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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)

Warcrap's is, well, crap, compared to this: http://www.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Search_Window ( from http://www.cityofvillains.com )


- Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful
Agreed, way, way, too many rainbow coloured icons and unresizable menus that can't be made at least partially transparent/moved/resized. Again, used to City of Villains where their menus and chat system is brilliant (with chat tabs and chat channels between servers too), I didn't realise new games could get it so badly done still :(


- No Day/Night Cylce


- No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches

Disappointing, yeah. Really hope they add that later?


- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)
Really just wish there were no server separations at all though, it's childish and annoying, especially when they didn't put any global channels in so people can talk between servers - they should put those and instanced public/city zones in like http://www.cityofvillains.com does rather than separating on servers, and make the servers balance instances between them instead of just arbitrarily dividing so many people! It's so 90's warcrap style, they could do better.


I suspect the stupid lack of player chat channels is going to mean not much people talking to each other outside clans and cliques of people rather than any real community discussion going on which is again like warcrap, rather than actually trying to innovate or even copy newer games that did chat ( AND interface ) better. *sigh*


- Lackluster Character Creation


- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)

Agreed, coming from City of Villains it looks very basic :(


- No Macros

- No addon support


You may not use macros, add-ons or other stored rapid keystrokes

I think that's actually good, it's ick when people that have bought scripts from other people have an advantage in games, when so much can be automated. Really, they should just cut down on the RIDICULOUS amount of rainbow-coloured icons and powers and make it a bit more about action. I'm not saying totally totally jumpy fighty like DC online, sure (though that's a lot of fun) but it really does need to be a bit less ridiculous so it's not so much like warcrap button-mashing and more actual fun running around fighting to live. :)


- Voice Actors voicing too many different people; I don't think I've seen this many Characters with the same Voice Actor, since the first Deus Ex game
Fallout 3 southern american man guy, hehe.


- Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)
Sounds rushed :( Hope they patch that and don't just treat that as "ok". Edited by SelinaK
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I played WoW long enough and im sick of it. A MMO doesnt need to be like the game its competing with to be better. Sure SWTOR needs improvements. But the improvements will come with the next patches. Be patient.


But please dont stop playing WoW to play SWTOR and then complain that its not like WoW.

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Since this Discussion has turned into a SWTOR or WOW I will say this. Most of you complain that this Game is bad because it['s not like WoW then go round and complain that this game is bad because it IS like WoW. You see what I did there?


As it has been said before the game has been OFFICIALLY RELEASED 3 DAYS AGO. Remember when WoW was released? Most of you probably do not because you did not play Vanilla. Let me tell you something about Vanilla WoW, when you reached Level 60 you could do 2 things. GO kill Onyxia, go kill Nefarian, Go kill Ragnaros or do 1 of 3 battlegrounds, FOR A YEAR AND A HALF! I for one got bored out of my mind about 3 weeks after reaching level 60 and stopped playing, only to pick it up again when TBC came out.


The game feels like Single Player.... when doing Solo missions... that just answered itself right there.... content is so diverse, immersive and great that it feels like a full single player game when soloing. What's WoW's soloing? you mindlessly kill stuff not even thinking about it to get to max lvl faster because that's the point of leveling right? SWTOR says its WRONG! They made you live the saga of a (insert class), like promised, as many people who know about SW want and have been given in all SW games.


No underwater content can go both ways.... where have you seen a bounty hunter or a jedi jump in the sea or a lake to kill some fish for its guts or scales? Then again, there could have been some missions that took you beneath the sea level but only in specific situations like in Kotor 2 if I'm not mistaken.


The no community issue is really server related, everywhere I go people are always chatting up the /1 channel on my server.


There would be a lot more to say about this game but I will leave this post with a question. Has Blizzard mindf'ed WoW players so badly and masterfully that they end up hating every MMO that is like or different than WoW?

Edited by Vladone
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honestly... its like a new ice cream was created... and your mentioning how this new ice cream doesnt taste like the others...how its missing the chocolate cookies...or the caramel swirls...etc...


The fact is...This is its own "ice cream". Similar to the others yes...but sherbert and chocolate are two entirely dif flavors.


If your really were expecting more WOW features ....than I'd say play wow. This game is still searching for its own identity.


Forcing it to copy so many aspects of wow...before people even give swtor's own style a legit shot (where everyones high lvl and endgame content is common)... isn't fair.


I think your expectations are respectable...but you got to remember...this is swtor not wow bro...;)

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You can cast a spell on a target, by moving the mouse cursor over the target, and hitting the key. This doesn't require you to actually re-target


I see. Why is it that one click is hard to manage?


Not to mention all your group mates should be on hotkeys, while you're using your mouse to, you know, move around. Dodge bullets and whatever it is you're doing while trying to heal. Some of these arguments I will never understand.


