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I miss Star Wars Galaxies :(


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I miss that game myself. I was thinking about it today when i logged in stood around the fleet doing more or less, nothing.


In swg i left my footprint, i had a home, a business and even had an alt planted on Talus dropping stims for whomever needed them.


If I could play that game today, i would go crazy with the storyteller items.


What a waste that SWG got killed for this game, had it stayed I would still be playing both. With just SWTOR, i am contemplating just going back to console games.

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I miss logging on to empty servers.....having bugger all to do and no one to talk to....inclusion of quests where I encounter zombies!......logging on set times to bash mobs in city invasions just for something to do....yup I miss it......NOT


the zombies were cool, at first i thought it was a dumb idea but then i read the book and played in the area. It was fun place to get some cool loot for house, nothing like a stormy helmet on a hook dangling in my Haunted Sandcrawler.

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Swg... amazing. I cried when they shut it down. I was the mayor of a city! Had a ton of businesses. I was very famous in terms of crafting and business, ha, I even had my own team to advertise for me! I loved the freedom it had.... the space combat. I took a fleet of 5 transport ships and 10 fighters to take down a few Star Destroyers. My guild felt like family... the entire community was stable everywhere. I met a guy named Xavier and he helped me get on my feet. He gave me free houses, money, whatever! How I really wish I knew what happened to him. I had set up a customer support team for my business. HAHAHJHAHAHAHAHAH! It was so advanced and fun that my character /puked.


I miss you SWG!

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I find it ironic that people in the first few pages called SWG "WOW set in the SW universe".




What do you think TOR is? It's more WoW in so many aspects. SWG was brilliant.

TOR's only brilliance is the sith stories and quests.

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Pre-CU Jedi.


I had to have my entire guild help me level for fear of BH's ganking me. Having to restart from scratch every death was certainly not my idea of fun. Whip out your lightsaber around any human NPC's? name pops up on the bounty boards. Use too many force powers out in the wild? Darth Vader senses a disturbance in the force and your name pops up on the bounty boards.


So grinding consisted of..getting a few sets of kinetic armor going out and grinding mobs for 25min..then logging on to your BH alt to make sure your name wasn't on the bounty boards..rinse repeat.


Although running around as a BH and one shotting people with a lightning cannon was pretty cool and hilariously OP.


Then there were krayt pearls..precious items that you needed to make lightsabers that only dropped from Krayt Dragons..which at the time were the only "raid" boss in the game.


I would run around tatooine on my speeder..aggro one..then run to the nearest town to get it stuck inside a house. You could literally get the thing to run head first into a building and if you did it right..his head would pop out the other side. Stuck Krayt Dragon! Then you just needed to stand a few feet from him and afk attack until it was dead!


When I found groups killing krayts I would take my rifleman and mind shot over and over again from a distance..being carefull not to accept any group invites..therefore doing the most damage and getting loot rights on the boss, because thats how it worked back then..whomever did the most damage got rights to loot :| Thanks 25 people who tanked it for me!


Nothing was more fun then inviting someone to your house and dropping couches over them so they couldn't get out..then they had to put in a ticket and wait hours for the non existing CS to get around to porting their character out of the house. (I think they later turned off PC collision detection for that very reason)


Oh and the holo grind? I ended up just using macro's to grind out the dancer and musician professions because it was so boring. Imagine having to grind from 1-50 by just sitting there typing /dance over and over again.



Yeah..SWG was a decent game..but many of you folks are looking at it through rose tinted glasses..the game was a buggy, exploit ridden mess with near nothing to do when it came out..and SOE just made it worse and worse until they finally were forced to axe it.

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Pre-CU Jedi.

Yeah..SWG was a decent game..but many of you folks are looking at it through rose tinted glasses..the game was a buggy, exploit ridden mess with near nothing to do when it came out..and SOE just made it worse and worse until they finally were forced to axe it.


The last 2 years were really good, I dont blame people for leaving after NGE but I feel alot of people missed out on a good game.


For me there is no rose tint, as i played SWG untill December. I watched this game unfold here and i could not understand why so many people thought this game would be the next big thing.


The restrictions were in place here from the begining and when the first Beta hit and you could not even sit down in a chair, i knew this was exactly what LA wanted.


