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Double XP..EXTEND A DAY!! :)


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The only thing holding me back from completing my last 3 class stories is the boring side/planetary quests.


I like how you make assumptions, though. Really adds to the strength of your argument.


Sorry, what assumptions?


Last I checked, side quests are just that. If you want to ignore them and focus on your main story, you have that option. As was said above, though, it's a story-driven game, so its not the best choice for a person who doesn't care about any or a good chunk of the story (whether side or class), Double-XP or no Double-XP.

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Log off in a Cantina!


Or your ship. Problem solved. Get 2xP every friggin' day if you want. Is that so hard?


This thread ought to be the Poster Child of this entire "community." The predominant opinion around here seems to be, "Why take on any responsibility myself when I can get Bioware to do it for me? Next you'll be wanting Bioware to work your zipper up and down because you're too lazy to do it yourself.

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I may have already mentioned this, but I would like to see two things....


1) Double XP event once a month


Every month a specific weekend would be chosen as a double XP weekend.


2) Double Valor event once a month


Every month a specific weekend would be chosen to be a double valor weekend.

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Log off in a Cantina!


Or your ship. Problem solved. Get 2xP every friggin' day if you want. Is that so hard?


This thread ought to be the Poster Child of this entire "community." The predominant opinion around here seems to be, "Why take on any responsibility myself when I can get Bioware to do it for me? Next you'll be wanting Bioware to work your zipper up and down because you're too lazy to do it yourself.


I don't know if you are aware of this, but rested XP only applies to general XP, not mission XP.

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Log off in a Cantina!


Or your ship. Problem solved. Get 2xP every friggin' day if you want. Is that so hard?


This thread ought to be the Poster Child of this entire "community." The predominant opinion around here seems to be, "Why take on any responsibility myself when I can get Bioware to do it for me? Next you'll be wanting Bioware to work your zipper up and down because you're too lazy to do it yourself.


So ironic, since you're acting all high and mighty and don't even know what rested XP actually does. Typical "community".

Edited by Caelrie
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Sorry, what assumptions?


Last I checked, side quests are just that. If you want to ignore them and focus on your main story, you have that option. As was said above, though, it's a story-driven game, so its not the best choice for a person who doesn't care about any or a good chunk of the story (whether side or class), Double-XP or no Double-XP.


I do care about the story. I cared about the side quests once, the planetary quests twice and I've still got 3 class quests to finish. You're assuming I don't care about story; I do.


Tell me, though, as someone who loves a good story, how many times do you read the same book in one year? Twice? Three times if it's really good?


How many times do you read a mediocre book in a year? Do you read it more than once? Why? You could be reading a different book.


The side quests are mediocre, at best. Playing them once was enough, now all they amount to is a boring grind so that I have enough experience to continue pursuing the story that I actually care about.

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It becomes 4x experience with double experience weekend. That's sort of the point. Get through the class stories (the good part) without having to do planetary quests, side quests, pvp, flash points ad nauseum.


Unless I am mistaken, double XP does not stack with rested XP. I believe the tooltip even states that. It does stack with the XP boosts, so you can get 250% XP.

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I do care about the story. I cared about the side quests once, the planetary quests twice and I've still got 3 class quests to finish. You're assuming I don't care about story; I do.


Tell me, though, as someone who loves a good story, how many times do you read the same book in one year? Twice? Three times if it's really good?


How many times do you read a mediocre book in a year? Do you read it more than once? Why? You could be reading a different book.


The side quests are mediocre, at best. Playing them once was enough, now all they amount to is a boring grind so that I have enough experience to continue pursuing the story that I actually care about.


I assumed nothing about you. That wasn't directed at you. As you said, you care about the story.


As for your question, books aren't really a good comparison. I have, however, played the same RPG several times (particularly ones that involve many choices), and I know for a fact that I'm far from alone in this amongst the community of RPG players. Add to this the fact that SWTOR is an MMO with group missions and its quite different from sitting alone reading the same book in the same way.


In any case, if we were to use your analogy, if someone told you "I'm bored with re-reading this story, so everyone around me should be made to read it twice as fast this weekend", you'd be right to see something wrong with this attitude. Especially since nobody forced you to spend all that time reading, or stopped you from going to read a different book for a while until you felt like changing back.


Anyway, (and I mean this in an honest, non-snappy way) the whole point about repetition is moot if you read what you were responding to.


You're wrong about the side quests, but, well, like I already said, it's up to you and it doesn't matter because you aren't forced to do them (as I explained above if you read that), and in any case I already explained myself several times in terms of why allowing players an option of Double-XP is one thing, and forcing it on everyone is another entirely.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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I assumed nothing about you. That wasn't directed at you.


As for your question, books aren't really a good comparison. I have, however, played the same RPG several times (particularly ones that involve many choices), and I know for a fact that I'm far from alone in this amongst the community of RPG players. Add to this the fact that SWTOR is an MMO with group missions and its quite different from sitting alone reading the same book in the same way.


Anyway, (and I mean this in an honest, non-snappy way) the whole point about repetition is moot if you read what you were responding to.


You're wrong about the side quests, but, well, like I already said, it's up to you and it doesn't matter because you aren't forced to do them (as I explained above if you read that), and in any case I already explained myself several times in terms of why allowing players an option of Double-XP is one thing, and forcing it on everyone is another entirely.


I was just going to drop the assumptions as it detracted from the argument, but since you insist,


If you've gotten that far in the class stories, I don't believe you've "taken a couple of breaks".


Regardless, if you find it that boring, then this isn't the right game for you, and going through it faster isn't going to change that.


You assume how far I've gotten in the class stories, and assume that I haven't taken any breaks from this game based on that assumption. There's been at least 3 months where I flat out haven't played, and only 3 or 4 where I've played seriously.


