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[POT5] State of Regular WZs (consolidated thread)


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I used to play on POT5 last summer when the PVP scene there was in my opinion best in the game. After server mergers and the top guilds deciding to call it quits, I unsubbed until earlier this year where I rerolled on Bastion. With all this hype about transfers and POT5, I decided to reactive my character there and give it a go again.


SO. MANY. RAGE. QUITTERS. Rather than repeat what others have already said multiple times, I thought I would just link as a consolidated thread the various threads people have started recently complaining about this same thing. I demand community action to save regular WZs from being simply unplayable on POT5.


I mean how are you supposed to gear up if you can't get your weekly done because literally 50% of your games you're playing with 6 people and the other 50% of the games the people are just bad or go afk.











Edited by iheartnyc
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I used to play on POT5 last summer when the PVP scene there was in my opinion best in the game. After server mergers and the top guilds deciding to call it quits, I unsubbed until earlier this year where I rerolled on Bastion. With all this hype about transfers and POT5, I decided to reactive my character there and give it a go again.


SO. MANY. RAGE. QUITTERS. Rather than repeat what others have already said multiple times, I thought I would just link as a consolidated thread the various threads people have started recently complaining about this same thing. I demand community action to save regular WZs from being simply unplayable on POT5.


I mean how are you supposed to gear up if you can't get your weekly done because literally 50% of your games you're playing with 6 people and the other 50% of the games the people are just bad or go afk.












Ignorance can be educated, uncoordination trained, lack of knowledge enlightened, tactics can be taught, classes learned, but my friend, rage quitters are forever.

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Do something about the 3 or 4 empire premades that run the queue all night and you will see droves of people stay in the WZ even if they are losing.


A solo only queue would solve much of this. Not all of it, but much of it.

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Do something about the 3 or 4 empire premades that run the queue all night and you will see droves of people stay in the WZ even if they are losing.


A solo only queue would solve much of this. Not all of it, but much of it.


Lame *** excuse for quitting.... Screw who the opposition is, you took the que, play the game. and stop acting like a

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It will be this way until they implement a proper matchmaking system. Not only are most games heavily one-sided but the game mechanics are also making it extremely hard to turn games, in the event that the baddies drop and you get some good replacements.
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Do something about the 3 or 4 empire premades that run the queue all night and you will see droves of people stay in the WZ even if they are losing.


A solo only queue would solve much of this. Not all of it, but much of it.


I love your sig, wish I would've thought of it lol. Per the comment people bail when it's just a pug that is stomping them after 1 cap, **** if its a guild they recognize they bolt ASAP and requeue. That can't really be fun for the other team either.

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congrats on being the most dedicated Pot5 troll around. here is a cookie :)


What are you talking about? It's a serious problem which is being reported by a lot of players - many people on POT5 are affected besides just me. I said I was going to transfer a toon on POT5 and give it a shot, but it's literally impossible for me to get geared when half the teams are just quitting right off the bat. I'm on repub side and I hear repub is worse.


Seriously, 60 regular WZ comms for 12 minutes sitting in a WZ. So basically 300 regular WZ comms per hour, plus 100 (+100) for doing your daily. Assume I play for 3 hours, I will get 1000 regular WZ coms in 3 hours. That equals 333 ranked comms in 3 hours of non-stop play. A single Conqueror mod costs you 1775 ranked comms and 200 reg comms. Good luck farming gear.


That means I would have to play 18 hours just to get 1 Conqeror mod?? No way.

Edited by iheartnyc
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I used to play on POT5 last summer when the PVP scene there was in my opinion best in the game. After server mergers and the top guilds deciding to call it quits, I unsubbed until earlier this year where I rerolled on Bastion. With all this hype about transfers and POT5, I decided to reactive my character there and give it a go again.


SO. MANY. RAGE. QUITTERS. Rather than repeat what others have already said multiple times, I thought I would just link as a consolidated thread the various threads people have started recently complaining about this same thing. I demand community action to save regular WZs from being simply unplayable on POT5.


I mean how are you supposed to gear up if you can't get your weekly done because literally 50% of your games you're playing with 6 people and the other 50% of the games the people are just bad or go afk.












First get 3 other friends. Second Q up for warzone. Third you act like every one here started on POT5 with all the new transfers its most likely them quit leaving.

