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To avoid a bad launch they cause a bad launch


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July may have only been a few days..but it was one of their biggest months, and they knocked a big chunk out of it. October will be just as busy..but by then they will have increased the cap on servers and added a bunch more.


They want to see how stable they can be..and about now those servers are getting more and more people getting back from work and school..should know by tomorrow if this was successful or not. I am betting on successful.


That's what the stress test was for, they should have all of the metrics they need.

The speed and size of the waves basically indicate how confident they are in their infrastructure. Judging by just how unhappy a whole bunch of people are - I'm guessing it's not a great deal.

The other beacon is that Origin is completely inaccessible. With just these waves down, there's serious issues.

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I'd rather deal with potential server problems and ques than to be completely left out of it all together waiting on the day it may or may not happen?


It's holiday season and EA has done what so far except make everyone the Scrooge. I blame them squarely for this poorly thought out idea.


This is launch day btw and every day you are not in you miss out. The 20th is a moot point as the servers are open now. Go read the launcher, it states right there this is launch.


20th is for tools so late to the party, the guy who gets the last stock tip from CNN etc. Getting in on the 20th can only make fools happy. Everyone else has to know the game is LIVE now and you are missing out.


For a pvp server and names this is somewhat a big deal. For me day 1 is one of the best times ever!..


/boooooo EA

Edited by Dizkazk
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Rift was pretty buggy in Early Access, which was only 5 not 7 days, and had less people that this game will have by tomorrow.


And I'm certainly not complaining that I didn't get in on the first of two extra days that they tacked onto a five day head start that they could easily not have had at all. And last I checked, I haven't paid for a subscription yet either.


Launch is on the 20th, and I have a feeling that it is going to be ultra-smooth and satisfying. As is this delicious cake.

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RIFT had no lag, and very little in queue times.


Liars are liars.


EDIT: Also, Reid blatantly lies, RIFT launched with 750k people in head start, SWTOR isn't even remotely close to that. The waves are small, and slooooooooooooow. I'm not mad or anything, I don't care when I get in, but liars are liars.


Lag wasnt terrible but when in the world did a 5 hour queue time become very little? Liars indeed

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How could it no be successful when they stopped so early?


Because they have a schedule..a quota...a certain amount of people they want in on the first day. So that they can see how their servers handle them. Probably a nice solid number..then they can use that math thing to find out just how their servers will deal with 1.5-3 million people.


The fact that they added another wave..more than they intended..is a very good sign, tomorrow will more than likely have at least a dozen waves..bigger ones than these..at least that is how I see it.

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Even though launch isnt till the 20th this has not been a good experience - they should be communicating with us more about what is happening and instead they have a load of angry rants in various different threads.


Lets just hope it gets better from here :)


They said from the beginning that theyd' be doign staggered access to EARLY access and everyone would be getting Atleast 5 days before Launch to play.


Everyone QQing because they didn't get in today are just ridiculous why didn't you Pre order in July? You'd already be in and it wouldn't cost you a thing and you could still cancel the game if you didn't like it since no money is exchanged in many cases.


A bad launch is spending hours crashing, lagging, burning because 1 million people try to log in all at once and thats what typical mmos experience or worse tons of bugs and game breaking issues...I played all through the morning and my lunch break at work and I've not any problems at all.


Most early access launches are so terrible you barely get anything done atleast this one is staggered adn its been great..hell I could get in on the 15th and I'd still be happy with the fact the game is running nicely and the starter zones are over run.


Those that had issues with their retailers losing their codes should of been crawling up those retailers arses for hours if not several days or refuse to leave the store without it or your money back. If i'd of gone more than a few days without my code I'd of cancelled and got it somewhere else. You did it to yourself waiting thinking it'd magically appear in time.

Edited by Kindara
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RIFT had no lag, and very little in queue times.


Liars are liars.


EDIT: Also, Reid blatantly lies, RIFT launched with 750k people in head start, SWTOR isn't even remotely close to that. The waves are small, and slooooooooooooow. I'm not mad or anything, I don't care when I get in, but liars are liars.


Don't make up insanely large numbers...http://www.vgchartz.com/preorders/40601/USA/


As you can see there, Rift had at most 60k people in head start. With under that many pre-orders 1 week out from launch.

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so what happens when the first SWTOR expansion is launched? will they do early access waves for people to log in for expansion areas lol???


By the time their first expansion launches they will have had a years experience with their servers...they will know what they can handle and what they can not..and they will adjust accordingly.


Nothing is worse than getting into a game..on launch..and having the servers collapse, only to stop you from getting a chance to play for 2 - 3 days. Crawl. Walk. Run.


By expansion time they will be sprinting.