Additionally, you assume that this isn't the game for me, based solely on my disinterest for side quests, disregarding the fact(s) that: PvP exists, Operations exist, class story exists. I enjoy this game for the most part, I do not enjoy playing through the side quests for the 3rd/4th time. Logic dictates that if I can get through the levelling (note: levelling, not class story) faster, then I'll enjoy it more.


On to the main argument: it is perfectly acceptable to compare the side quests to a (mediocre) book. All that changes based on choice is the dialogue, besides that they're generally nothing more than "here is the reason that I want you to collect/kill 10x". Do I have to do these side-quests when 2x XP is not in effect? No. Unfortunately, they are the most efficient way to level, with flashpoints providing less xp than normal levelling/taking longer to get in to and WZs providing less XP/sometimes being simply frustrating to play.


As to your last point, I'm not sure why you brought that up. I've never said that double XP should be forced (beyond questioning why people are so opposed to it during the weekends) and I'd love to see it as an optional purchase.

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I was just going to drop the assumptions as it detracted from the argument, but since you insist,


You assume how far I've gotten in the class stories,


No, I didn't. You told me. I'm pretty sure you said you were repeating stuff (or if not, the premise of your question before suggested you were). Anyway some stuff I said much earlier was directed at people who posted earlier, not you.


and assume that I haven't taken any breaks from this game based on that assumption. There's been at least 3 months where I flat out haven't played, and only 3 or 4 where I've played seriously.


I wasn't assuming you didn't take breaks. I was saying the point is to take a break until you can go back and not be bored. Not to mention that, unless I'm mistaken, you have three class stories left, so you would have been playing constantly and it would be a good idea to take more of a break until you regain interest. Anyway yeah, let's drop that, if you insist. I was just confused about what I was "assuming".


Additionally, you assume that this isn't the game for me, based solely on my disinterest for side quests, disregarding the fact(s) that: PvP exists, Operations exist, class story exists. I enjoy this game for the most part, I do not enjoy playing through the side quests for the 3rd/4th time. Logic dictates that if I can get through the levelling (note: levelling, not class story) faster, then I'll enjoy it more.


Stop twisting my words. I never said you had to play the side quests. In fact I said exactly what you just said when you implied you wanted Double-XP in order to skip side-quests. Find another way to get the XP if you really want to do so.


What I did say was that this is a story-driven MMO, and it is. When I said it was "not for you" if you're bored by that stuff, all this meant was if you don't like the story of a story-driven MMO, for whatever reason, you may as well play something else, rather than demand something that would force an inconvenience on players who enjoy the story (I know, you say below that you don't have a problem with it being optional, but that's not how it seemed at the time).

It makes more sense to play an FPS or sports game if you're into that, and it makes more sense to play an RPG with a different story if you don't like the story.


Anyway, by getting through the levelling faster, you are getting through the story faster, so this distinction doesn't really make sense. You might find it less of a "boring grind" if you aren't outlevelling too much---just friendly advice.


On to the main argument: it is perfectly acceptable to compare the side quests to a (mediocre) book. All that changes based on choice is the dialogue, besides that they're generally nothing more than "here is the reason that I want you to collect/kill 10x". Do I have to do these side-quests when 2x XP is not in effect? No. Unfortunately, they are the most efficient way to level, with flashpoints providing less xp than normal levelling/taking longer to get in to and WZs providing less XP/sometimes being simply frustrating to play.


No, it's not an acceptable comparison, and I've explained why. As you say, dialogue changes (including in FPs, by the way), and a lot more substantially than you claim. In a story-driven MMO, dialogue is not a minor aspect.


As to your last point, I'm not sure why you brought that up. I've never said that double XP should be forced (beyond questioning why people are so opposed to it during the weekends) and I'd love to see it as an optional purchase.


You said, along with others, that there should be another Double-XP weekend. This implied that it should be forced, instead of the optional purchase alternative I suggested before (heck, not necessarily even a purchase---it could easily be sent as a special event item to in-game mail). I was just drawing your attention to that.


If you have no problem with that, there's no need for an argument (though I reserve my right to disagree about the side-quests and to emphasize that planetary quests are in fact a central part of the game and were presented as such long before release). Play however you want.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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It seems to me that we're both having issues conveying what we're trying to say/understanding what the other person is saying. I'm happy to drop this.


Absolutely! :)


Anyway, if you or anyone who really wants XP is on The Shadowlands, I keep finding these XP buffs that I try to sell on the GTN but can't find a buyer! I guess I don't undercut the standard GTN price enough. :(


I'm assuming they aren't stackable...but meh.

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I do like the idea of regular double xp days, with a toggle option for those who think they're leveling too quick and can't enjoy the content. For power levelers who want to develop 12 toons it would help expedite things, but it wouldn't have to be an always on thing, Saturday Double XP day, that's it. Or if Saturdays have the servers busy enough already, Monday/Tuesday.


Something to help with the grind the game sometimes is would be awesome.

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I do like the idea of regular double xp days, with a toggle option for those who think they're leveling too quick and can't enjoy the content. For power levelers who want to develop 12 toons it would help expedite things, but it wouldn't have to be an always on thing, Saturday Double XP day, that's it. Or if Saturdays have the servers busy enough already, Monday/Tuesday.


Something to help with the grind the game sometimes is would be awesome.

It would be no less "grindy." The quicker to cap, the quicker end-game grind begins.

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It would be no less "grindy." The quicker to cap, the quicker end-game grind begins.


Yes but for those of us who want to experience the various storylines from dark side/light side, jedi/sith it let's us skip the side content which we've already done on other toons.

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