LA pushed the NGE to compete with WOW, that did not work. Now you got this game, a game designed more to compete with WOW than to provide a solid Starwars game.


I know SWG was cheesy at times but that is what starwars is, you could find everything from "life day" to a "gorax".


If you loved starwars you could really live in that world.


Here no matter how people want to sway their opinion, this game was designed to compete with WOW.


Just look at end game gear and it becomes apparent that the starwars fan base is not the fanbase SWTOR is looking to appease.


So why all the SWG love....because it was a starwars game, it provide that very well. Many starwars fans were happy to just log in and see the tattooine sunset.

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I miss the fact that I could log in. Walk inside my metropolis Cantina and see about 45 people having fun. Sure, there was always 1 or 2 AFK dancers but for the most part, people where there and talking. Jump on the stage, play some fizz and laugh a bit... a few hot pants dance moves and suddenly!


- GUys!!! our 12 faction HQ are under attack!



grab my gear in a secret stash hidden in the cantina, buff everyone up and bang, we're in the middle of the city, fighting to defend it. Each time, the shuttle land, new allies arrive but this team is under X imp player and that guy is a solid leader. Quickly hide from fire, discuss on how we're going to jump in that fight and survive. Execute the plan and fight to defend our bases. 2 Hours, later, fight is over and while most of our turrets are gone, everyone is healing back up and cheering. The imps comes back undeclared and everyone is all happy on how crazy that fight was. Time to heal up and continue partying for the night. The undeclared imps are welcome to come inside the cantina to get some wound healing and spend the rest of the night with us. A few hours later, we all fly to a racing zone, pull out our AV21 and race to see who's the best. Around the end of the night, I go do my solo run in the corellian instances while my guild decides to go hunt a few kraith dragons.


The next day, crafters are happy because that fight cost us a lot of gear and thanks to them, we get to buy fresh armor. I just made half a million in buffs and selling all my stimps.



SWG was a boring game if you didn't play it right but with the right folks... it was the most connected and involved game in my gaming history. I actually felt like a Doctor. People came to me for my incredible buffs and stimps and people flew a long way to get them.



SWTOR... I log on, queue for PVP and play guitar until a match starts lol.


It was a broken game and there was so many bugs... Still, the one important thing that not a single game have today: A huge social involvement.


Man, that's all the community is asking really and no one seems to be giving it.

Edited by Zag_Stratos
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No no no no no. That is a practical fail team. It's pretty small. SWGEMU is what you are looking for.


(It's pre-cu, I repeat, SWGEMU is Pre-cu.)


They're also entering alpha soon and are farther than any other SWG Emulator.


Free to play, too.


Space Combat is already in testing and development.


They're a good team and a big team and they're looking for more to help them bring back SWG to its former glory.


There's BUNCHES on everyday. (But since they're going to wipe the Liberator server (Theirnly non-testing server) for Alpha, people have left and are taking a break.)


Most of the community also has the SWG feel.


The only problem is the attack delays (lag) and various bugs.



Edited by Darth_Eminok
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SWG is still, hands down, the best multiplayer game I have ever played.


It was so incredibly complete ( and I'm not talking complete by WoW's standards ). The Space itself could have been a stand-alone game. It's a shame it never got the attention it deserved.

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SWG was awesome. i really miss being a stacked fencer/pistol and running from Anchorhead to Bestine to kick 50 or so imperials ***'s was awesome being able to win a 20-1 fight why oh why did they fix this game it was the most fun i ever had:P oh yes how could you forget the walk from Anchrhead to Jabbas palace before they put mounts into the game now that was awesome. Peronally i think they ruined the whole social grouping part of the game by taking out the 10 min wait time for a shuttle. I met many good friends in that shuttle que was like sitting at a bus stop in an mmo :) Edited by ForceFox
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SWG was a horrid game from the start...tried it a few times over it's life span...just a huge disappointment all over. Terribly done.


