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Treek conversations bugged?


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So, I got Treek on my Juggernaut, and I took her to the companion gift vendor to start that 10K run to max affection. I got her up to 8000 affection and then I took her to the ship to start on the conversations. She talked to me once, and then she no longer had a quest marker above her head. However, when clicking on her, she'd say something like, "Let's talk aboard the ship, Chief."


Does she have only the one conversation? Her speech would imply that she has more to say, but at 8300+ affection, I can't talk to her a second time.

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I can confirm this. Neither the speech bubble shows next to the character portrait nor does the quest marker appear above her head either on the ship or in the cantinas. However when spoken to she will respond that she wants to talk further on the ship, she will do this even when aboard and sat on her crate.


My character is a Lvl 55 Sith Sorc at Legacy Lvl 40. Initial conversation fired without issue onboard ship.

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I got Treek up to 8k rep after the initial conversation on board the ship, and at no point did she have the speech icon on her portrait saying she wanted to chat on the ship. But as others say, her dialogue when clicking on her onboard my ship does indicate she has something to say. She's currently at max rep, and nothing.


My friend said that in Beta she definitely had a lot of conversations as her rep went up, so I'm assuming this is indeed a bug.

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I've had the same problem with my Sentinel. After completing the first ship-board conversation, I gave Treek a bunch of gifts, raising her affection to just over 3000. When I click on her, she asks to speak again on the ship. Once there, however, she has no quest icon and simply repeats the request to talk when I poke her..
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I only went to 3500 before I figured she must be bugged, but a friend of mine went to 6000 and no conversations.


My main is a 55th Jedi Sentinel, my friend has a 55th Gunslinger, my alt that also has Treek is a 55th Scoundrel.


For the record, I had the initial one on my ship, then had my character that stores a lot of my fluff items mail my main some companion gifts. So I didn't feed her gifts until after the initial talk.


My one alt that also has her so far only did the initial conversation, but I never noticed her indicating she wanted to talk. No quest icon triangle over her head, no little chat bubble icon in her companion icon mini-hotbar. She did do it, but again she didn't indicate she wanted to to on my alt past the whole "Lets talk on your ship, chief" (or whatever she says exactly). I didn't feed her gifts on the alt so no idea if she would have opened up or not.


Or tl;dr: Same issues with Treek not being chatty.

Edited by Arvig
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I hope bioware fixes this soon, because I want to know more about treek (I'm levelling a bH with her)


At this point, I'd be happy with an official acknowledgement of the issue. I understand the 'we can't comment on every bug' stance, but considering the cost (in credits or real money) they've asked us to pay for her, an acknowledgement that it isn't working as intended would be welcome.

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I posted this issue in cust service forums about 15 minutes after the servers restarted and Treek was available. Within 5 minutes a CSR spoke to me via Live Agent chat to collect info. They said it was a bug and they were getting it figured out. Not sure WHY they didn't post something official so everyone knows about the problem and that a fix is coming... its annoying.
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2400CC and 300,000 credits well spent so far... I bought the CC unlock first on my smuggler and raised her approval to 10k straight away with gifts and hit this bug, then out of interest I bought the legacy unlock on my agent, didn't give her any gifts, had the settling-in convo and the same thing happened.


I was starting to really like her in that first convo too, which I wasn't expecting to do quite honestly. Hope it's fixed soon. :(

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Same issue here, 10k affection, only one conversation


Finally gave it a try myself, and yep - also bugged.

The first conversation is all I get, no matter what's my affection with her.

Since there are only a few posts on this topic it makes me wonder... are there people for who she's actually working atm?

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I posted this issue in cust service forums about 15 minutes after the servers restarted and Treek was available. Within 5 minutes a CSR spoke to me via Live Agent chat to collect info. They said it was a bug and they were getting it figured out. Not sure WHY they didn't post something official so everyone knows about the problem and that a fix is coming... its annoying.


Probably because it could impact sales. :p

That, and with the reading skills of some people on these boards a few moments later the rumor would be going around that "Treek is completely broken!!!!111 DO NOT BUY HER!!!!!".

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Probably because it could impact sales. :p

That, and with the reading skills of some people on these boards a few moments later the rumor would be going around that "Treek is completely broken!!!!111 DO NOT BUY HER!!!!!".


Joking aside, the first weekend after her release has already passed, so anyone who was going to purchase Treek likely already has. I imagine that spending two minutes on a quick "we know there's a problem with your purchase, but we're working on it!' isn't going to affect anything negatively. Her cut-scene issues are in the Known Issues thread, but this isn't sadly. :(

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Well I certainly wouldn't have bought her yet had I known I'd currently only get about 2 minutes of dialogue out of it, and I don't think that's at all unreasonable; I paid the cost and got very little of what I was supposed to in return.


This is the first content-denying bug I've come across in the game, and the fact that it's paid content and still not on the known issues list leaves me pretty unsympathetic towards the game right now; good thing the coins I spent on Treek were accumulated Subscriber rewards or I'd be even less so.

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Got the same bug on my 55 merc. got treek's affection to 10k. BUT...on a new sniper that I made, I had treek since lvl 10, got affection to 4k, and then when I finally got my ship and talked to her, had about 4 different conversations.
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