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'Best' Class Story?


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This. 100x. The only reason it took #1 spot for me, was being undercover as a droid, a rebel, SIS, and what not.


The droid disguise is the best thing I've seen so far, they should give the IA the ability to use this outfight (we have the implants and I don't remember having them removed) :D

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Personally I like them all, but:


1. Agent

2. Knight

3. Warrior


These top three are far better than the rest IMO, there is a clear separation between them and the rest.


4. Smuggler

5. Trooper


After these two there is another clear separation. The final three are far far "worse" than the top five.


6. Consular

7. Inquisitor

8. Bounty Hunter

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8. Bounty Hunter

Chapter 1: Here's a list; go kill these people.

Chapter 2: Here's another list; go kill these people.

Chapter 3: That guy called you a name; go kill these people.


The only thing that kept me interested was Mako's story and not the class story at all.

Edited by Dominoris
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Chapter 1: Here's a list; go kill these people.

Chapter 2: Here's another list; go kill these people.

Chapter 3: That guy called you a name; go kill these people.


The only thing that kept me interested was Mako's story and not the class story at all.


Well it is still better than the Trooper storyline which goes like that:

General: "These are the bad guys, spank them."

Trooper: "Sir yes sir, for the Republic!"


Admittedly, I don't like the Republic. So dumb Republic patriotism is the worse thing in my eyes. :p

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Inquisitor with the female voice actor hands down.


Sociopathy has never been so funny.


I too played female SI. I have to agree on that voice acting. It is great.

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Here is how I rate the SWTOR stories from most enjoyable to least enjoyable (for me):


Imperial Agent, Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior, Trooper, Jedi Knight, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Sith Inquisitor.


Not the most popular stance, I know. :p

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I have completed three so far, the Sith Inquisitor, the Imperial Agent and the Smuggler. In order of which I enjoyed most...


1. Imperial Agent


Not just the best story in the game, but one of BW's bets overall. I really cant say how much I love the IA story, its what I want every class story to be like. I am already playing it through again with another IA (Male and light-side this time, My 'main' IA is a neutral female, and I do feel that is the best way to really appreciate the story. Am going to star another IA female sometime, this time pure Dark.)


2. Sith Inquisitor (My main, by the way)


A fun and interesting story, I really like the Sith lore and mysticism that comes with it and it has some great characters and a wonderful twist at the end of Chapter One. My sole complaint would be that the final boss just feels to . . . traditional, and not relatable enough really. I also adore the voice acting of my female Dark-side Sith Inquisitor too!


3. Smuggler


Well, that was tough. I have to say that, even taking in to account the ones I have yet to complete, this is probably my least favorite. Chapter one felt boring and chapter two rather meaningless. The final chapter has some nice twists, but even so the main villain is bad and just generic. The only reason I played this class (And why she is my Rep main) is because the Smuggler herself is such a great character. I do think this story may have been more fun if I played it Dark-side though...


As for those I am still playing, they come in at around...


Jedi Knight (Half way through Chap 3)

Sith Warrior (Just started Chap 3)

Trooper (Just started Chap 3)

Jedi Consular (Just started Chap 2)

Bounty Hunter (Just started Chap 2)

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I have completed each one at least two times, being that three of them - Inquisitor, Jedi Knight and Imperial Agent - were completed already three. From my perspective, it goes like this...


1 ) Jedi Knight - IMO, it can't get much better than this. It's the classical approach truth be told but it's so well executed, with so many memorable moments, that I can't really think of a single moment that doesn't stand out. Except for one of them, every single companion is by far the coolest in the game, in their area of expertise so to speak, the storyline is epic and it's the only one from early on that hints who the ultimate villain may be. Plus, male JK is voiced by Big Boss / Solid Snake, though I still favor the female voice actress, Kari Wahlgren.


2 ) Imperial Agent - Though I honestly think that most people exaggerate when it comes to their perception of the story's merits, I still think it's by far the second best. Ending for the second act ranks pretty high, in one of the most memorable moments in the game for me. My main issue with it is that some endings, being what they are and seeing that class storylines look like they're not coming back, World Arcs like Makeb will feel more and more disjointed as you progress.


3 ) SIth Warrior - Though some of the companions annoy me to no end, starting with Quinn, Vette always makes it better. Also, final villain was truly memorable, as well as most of the support cast through Act 3. Plus, some recurring phrases by the Warrior never get old...



