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Why the lack of underwater content?


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Underwater exploration would be cool to see, but it cannot be implemented in the same way as ground combat. In addition to moving along the X and Y axis, they would have to add in a Z axis as well, essentially revamping the movement system to support 3D movement. If they're going to do that, I'd much rather see 3D space than 3D swimming.


Also, there's that techical difficulty that blasters and lightsabers don't work underwater. More traditional weapons like Vibroswords and Vibrostaves are ineffective as well, since you can't slash or hack underwater (resistance prevents you from swinging a weapon effectively) only cut and stab. The only weapon that would be effective underwater is the Agent's offhand Vibroknife but no class can wield that as a main hand weapon. So the developers would have to invent a whole new series of underwater weapons like wieldable Vibroknives, Laser Weapons, Particle Beam Weapons, Missile Launchers, Harpoon Guns etc.


TL; DR: It's a lot of work for marginal benefits.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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uh oh... better brace yourself.


While I personally come from a roleplayer perspective and am perfectly okay with not killing anything for a week (except wookiee. I need at least one dead wookiee per day), I heard a lot of complaining both in game and on these forums about quests involving super-marioesque style.

I have done the bino-endquest a dozen times by now and would love if it were repeatable, but other totally hated the puzzle and jumping aspects of it. Many will argue that the IP reads StarWars not StarJumps or similar.

And as good as the bioncular and seed endquests are, they are "one shot" missions, you do them once and then they are over. Such content is faster consumed than produced and as such will create a lot of complaints rather than soothen some.

Of course it will piss off a few people in these forums, what doesn't? But having this kind of diversity in the game is essential, especially in its early stages, as it's exactly the kind of thing that helps attract and retain new players.

Edited by Machine-Elf
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Of course it will piss off a few people in these forums, what doesn't? But having this kind of diversity in the game is essential, especially in its early stages, as it's exactly the kind of thing that helps attract and retain new players.


The early datacrons are very platformer. They realized their physics suck and stopped doing them like that. You can do those over and over though.

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Lightsabres do work underwater. Some, anyway.


Didn't Obi-Wan's lighsaber in Episode 1 short out when he submerged it in water? They also disappeared in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy when you swam. I'm sure a reason could be invented why lightsabers might work underwater in certain circumstances, I just feel that the dev's efforts should be focused elsewhere.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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Didn't Obi-Wan's lighsaber in Episode 1 short out when he submerged it in water? They also disappeared in Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy when you swam. I'm sure a reason could be invented why lightsabers might work underwater in certain circumstances, I just feel that the dev's efforts should be focused elsewhere.


All lightsabers, unless specially made,[34] would short out when they were submerged in water, due to rapid chain reactions and the instant overpowering of water on the blade. In rain, a lightsaber would steam up, but not short out.[35] Some Jedi, specifically those of aquatic species, designed special lightsabers that could activate underwater.





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I counted two ludicrous statements out of a possible three in this paragraph.

I suppose it really could be worse then, couldn't it?


Next time, try pointing out these "ludicrous" statements and refuting them instead of just going with a slightly more eloquent version of saying "youre wrong but i wont tell you why or how".

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Ord Mantell was designed for some kind of water-based system which would have probably included (and, here's hoping...WILL include) both swimming and hydro-speeders components.


And where do you get that from?

Please provide a source.

Or are you just pulling it out of your bee-hind as usual?

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GW2 did an excellent job with it except when mobs come at you. They should have kept it exploration only. But really think about it, there is no sleep animation, you can't sit in most chairs and when you do, your legs are spread apart like come on baby. It's obvious that the engine can't handle it and if Bioware can't even fix the chairs or the sitting, how could they do swimming.
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Worked well in Final Fantasy X too.

Was really boring and a real hassle in Rift and was done in a real illogical way.

(completely unable to estimate the position of the enemy, melee being pretty much shafted, fire skills working absolutely without a problem under water...)

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Most people don't want underweater content as far as swimming or deep diving, and especially not content underwater. It's a novelty in WoW for one zone, and it's prolific in GW2 but people go out of their way to avoid it to the point that they have to add the incentive of bonus drops for underwater mobs. I like it once in awhile, but it's more practical to just have maybe an underwater lab or dungeon where it's technically land content with an underwater theme.
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I agree with the OP, because underwater action is such a big part of the Star Wars films. Who can forget that epic scene where the two factions battle under the waves with harpoon guns, or the time our hero and his girl were tossed into the ocean and towed behind a boat to kill them yet they cunningly escaped, the numerous shark and piranha tanks that were used by the bad guys, and that really cool underwater car the hero had in that one film.



Oh no, wait a minute, that's James Bond, not Star Wars. Always get them two muddled up.

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I'm sure the commandos would love underwater levels with their 100 lb cannons weighing them down....unless they could use them as jet-ski's:D


Given the wide variety of stuff that those cannons are capable of launching, I guess some sonic blasts to propel you in the water are not that unrealistic.

Still, underwater content, while technically supported by HeroEngine with some modifications (Z-axis works, but sort of strangely and not for normal gameplay) seems redundant to me. However, I would not be opposed to having some "dry land" content placed underwater (like a flashpoint or ops in a underwater lab)

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