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Sorry, but the missions say pvp. Big words CONTESTED AREA.


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So what I'm seeing is that if you're objecting to dishonorable practices in a PvP area, you're either butthurt, need to grow up, or just dumb for not seeing that farming achievements at the cost of others is obviously the highest priority?


I would probably be more sympathetic to the pro-PvP argument if it didn't spend so much time being insulting.

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So what I'm seeing is that if you're objecting to dishonorable practices in a PvP area, you're either butthurt, need to grow up, or just dumb for not seeing that farming achievements at the cost of others is obviously the highest priority?


I would probably be more sympathetic to the pro-PvP argument if it didn't spend so much time being insulting.


"Dishonorable" is both subjective -- and not really of BWs concern.


The point is -- you don't have to do the quests. The Anti-PvP argument is crying about not being able to do quests marked as [PvP] and avoid PvP all together. It is the most childish argument I've ever heard.

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There will be times when some douche on your faction rolls up and ganks you for no apparent reason. Other than that you'll have to rez and go back, is it really a big deal? You can change instances if you want to avoid that person. Or you can be pro-active and join up with people to protect each other. It was actually pretty cool last night because a bunch of imps were banding together and making sure to not kill each other but only go after pubs. Sometimes a big huge free for all is hilariously fun too. IMO the pvp element makes them the most interesting and fun dailies in the game because you never know what's going to happen.
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every complaint I see about the PvP is same-faction killing. Which is understandable tbh. There's no reason for an imp or pub to attack someone of the same faction as they are other than for the purpose of being a ***** and griefing them. Which seems to be the mentality of 95% of PvP'ers...it's sad really.


Right. Because Vader didn't toss The Emperor to his death. Imp on Imp violence never happens in the Star Wars universe.



Have you been around at the time the rakghoule event was live? That was a good event.


The Rakghoul Event was pretty awesome, but sort of a once-in-a-lifetime thing. The Gree Event is a gift that keeps on giving.



Here is the thing. Why dont PvP players want to play with other PvP players? PvE players are only there to farm their reputation. They dont want to play PvP with you. Why must you insist on involving them in something they dont want to do? PvP with likeminded players and leave those that dont want to PvP alone to their quests.


Red is Dead. Sorry, but as a PvPer, that's all I can really tell about another player who steps into a PvP zone.



Actually, that's not true. The Grey Secant is there to study the combat abilities of honored bipeds and especially the black bisectors who moved everything to red parallel on Coruscant. The area in question is a place where full on conflict is allowed so that all can flow to blue nonagon for scientific purposes. There is no reason that allied black bisectors cannot engage each other because this allows the Gree to move to green parallel.


Best explanation...EVA!!! +Rep

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Red is Dead. Sorry, but as a PvPer, that's all I can really tell about another player who steps into a PvP zone.



I retract you to the example on my previous post. Its a game, so you can, but should you? Is it morally correct and socially acceptable behaviour to fight people that dont want to fight you? Nope. So, you're gonna keep getting criticised and earning a bad rep for it in-game and in the forums.

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I retract you to the example on my previous post. Its a game, so you can, but should you? Is it morally correct and socially acceptable behaviour to fight people that dont want to fight you? Nope. So, you're gonna keep getting criticised and earning a bad rep for it in-game and in the forums.


What you seem to not get. What everyone is trying to tell you is. If you don't want to fight. DON'T DO THE PVP QUESTS AND DON'T GO INTO THE PVP ZONE.

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I retract you to the example on my previous post. Its a game, so you can, but should you? Is it morally correct and socially acceptable behaviour to fight people that dont want to fight you? Nope. So, you're gonna keep getting criticised and earning a bad rep for it in-game and in the forums.


I get where you're coming from with the real life example, but really, it's a game. NOT real life. Games are an escape from real life. Trying to draw any kind of parallel between morals in the real world and a game world is ridiculous.

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I retract you to the example on my previous post. Its a game, so you can, but should you? Is it morally correct and socially acceptable behaviour to fight people that dont want to fight you? Nope. So, you're gonna keep getting criticised and earning a bad rep for it in-game and in the forums.


Also btw, really you gonna talk about socially acceptable behavior with a game where you deliver a man's head to his wife? and you gonna talk about morally correct? REALLY?

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Its funny when douche bags pretend they don't understand what the problem is, Its even funnier when they start threads about it............


Yes, we all know its a "Contested Area, we Know there's an achievement, we all know what pvp is.


Why people are complaining?


1. 900-1200 Rep points per day per character is A LOT to loose out on.

2. Players who don't do PVP are at a severe disadvantage in this event, with Rep and Credits.

3. Guess whay? Some very creepy players are using this event not to get commendations or achievements but strictly the make the game a bad experience for others.


