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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please remove field respec from warzones.


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The title speaks for itself. I used to think that field respec was cool, until I realized something. In ranked warzones, this creates even more of a gear gap that new teams have to traverse. The barrier to entry is ridiculously high, and it will take teams that are just starting out 1-2 months to catch up to the top ranked teams in terms of gear. This is because now people have to worry about fully min/maxing two gear sets instead of just one.


So to catch up to a team that has 2 fully min/maxed gear sets, in which they can respec all tank/heals for Voidstar defense, and all dps and maybe 1 heal/tank for Voidstar offense, would take a pretty long time. Having these 2 min/maxed gear sets helps quite a bit in Voidstar, Civil War, and Novare Coast. Basically, I don't agree with how large the gear gap becomes when you factor in field respec. First you have to get full conq armorings, then min/max, which takes quite awhile, and that's just for one gear set...


Also it makes the game a lot less difficult when whichever team caps their natural node first in Civil War can all switch to tank/heals so that they are in no danger of ever losing a node. I feel it actually takes away from the complexity/risk factor in warzones.


Being able to field respec before the warzone starts is fine, but at the start of each round, and right after you cap a node for example... meh.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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Without field respec certain classes are useless in ranked.


For example


Commando: the only reason you bring a commando to voidstar is so they can dps while attacking and heal while defending


Sage: the only reason you bring a sage to voidstar is they can dps while attacking and heal while defending


Otherwise, a team would just bring a gunslinger/sentinel who offers more team utility with AOE stuns, AOE dmg, better node guard with Orbital strike etc.


Keep field respec the way it is and do not change it. The gear gap is lower than it has ever been, bolster makes it so bads and pve players can be fully geared in no time.

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I just want dual spec straight up. I'm struggling with doing the fast switch mid warzone (between MM and Eng).. It's not the skill tree stuff, that stuff mostly lines up, its just there are other primary attacks I move around (example, frag goes to snipe spot, snipe to ambush, ambush to a secondary key cause i barely use it in Eng.
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Without field respec certain classes are useless in ranked.


For example


Commando: the only reason you bring a commando to voidstar is so they can dps while attacking and heal while defending


Sage: the only reason you bring a sage to voidstar is they can dps while attacking and heal while defending


Otherwise, a team would just bring a gunslinger/sentinel who offers more team utility with AOE stuns, AOE dmg, better node guard with Orbital strike etc.


Keep field respec the way it is and do not change it. The gear gap is lower than it has ever been, bolster makes it so bads and pve players can be fully geared in no time.


There's actually no reason to take anything other than 4 smashers + 4 operatives to a WZ, but I don't think that this is an argument in favour of allowing respecc during WZs. I'd rather give the other speccs more base utility.

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Without field respec certain classes are useless in ranked.


For example


Commando: the only reason you bring a commando to voidstar is so they can dps while attacking and heal while defending


Sage: the only reason you bring a sage to voidstar is they can dps while attacking and heal while defending


Otherwise, a team would just bring a gunslinger/sentinel who offers more team utility with AOE stuns, AOE dmg, better node guard with Orbital strike etc.


Keep field respec the way it is and do not change it. The gear gap is lower than it has ever been, bolster makes it so bads and pve players can be fully geared in no time.


Commandos don't have to respec for defense. Commando DPS is very strong right now. Sage healer is very strong.

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I just want dual spec straight up. I'm struggling with doing the fast switch mid warzone (between MM and Eng).. It's not the skill tree stuff, that stuff mostly lines up, its just there are other primary attacks I move around (example, frag goes to snipe spot, snipe to ambush, ambush to a secondary key cause i barely use it in Eng.

Indeed. Per-character Legacy feature, 500k-1kk, 2 templates, between which you switch freely, with a 5-10 sec channel, and a 10-min cooldown. Any other forms of respec should be disabled in warzones.

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In ranked warzones, this creates even more of a gear gap that new teams have to traverse. The barrier to entry is ridiculously high, and it will take teams that are just starting out 1-2 months to catch up to the top ranked teams in terms of gear. This is because now people have to worry about fully min/maxing two gear sets instead of just one


The bigger imbalance is with legacy buffs. At least with field respec you can purchase that on the legacy tab....


After a new player hits 55 and dies once in a warzone, if someone else isn't by him with all the buffs, he is running down with only the class buff he's on. How is THAT fair?

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We also need to see the other side of the coin.