Selecting people with mouse is slow, mouse-over or point and click, both is orders of magnitude slower than hitting a hotkey to target someone.

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I see. Why is it that one click is hard to manage?


Not to mention all your group mates should be on hotkeys, while you're using your mouse to, you know, move around. Dodge bullets and whatever it is you're doing while trying to heal. Some of these arguments I will never understand.


Selecting people with mouse is slow, mouse-over or point and click, both is orders of magnitude slower than hitting a hotkey to target someone.


Hotkey targetting is an awful system that skews your UI to only be viable for Healing Specs, and is still not as responsive as mouseover casting


With hotkey targetting, you have to hit key A, then key B to heal someone


With mouseover targetting, you move, hit key A, move hit key A


Also, how would you intend to bind an entire Raid to your keyboard?

Edited by Shadysketchy
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I think your expectations are respectable...but you got to remember...this is swtor not wow bro...;)


Exactly. Different game, different features. I prefer what swtor is atm to what wow was when I tried it, and I'd like it to stay this way.

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Since this Discussion has turned into a SWTOR or WOW I will say this. Most of you complain that this Game is bad because it['s not like WoW then go round and complain that this game is bad because it IS like WoW. You see what I did there?


As it has been said before the game has been OFFICIALLY RELEASED 3 DAYS AGO. Remember when WoW was released? Most of you probably do not because you did not play Vanilla. Let me tell you something about Vanilla WoW, when you reached Level 60 you could do 2 things. GO kill Onyxia, go kill Nefarian, Go kill Ragnaros or do 1 of 3 battlegrounds, FOR A YEAR AND A HALF! I for one got bored out of my mind about 3 weeks after reaching level 60 and stopped playing, only to pick it up again when TBC came out.


The game feels like Single Player.... when doing Solo missions... that just answered itself right there.... content is so diverse, immersive and great that it feels like a full single player game when soloing.


Has Blizzard mindf'ed WoW players so badly and masterfully that they end up hating every MMO that is like or different than WoW?


Great post. If my aunt made me some pancakes....and another aunt made pancakes..but a different way that im used too...it wouldn't be fair for me to criticize the pancakes until they were ready. me want pancakes now :p

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I could go through and point out how half your points are just plain wrong and the other half are just your own subjective preferences, which many people including me don't agree with, but to save time I'll just sum up by saying you should go back to WOW if you like it so much more.


I'll also add that I quit WOW 6 years ago out of tremendous boredom, have no interest in ever playing it again, and most definitely do not want this game to try to be more like WOW. I haven't had this much fun in an MMO in years, thank you Bioware for making the MMO I've been looking for.

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Then go back to WOW?


Yea thats a new game..LOL allot of people do not know how to play a new mmo these days, and have forgot, that many things, they want here were not in the old mmo they have been playing at launch either, this game is an infant, gota give it a few months, then the fluff will start to flow, I am pretty sure.. :)

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Hotkey targetting is an awful system that skews your UI to only be viable for Healing Specs, and is still not as responsive as mouseover casting


With hotkey targetting, you have to hit key A, then key B to heal someone


With mouseover targetting, you move, hit key A, move hit key A


Also, how would you intend to bind an entire Raid to your keyboard?


The entire "raid" here is 16 people. If your keyboard does not sport enough keys, I'm afraid you've been scammed.


As for targetting, with mouse, moving your mouse is a very slow gesture due to precision required. Hitting a hotkey for a member and then r for static sphere takes me about 0.2 seconds. Moving the mouse from wherever I had it before then to a specific position in my party frames will always take more than half a second, unless I only use the mouse for this. But that would be stupid, what with the running around and all that. I prefer to look around with my mouse while hitting bars with my hotkeys. It was harder to get used to it, all those years ago, but now, it's just so much more fluent.

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The entire "raid" here is 16 people. If your keyboard does not sport enough keys, I'm afraid you've been scammed.


As for targetting, with mouse, moving your mouse is a very slow gesture due to precision required. Hitting a hotkey for a member and then r for static sphere takes me about 0.2 seconds. Moving the mouse from wherever I had it before then to a specific position in my party frames will always take more than half a second, unless I only use the mouse for this. But that would be stupid, what with the running around and all that. I prefer to look around with my mouse while hitting bars with my hotkeys. It was harder to get used to it, all those years ago, but now, it's just so much more fluent.


Sorry, but I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about. Unless your right arm is crippled, moving the mouse around your Raid Frames does not take "half a second", it takes like .00000001 second

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You are comparing the features of a fully matured MMO with 9+ years of development time, fine-tuning, feature-adding, and balancing to a just-released MMO.


I completely understand your gripes, but it's just not a fair comparison. WoW did not launch with that many BGs or dungeons, and certainly didn't launch with that feature set.