You know why people are getting upset and pretending like you don't don't make you any less creepy.


Again, Bioware....er sorry "EA" Boiware, if you are not going to change the pvp in this event please just don't bring it back, it brings out the worst type of players.

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Its funny when douche bags pretend they don't understand what the problem is, Its even funnier when they start threads about it............


Yes, we all know its a "Contested Area, we Know there's an achievement, we all know what pvp is.


Why people are complaining?


1. 900-1200 Rep points per day per character is A LOT to loose out on.

2. Players who don't do PVP are at a Sevres disadvantage in this event, with Rep and Credits.

3. Guess whay? Some very creepy players are using this event not to get commendations or achievements but strictly the make the game a bad experience for others.


You know why people are getting upset and pretending like you don't don't make you any less of a creep!


Again, Bioware....er sorry "EA" Boiware, if you are not going to change the pvp in this event please just don't bring it back, it brings out the worst type of players.


Thanks..appreciate it. Lol

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Its funny when douche bags pretend they don't understand what the problem is, Its even funnier when they start threads about it............


Yes, we all know its a "Contested Area, we Know there's an achievement, we all know what pvp is.


Why people are complaining?


1. 900-1200 Rep points per day per character is A LOT to loose out on.

2. Players who don't do PVP are at a Sevres disadvantage in this event, with Rep and Credits.

3. Guess whay? Some very creepy players are using this event not to get commendations or achievements but strictly the make the game a bad experience for others.


You know why people are getting upset and pretending like you don't don't make you any less of a creep!


Again, Bioware....er sorry "EA" Boiware, if you are not going to change the pvp in this event please just don't bring it back, it brings out the worst type of players.


1. In the grand scheme of things. It really isn't alot of rep points. I got to hero status 3 weeks after the event started the first time it was here without doing the pvp quests. The only reason i didn't reach champion by then was do to the weekly lock out. Doing the pvp quests has little to no affect on the rate you get your rep in. You can reach Legendary status just as fast without the other reps if you work hard enough.


2. A simple solution to those that don't pvp. Get in a group of 4 with someone who does pvp. I don't pvp and i grouped with a friend of mine who pvp's, our group killed all 3 groups of imps that attacked us. and my friend was the only 1 in pvp gear.


3. Guess what? EVERY GAME MMO HAS CREEPY PEOPLE LIKE THAT. You know the solution to that. IGNORE THEM and continue doing your thing. There are always douches and jerks in games. That's not an excuse to QQ or ask to remove pvp from the event.


EDIT: So let me close with this. I find it amazing how people complain about this event when there are literally 6+ Quests that have NOTHING TO DO WITH PVP, 3 World Bosses and a Galaxy wide Quest. And you guys have the ORDASIDY to get mad about Literally 2 quests in 1 small location where the primary focus of it is to incentivise pvp. The Nerve! Guess what there are pvpers on pve servers just like their are pve'ers on pvp servers. People can freely choose where to go. You have to play along side with them, and they have just as much right to content and playing the game how they please just as much as you. DEAL WITH IT.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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Its funny when douche bags pretend they don't understand what the problem is, Its even funnier when they start threads about it............


Yes, we all know its a "Contested Area, we Know there's an achievement, we all know what pvp is.


Why people are complaining?


1. 900-1200 Rep points per day per character is A LOT to loose out on.

2. Players who don't do PVP are at a severe disadvantage in this event, with Rep and Credits.

3. Guess whay? Some very creepy players are using this event not to get commendations or achievements but strictly the make the game a bad experience for others.


You know why people are getting upset and pretending like you don't don't make you any less creepy.


Again, Bioware....er sorry "EA" Boiware, if you are not going to change the pvp in this event please just don't bring it back, it brings out the worst type of players.


1.) No, it isn't. Especially when you have a weekly cap. So, is it unfair that some people can play this game 6+ hours a day, and others can't play more than 1 hour a day? If you can't handle doing PvP quests, that is your decision. Either miss out on a SMALL amount of rep, or just do the quests. Off hours, in groups, smaller instances -- not too hard to do. Can I complain about missing out on NiM OPs because I don't want to do them?


2.) Not at all. "Severe"? Is that supposed to be a joke? PvE players also have the normal dailies that are all PvE-only, in which credits can be had easily. And, see #1 -- that isn't a lot of rep to lose. Do 1-2 world bosses and you're now ahead.


3.) There are always jerks. This is the internet. This is a multiplayer video game. There is literally no way to get rid of jerks without disconnecting from the internet. In-game, you should be shaming those players who are ACTUALLY griefing you -- and 1v1, 4v4, 3v3, 3v4, etc, those fair fights, don't count as griefing just because you don't want to PvP in a PvP area.



