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Sorry, but the missions say pvp. Big words CONTESTED AREA.


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Thats my point though I do enjoy PvP, my valor is well into the 60s now and I used to enjoy the big open Ilum pvp fights shortly after launch - I can take a 3 vs 1 ganking and shrug it off and go back and try again later, what I struggle to understand however is what BW hoped to achieve by putting PvE quests in a PvP area *and* make it a free-for-all by dropping faction restrictions.
they arent pve quests...they are pvp quests...because they are in pvp zones.


free for alls only increase pvp activity.


you obviously do have an issue with pvp because you are here actively whining about 1) ganking 2) pvp in pvp zones.

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How does me being killed by 3 players whilst I'm already half dead from killing an elite equate to me not being able to play? Why am I even bothering to reply to your obvious goad?


I'm not moaning about being killed, I take my chances in a PvP zone and live with the consequences. The point I was trying to make is that I don't understand the reasoning behind same faction pvp or pve quests in pvp areas.


I will give you a very simple answer. It provides more bodies in the area to kill. And limiting it to 4 players FFA allows the area to not be incredibly imbalance. That's really the reason for same faction pvp: having enough players for pvp and balance.

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Thats my point though I do enjoy PvP, my valor is well into the 60s now and I used to enjoy the big open Ilum pvp fights shortly after launch - I can take a 3 vs 1 ganking and shrug it off and go back and try again later, what I struggle to understand however is what BW hoped to achieve by putting PvE quests in a PvP area *and* make it a free-for-all by dropping faction restrictions.


Same thing as I said in my previous post. Balance and More people to fight. Again its not a PvE quest its a PvP quest that is designed to incentive players to fight for the sake of fighting rather than the rewards itself.

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they arent pve quests...they are pvp quests...because they are in pvp zones.


free for alls only increase pvp activity.


you obviously do have an issue with pvp because you are here actively whining about 1) ganking 2) pvp in pvp zones.


The only issue I have with it is that its not fun.


I've just done run through the Gree quests on 2 of my lvl 55 characters now and 90% of the general chat is people moaning about being ganked or the gankers laughing about it - if thats what BW were going for then fair enough the system works.


I could hang around the area and kill mission runners but tbh I'd get no pleasure from that and neither would they, in fact they would be more likely to think twice about coming back (certainly at peak times if they had any sense) therefore not only are the mission runners having reservations about the event but the knock on effect is that the PvPers will have less people to kill.


I'm obviously not making my point very well so I'll leave it here but imo and judging from the vast majority of the general chat ingame I'm not alone, whatever the thinking behind the design of the quests the actual result is not one thats promoting a healthy and happy gaming environment.

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The only issue I have with it is that its not fun.


I've just done run through the Gree quests on 2 of my lvl 55 characters now and 90% of the general chat is people moaning about being ganked or the gankers laughing about it - if thats what BW were going for then fair enough the system works.


I could hang around the area and kill mission runners but tbh I'd get no pleasure from that and neither would they, in fact they would be more likely to think twice about coming back (certainly at peak times if they had any sense) therefore not only are the mission runners having reservations about the event but the knock on effect is that the PvPers will have less people to kill.


I'm obviously not making my point very well so I'll leave it here but imo and judging from the vast majority of the general chat ingame I'm not alone, whatever the thinking behind the design of the quests the actual result is not one thats promoting a healthy and happy gaming environment.

if its not fun, then dont do it


of course you arent alone, there are many irrational pve carbears that despise pvp and cant understand that pvp happens in pvp zones

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The only issue I have with it is that its not fun.


I've just done run through the Gree quests on 2 of my lvl 55 characters now and 90% of the general chat is people moaning about being ganked or the gankers laughing about it - if thats what BW were going for then fair enough the system works.


I could hang around the area and kill mission runners but tbh I'd get no pleasure from that and neither would they, in fact they would be more likely to think twice about coming back (certainly at peak times if they had any sense) therefore not only are the mission runners having reservations about the event but the knock on effect is that the PvPers will have less people to kill.