In point of fact, Blizzard developers have said time and time again how difficult some of the feature additions they've added have been to create. What you expect is for a brand new MMO to launch out the gate with a 4~6+ year development time and a multi-million dollar investment. That's not going to happen.


And to put the nail in the coffin of how "good" WoW is, you can easily level to 85 in under four weeks, gear yourself to raid in less than three days, and have downed the last boss of the last raid in less than three hours.


As per PvP, it's an absolute mess, even 7 years in. A handful of classes and comps always dominate every arena season, those awesome BGs you're talking about? Only TWO are new within the last year, and both are copies of other BGs.


So all of your amazing content is worthless. WoW's graphics are terrible, the balancing is still absolutely horrible, and, unless you like standing around in a major city for hours trolling trade or mindless grinding daily quests for paltry rewards, there is nothing to do.


I'd take a game with flaws that is enjoyable to a game that is perfectly polished and spoon-feeds me to end-game where I get bored or reroll.

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Sorry, but I don't think you have any idea what you're talking about. Unless your right arm is crippled, moving the mouse around your Raid Frames does not take "half a second", it takes like .00000001 second


But I use mouse for looking and moving around, why would I want to cripple myself and turn around with the A and D keys, when I can use a mouse+keyboard so much more efficiently, rather than using it for something I can achieve faster with hotkeys. Mouse isn't a good tool for fast and precise work. Really, it isn't. Go time yourself how fast you can hit say.. F3 (default), and 2 (also the default) to cast the skill you have set on the 2nd hotkey onto your 2nd groupmate. Then time, how long it takes for you to move your mouse exactly from the bottom of the party frames to the top of your party frame and hit the hotkey.


In the best case scenario (you've been doing this for a long time and are trained), it'll be about the same amount of time, even if you aren't used to doing this via hotkeys. In the worst case scenario, you'll miss by a couple pixels and heal the wrong dude. That's the kind of mistakes I just don't like to make. At least when hitting the wrong hotkey, you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. With the current size of frames (tiny), misclicks will happen, and it'll always be the clunky interface to blame.

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Am I the only one who reads this post and see "QQ I wanted a WoW clone with better graphics and its not"


No, you aren't. I see it too and I am laughing so hard it almost hurts. All of his complaints, not one, not some, all are nothing but "I miss WoW boo hoo I'm going to cry here until it either becomes WoW or people think as foolishly as me"


This game just came out and is barely a week old, and I love it personally. Its population grows each day, the leveling doesn't feel like a three week old toddler could complete it by drooling, you need to communicate to get dungeons done or quests, not spam click a tool, the UI could be better, but I disliked WoW's even more. WoW only had a decent UI, like other MMO's, due to mods.


Your literal entire post is nothing but ***** this and whine that. This game has started off amazingly, and will hopefully evolve accordingly, for its platform is too large for it to fall off like other MMO's before it.


The only gripe I have had so far, the ONLY gripe, is sharding, and I hear that is going to be removed a little bit into launch.


If you truly desire a WoW clone so damn much, then go back to your bleeding seven year+ old MMO. Many, if not all of us, will not give a damn. We are happy here.

Edited by Obscuras
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But I use mouse for looking and moving around, why would I want to cripple myself and turn around with the A and D keys, when I can use a mouse+keyboard so much more efficiently, rather than using it for something I can achieve faster with hotkeys. Mouse isn't a good tool for fast and precise work. Really, it isn't. Go time yourself how fast you can hit say.. F3 (default), and 2 (also the default) to cast the skill you have set on the 2nd hotkey onto your 2nd groupmate. Then time, how long it takes for you to move your mouse exactly from the bottom of the party frames to the top of your party frame and hit the hotkey.


In the best case scenario (you've been doing this for a long time and are trained), it'll be about the same amount of time, even if you aren't used to doing this via hotkeys. In the worst case scenario, you'll miss by a couple pixels and heal the wrong dude. That's the kind of mistakes I just don't like to make. At least when hitting the wrong hotkey, you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. With the current size of frames (tiny), misclicks will happen, and it'll always be the clunky interface to blame.


"turn around with the A and D keys"


I think I see the problem here

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Please go back to WOW we all know after 3 months these fanboys will be there as well.


Why does it always come down to this stereotypical, overused, and pathetic argument? You do not have to be a "fanboy" to want more variety in a dead market. SWTOR has potential where other games failed.


The people who play these games, "fanboys" or not, are the ones revitalizing the market, while people like you whine like toddlers.


Chances are, those who do quit, will just outright stop MMO's. The MMO market is pathetic right now, with Rift being the only other "real" MMO.


To the below poster, don't forget to mention how WoW stole transmogrification from Rifts Wardrobe option.


WoW didn't come up with transmogrification, and chances are, neither did Rift. I personally do not want to see yet another MMO jumping on another trend either.

Edited by Obscuras
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- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)


This one makes me laugh, simply because the Transmog was in response to the unify colours thing from this game.

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