcasm there I mean it have fun. But I am not there for PvP and the design of the place is not conducive to my goals for being there.

Edited by Revenaught
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The new daily missions typically take me 25-30 minutes (I know because I can see how much time left on my 60 min buffs) because it's so hard to find the quest objectives uncamped. Seriously, now I mostly see people sitting where 1-2 of them spawn not even bothering to run looking for them. Just sit there for respawns til they are done. When they are ALL camped like that you either have to be a jerk or you have to wait.


Perhaps I just entered the right instance at the right time. If they're all camped, I suggest trying to just change instances. We had 6 people out there (2 rotated in/out during) and we completed all 3 groups missions in under 30min (I know because I was pressured by time). As it became more popular, I'm sure it filled up quicker...but it wasn't terrible from what I experienced.

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Ok Pollyanna. Way to ignore the reality of the situation. If you're on a low pop server or lucked into an instance that wasn't packed yet Great. You can do them that fast. When you have only one instance and it's packed and every spawn point is camped and people waiting in line to camp next it takes a little longer.

Thank you...I take you calling me that name as a compliment, especially given my reputation around here.


The "reality" is, you can do them or not...go to another area to complete daily missions if this bothers you so much. There's no rush on Rep, no "need" to finish the missions in under 30min (or ever)...relax!!! It's a game. Enjoy it. Make the most of it. If an area is frustrating you, move to another. You have the power to avoid the frustration if you wanted to...you just elected not to use it.

Edited by TUXs
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The allure of easy to complete daily missions, almost all in a single room, is too great for most people to avoid. Risk vs quick reward. The daily missions are a piece of cake to complete in the span of under 10 minutes...if it took you longer, you did it wrong.


I know a lot of people love this type of area and I guess its good to have as a option but I really hope that new areas are not this small and lazy, sure you can do it in 10 - 15 mins but it only gives you 36k so who even cares. its not worth the lack of content, little to no variation in the quests, no kill bonus, no heroics, no world bosses, not even champions to fight, its just a mindless quick grind with zero difficulty and little reward

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Thank you...I take you calling me that name as a compliment, especially given my reputation around here.


The "reality" is, you can do them or not...go to another area to complete daily missions if this bothers you so much. There's no rush on Rep, no "need" to finish the missions in under 30min (or ever)...relax!!! It's a game. Enjoy it. Make the most of it. If an area is frustrating you, move to another. You have the power to avoid the frustration if you wanted to...you just elected not to use it.


Assumptions run rampant again. I did avoid the frustration. And I am now electing to use my ability to let BW know that I am not enjoying their new daily area via feedback on the Forums. Apparently quiet a few other Forum posters don't appreciate my doing so.

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I know a lot of people love this type of area and I guess its good to have as a option but I really hope that new areas are not this small and lazy, sure you can do it in 10 - 15 mins but it only gives you 36k so who even cares. its not worth the lack of content, little to no variation in the quests, no kill bonus, no heroics, no world bosses, not even champions to fight, its just a mindless quick grind with zero difficulty and little reward


It would make for a terrible expansion, no doubt there, but it's not...it's a new area that serves as a platform for a daily area and 2 new FPs. Makeb was HUGE...too huge...too huge to make daily missions even worth doing imo. I'm pleased to see they have this as an alternative design and I hope they can accommodate both our preferences going forward.

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People really need to learn how to use the "Who" function and learn how to switch instances. This morning I was doing the dailies in an instance with around 65 people and everyone was complaining about ninjas, etc. I checked, "who", saw another instance was open, and switched to it. That instance had 8 people in it. I got my dailies done very quickly.
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Assumptions run rampant again. I did avoid the frustration. And I am now electing to use my ability to let BW know that I am not enjoying their new daily area via feedback on the Forums. Apparently quiet a few other Forum posters don't appreciate my doing so.


Go for it - that's what the forums are for. I disagree with you and you're not trying to please me, so seeking my "appreciation" is asking a bit much. I was simply commenting on your dark colored rant with my own feedback, which happens to be the opposite of yours. See how that works?! We both have different opinions and we can BOTH express them. However, unlike you, I didn't try to insult you for yours.

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I am now electing to use my ability to let BW know that I am not enjoying their new daily area via feedback on the Forums. Apparently quiet a few other Forum posters don't appreciate my doing so.


I have no problem with your voicing your opinion. The thing I don't appreciate is your god awful dark green text that hurts my eyes every time I see it. Thanks for your consideration.

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Go for it - that's what the forums are for. I disagree with you and you're not trying to please me, so seeking my "appreciation" is asking a bit much. I was simply commenting on your dark colored rant with my own feedback, which happens to be the opposite of yours. See how that works?! We both have different opinions and we can BOTH express them. However, unlike you, I didn't try to insult you for yours.


I wasn't looking for appreciation but neither was I looking for people trying to tell my I'm wrong for having my opinions. As for the insult well that's just my view of your constant assumption that your experience is the only one possible so others who didn't experience exactly the same thing must be doing it wrong and Oh every things just peachy posts I see from you on a variety of topics. But if Pollyanna really riles you that much please accept my apologies. I'll swaddle all my future comments in soft cloths so you don't find yourself irritated.

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