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Everything posted by ondrejhoura

  1. empire pvp is trash. republic got 2-3 healers per WZ, empire got 2-3 healers per DAY. 0 empire pvp guilds, 0 empire premade, people dont augment gear at all, cant focus enemy MARKED healers. matches where empire scores 0 kills in total aint nothing special. republic got twice the kills most of the time (thanks to no empire healers) reroll republic like I did and just farm your way to any pvp gear you like. to roll empire at this god forsaken server is game ending decision
  2. wow any more SUPERIOR FACTS that nobody knows? but guess what empire activity at Tomb is dead
  3. 0 premades. 0 pvp guilds. almost every single wz gets dominated by rep teams with 3+ healers. games where empire do not manage to score ANY kill aint nothing special. to get healer on empire side is almost as rare as to celebrate xmas in summer. the only chance to win for empire is time from 5am - 10am, after this it goes straight down.
  4. red eclipse totaly trash server for imps. for 8 days straight typical pvp match: reps got 2-3 healers per WZ, imps got 4-5 healers per 6 hours reps got 2times more kills than imps every single match. and I end up having 500k dmg with outstanding 8kills..... *** is this ****. loosing streaks that takes 2 or more days aint nothing special. weekly quest really takes week to complete. just a wonderfull server
  5. i would love to your mothers balls
  6. if they just made the pvp not server sided but region/global sided. would be better (maybe)
  7. totaly not any european server. red eclipse reps win aorun 70% of wz, tomb of freedom it goes even up to 90% (55 wz, cant say about the low lvl ones) I play at red eclipse and got 25 total wins at valor 38........ it looks like that roll empire with pvp as my favorite thing to do was game ending decision.
  8. is there a chance that we will see (paid) faction transfers (from sith sorc to jedi sage, etc). cooldonw on this could be like 1-2months. this was a good feature in WoW since it allowed you to get along with players that rolled earlier under different side or you just wanna see the world from a different perspective or try pvp from other side. also this could possibly lead to end of pvp whine and maybe a disbalance.
  9. well at imp fleet it around 174 players around typical primetime (17:00-23:00) at rep side its almost twice that number. I wanna go pvp server and the question is to transfer or to roll other side from scratch
  10. lel, the worst answer so far
  11. Is this a common thing. I play empire at red eclipse and i manage to win roughly 40matches at valor 40. In WoW there used to be Horde dominance in pvp for a loooong time. It change once they made alot of free transfer and finaly vanished once they let people change sides (for money). Now I am sking if this is just server issue and transfer will solve it or only reroll to republic will save it inbefore "op troll"/"one of these threads"/"nub whiner" im not whining or trying to troll im asking and would like to have civilized discusion.
  12. Will there be free transfers someday? Not just for the lelz, but to balance populations on some servers? Or like you did it with the rename. rename for a single chat for subs (thats wasnt bad, but not super either), so free transfer for one char for subs? I believe, that alot of us got some chars at different servers that they play on now. we created them for whatever reason (freind, lulz, etc) and now wanna play them or even go probe some new communities with your main. ty
  13. agree. the red eclipse imp side is just lame/weird/small. in a single wz I see reps got more healers than I see at imp side for whole day
  14. as quite fresh 55 (maxed at friday) i dont even try to participate in warzones. my only chance to earn some recoms is to run to point, cap it and then hide somewhere and read a book. anything that involves fighing is stupid as every1 just outgears me by kilometers. never saw such gap between pvp and non-pvp gear. bolster is laughable mechanic
  15. may I ask u on the rotation and gear recommendations? Im new to this game so I can use any tips. ofc if its not your secret
  16. Hello, I started my character at wrong server (cause of freind) and im curious where the most of pvp community is. Are here like a "famous" servers with alot of pvp guilds and ranked teams (imperial side) thx for answers
  17. wow. cool vid man. I started this game week ago and totaly got addicted. got few questions if it wont bother you: 1) is immortal any good for pvp/rpvp? 2) how do u stat prioritize and do u swap stances alot 3) any tips on gear/mods would be very appreciated.
  18. cool vid. can u tell me if u r immortal or vengeance and rotation/skill used. im still pretty new to this game
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