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Double XP..EXTEND A DAY!! :)


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So those who want it get a free boost, when there are already consumable XP buffs out there, but those who don't are forced to fork over extra credits?


The general idea of XP debuffs sounds good. Implementing it that way just sounds like a punishment for those who do not wish to take part. Maybe just include both an extended XP-buff and debuff in in-game mail and leave each player the option, or something.

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You'd say anything to take up for BioWare wouldn't you? And yes spending time with my wife and kids, my dad and sister over the holiday was required for me, would of been rude for me to start playing a game, how is that an issue? I love them, why would spending time with them be an issue of any kind?

So did you do it because it was required, because you love them, or both? If you did it because you loved them or because of both, then what's the problem? You skipped goofing off in a computer game for time spent with people you love. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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/not signed.


It's easy enough to outlevel planets as it is before you can finish many of the quests.


Not to mention not earn enough credits to pay for the ability upgrades, my trooper was only just able to pay for those abilities, and still can't afford the speeder pilot license three (let alone a new speeder), four days was really pushing it.

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Whilst double XP weekends from time to time are a nice bonus, I don't think they should be a common occurance. Why? Well, you level too quickly and in turn miss a tonne of the intended content for that level bracket. I found myself (having rolled a new character) being forced to stop myself playing as I was outlevelling everything (including my class quests) making it not really an enjoyable experience.


See my problem is simple... I have enough toons already leveled up... I don't want to have to endure the entirety of all the planet side quests again. It feels more like a chore now than anything else. That's my problem with it, and I think using that as an excuse is a cheap cop out. If you don't want it, just say so, don't come up with an opinionated arbitrary excuse that you want to try and oppress onto other people. I say yes, because I'd love it.

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Whilst double XP weekends from time to time are a nice bonus, I don't think they should be a common occurance. Why? Well, you level too quickly and in turn miss a tonne of the intended content for that level bracket. I found myself (having rolled a new character) being forced to stop myself playing as I was outlevelling everything (including my class quests) making it not really an enjoyable experience.


That's why we need a feature that lets us players choose on which characters we want to enable it.


Going with my suggestion above, making it a legacy perk just like the various levels of experience gains that are already legacy perks, just taking it up to the full "200% exp always", works.


If you want to see the content without out-leveling it, then you simply do nothing.


If I want to expedite my path to 55 and I have the legacy level + credits or Cartel Coins to do it, then I can choose to do it.


And for me, that's a beautiful thing. I've seen all the planetary and side quests too many times already. They are no longer entertaining. They are annoying. I want to be able to see all 8 class stories without having to deal with the drudgery of so many planetary and side quests for the 3rd and 4th time each side.

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That's why we need a feature that lets us players choose on which characters we want to enable it.


Going with my suggestion above, making it a legacy perk just like the various levels of experience gains that are already legacy perks, just taking it up to the full "200% exp always", works.


If you want to see the content without out-leveling it, then you simply do nothing.


If I want to expedite my path to 55 and I have the legacy level + credits or Cartel Coins to do it, then I can choose to do it.


And for me, that's a beautiful thing. I've seen all the planetary and side quests too many times already. They are no longer entertaining. They are annoying. I want to be able to see all 8 class stories without having to deal with the drudgery of so many planetary and side quests for the 3rd and 4th time each side.


I'd buy this off the market in a heartbeat! I was only able to play one of the 3 weekends and I'd buy double XP today if it were offered.

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The story and side-quests are not "drudgery". They are part of this mmoRPG! It's nobody's fault but your own if you spend so much time on TOR that you've already gotten through all of the content for some of the classes and are bored that easily.


Trust me. If you take a break once in a while to do something else, the game will be even more enjoyable.

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The story and side-quests are not "drudgery". They are part of this mmoRPG! It's nobody's fault but your own if you spend so much time on TOR that you've already gotten through all of the content for some of the classes and are bored that easily.


Trust me. If you take a break once in a while to do something else, the game will be even more enjoyable.


The game has been out for more than a year, I've taken a couple of breaks and the side content is still mind-numbingly boring.


Trusting you was the worst decision ever.

