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Stupid grenades


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So if this game had not enought stuns, pushes, pulls and everybody can get another stupid "stun" only by going to the gtn and buying cybertech grenades.


What were they thinking??? Adding more stuns to this game is just stupid.


I think these kind of items should not be allowed on PVP warzones...like the adrenals.

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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because BW relates Class balance to more stuns, its more easier for them to just make it a stun happy wz vrs actually balancing the game. if adrenals had a stun effect to those whom hit the person using them they would be spaming the hang out of them.


Its like the same thing as them removing pets from wzs, it was just a easy cost effective fix.

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Sorry but 90% of the usefulness of Force Barrier comes from the ability to guarantee a covered escape by ending it early by tossing a nade at the melee drooling at the thought of killing me and sprinting away while they're all faceplanted.


I recognize someone touched you in inappropriate places, but I'd rather not the game get dumbed down more to placate bads.

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I could say the same about stupid Biochem and their stims.


Bolstered characters using 72 pve mods + 3% endurance boost skills in their skill tree + additional end boost from augments + end boost from trooper/BH classes... as if we don't have enough end boost... add stims on top of that and what, you get a 40k toon.


Ban Biochem stuff from the games, too.


*sarcasm OFF*

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Sorry you're too poor to afford a few stacks of grenades for 20k every now and then. :rolleyes:


edit: almost forgot, nerf operatives



That's not what my thread is about, my thread is about "really PVP needed MORE stuns?"

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and tossing even more CC around isn't dumbing down the game? lol. CC is the great skill equalizer.


Just the opposite, knowing when you use your CC, especially one with a 3 minute cooldown, separates the skilled players from scrubs.

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Just the opposite, knowing when you use your CC, especially one with a 3 minute cooldown, separates the skilled players from scrubs.


not to mention that they are stupid cheap to make... just from alts gathering while leveling last night I made total 300 grenades + crits (so total about 370 I think) of level 20, even more of L30, not doing L 40 yet as I need mats to support my last 2 alts that level. but be prepared for another 500 tries after they get to grade 5 mats.


I understand the frustration, nothing like use cc breaker in that unlucky moment on voidstar, just to get KB into a wall and stunned again :D

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I love them. How else can I jump to a Sniper in cover? Nade them to break them out of cover, then jump. Very useful in Huttball to jump to end zone when they think can't be jumped to. lol



That's another thing. You are not supposed to be able to do that...but u to to the gtn, buy a pack of nades and voilá!! All the Sniper/Slinger purpose of "not being able to be leaped" is over not by your character skill but by an external item.

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1. Its not new.


2. Its not a problem.


3. Everyone can use them, so its fair.


4. The game is the game, don't ask for changes that you think will prevent you from being bad, they wont help.


The removal of grenades from pvp will not affect your win loss rate methinks.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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I love them. How else can I jump to a Sniper in cover? Nade them to break them out of cover, then jump. Very useful in Huttball to jump to end zone when they think can't be jumped to. lol


I do this as well. Love when snipers thing they have the upper hand then they are like **** can't believe he just did that.

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That's another thing. You are not supposed to be able to do that...but u to to the gtn, buy a pack of nades and voilá!! All the Sniper/Slinger purpose of "not being able to be leaped" is over not by your character skill but by an external item.


that's why they have roll, 2 knockbacks (if mm) and one root+slow (again, mm).


not to mention, wasting 3 minutes CD CC just to get one lausy sniper (who wll KB you in a moment) is pointless waste.

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The way pvp is set up in this game the amount of cc's is kinda needed. Do I think they should cut back on them, sure. However - I know in ranked games, it's rare to just wipe an entire team and if it weren't for cc's, every match would be like hypers-split or novare and take forever to end. Cc's are kinda needed at this point and that's all grenades are. A cc that everyone has access to.
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You're absolutely right they are needed... but it's kind of sad. CCs are the ultimate class balancer for lazy devs.


I watched a well know Sin do some ranked games the other night - A sin that I'd put money on to win a duel against 99% of other players . There was an agreed 8v8 mid fight in the AH wz and he went deception for the DPS output. He did ~HALF the damage of the Jugg/Mara & Sorc. Sure he threw out some taunts and got about 100k protection, but it just goes to show how reliant on stuns/cc some classes are at setting up/mitigating the damage.


The way pvp is set up in this game the amount of cc's is kinda needed. Do I think they should cut back on them, sure. However - I know in ranked games, it's rare to just wipe an entire team and if it weren't for cc's, every match would be like hypers-split or novare and take forever to end. Cc's are kinda needed at this point and that's all grenades are. A cc that everyone has access to.
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So if this game had not enought stuns, pushes, pulls and s*hit everybody can get another stupid "stun" only by going to the gtn and buying cybertech grenades.


What were they thinking??? Adding more stuns to this game is just stupid.


I think these kind of items should not be allowed on PVP warzones...like the adrenals.


Ya know, that's been in game since launch...right?!

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Sorry you're too poor to afford a few stacks of grenades for 20k every now and then. :rolleyes:


That's not the principle of his point. Reading comprehension is at an all time low these days...


It's the additional CC grenades cause.

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Same thing with people using Warzone medpacks and adrenals regs, people want the advantage then let them have it. I don't need anything outside my class' skill set to dominate regs, so I don't bother wasting money on it (I prefer to dump my credits into the GTN for cartel crap and cosmetic stuff).


Ranked is another story, everyone should be doing everything possible to maximize their play, who cares if it's more CC, when resolve works you get your 15 sec of freedom lol. Yes even more CC is annoying, but is it game breaking? No, it just adds another tool to your kit and it is up to you if you want to take advantage of it.

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Sorry but 90% of the usefulness of Force Barrier comes from the ability to guarantee a covered escape by ending it early by tossing a nade at the melee drooling at the thought of killing me and sprinting away while they're all faceplanted.


Glad I keep the stun breaker right for those situations. :rak_05:

Edited by Vaerah
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...when resolve works...


Do we play the same game most of the time resolve never works. You should not be able to perma-stun players to death, especially as their resolve bar is full with 2s. I have no problem with the odd CC, hell even a couple of CC's but the ability to hold someone in place while the rest for more than 20s while the rest of your team beat them to death is not my idea of fun.


Saying that, with the current metagame, grenades are needed to prevent even more turtlefesting. The fact that a grenaded player if taken damage breaks the CC means they are more tactical CC's. Now if we could get the rest of the CC;s to behave this way then we may get out of this stun wars fiasco.


CC's should be used tactically, i.e. CC the player while you cap the objective/kill the other player, is tactical. Perma-stun one player while they get mobbed is not tactical but bad design by BW.

Edited by bsbrad
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