Premades in combination with respecc in WZs are a nightmare for casuals. To argue that the casuals could go premade themselves and that everybody can respecc is surely valid, but it won't happen. Cause most casuals are casuals by decision and not by accident. They know that they could go premade if they'd increase their effort and online time, but they simply don't want to do that. Concerning respecc, most casuals don't have a plan as when and how to do it and they're not familiar with the second spec and they don't have gear for the second spec. In order to do these things properly and efficiently, you need to be rather a power player and not a casual.


Depending on the percentage of casuals in the game, to have WZs with premade teams in combination with respeccing during WZs could start working against the game's population numbers, or at least against the number of PvPing players. Cause casuals will stop playing WZs.

Edited by Cretinus
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We also need to see the other side of the coin.


Premades in combination with respecc in WZs are a nightmare for casuals. To argue that the casuals could go premade themselves and that everybody can respecc is surely valid, but it won't happen. Cause most casuals are casuals by decision and not by accident. They know that they could go premade if they'd increase their effort and online time, but they simply don't want to do that. Concerning respecc, most casuals don't have a plan as when and how to do it and they're not familiar with the second spec and they don't have gear for the second spec. In order to do these things properly and efficiently, you need to be rather a power player and not a casual.


Depending on the percentage of casuals in the game, to have WZs with respeccing premade teams could start working against the game's population numbers, or at least against the number of PvPing players.


Pretty much, field respec allows more skilled players to beat unskilled players. I see nothing wrong with this in Player v. Player.

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Pretty much, field respec allows more skilled players to beat unskilled players. I see nothing wrong with this in Player v. Player.


I agree with you, there's nothing wrong with this.

But if there was no respecc during WZs for anybody, then there would be nothing wrong with that either. It would even have the advantage that the skilled teams would beat the casuals, but not complitely obliterate and destroy them in a manner that only produces WZ quitters. If these quitters quit long term, then we might become a problem with WZ population, at least.

Edited by Cretinus
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Indeed. Per-character Legacy feature, 500k-1kk, 2 templates, between which you switch freely, with a 5-10 sec channel, and a 10-min cooldown. Any other forms of respec should be disabled in warzones.


I'd love that.

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on our server this would be one of the worse ideas removing field respec.


More often than not theres 2-3 healers for republic teams, and empire team will maybe have one if we lucky so normally some1 will respect for the match. Without field respect this would make pvp pug games even more unbearable.


Only compromise i could see is if perhaps from when you load into a warzone you have 1min to respec then you cant for remaining of match.


Please dont remove field respec entirely and if you do bioware then you should reimburse every pvper with the 200k credits spent on each char to do so.

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on our server this would be one of the worse ideas removing field respec.


More often than not theres 2-3 healers for republic teams, and empire team will maybe have one if we lucky so normally some1 will respect for the match. Without field respect this would make pvp pug games even more unbearable.


Only compromise i could see is if perhaps from when you load into a warzone you have 1min to respec then you cant for remaining of match.


Please dont remove field respec entirely and if you do bioware then you should reimburse every pvper with the 200k credits spent on each char to do so.


agree. the red eclipse imp side is just lame/weird/small. in a single wz I see reps got more healers than I see at imp side for whole day

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Field respec allowed until game begins -- I see no problem with that.


Field respec AFTER the game begins -- now that's a problem.


When PvP gives you a certain number of choices, the very essence of the game lies with the choice of which set of pros and cons you stick with. Otherwise we might just as well ask for 36/36/36 specs so we can do EVERYTHING, with almost no cooperation required from anyone.


Thus, such choices shape/mold what kind of state your team is in. If your team has damage-heavy builds, then you lack that much in support, heals or tanking, and vice versa. Those choices and its consequences are meant to stick.


Switching around during a game that has already begun? Lame.

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Field respec allowed until game begins -- I see no problem with that.


Field respec AFTER the game begins -- now that's a problem.


When PvP gives you a certain number of choices, the very essence of the game lies with the choice of which set of pros and cons you stick with. Otherwise we might just as well ask for 36/36/36 specs so we can do EVERYTHING, with almost no cooperation required from anyone.


Thus, such choices shape/mold what kind of state your team is in. If your team has damage-heavy builds, then you lack that much in support, heals or tanking, and vice versa. Those choices and its consequences are meant to stick.


Switching around during a game that has already begun? Lame.

QFT, a thousand times this. I was about to post, but decided to refresh first and find that someone already posted my exact thoughts. Well put sire, I really could not agree more. Choice is really a core element of the game, from the very moment you roll your character, to picking your AC and spec, and all the choices you make throughout your class mission and other conversations.


