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I understand that DYoda is competent at 1v1'ing; I don't think that makes you a marque player. DYoda is complacent enough to node guard for his Ranked Team though so I suppose that is the primary skill you need, to be able to 1v1. Although I'd rather someone who is exceptional at stalling because it is incredibly rare that a 1v1 -stays- a 1v1 even in Regs, much less Ranked.


I also understand you wanting to dispute my RegStar status. Up until the past 3 weeks I have mained an Assassin, arguably the hardest class to get 'noticed' on seeing as people in this game recognize numbers before they do actual skill, awareness, and smart plays by an enemy or friendly. Unlike DYoda I am not willing to be designated node guarder, I feel as if my skills would be much more useful elsewhere so I am certainly not content with sitting at a mode the whole game or the majority of it.


That being said; recently I have went under some anonymous tags that are not synonymous with any names in my signature. I did this due to the fact that my reputation as Dragonyt precedes me in everything I do, regardless of what it is.


So be careful whilst playing Regs, you might just catch yourself singing my praises without knowing. Hehe:)


In other words, everyone watched your sin videos and got a huge lol, so you had to change, as you have no credibility.

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In other words, everyone watched your sin videos and got a huge lol, so you had to change, as you have no credibility.


I don't regret anything about those videos.


The way I played in those videos has little reflection as to how I play when I am geared on par with everyone else. At the time of those videos I hit like a wet noodle and died if flicked.


No gear + no augments + no stim is what I was working with at the time.


I told the same thing to someone else the other day: those videos were from ~4/5 months ago, do you have anything relevant to say or hold against me?


Didn't think so.

Edited by Polymerize
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I understand that DYoda is competent at 1v1'ing; I don't think that makes you a marque player


The same could be said of Mugen, despite how highly praised he is by most of the people here. Arguably Chea is far better in a straight up fight (yea yeah it's not a 1v1 it's a team game). I don't think having superheals and guard on you the whole time while you play Smash makes you a marquee player either.



I also understand you wanting to dispute my RegStar status. Up until the past 3 weeks I have mained an Assassin, arguably the hardest class to get 'noticed' on seeing as people in this game recognize numbers before they do actual skill, awareness, and smart plays by an enemy or friendly. Unlike DYoda I am not willing to be designated node guarder, I feel as if my skills would be much more useful elsewhere so I am certainly not content with sitting at a mode the whole game or the majority of it.


Point taken, and in some cases that is true. However I must ask who you would place at the node? Shouldn't be a Guardian or Sentinel, and you can't afford to trade a range (sniper) for a very squishy melee (assassin)..


So who's left?


Assassin DPS is easily replaceable in the fight.. their stealth at the node is not so easily replaced.

Edited by maverickmatt
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Juggernaut/Guardian dps: Obsice

Juggernaut/Guardian tank: Liege


Marauder/Sentinal dps: Mugen


Sorceror/Sage dps: Mudclot

Sorceror/Sage healer: Abullam


Assassin/Shadow dps: Turrican or Xekshek

Assassin/Shadow tank: Xekshek


Operative/Scoundrel dps: Attes

Operative/Scoundrel healer: Tie


Sniper/Gunslinger dps: Noshadow or Logitek


Powertech/Vanguard dps: Thingone

Powertech/Vanguard tank: Vandy


Mercenary/Commando dps: Hitmanpro

Mercenary Commando heals: Zuchisen



Now of course these names are strictly number based.

Edited by SevenFC
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No particular order.














Andrew Past























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Names I forgot... So far.


Thurinlore (didn't even know you were still playing.. Sorry)


Isaikk (or however it's spelled)






I'll be back later with more updates. I has to goes to works tho.


Btw... Jake, I wasn't sure which toon of yours to pick. So forum name wins.


FYI: all of these people are from Pot5. I apologize to the people who recently transferred over. I've only done a couple of rateds post-2.0 and I recently got back from an extended break.

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