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It's my favorite class story.


Look who Aurbere's favorite Jedi is. Hell if he could of done consular as a Kel Dor, he'd of been as happy as a pig in a mud pile.


But personally my fav, was the Imp agent. I mean the writer took notes from both Ian Flemming and Robert Ludlum.


Great story from start to finish though the companions did make me scratch my head.


Next was the Smuggler[re-rolling on that one]. Probably the BEST one liners in the game, plus male smuggler, total manwhore. Hilarity every turn.


Least favorite was the trooper. Could of been SO MUCH MORE, and it was so LACKING. I was expecting band of brothers or Act of Valor. Instead I got poster boy of the Republic. Plus I have this elite squad and I can't really do crap with them. And to top it off, I feel after everything the trooper does,



He can't get the honorific title of "Commander"



Did the jedi Knight, good story but too generic. Almost done on the Inquisitor, eh, it's ok, but I don't like how you rise to power.


Only gotten part way into chapter one on the BH haven't done the rest. Things to do, things to do.

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Best one? Hard to choose between Sith Inquisitor and Imperial Agent.


But after looooong thinking - my money is on the Sith Inquisitor, especially female one - best voice acting in the entire game. What's more? Character story is a blast, you feel that you're playing a SW character, that she/he has a place in this universe and not like all other characters - is just another lone wanderer without history, the nameless one. Second - you can feel how you character is changing, growing up - from slave, by vicious killer (sin or sorc) to end as a evil mastermind. Plus multiple plot twists, some SW nasty force power you will grab along the way - everything you need to feel like building an arch-nemesis for SW lore.


Second - Imp Agent. It's a great sci-fi thriler placed in the SW universe. What's more importent your choices really matters, there are at least 3 different ending that are based on your previous choices that you made during whole story line. And this is probably the only connected with all other 7 stories - really nice touch.




On the other hand - the weakest one is Jedi Consular. First chapter is so-so, the second starts just terribly, than few medicore planets at best only to end up with meaningless Voss, weak Correlia. If this isn't enought - the final boss is just slap in the face. The end stage, talking part, fight and aftermath feels so cliché or even bad that you end up wondering how could you spend +150h on this.

Edited by MasterBLASTERpl
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Best one? Hard to choose between Sith Inquisitor and Imperial Agent.


But after looooong thinking - my money is on the Sith Inquisitor, especially female one - best voice acting in the entire game. What's more? Character story is a blast, you feel that you're playing a SW character, that she/he has a place in this universe and not like all other characters - is just another lone wanderer without history, the nameless one. Second - you can feel how you character is changing, growing up - from slave, by vicious killer (sin or sorc) to end as a evil mastermind. Plus multiple plot twists, some SW nasty force power you will grab along the way - everything you need to feel like building an arch-nemesis for SW lore.


Second - Imp Agent. It's a great sci-fi thriler placed in the SW universe. What's more importent your choices really matters, there are at least 3 different ending that are based on your previous choices that you made during whole story line. And this is probably the only connected with all other 7 stories - really nice touch.




On the other hand - the weakest one is Jedi Consular. First chapter is so-so, the second starts just terribly, than few medicore planets at best only to end up with meaningless Voss, weak Correlia. If this isn't enought - the final boss is just slap in the face. The end stage, talking part, fight and aftermath feels so cliché or even bad that you end up wondering how could you spend +150h on this.


Try a trooper. My god, can we say "poster boy of the republic". Almost felt like a rip off of Captain America.

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Try a trooper. My god, can we say "poster boy of the republic". Almost felt like a rip off of Captain America.


It could be fun if they would make a Call of Duty in Star Wars. I get to the end of chapter 2, but something is missing in this story, hard to say what. The closest guess would be that this is 'a good (aka meh) story', nothing special, nothing that would you remeber, care for. But still, I would trade Consular for Trooper any day. Trooper at least isn't bad like Consular. Tho i would count him as a second weakest class story. Merc can be played as you like, Trooper is just a Poster Boy :/

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It could be fun if they would make a Call of Duty in Star Wars. I get to the end of chapter 2, but something is missing in this story, hard to say what. The closest guess would be that this is 'a good (aka meh) story', nothing special, nothing that would you remeber, care for. But still, I would trade Consular for Trooper any day. Trooper at least isn't bad like Consular. Tho i would count him as a second weakest class story. Merc can be played as you like, Trooper is just a Poster Boy :/


It's why I hated the trooper story, even if you go darkside you're STILL the poster boy of the republic. I thought the IA was the best for the sheer fact of you had so many choices and so many endings you could pick from.