I'm obviously not making my point very well so I'll leave it here but imo and judging from the vast majority of the general chat ingame I'm not alone, whatever the thinking behind the design of the quests the actual result is not one thats promoting a healthy and happy gaming environment.


Majority of the people that seem to be upset are those who are attempting to solo it in the contested area. which is a bad thing to attempt. Ganking will happen no matter what, however being grouped up makes constant ganking less likely and makes the experience more fun. All the times I ran in there with a group of 4 I had a blast. And we never gank we were the ones who either got attacked or was helping someone out who was being ganked.

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And I can tell from your previous posts your really bad at analogies and can't understand simple mechanics and incentives and can't use common sense.


Again here you are with poor analogy. Nobody likes Crate Ninjas or flashpoint needers, yes that is true. But that is not the same as what everyone here is saying.


Based on what you just said Bioware should just do away with PvE gear in Ops and FPs because someone might ninja it. or they should just do away with Ops and FPs all together because someone might screw someone over. Theres a really simple solution, don't run with those people and group up with people that arn't jerks.


The same thing applies to the contested area on Ilum. if you don't want to be ganked. Either man up and group up with 3 other people or don't do it at all. The entire area is boalstered where even if you don't have an ounce of pvp gear you automatically get 1493 expertise rating. You can hold your own if you are attacked especially if you are in a group of 4.


But you don't want that you want to ruin everybody else fun simply because you don't want to pvp in the pvp area. Well the world doesn't revolve around you buddy. You gotta learn to live with jerks as well as the good players.


Sweet Jesus! Half on the posted on this topic are your disagreements with people that disagree with your opinion. Not just in this thread but in everyone that's been created in the last week. HOW DO YOU EVEN HAVE TIME TO DO THE EVENT! I apologize for my earlier comment on you being "easily confused", with the hundreds of posts you are making it must be difficult to keep all straight. You should probally take a couple of days off, honestly I've never seen someone try so hard to rationalize being an nasty to others. Please go back and read the previous posts before you make another post!



I do lots of pvp my self, and do this event solo and with groups and I don't mind being ganked , especially when there is an achievement involved. But the kind of people this event brings out is just ridiculous. We are actually having arguments about why its actually OK screw over others......

MMO's can bring out some really vicious and cowardly people. Any "anonymous platform" involving others allows players like this to be as nasty as they want while hiding behind keyboard. Any game that caters to that is just doing something wrong.


Please address the situation before you bring it back, (if you bring it back), at least let us know what EA Bioware's position on Gree/Ganking.

Edited by Jrea
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The only issue I have with it is that its not fun.


Just cause it's not fun for you and some whiny loudmouths who QQ in the general channel doesn't mean that other players aren't having a blast down there. Last night we organized three groups of pubs to kick the imps camping center out and spent about three hours working on those orb quests and playing king of the hill. It was a freaking blast and there were about 30 players mixing it up down there. And this... was on a freaking roleplay server - so not exactly the hardest of the hardcore pvpers.


For players like us the fun is in the open world pvp. The quests just give us an excuse to be down there and something to do between kicking the crap out of each other. Don't like it? That's fine but find something else to do and let us have our fun.

Edited by Prisoner
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;if its not fun, then dont do it


of course you arent alone, there are many irrational pve carbears that despise pvp and cant understand that pvp happens in pvp zones


Irrational PVP carebears? Do you mean because they cant understand that PVP happens in PVP zones, or do you mean they are generally carebears because they don't like PVP?

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Get your pve on in the pve area...don't come in the pvp area get ganked and then complain that pvp is in the pve area.

Also I absolutely love the illum pvp. Open world pvp at its finest and it's not over run and laggy.

Good job bioware.:)


Gree is not am open world PVP event, it is a disaster of an idea an implementation. One cannot even distinguish between friend or foe. It is a poorly thought-out, horribly implemented idea that starts with breaking the first rule of MMO's and goes down hill from there.