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I would like to see them do two things....

1) Have a double XP weekend every other weekend


The popularity of the double XP weekend is obvious. I love it personally. It would be great to see it every other weekend.


2) Offer a consumable 50 percent XP debuff similar to the XP boosts for sale now


This would allow folks that do not want to be effected by double XP to get it returned to normal. It would also give min/max folks a way to lengthen the leveling process in the normal game and prevent quick leveling if they wish.


I think that these are both brilliant ideas. I fall into the second category and would love for people to be able to have 200% XP and me to be able to opt out of it.

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The game has been out for more than a year, I've taken a couple of breaks and the side content is still mind-numbingly boring.


Trusting you was the worst decision ever.


I know how long the game's been out for, thanks.


If you've gotten that far in the class stories, I don't believe you've "taken a couple of breaks".


Regardless, if you find it that boring, then this isn't the right game for you, and going through it faster isn't going to change that.


That's like saying "Oh I find watching soccer boring, so FIFA should cut game times in half."

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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So logout in a Cantina or your ship. Voila: 2XP. The choice is yours and is in your hands. Just do it. Problem solved.


It becomes 4x experience with double experience weekend. That's sort of the point. Get through the class stories (the good part) without having to do planetary quests, side quests, pvp, flash points ad nauseum.

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The story and side-quests are not "drudgery". They are part of this mmoRPG! It's nobody's fault but your own if you spend so much time on TOR that you've already gotten through all of the content for some of the classes and are bored that easily.


Trust me. If you take a break once in a while to do something else, the game will be even more enjoyable.


What you're really saying is that I need to reduce my brain's ability to remember stuff, to be more like you, so I won't be able to repeat planetary quest text verbatim after the second time I've seen it. And I do want to level 4 characters each side to see the class stories.


Well, I'm sorry that I have such a remarkable memory that seeing the same thing a second, third, and fourth time becomes annoying rather than entertaining. Sue me.

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I know how long the game's been out for, thanks.


If you've gotten that far in the class stories, I don't believe you've "taken a couple of breaks".


Regardless, if you find it that boring, then this isn't the right game for you, and going through it faster isn't going to change that.


That's like saying "Oh I find watching soccer boring, so FIFA should cut game times in half."

Worst. Analogy. Ever.


I'm a PvP'er and I hate questing with a passion. I skip every side-quest I come across, and DXP helps me get to 55 very, very fast.


I missed the last DXP weekend and would like for it to return, too.

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So logout in a Cantina or your ship. Voila: 2XP. The choice is yours and is in your hands. Just do it. Problem solved.


Rested XP only applies to things you kill, not missions turned in. It's a lot lower than 2x XP in practice.


Double XP weekends, by comparison, are over 3x XP for everything.

Edited by Caelrie
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So logout in a Cantina or your ship. Voila: 2XP. The choice is yours and is in your hands. Just do it. Problem solved.


Rested XP only doubles what you get for kills, double XP doubles all XP gains... missions, WZ, Space Missions, all that and kills.

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What you're really saying is that I need to reduce my brain's ability to remember stuff, to be more like you, so I won't be able to repeat planetary quest text verbatim after the second time I've seen it. And I do want to level 4 characters each side to see the class stories.


Well, I'm sorry that I have such a remarkable memory that seeing the same thing a second, third, and fourth time becomes annoying rather than entertaining. Sue me.


Not at all. I have a fantastic memory, too. I said "take your time" not "speed through and forget everything".

Again, if you're bored by the game for that reason, getting twice the XP for the same missions with that same text isn't going to help.


Did that help you understand? :p

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Worst. Analogy. Ever.


I'm a PvP'er and I hate questing with a passion. I skip every side-quest I come across, and DXP helps me get to 55 very, very fast.


I missed the last DXP weekend and would like for it to return, too.


Hardly. Let me help you understand. They said they were bored of playing TOR, so they wanted to make it go by faster. If you're bored of a game, forcing everyone else to rush through it is not the answer. Anyway. if it were a matter of boredom then they'd just get bored of repeating the same endgame content and PvP warzones sooner this way (and by the way you can PvP before level 55, so either that was part of the leveling that bored them or they have nothing to complain about because they could just PvP their way to 55 after the starter worlds). If anything, PvP is a heck of a lot more repetitive.


