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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Summer of SWTOR Update


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You are deflecting for convenience here TUXs.


1) HIs point was that they have in fact announced some patch content in this game, and rather consistently, LATE.. as in shortly before patch goes live.


2) 2.4 is 3 months away. That's an eternity in terms of game patch discussion time windows.


3) They have stated multiple times in this thread (in gold posts) that there is more coming that they have not revealed yet.


IF we were 5 days from patch and all we see is what was told to us this week.. I would agree with you and endorse your frustrations. But this simply is not the case.


I encourage you to step back and chill a bit. It's not like you to be this bitter, much less jumping on other players for expressing their views and opinions.


BW's track record with overdelivering on patches isn't exactly stellar. They will include afew things, but more than likely arena's are all the PVP crowd has to look forward to with 2.4. And after that, how long until the next "major" pvp patch? 3.4? 4.0? BW needs to put some funds into PVP development. They know just how popular it is in game and how pvp is their most populated activity in game... yet they never put any time or effort into making anything for it.

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You are deflecting for convenience here TUXs.


1) HIs point was that they have in fact announced some patch content in this game, and rather consistently, LATE.. as in shortly before patch goes live.


2) 2.4 is 3 months away. That's an eternity in terms of game patch discussion time windows.


3) They have stated multiple times in this thread (in gold posts) that there is more coming that they have not revealed yet.


IF we were 5 days from patch and all we see is what was told to us this week.. I would agree with you and endorse your frustrations. But this simply is not the case.


I encourage you to step back and chill a bit. It's not like you to be this bitter, much less jumping on other players for expressing their views and opinions.


I'm not bitter at all. But I believe that if I do as you suggest, this will sadly be it for the "major PvP update". If Bioware doesn't know how disappointing that looks, why would they work on making it right? If they come out and say "We hear you - there's more coming for PvP", I'll shut up...but we need a sliver of hope from them Andryah.

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I'm not bitter at all. But I believe that if I do as you suggest, this will sadly be it for the "major PvP update". If Bioware doesn't know how disappointing that looks, why would they work on making it right? If they come out and say "We hear you - there's more coming for PvP", I'll shut up...but we need a sliver of hope from them Andryah.


They have come out and stated that there is more. Yet still... :t_rolleyes:

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You know.. lots of people beat on Bioware for not communicating. Over the last 6-8 months they have been doing more communications about future content and beginning the process earlier in terms of patch date plans. Anyone in software development knows that what comes with that approach is the ability to communicate some things and not others (until closer to a release window). IMO you attitude and behavior in this thread (as it appears in text, since we cannot read your body language or look into your eyes (and that of some others), is in effect encouraging Bioware to communicate less, not more.


A simple, objective discussion of what has been released to us.. coupled with a wait for more details (that they have said are coming) is a lot more productive IMO then all this bitterness and complaining and dooms day stuff. Of course I know you will disagree with me... and that's you choice. But can't you see the harm in such a negative approach being taken in some of the discussion (in the absence of all the facts)??


Who do you see complaining about communication? I certainly haven't. I'm disappointed in their actual PLANS Andryah. Eric's communication is second to none...most of the time, and I give him credit quite often for what he does.


And what I see is this......


I see Bioware doing exactly what they did PRE-launch - ignoring their customers to pursue their own goals. Which is fine, when you don't count on customers to support your product. Sadly, Bioware needs customers.


PvPers need maps. Those of us still here, understand that WZ's are what we have...most of us have come to terms with that. But we need some flipping variety! A couple new 4v4 arenas, while fine additional content, should be secondary to doubling the number of maps we have in-game.


You claim my comments are "harmful", I disagree. I see them as the inconvenient truth.

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What the...huh?! Premades will presumably still be an issue in 4v4 arenas...what point are you trying to make here? In fact, I'll speculate that 4v4 premades will be the vast MAJORITY of all arenas.



Arguably the existence of a game mode catering to a 4 man premade means that less premades will be in traditional warzones.

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Arguably the existence of a game mode catering to a 4 man premade means that less premades will be in traditional warzones.

Possible, but doubtful. They'll have more players doing Arenas to start, but the main content of PvP is still the WZ.

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Who do you see complaining about communication?


You missed my point completely. Was that deliberate, or an accident?


If you care at all to understand my point.. please go back and re-read it. I'm not going to bother to reiterate given your negative frame of mind right now.

Edited by Andryah
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You missed my point completely. Was that deliberate, or an accident?


If you care at all to understand my point.. please go back and re-read it. I'm not going to bother to reiterate given your negative frame of mind right now.


Well I'm not going to bother to re-read it given your negative attitude either. So there!

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Well I'm not going to bother to re-read it given your negative attitude either. So there!




