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Solo Queue Should Be Truly Solo...


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When I queue up as solo, I expect to verse other people who also queued up as solo...is that too much to ask? Why is it the system doesn't prioritize matching solo players with other players, and then purely solo teams with other solo teams? It just seems silly to me for an entirely solo team to be paired against a full premade.
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When I queue up as solo, I expect to verse other people who also queued up as solo...is that too much to ask? Why is it the system doesn't prioritize matching solo players with other players, and then purely solo teams with other solo teams? It just seems silly to me for an entirely solo team to be paired against a full premade.


Is there anything in game that indicates queue'ing solo means it is a solo queue?


False expectations are simply false.


However if you'd like to discuss this there's another thread on the forum about it already. Most people in it generally agree there needs to be a split between highly competitive players and those less competitive. A matchmaking system of some sorts that actually... matches like with like.


Premades are Ruining Regular Warzones

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Well I won't ever make the mistake again of speaking against authority. Apparently you get unnecessarily rude responses.


We weren't exactly "rude" persay, just very tired of hearing the same 3 complaints over and over. Premades, OP heals, and Scouperative roll.


Seriously, on Page 1 of the PvP forums is the exact thread already linked to you, with the same complaint.

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When I queue up as solo, I expect to verse other people who also queued up as solo...is that too much to ask? Why is it the system doesn't prioritize matching solo players with other players, and then purely solo teams with other solo teams? It just seems silly to me for an entirely solo team to be paired against a full premade.


well...even in the current mixed system, the goal should be premade opposed to premade with solo as filler. but yes. this is a bit of an issue amongst the casual community who solo on at a much higher percentage than more hardcore players.

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None of the things you said above is enough to form a real 4 men premade.

I meet those "guild / friends" groups of 4 every day and guess what, they get farmed by real premades exactly like the other randoms.


I am in a guild that played both WZs and RWZs, the 4 men we formed, despite being quite decent, would still be rolled over by the resident top RWZ guild that double queues their 2 premades, sometimes for hours a day.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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Is there anything in game that indicates queue'ing solo means it is a solo queue?


False expectations are simply false.



Is paying a sub based game to have fun a false expectation too?

Quite sure most players would not sub at all, if they'd get told they'll just be poop dust permafarmed by premades.

Edited by Vaerah
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Is paying a sub based game to have fun a false expectation too?

Quite sure most players would not sub at all, if they'd get told they'll just be poop dust permafarmed by premades.


Nope, and you won't find a post from me saying you shouldn't expect a game you buy to not be fun.


But if you base your complaint of why it's not fun on a false expectation, you can't be surprised if others tell you as much.

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Nope, and you won't find a post from me saying you shouldn't expect a game you buy to not be fun.


But if you base your complaint of why it's not fun on a false expectation, you can't be surprised if others tell you as much.


When a large part of playerbase get such a false expectation, maybe it's because it's not false or because they got sold it? Maybe players consider as basic standards what SWTOR struggles to deliver?

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Another I`m bad so I wanna play with bads threads. Random pugs are just sad.....always the same totally ignoring enemy healers free casting in the back, crazy overcommiting some1 calls 1 inc at side node(that`s is if u even have a guard, love u ppl that cap and leave undefended node/pylon) and 5 ppl leave mid and leaving mid for dead, oh fav 1! apparently pugs do not keybind pass the huttball it requires too much skill Edited by iDraxter
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Well I won't ever make the mistake again of speaking against authority. Apparently you get unnecessarily rude responses.


ignore the trolls their jsut getting ready to cry their eyes out when biofail slams hte nerf bat on p remade groups, i for one do a 2-man maybe 3-man p remade with voice chat for pvp simply because i dont trust the other players to have an idea on what the objectives are win or loose it doesnt bother me yeh its good to win and sucks to loose but its worse too loose due to your own teams stupidity like some one i used to be in a guild with in huttball he would deliberate give hte opposing team the ball if no one was able to stop, stopping the opposing team from killing him to run forward and catch the ball

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When a large part of playerbase get such a false expectation, maybe it's because it's not false or because they got sold it? Maybe players consider as basic standards what SWTOR struggles to deliver?


Don't know. I keep asking and they never seem to tell me why they think they are in a solo queue. I don't remember seeing any advertisements saying anything about it so...


Players can believe what they like is a basic standard, they're still wrong.