There really is no excuse for this mess. They should know better.

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;if its not fun, then dont do it


of course you arent alone, there are many irrational pve carbears that despise pvp and cant understand that pvp happens in pvp zones


Honestly, LOL. Carebears? You are a tough guy because you can sit at a computer and push buttons against another skinny kid at his mother's house pushing buttons on his keyboard? Step in the ring with a real human if you want to consider yourself tough. This is a computer game.


This has nothing to do with "tough". It has to do with not allowing people like yourself to interrupt their game play with your little antics. In short, the choice to complete an event without having to deal with you and your little friends getting in their way.

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Irrational PVP carebears? Do you mean because they cant understand that PVP happens in PVP zones, or do you mean they are generally carebears because they don't like PVP?



This is not PVP. It is not a pvp event. It is an opportunity for random players to camp nodes or and gank low health players while they try to complete PVE event goals. PVP is totally different, starting with being able to identify players on your own team. This is a mess.

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Yes they can do faction vs faction. Everywhere else on Ilum, Tatooine, Section X, etc is faction versus faction. We all know there have been plenty of times huge groups of Imperials and Republic have duked it out on Tatooine, "huge", not ity bity tiny groups of 4. All they need to do is to do it.


If a small game company with a total budget of maybe $2 million had the technology to do it over 10 years ago BioWare can certainly do it now.


Actually thinking more of this, the problem even from the beginning has I think been more people just want to do the missions for the event and move on; possibly because they have a lot of other chars they want to do it on. That most don't want to waste their time pvp'ing and end up not being able to complete it. Still, bad implementation I say. I mean sorry to say but these really aren't "pvp" missions, they're pve missions with the acronym pvp in the mission name. Last time I checked killing droid npc's and clicking on objects in the world wasn't pvp, but what do I know.


You are wasting your time trying to explain to these people about the difference between legitimate PvP events and this mess. After reading through about ten posts it became apparent the level of logic, reason, comprehension we are dealing with. LOL

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You are wasting your time trying to explain to these people about the difference between legitimate PvP events and this mess. After reading through about ten posts it became apparent the level of logic, reason, comprehension we are dealing with. LOL


What I find totally hilarious about you is that you spam four whiny butthurt posts in a row quoting other people and spewing your opinion about how terrible this event is, and then completely skip mine where I talk about how 30+ players spent over two hours having fun kicking the crap out of each other Sunday night. Which is... you know... the entire point of the contested area, and proof that the design is working as intended.


Dude, seriously. Just cause you want to do the boring PVE grind and nothing else, doesn't mean that other players aren't having fun. Don't like it? Then just stay the hell out of the contested area.

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This is not PVP. It is not a pvp event. It is an opportunity for random players to camp nodes or and gank low health players while they try to complete PVE event goals. PVP is totally different, starting with being able to identify players on your own team. This is a mess.


1.) This is PvP. Anything marked as PvP is PvP.


2.) This even is both PvP and PvE. Hence the majority of the quests are PvE, two are PvP.


3.) When completing PvE, unless you are on a PvP server you have the OPTION to not PvP. Keep that flag off, and stay out of the PvP area.


4.) "Players on your own team" would be anyone who is green. Red = dead, and means they are the enemy. Not that hard


Honestly, LOL. Carebears? You are a tough guy because you can sit at a computer and push buttons against another skinny kid at his mother's house pushing buttons on his keyboard? Step in the ring with a real human if you want to consider yourself tough. This is a computer game.


This has nothing to do with "tough". It has to do with not allowing people like yourself to interrupt their game play with your little antics. In short, the choice to complete an event without having to deal with you and your little friends getting in their way.


No one can interrupt your gameplay (on a PvE server) unless you allow them to. PvP is 100% optional on PvE servers. End of story.


Do you think you're some "tough guy" because you attempt to demean people by using childish insults on a forum?