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Lame *** excuse for quitting.... Screw who the opposition is, you took the que, play the game. and stop acting like a


Stop acting like a pansy and join the ranked queue with your little premade...

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First get 3 other friends. Second Q up for warzone. Third you act like every one here started on POT5 with all the new transfers its most likely them quit leaving.


That's rich, I transferred to Pot5, the first thing I noticed was the number of people that quit wz's. I started watching and the majority of those that quit were guild tagged. This observation was made the day transfers were opened, surely all of those were not new transfers.


All in all in my opinion the average player on Pot5 is much more immature than the average player was on JC.

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First get 3 other friends. Second Q up for warzone. Third you act like every one here started on POT5 with all the new transfers its most likely them quit leaving.


Since you already have 3 friends, why don't YOU find 4 more friends, put your big-boy pants on, and queue up for the ranked queue.

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Is this a cry about premade thread now?


For the OP in hand; it happens. Always has. I just figured this was normal everywhere for those who are just interested in the win and if it isn't obvious; they give up. I have learned to just ignore it and keep doing my thing. I haven't had an issue with the match just backfilling and frankly; when the other team quits, I often find that the tides start turning when better players come in. In that regard; I wish they would just stay and take the beating they have coming. ;)


The thing is; it isn't a matter of server mentality, it is a probability issue. There is such a large pool of players queuing, you are bound to see all kinds of personalities and skill levels which throws gas on the fires that are those personalities. I can see a lot of quitters one day, but then see none the next; maybe even the same players I saw quitting the day before.

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Stop acting like a pansy and join the ranked queue with your little premade...


I have only been a part if a premade once since xfer & yes we played ranked... And it was a PuG ranked team...Even on my old server I solo qued 90% of the time... There is no ***** here my friend. Quitters are just the slime of this game, and when I backfill to replace these slime, they ruin my game... But do I take the easy road and just leave when that big bad premade is wiping the floor with baddie juice....... I'll let you guess....



Grow a pair...

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I used to play on POT5 last summer when the PVP scene there was in my opinion best in the game. After server mergers and the top guilds deciding to call it quits, I unsubbed until earlier this year where I rerolled on Bastion. With all this hype about transfers and POT5, I decided to reactive my character there and give it a go again.


SO. MANY. RAGE. QUITTERS. Rather than repeat what others have already said multiple times, I thought I would just link as a consolidated thread the various threads people have started recently complaining about this same thing. I demand community action to save regular WZs from being simply unplayable on POT5.


I mean how are you supposed to gear up if you can't get your weekly done because literally 50% of your games you're playing with 6 people and the other 50% of the games the people are just bad or go afk.












I quit warzones to queue dodge bads.

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Why don't you idiots post your QQ threads on your server forums where this crap belongs....


Because QQ, while believed by many to be a pair of crying eyes, actually originated in Warcraft 2. The fast way to quit a game was Alt+Q+Q, so when you tell someone "QQ," you're actually telling them to quit. In other words, OP is telling people to quit... Quitting, so yes, this thread is actually exactly where it belongs, and you leave educated on the history of QQ. That's a double whammy :)

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Because QQ, while believed by many to be a pair of crying eyes, actually originated in Warcraft 2. The fast way to quit a game was Alt+Q+Q, so when you tell someone "QQ," you're actually telling them to quit. In other words, OP is telling people to quit... Quitting, so yes, this thread is actually exactly where it belongs, and you leave educated on the history of QQ. That's a double whammy :)


And since when did the PvP forums become the Pot5 forums. No one outside of pot5 gives a crap about the waves of baddies that flooded your server looking for easy wins. If there was such thing as a moderator, they should move this thread to the server forums, where all the whining/complaining/moaning woe is me pot5 discussions can be held to the selected audience instead of the wider PvP population that doesn't give a crap.

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And since when did the PvP forums become the Pot5 forums. No one outside of pot5 gives a crap about the waves of baddies that flooded your server looking for easy wins. If there was such thing as a moderator, they should move this thread to the server forums, where all the whining/complaining/moaning woe is me pot5 discussions can be held to the selected audience instead of the wider PvP population that doesn't give a crap.


You should, instead of making a universal statement, reiterate that "you" don't give a crap. This is the PvP forum, this thread concerns PvP, ergo it's not misplaced.

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