I don't know why people are getting upset. I choose not to do WZs and miss out on that portion of the game, because I'm sick of stupid people not paying attention. I purposely don't PUG raids because it is a waste of my time -- I go with guild runs only. You have the ability to fix the problem -- you just aren't happy because you can't get your way 100% of the time.

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1.) No, it isn't. Especially when you have a weekly cap. So, is it unfair that some people can play this game 6+ hours a day, and others can't play more than 1 hour a day? If you can't handle doing PvP quests, that is your decision. Either miss out on a SMALL amount of rep, or just do the quests. Off hours, in groups, smaller instances -- not too hard to do. Can I complain about missing out on NiM OPs because I don't want to do them?


2.) Not at all. "Severe"? Is that supposed to be a joke? PvE players also have the normal dailies that are all PvE-only, in which credits can be had easily. And, see #1 -- that isn't a lot of rep to lose. Do 1-2 world bosses and you're now ahead.


3.) There are always jerks. This is the internet. This is a multiplayer video game. There is literally no way to get rid of jerks without disconnecting from the internet. In-game, you should be shaming those players who are ACTUALLY griefing you -- and 1v1, 4v4, 3v3, 3v4, etc, those fair fights, don't count as griefing just because you don't want to PvP in a PvP area.



I don't know why people are getting upset. I choose not to do WZs and miss out on that portion of the game, because I'm sick of stupid people not paying attention. I purposely don't PUG raids because it is a waste of my time -- I go with guild runs only. You have the ability to fix the problem -- you just aren't happy because you can't get your way 100% of the time.


I probably couldn't say it any better. People like him simply want their cake and eat it too. No matter if it means taking away a portion of the game that people enjoy (and I am talking about spurratic and chaotic pvp NOT GRIEFING) simply because they don't want to do the work.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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2. Players who don't do PVP are at a severe disadvantage in this event, with Rep and Credits.


Players who don't do PVP are at a severe disadvantage in this game...

Just because you or anyone else doesn't participate in a certain area of a game, doesn't mean it's unfair. Just means you miss out because of your own particular tastes. You know what else players who don't do PVP miss out on? Warzone Commendations... no sith right?


Players who partake in all areas of this game will be rewarded accordingly. I don't do Space Missions, yet I don't complain that I can't get the Space Mission Rewards and Rep stuff... I don't like to do 'em so I don't get 'em.


Either be an 'all-around gamer' in this game and get all da stuff or only do half and get half da stuff.

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What you seem to not get. What everyone is trying to tell you is. If you don't want to fight. DON'T DO THE PVP QUESTS AND DON'T GO INTO THE PVP ZONE.


Yelling makes you a lot more convincing.


Come on guys. Try and at least consider the other side of the argument. Why would you hit someone when they have the clear disadvantage? All that shows is you're unwilling to fight a fair fight...

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1.) No, it isn't. Especially when you have a weekly cap. So, is it unfair that some people can play this game 6+ hours a day, and others can't play more than 1 hour a day? If you can't handle doing PvP quests, that is your decision. Either miss out on a SMALL amount of rep, or just do the quests. Off hours, in groups, smaller instances -- not too hard to do. Can I complain about missing out on NiM OPs because I don't want to do them?


2.) Not at all. "Severe"? Is that supposed to be a joke? PvE players also have the normal dailies that are all PvE-only, in which credits can be had easily. And, see #1 -- that isn't a lot of rep to lose. Do 1-2 world bosses and you're now ahead.


3.) There are always jerks. This is the internet. This is a multiplayer video game. There is literally no way to get rid of jerks without disconnecting from the internet. In-game, you should be shaming those players who are ACTUALLY griefing you -- and 1v1, 4v4, 3v3, 3v4, etc, those fair fights, don't count as griefing just because you don't want to PvP in a PvP area.



I don't know why people are getting upset. I choose not to do WZs and miss out on that portion of the game, because I'm sick of stupid people not paying attention. I purposely don't PUG raids because it is a waste of my time -- I go with guild runs only. You have the ability to fix the problem -- you just aren't happy because you can't get your way 100% of the time.


Guess I really hit a nerve, I have the thread poster trolling me and even more people posting excuses as to why its ok to be a jerk.


I do lots of pvp my self, Its its not that hard to take down a couple of griefers when doing these missions. And I don't mind getting pwned, especially when I know there is a Achievement involved. The only issue I have is with people going out of there way to make the game a crappy experience for others then coming up bs excuses to convince them selves it OK.


EABW, please change or remove this event, if not to keep people playing, then to end the forum posts!


PS: Please only respond to my posts if you can do basic math. 1200 rep, times "x" amount of characters, times 14 days. How much Rep is that for you?