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When I queue up as solo, I expect to verse other people who also queued up as solo...is that too much to ask? Why is it the system doesn't prioritize matching solo players with other players, and then purely solo teams with other solo teams? It just seems silly to me for an entirely solo team to be paired against a full premade.


your problem is you misinterpret the queue. it is not a solo person queue. its a queue solo for group pvp button. hope this helps you. have a nice day.


The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx

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ignore the trolls their jsut getting ready to cry their eyes out when biofail slams hte nerf bat on p remade groups
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH srry give me a sec *goes outside* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *comes back* BW "nerfing" premades, discouraging multiplay in a multiplayer? where do u buy ur weed from? Edited by iDraxter
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It's not BioWare's fault you lack the social ability to join a guild, make virtual friends, or even ask general chat for a group....let alone make real friends (which is why you have the time to whine on the forums).


This game about fun and entertainment in free time, not about "social ability" and "make virtual friends", cuz most "virtual friends" in this game lowlifers, jobless loosers or just 12-years kids. Make friends with them? No, thanks :rolleyes:

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH srry give me a sec *goes outside* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *comes back* BW "nerfing" premades, discouraging multiplay in a multiplayer? where do u buy ur weed from?


If only there was another kind of WZ, where premade lovers could queue up and fight against peers...

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If only there was another kind of WZ, where premade lovers could queue up and fight against peers...


Now I know you're not ignorant, or lacking intelligence.


Ranked is an 8 man thing. Not 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6, or even 7... 8.


If you don't have 8 people, you don't get to play ranked. So where does a team of 4, competitive players get to play? In regular, with the rest of the 1-4 players.


Matchmaking would help, so would opening up ranked to 4-man teams. Just don't play ignorant in thinking the 4-man premades just aren't in their rightful queue cause they're more competitive then most of the player base.

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This game about fun and entertainment in free time, not about "social ability" and "make virtual friends", cuz most "virtual friends" in this game lowlifers, jobless loosers or just 12-years kids. Make friends with them? No, thanks :rolleyes:
what I read from this post was I`m awesome and I don`t care about anybody else.

Listen mate we make these "virtual friendships" by having a common interest like pvp-ing or pve(raids) what`s wrong with grouping with other pvp lovers? Who really cares who that guy is in real life or what he does as long as both of u get entertained? Ur overreacting, I`ve been playing with mostly the same ppl everynight, ppl i never knew, everybody comes on for the same thing , doing some pvp and having fun

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there is already a thread about this...


why do the forum mods not consolidate these threads?


Actually think they kind of do. There was another one about a week back I actually posted the original proper way to read "Queue Solo" since people like to point to the word solo and say "It says solo queue!"


But... I can't find it now, I'm pretty sure it was just deleted.

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what I read from this post was I`m awesome and I don`t care about anybody else.

Listen mate we make these "virtual friendships" by having a common interest like pvp-ing or pve(raids) what`s wrong with grouping with other pvp lovers? Who really cares who that guy is in real life or what he does as long as both of u get entertained? Ur overreacting, I`ve been playing with mostly the same ppl everynight, ppl i never knew, everybody comes on for the same thing , doing some pvp and having fun


Quoting you, but not disagreeing.


There's actually research out there that shows most MMO gamers are actually just normal people, varying in age, gender, education, occupation, etc... and most of them spend an average of 11 hours a week on the game of their choice. Etc... etc... etc...


Realy fascinating, more should read: The Daedalus Project

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Now I know you're not ignorant, or lacking intelligence.


Ranked is an 8 man thing. Not 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6, or even 7... 8.


If you don't have 8 people, you don't get to play ranked. So where does a team of 4, competitive players get to play? In regular, with the rest of the 1-4 players.


Matchmaking would help, so would opening up ranked to 4-man teams. Just don't play ignorant in thinking the 4-man premades just aren't in their rightful queue cause they're more competitive then most of the player base.


If the football major league is closed (i.e. due to summer vacations) shall your major league team go roll minors or even town teams and still get major league rewards on top of that?


If your team is competitive, then though luck, regular WZs are non competitive, exactly like a 8 men op won't magically adapt to be done by 4 men just because you can't field enough players for the raid.

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If only there was another kind of WZ, where premade lovers could queue up and fight against peers...
ooo posted the same line again, ok since u really want an answear, I do not have 7 ppl available at my call to do ranked, happy? Retired, gotten fed up with BW fails, switched servers, gone on vacation, meh don`t think I never solo queue and get ownd by premades but I don`t come to whine on the forums because I did not lose because the enemy was a premade, I lost because of the same retarded pugs ignoring enemy healer, not calling/passing , caring about objective, etc etc now are u trully happy? Edited by iDraxter
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