The point is, if you don't like RPGs in single- or multi-player form, don't play TOR and complain that you're 'bored so it should be faster'. I hope that helps you understand. Yeah, PvP is PART of it, but the RPG aspect is the main part of an mmoRPG, which should be pretty obvious.


If you're just a smash monkey who's not interested in a good story, hey, that's up to you, but double-xp forces the rest of us to speed through and outlevel planets. Certain planets' quest lines are designed for lower-level characters. Meanwhile, you don't need to be level 55 to PvP.


People have different styles of gameplay and different things they like, but that's exactly why Double XP sucks for PvEers who don't want to quickly outlevel planets.


Just because YOU prefer rushing to 55 for PvP doesn't mean everyone else should be forced to rush leveling in the same way.

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Hardly. Let me help you understand. They said they were bored of playing TOR, so they wanted to make it go by faster. If you're bored of a game, forcing everyone else to rush through it is not the answer. Anyway. if it were a matter of boredom then they'd just get bored of repeating the same endgame content and PvP warzones sooner this way (and by the way you can PvP before level 55, so either that was part of the leveling that bored them or they have nothing to complain about because they could just PvP their way to 55 after the starter worlds). If anything, PvP is a heck of a lot more repetitive.


The point is, if you don't like RPGs in single- or multi-player form, don't play TOR and complain that you're 'bored so it should be faster'. I hope that helps you understand. Yeah, PvP is PART of it, but the RPG aspect is the main part of an mmoRPG, which should be pretty obvious.


If you're just a smash monkey who's not interested in a good story, hey, that's up to you, but double-xp forces the rest of us to speed through and outlevel planets. Certain planets' quest lines are designed for lower-level characters. Meanwhile, you don't need to be level 55 to PvP.


People have different styles of gameplay and different things they like, but that's exactly why Double XP sucks for PvEers who don't want to quickly outlevel planets.


Just because YOU prefer rushing to 55 for PvP doesn't mean everyone else should be forced to rush leveling in the same way.

I find PvE way more repetitive because you're just fighting scripted mobs, and I could really care less about 99% of this game's Story tbh.


Yes, I prefer PvP'ing majorly to 55 and then just PvP'ing at endgame. I wish BW gave this out as a token or allowed it to be turned off and on for those of you who are bothered by it, but the best thing for those of you to do is to not play during this event on a lowbie or play on a Lv. 55.


Those of us who want to get to endgame asap on other alts shouldn't have to suffer through the long and grindy process of getting to 55 just because some of you "don't like to out-level and out-gear 'the story'".




Yes, RPG does matter in an MMORPG, but there are a lot of us who care more about endgame. There are other play styles and we shouldn't have to suffer. The side-quests in this game are extremely tedious after the nth amount of time doing them, and they're really not apart of the Story because they're irrelevant to it. You just kill X amount of these guys and collect Y amount of boxes, and then you turn in the mission and there you go. SO BORING!!!


Additionally, I don't mind leveling via PvP during DXP weekends, but PvP rewards need to be buffed both credit-wise and experience-wise.

Edited by MrJurgens
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You play this game for PvP? You are obviously not a very serious PvPer, then. But if you enjoy thinking you are, have fun with that.

I play several of FPS's and any other MMOs that I have interest in I'll just be PvP'ing.


The fact that you think I'm not a very serious PvP'er is just sad. How am I not a "serious PvP'er? That doesn't even make any sense.





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I know how long the game's been out for, thanks.


If you've gotten that far in the class stories, I don't believe you've "taken a couple of breaks".


Regardless, if you find it that boring, then this isn't the right game for you, and going through it faster isn't going to change that.


That's like saying "Oh I find watching soccer boring, so FIFA should cut game times in half."


The only thing holding me back from completing my last 3 class stories is the boring side/planetary quests.


I like how you make assumptions, though. Really adds to the strength of your argument.

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