OK then... I guess it's wet-noodles at 10 paces. :p Or do you prefer marshmallows? :p

Edited by Andryah
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Hire more than one guy to work on PVP BW ffs


In all fairness to BW, they have two Devs working on the PvP Team: Rob Hinkle and Alex Modny.









They have come out and stated that there is more. Yet still... :t_rolleyes:


Oh, there will be more...in the Cartel Market. lulz

Edited by DarthOvertone
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In all fairness to BW, they have two Devs working on the PvP Team: Rob Hinkle and Alex Modny.











Oh, there will be more...in the Cartel Market. lulz


only 2 people working on pvp? Seriously!? PVP is amongst the most popular activities in this game, and it isn't being funded? No wonder we don't see crap for content ever. How many people work on the CM? New ops and dungeons? Where is the pvp love?!

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Sadly as promised arena will not make it into todays patch due to a conflicting cartel market bug. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. On the bright side you won't have to wait as long as you did for ranked warzones. Thank you for your money:)
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only 2 people working on pvp? Seriously!? PVP is amongst the most popular activities in this game, and it isn't being funded? No wonder we don't see crap for content ever. How many people work on the CM? New ops and dungeons? Where is the pvp love?!


You're preaching to the choir my brother. I'm with you all the way.

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You're preaching to the choir my brother. I'm with you all the way.


FFS hire me, i'll work for peanuts and they can put it in my contract that I will deliver a map or two every month with a minimum of 10 a year. It isn't that hard to make a pvp map.... hell, just turn on COD or BF3 and steal some of their map designs. That is heartbreaking to hear only 2 devs for swtor pvp. What happened to gabe or whatever his name was? The pvp dev from launch?

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FFS hire me, i'll work for peanuts and they can put it in my contract that I will deliver a map or two every month with a minimum of 10 a year. It isn't that hard to make a pvp map.... hell, just turn on COD or BF3 and steal some of their map designs. That is heartbreaking to hear only 2 devs for swtor pvp. What happened to gabe or whatever his name was? The pvp dev from launch?


I'm with that! To the PvE community silence! You are getting stuff let the PvPers express themselves as 2.4 was expressed as... "If your a PvPer stay tuned for 2.4 cause this ones for you!" And so we get 4x4 WZs.


If the notes of interest for 2.4 went

A new PvP planet with new missions and rewards

2 large scale WZs


New gear to grind for


Do you feel like the PvE community would have flipped? I don't think so cause like the PvP community they thought 2.4 was q PvP patch. If these were the notes do you think the PvP community would be in the outrage they are now? I don't think so cause there is plenty of potential there.


But as it was this PvP patch IS a PvE cover up that PvPers are just suppose to suck up and deal with or hope there is some kind of large PvP item that is top secret and they will release with the patch without us knowing until its live and we get to play? Don't be naive there is nothing as grand as what they listed in this thread.


Anything additional they may have not listed will be minor tweeks or items nothing like an "OPS" for PvPers.

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And some of us can't stand PvE, so whats your *********** point? There are two sides to this game and the developers are blatantly ignoring one side of the game. Just because you do not like PvP doesn't make it right that we get practically zero updates. You have more than enough *********** content to do, let us have ONE *********** patch for ourselves. Those two operations should be held off until 2.5


Exactly what Raansu said. Having the entire patch for PvP is the only way these guys are actually going to deliver the things they need to. Things that have been overdue for about a year now.


Umm... you do realize that there wouldnt be MORE PvP stuff in the patch just because they hold off the PvE stuff to patch 2.5 right?

It would just be a smaller patch.

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I'm not bitter at all. But I believe that if I do as you suggest, this will sadly be it for the "major PvP update". If Bioware doesn't know how disappointing that looks, why would they work on making it right? If they come out and say "We hear you - there's more coming for PvP", I'll shut up...but we need a sliver of hope from them Andryah.


Isnt that exactly what they said here?


As some have said, this is not the only thing coming in 2.4. We have stated before in this thread the purpose of this is to give you an overview, it does not have every detail. Some of your other concerns...such as queuing for Ranked, will be addressed along with 2.4. We are still working on details and 2.4 is still a ways off. We will continue to release information as we lock things in.


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Umm... you do realize that there wouldnt be MORE PvP stuff in the patch just because they hold off the PvE stuff to patch 2.5 right?

It would just be a smaller patch.


The point was that this patch was hyped by the developers themselves to be a pvp patch, which means 100% of effort should of been put into pvp for this patch. The fact that there are two operations, a new daily zone and a new planet/story arc included into it is pretty much a big slap in the face to all the pvp players who have been patient with BW. A studio that kept saying "wait till 2.4, we have big things happening, wait, just wait, we cant say yet, just wait, blah blah blah blah."

Edited by Raansu
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