I pretty much agree. When I played it, it feeled, well, unfriendly. The ability to place a bounty on a players head just seems idiotic. What if a level 90 killed a level 15, the 15 placed a bounty on the level 90, and two level 90 bounty hunters murdered him while he was in a cantina, relaxing? It just seems wrong. The Quick Travel in this game is far surperior to the notion of being able to get stranded. Once, I had joined a guild, who later abandoned me to the jungles of Yavin 4. This game is much more my style. Simple objectives, good graphics, engaging combat. And above all, an excellent storyline for each class.

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I pretty much agree. When I played it, it feeled, well, unfriendly. The ability to place a bounty on a players head just seems idiotic. What if a level 90 killed a level 15, the 15 placed a bounty on the level 90, and two level 90 bounty hunters murdered him while he was in a cantina, relaxing? It just seems wrong. The Quick Travel in this game is far surperior to the notion of being able to get stranded.


It adds a bit of realism to the game world. Why wouldn't a bounty hunter be able to walk up to you and shoot you, wherever you were? If you had a bounty on your head you had to be aware of the risks. I think that much was brilliant. As for the quick travel, being stranded is also realistic, though I'm not sure how in the world you managed to get stranded in the first place.



Also, about the best story line thing... you clearly haven't played a Consular.

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SWG was awesome. i really miss being a stacked fencer/pistol and running from Anchorhead to Bestine to kick 50 or so imperials ***'s was awesome being able to win a 20-1 fight why oh why did they fix this game it was the most fun i ever had:P oh yes how could you forget the walk from Anchrhead to Jabbas palace before they put mounts into the game now that was awesome. Peronally i think they ruined the whole social grouping part of the game by taking out the 10 min wait time for a shuttle. I met many good friends in that shuttle que was like sitting at a bus stop in an mmo :)


Easily the worst part of the old version of the game. I play games to play them, not to stand there like a g-d lump waiting 10 minutes for a shuttle. Utterly pointless, boring forced socialization.


Shared misery should not be the start of a friendship.

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At least it had a social life, thats what mmos where, i stopped playing once they added levels...

I met some of the most friendly and optimistic gamers in that game, who where not hogs when it came to looting, to be honest, it was a second life you could live at the click of a button.. Make your own way.

Waiting for the Emulator now as i'm really quite sick of playing such games like wow, rinse and repeat on raid bosses and stand in stormwind or UC just isn't my thing.

Rather walk into a cantina and tell stories of the bugs i've encountered or how that gorax actually scared the **** out of me.

SWTOR has no time spender, you do the raids and wish to never do them again...you have nothing to look forward to or any challenges to obtain.

if they spent five years designing a SWG2, i'd definately play, and probably pay double of this games worth, as within the first month, i've seen every nook and cranny this game offers..

No one is really social, which i believe makes the MMO genre.

FYI- came from atari and such games, where it was more about gameplay than elegance, and for its era, SWG had great graphics, i remember looking at it when it was still in development, when there WASNT as many people playing MMOs', and looked in shock and awe in every planet i visited, weather it was empty or thriving with player cities, that game had a feel that still to this day, even an incomplete emulator still seems to grasp. I like the feel of logging in and doing as you pleased, could be nothing, could be extraordinary... this game only allows really two options, PVP or PVE, the space is there for a filler.

-TO kobe many people just stood at the shuttles just to talk to people... i actually never met a guy complain about his wait, just duel and share stories, but it probably wasn't your game if you couldn't use your imagination.

Edited by Synystar
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I miss StarWars Galaxies as well :

I miss when you guys were playing it and weren't constantly litering the forums of other MMOs with Garbage about it , and it was completely overshadowedand and rarely heard of because of better MMOs.

EMU going yet :D ?

Edited by mefit
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  • 2 weeks later...
I miss the fact that I could log in. Walk inside my metropolis Cantina and see about 45 people having fun. Sure, there was always 1 or 2 AFK dancers but for the most part, people where there and talking. Jump on the stage, play some fizz and laugh a bit... a few hot pants dance moves and suddenly!