Variety is great, and field respec is something I greatly value - but this is not GTA, where you can carry your entire arsenal with you at all times and switch weapon at will. When a Warzone begins, I think there should be some commitment involved; not only to your class, but to your spec as well. I would hate to lose the ability to respec before a warzone starts, as this can allow me to cover for a weakness on my team in regs (e.g. lack of healers), but I think disallowing respecs once the game has started would not only be more balanced, but more fun (because honestly, who considers playing voidstar attack against 4 healers and 4 tanks fun?).

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Field respec allowed until game begins -- I see no problem with that.


Field respec AFTER the game begins -- now that's a problem.


When PvP gives you a certain number of choices, the very essence of the game lies with the choice of which set of pros and cons you stick with. Otherwise we might just as well ask for 36/36/36 specs so we can do EVERYTHING, with almost no cooperation required from anyone.


Thus, such choices shape/mold what kind of state your team is in. If your team has damage-heavy builds, then you lack that much in support, heals or tanking, and vice versa. Those choices and its consequences are meant to stick.


Switching around during a game that has already begun? Lame.


Yes, this is basically what I meant when I said to remove it, I'm fine with having it available at the start of the warzone, but that is it. Someone had said Voidstar was the only occasion in which field respec makes a difference. This is simply not true. In Civil War and Novare Coast this can also make quite a bit of difference. If, in a Civil War ranked match, you get your natural node before the enemy gets theirs, you can simply have your entire team respec to tanks/heals and stall for the rest of the game and win. If in Novare Coast you manage to cap the South Bunker, you can simply respec all tanks/heals and wait out the next 100%(if you've dwindled down the team's numbers at South.)

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Yes, this is basically what I meant when I said to remove it, I'm fine with having it available at the start of the warzone, but that is it. Someone had said Voidstar was the only occasion in which field respec makes a difference. This is simply not true. In Civil War and Novare Coast this can also make quite a bit of difference. If, in a Civil War ranked match, you get your natural node before the enemy gets theirs, you can simply have your entire team respec to tanks/heals and stall for the rest of the game and win. If in Novare Coast you manage to cap the South Bunker, you can simply respec all tanks/heals and wait out the next 100%(if you've dwindled down the team's numbers at South.)


Perhaps it's also a problem that tank and heal specs are much too strong in PvP, who knows.

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Yes, this is basically what I meant when I said to remove it, I'm fine with having it available at the start of the warzone, but that is it. Someone had said Voidstar was the only occasion in which field respec makes a difference. This is simply not true. In Civil War and Novare Coast this can also make quite a bit of difference. If, in a Civil War ranked match, you get your natural node before the enemy gets theirs, you can simply have your entire team respec to tanks/heals and stall for the rest of the game and win. If in Novare Coast you manage to cap the South Bunker, you can simply respec all tanks/heals and wait out the next 100%(if you've dwindled down the team's numbers at South.)


as much as it pains me to agree with anything a <Watchmen> says, I agree with Zab on this issue. He plays a hybrid class, btw. So he's talking about "nerfing" himself.


Imo, the second the WZ starts (gates drop for first time), the opportunity to reset skill points should end.


this is also a regs issue. heal + tank combos are already borderline op -- let's just call them highly effective -- enabling teams to create MORE heal/tank combos when it would most benefit their own situation just adds to the futility/boredom of all matches, but especially regs, where focus fire/coordination is already lacking.

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Field respec allowed until game begins -- I see no problem with that.


Field respec AFTER the game begins -- now that's a problem.


When PvP gives you a certain number of choices, the very essence of the game lies with the choice of which set of pros and cons you stick with. Otherwise we might just as well ask for 36/36/36 specs so we can do EVERYTHING, with almost no cooperation required from anyone.


Thus, such choices shape/mold what kind of state your team is in. If your team has damage-heavy builds, then you lack that much in support, heals or tanking, and vice versa. Those choices and its consequences are meant to stick.


Switching around during a game that has already begun? Lame.



Exactly. 10/10. Its funny people complain about stalemates in VS, CW, etc, yet they dont want to remove field respec in wz's. If you removed field respec in wz's you would essentially eliminate a huge factor in what causes these stalemates in wz's.

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i don't have an issue with field respecs in a WZ, although i prefer them to have a cooldown and need to be done in the rez area. But i do have an issue with the macro that lets someone respec instantly.


For example: I was beating on a jugg this morning, who was in shii form using force crush on me and smashing away. As i was fighting him, a teammate threw him the ball, he hit his little macro, switched to soresu form and then started using crushing blow on me (and had stop taking damage). Now that is needs to be addressed.


They need to make a respec drop you down to 1health, remove all buffs, and stun you for 10 seconds. That would stop the instant respec-with-the-macro exploit/advantage in the middle of the zone. Or just make the respec work in the rez area.

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