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I dont mind being attacked in a PvP area. I mind being rolled by a group of 4 when I'm soloing. I also mind people who actually stand around waiting for me to engage in combat with PvE mobs before they attack.


If you want to PvP - do it on fair terms or piss off and die.


PvP is 100% optional on PvE servers. End of story.


*cough* except when Bioware adds PvE content in forced PvP areas *cough*.... That's like saying logging into the game is optional, so you can never complain about being griefed.

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*cough* except when Bioware adds PvE content in forced PvP areas *cough*.... That's like saying logging into the game is optional, so you can never complain about being griefed.


"PvE content" that is in a PvP area AND marked as PvP is not PvE content -- it is PvP content. BW gets to decide what is PvP and what is PvE. Arguing that the design is poor is absolutely fine -- but it IS PvP.


And you can easily choose not to enter the PvP area.


No, it isn't like saying that. Nice straw-man, though. People want to be able to do everything their way -- and whine that it isn't fair that they have a choice. It is absolutely pathetic.

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there's new achievements for killing people of both factions on ilum now actually.


Ah, that's why the kill rates have increased, lately.


And you can easily choose not to enter the PvP area.


I never quite understood, why NO-ONE was / is whining about "being forced to enter an PvE area" as an PvP player ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I dont mind being attacked in a PvP area. I mind being rolled by a group of 4 when I'm soloing. I also mind people who actually stand around waiting for me to engage in combat with PvE mobs before they attack.


If you want to PvP - do it on fair terms or piss off and die.




*cough* except when Bioware adds PvE content in forced PvP areas *cough*.... That's like saying logging into the game is optional, so you can never complain about being griefed.


The simple answer then becomes "do not enter a PvP area alone unless you can face off against multiple opponents at once".


If you want fair PvP, go to a WZ. Otherwise, you get a FFA zone where not only can you get attacked by 4 people solo, but those 4 people can get attacked by 12 other people...who are also attacking each other.


Fair is relative. If you walk into a FFA zone solo you should expect to get steamrolled since most people are smart enough not to enter a FFA zone solo...

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Gree is not am open world PVP event, it is a disaster of an idea an implementation. One cannot even distinguish between friend or foe. It is a poorly thought-out, horribly implemented idea that starts with breaking the first rule of MMO's and goes down hill from there.


There really is no excuse for this mess. They should know better.


This is not PVP. It is not a pvp event. It is an opportunity for random players to camp nodes or and gank low health players while they try to complete PVE event goals. PVP is totally different, starting with being able to identify players on your own team. This is a mess.


You realize that the No True Scotsman argument is a logical fallacy right?

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This is not PVP. It is not a pvp event. It is an opportunity for random players to camp nodes...


So, the Alderaan WZ isn't pvp? There's nodes. Being camped. Channeling on them achieves the goal. Same as the Gree pvp mission.


PvP is player vs player, it's not player killing player. There are many ways to be "vs" without meaning the primary goal is body count.


In huttball, you grab a ball and attempt to make it across a goal line. You get side points for kills, but that's not the primary goal.

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Ok, I'm still not understanding here....you can skip the PVP portion of the event, right?


And if you don't like the fact that they added PVP quests (or PVE quests inside PVP zones, whichever you prefer) can't you simply refuse to participate in the event?


That is what I have done...twice. I think it was flat foolish to add PVP missions to a PVE event period...so I simply did not and will not participate. PVP in this game is a horrible clunky mess, and they are going to have to put a HUGE amount of work into it if I am ever to have any interest in it. It's nothing more than a gear factory that requires you to show up and roll your face on your keyboard.


PVP in this game is ridiculously easy, gear based and lacks any necessary skill. IMO it has no redeeming qualities at all..not to mention that there is zero penalty for losing, which IMO is just as ridiculous.


I really can't wrap my head around why they did this, forced PVP and PVE together in some silly attempt to bring both worlds together when they couldn't be farther apart if they tried. But, in the end it doesn't matter what I think...all that matters is if I choose to participate or not.

Edited by LordArtemis
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