All the other stories had destined ends and that was about it. BH well you could slightly pick but not really.

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I've completed 3 stories; the Sith Warrior, Inquisitor, Jedi Knight. And part way through Bounty Hunter.


I would rank them:

1. Sith Warrior

2. Sith Inquisitor

3. Jedi Knight


If the quality of the BH story continues, I think it will move in to 2nd.


With both SW and SI I felt I had achieved something. It had a "YES!!!" moment.


When I finished the Jedi Knight story I thought "Is that It? How disappointing"

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But after looooong thinking - my money is on the Sith Inquisitor, especially female one - best voice acting in the entire game.

Huh. To each his own, I suppose :) I find female inquisitor's voice acting the worst. The voice itself is good and pleases my ears, but the way she speaks... She makes an impression of some iconic villain from a bad parody show. Most of her phrases are okay in meaning, but when she speaks them, they just sound so unnatural. People don't really talk like this. Sith Warrior, for comparison, speaks absolutely normal. I don't like her voice, it's too rough for my ear, but I believe her when she says something. There is nothing theatrical in her voice.

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Definitely the IA. I had heard everyone talking about how good it was for months but had never played one due to the fact I was a saber jockey for a long time. I decided to play it and gawd damn, it's way too good. My friend seems to think that the trooper story line is the best, to each his own I suppose.
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It's my favorite class story.


The Consular story was my favorite, too. I really loved being a healer and a diplomat, rescuing individuals who were in trouble and helping the Republic pull together. It's definitely a minority opinion, though! :)


As far as the other stories I've played so far, I agree with Jenzali/Dashto that the Agent story was objectively the best. I also thought the Knight story was fun; as one of my friends said, it felt like playing KotOR 3. The Trooper story was solid, though not spectacular, and I loved Jennifer Hale's voice acting. The Inquisitor was the only story I thought was a little weak, though I still enjoyed it.

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Huh. To each his own, I suppose :) I find female inquisitor's voice acting the worst. The voice itself is good and pleases my ears, but the way she speaks... She makes an impression of some iconic villain from a bad parody show. Most of her phrases are okay in meaning, but when she speaks them, they just sound so unnatural. People don't really talk like this. Sith Warrior, for comparison, speaks absolutely normal. I don't like her voice, it's too rough for my ear, but I believe her when she says something. There is nothing theatrical in her voice.


This is what i find to be the best part actually ;) She sounds like a complete psycho, because this character is build to be the one. You start as a slave that is ascendent to the ruling cast in the classic magocracy. You feel insecure so you need to somehow show your position, prowess, stregth etc, and the easiest way to do so is by voice. Even early dialogues with Khem are sugesting that you are not so strong as you think, he's still calling you 'a little Sith'.


And that you sound like a some iconic villain? You sound because your character at the beginning is a teenager at best. Sith Warrior is at least mid 20 when his story starts. There is a quite big mental age gap between these two characters in the favour of SW. You think like a teenager at least in the prologue and chapter I. Later Kallig is growing up, so there is less 'childish evilness' and more 'cunning Sith'. And this is i think the great part, coz you can feel this change in her voice.

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This is what i find to be the best part actually ;) She sounds like a complete psycho, because this character is build to be the one.

Well, if showing inquisitor's craziness was her intention, she's done a good job. She does sound completely mad at times. Problem is, I don't like my character being a psycho, and male inq sounds absolutely normal, with no signs of "Muahahaha, I am so evil!" attitude. As for growing up through the story, I also got this feeling, but again, I didn't like it, because at the beginning my character looked really stupid saying all this stuff :) Made me laugh a few times, but also caused quite a few facepalms.

Besides, she doesn't get rid of this childish "evilness" completely, just compare the way male and female inqs talk dirung Makeb. Male sounds much more calm and confident. I've been playing it with a friend of mine, whose character was a female inquistiror, and sometimes we both laughed at the way she spoke, especially compared to my agent. Like she is still trying to make an impression on everyone she meets because she isn't sure of herself. Maybe it is suppoused to be like this, I dunno, but it is simply not my thing. The voice itself is quite charming, though.

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