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Yelling makes you a lot more convincing.


Come on guys. Try and at least consider the other side of the argument. Why would you hit someone when they have the clear disadvantage? All that shows is you're unwilling to fight a fair fight...


It's Open World PvP there is no such thing as fair fights. Its an uncontrollable environment. If you want fair fights, do warzones or get in a group of 4. If you don't want to fight at all stay out of the pvp area.

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Guess I really hit a nerve, I have the thread poster trolling me and even more people posting excuses as to why its ok to be a jerk.


I do lots of pvp my self, Its its not that hard to take down a couple of griefers when doing these missions. And I don't mind getting pwned, especially when I know there is a Achievement involved. The only issue I have is with people going out of there way to make the game a crappy experience for others then coming up bs excuses to convince them selves it OK.


EABW, please change or remove this event, if not to keep people playing, then to end the forum posts!


PS: Please only respond to my posts if you can do basic math. 1200 rep, times "x" amount of characters, times 14 days. How much Rep is that for you?


Fine here's simple math. X amount of characters = to Y amount needed to get 1200 rep points Even if you have only 1 character you have enough from all the other quests to hit the weekly max. If you have alts. Get them to lvl 50 or take your lvl 50+ alts to the event and grind the pve dailies. It's not rocket science.


The point we are trying to make is the rep you gain from doing the pvp quests are extra and not needed. So since its extra if you want them then be ready to partake in pvp


They are not going to remove the pvp from this event simply because it is working as intended. the point of the quests in the contested area is to incentavise pvp. Meaning get people to go to the pvp area and potentially fight.


We are not making excuses for griefers. We are trying to tell you that griefers will be there wheather this event had pvp or not. It would just be on another planet like outlaws den. or some other place.


But just because you don't like griefers, just like me, doesn't mean you should remove the whole experience. Like you my group of 4 took down 3 groups that grieffed us at differnet times. But that was fun for us and that is one of the things alot of people like about the pvp part of this event. Its spurratic. There is no control variable, it happens organically and weather you want it or not you better be prepared to fight the moment you enter the pvp zone. If you don't want to fight. DON'T GO. again not rocket science.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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You can hit the weekly cap by doing just the PvE quests


The pvp quests are not even worth the time it take to get them done.


If you don't pvp you can kill the big droid like all the other PvE. Players

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I find it strange that people have to explain and justify this stuff. Perhaps reading a book will be less stressful for you.


I don't like to be flagged EVERY where I go; but I do like to have options and a good fight every now and then. Ilum western shelf used to have one purpose, I'd say be glad it's a hybrid.

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It's Open World PvP there is no such thing as fair fights. Its an uncontrollable environment. If you want fair fights, do warzones or get in a group of 4. If you don't want to fight at all stay out of the pvp area.


You know what else is an uncontrollable environment? The world. The only thing you can control is yourself and all I want is for everybody, including myself, to do so.

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Fine here's simple math. X amount of characters = to Y amount needed to get 1200 rep points Even if you have only 1 character you have enough from all the other quests to hit the weekly max. If you have alts. Get them to lvl 50 or take your lvl 50+ alts to the event and grind the pve dailies. It's not rocket science.


The point we are trying to make is the rep you gain from doing the pvp quests are extra and not needed. So since its extra if you want them then be ready to partake in pvp


They are not going to remove the pvp from this event simply because it is working as intended. the point of the quests in the contested area is to incentavise pvp. Meaning get people to go to the pvp area and potentially fight.


We are not making excuses for griefers. We are trying to tell you that griefers will be there wheather this event had pvp or not. It would just be on another planet like outlaws den. or some other place.


But just because you don't like griefers, just like me, doesn't mean you should remove the whole experience. Like you my group of 4 took down 3 groups that grieffed us at differnet times. But that was fun for us and that is one of the things alot of people like about the pvp part of this event. Its spurratic. There is no control variable, it happens organically and weather you want it or not you better be prepared to fight the moment you enter the pvp zone. If you don't want to fight. DON'T GO. again not rocket science.



The rep is stackable and can be brought out used when the cap resets every week.

You can actually do the boss and the missions, pvp and pve and stack it all up. After the last event I was rolling out more rep every tuesday for 6 weeks. I did the math, (You know there is a calculator on your computer?) And if I didn't do these two soloable missions it would 134,400 rep points over the course of the event.


And I just have to ask (because I'm a rocket scientist) if guys you are so sure you are not doing anything wrong why do you guys spend so much time trying to justify it?


Again EA BW, the pvp in this event really really dose bring out the wrong type of players, not just to the game but the forums too, please change it or remove it.

Edited by Jrea
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