- GUys!!! our 12 faction HQ are under attack!



grab my gear in a secret stash hidden in the cantina, buff everyone up and bang, we're in the middle of the city, fighting to defend it. Each time, the shuttle land, new allies arrive but this team is under X imp player and that guy is a solid leader. Quickly hide from fire, discuss on how we're going to jump in that fight and survive. Execute the plan and fight to defend our bases. 2 Hours, later, fight is over and while most of our turrets are gone, everyone is healing back up and cheering. The imps comes back undeclared and everyone is all happy on how crazy that fight was. Time to heal up and continue partying for the night. The undeclared imps are welcome to come inside the cantina to get some wound healing and spend the rest of the night with us. A few hours later, we all fly to a racing zone, pull out our AV21 and race to see who's the best. Around the end of the night, I go do my solo run in the corellian instances while my guild decides to go hunt a few kraith dragons.


The next day, crafters are happy because that fight cost us a lot of gear and thanks to them, we get to buy fresh armor. I just made half a million in buffs and selling all my stimps.



SWG was a boring game if you didn't play it right but with the right folks... it was the most connected and involved game in my gaming history. I actually felt like a Doctor. People came to me for my incredible buffs and stimps and people flew a long way to get them.



SWTOR... I log on, queue for PVP and play guitar until a match starts lol.


It was a broken game and there was so many bugs... Still, the one important thing that not a single game have today: A huge social involvement.


Man, that's all the community is asking really and no one seems to be giving it.


Well said! ;)

Oh how I miss the good people and the GCW Invasions...

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Same here, loved how i actually felt like i made an impact. Actually immersed myself in my character and felt like i had an identity on there. I have never played an MMO as community-driven as SWG was. I remember on the last day, it was me and like 6 other players that kept Chimaera from going Reb. They launched a last ditch effort to flip all of the zones and win the server, they almost did, but then again they are just rebel scum ;)
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swg was the greatest system to date........


best pvp ever.


As I remember it you just pushed one button for you'r macro to play for you, the best scripted macro won.

When it comes to pvp all mmo's made after swg is better by far!

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TOR is fun, but it really doesn't match up to SWG. And anyone who says otherwise never truly played SWG, and probably believes the WoW template is how every MMO should be, which is undeniably wrong.


If I had the choice, I'd be playing Galaxies over this. I think if Galaxies would be rereleased with the 2012 "polish" and would get hyped up like TOR did, people would realize just how good a game it actually is compared to all the others out there.

Edited by DarthKaratus
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As I remember it you just pushed one button for you'r macro to play for you, the best scripted macro won.

When it comes to pvp all mmo's made after swg is better by far!




Up until the last few months, there were these same imp players that used glitches ad marcro's for years in Restuss to pretty much F up any chance in Rebels holding Restuss for 24 hours if even.



Few good and huge battles at Restuss though. I believe my favorite one was a year ago when we had to have had about 100 players or so battle it out in literally an enitire days worth of fighting..


...Imps win, regroup at Reb base, storm the bank and take the broken building, hold 3rd level, snare entrence, have medics hide form the LoS. OH crap Imps broke thru the snare! Get down to the hidden 1st level, use more snares, kill those foolish Imps who followed, all LSJ use deflecct, good kill most Imps with low casulties, hurry and res at Reb base and storm back in for those who died, get more commandos in here and use rocket launchers to blow up and Imp vechicals trying to escape....hold Restuss for 15 minutes of silence....map turns reds..OH CRAP INCOM!!!!! Hurry to 3rd floor again, sadly leave those who were going for repeat missions behind to die, have snares dropped too late, lose Restuss. Regroup and rinse repeat !


Though each time was literally different..or felt like it...if you got enough sensor arrays as Rebel :wea_02:

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TOR is fun, but it really doesn't match up to SWG. And anyone who says otherwise never truly played SWG, and probably believes the WoW template is how every MMO should be, which is undeniably wrong.


If I had the choice, I'd be playing Galaxies over this. I think if Galaxies would be rereleased with the 2012 "polish" and would get hyped up like TOR did, people would realize just how good a game it actually is compared to all the others out there.


Actually that was the thing that was infact going to happen (well not sure on 2012 or 2013) if we it renewed. SWG was going to start to have a huge graphics revamp and F2P servers (just perminant trial accounts really). Along with other things dealing in space....raid parties stopping you and inspecting you for cargo with a ton of waves entering your ship if you were caught...blockcades around contested worlds....an actuall war....all lost sadly.

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