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I guess the only real downside is for people who won't be able to level with their friends because they didn't get in at the same time, but we knew that would happen from the start. I know it sucks for some people who got screwed on their pre-orders, but that's the retailer's fault.


As for some people saying that this is the worst launch ever, it just shows how full of it they are. I'm trying to think of ANY launch that went better than this and I can't. I defintiely can't think of any that decided to go two days earlier than planned. Most launches were plagued with server crashes and horrible lag. Some were so completely screwed that the game was barely playable even after official launch (Vanguard, AOC), and even barely playable MONTHS after launch (FFXIV!).


People get off of your soapbox. I know it sucks not to have gotten in on the first day. I didn't get in either, and my OCD is killing me. I will still be checking all night even though I didn't even expect access today, and they already said the last wave of invites has gone out for the day. But if you didn't expect this, then you never paid attention to ANYTHING! Every pre-order page said that this is the way early access would happen.


How does "everything going as planned" = "OMGFAILZLAUNCH***QQMOAR!!!"???????






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Oh yea, I didn't even mention the que times in my original post, thanks for reminding me.


But hey, I am a liar so you cant trust me.


I played on faeblight, one of the largest population servers during Rift early launch, and had almost no problems at all, sure there was a queue, by the end of the day it was over an hour wait to get in, but an hour is a damn sight better that days as is the case for many here.

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ah, poor baby.......QQ


Clearly states do not provoke a negative response with your posts. I guess people need to be reminded of that fact by flagging people like you that have nothing better then trolling and making people feel even worse.


If you don't like what people are typing then do yourelf a favor and ignore it.

Edited by stineo
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it's bad because this is probably the worst way to launch any game, let alone an MMO where you're at an increasing disadvantage the longer you wait. Reward players who have the most money and luck and **** on people who had to wait a couple of weeks or had their codes lost by incompetent retailers.. or both.


Try making players pay money to access the early access download (bandwidth costs, so they said), having so many issues that the 3 days of access became a little less than a day and a half, the bank npc was turned off due to glitches involving duping and he happened to be the mail and the auction house npc, lag spikes happened every 5 minutes, the content drop off was bad after the shine put on the level pre-20 zone, and features listed on the box took months (in one case a year) to make it into the game.


That's the worst way to launch an MMO, and I was there for every bit of it.


This? This is a godsend compared to that, and I'm an October pre-order who has to wait till who knows when.

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RIFT had no lag, and very little in queue times.


Liars are liars.


EDIT: Also, Reid blatantly lies, RIFT launched with 750k people in head start, SWTOR isn't even remotely close to that. The waves are small, and slooooooooooooow. I'm not mad or anything, I don't care when I get in, but liars are liars.


RIFT did not have 750K people in early access, they didn't have half that many pre-orders prelaunch


a week before before launch, days before early access - RIFT had less than 100K preorders



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Today has truly made me sad and cynical, and on levels far beyond some stupid game.


I am sad that this is what we gamers are: a million-member pile of entitled spoiled brats yelling at McDonalds because they served someone in the front of the line before us.


I'm truthfully saddened.

Edited by Jeca_Cutrer
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What bad launch? Game hasn't launched yet, and I'm sure they don't care about whiny 8 year olds who didn't get what they wanted, even though it's been stated since preorders started that it depends on when you entered the code.


Really getting tired of explaining this to people. Do you think they are playing the beta right now? By every definition of the word, the game has launched. It releases to everyone on the 20th, but it's already launched, sunshine.

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it's bad because this is probably the worst way to launch any game, let alone an MMO where you're at an increasing disadvantage the longer you wait. Reward players who have the most money and luck and **** on people who had to wait a couple of weeks or had their codes lost by incompetent retailers.. or both.


this is what bothers me the most.

its not my fault gamestop didnt send me my pre order code until aug 8th after preordering it opening day

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Today has truly made me sad and cynical, and on levels far beyond some stupid game.


I am sad that this is what we gamers are: a million-member pile of entitled spoiled brats yelling at McDonalds because they served someone in the front of the line before us.


I'm truthfully saddened.


Yes..it is sad. People from the ages of 16-28 expect everything instantly..they have forgotten or never learned how to wait, or how to show patience. Self entitlement runs rampant, and everyone scratches and claws and cries when things don't go as planned.

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Ironic isnt it?




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Really getting tired of explaining this to people. Do you think they are playing the beta right now? By every definition of the word, the game has launched. It releases to everyone on the 20th, but it's already launched, sunshine.


Isn't this a really silly issue of semantics?


If the game had launched, we wouldn't be in Early Access. We'd just be in Access.


Whether you define the word "launched" that way or not, the point is you paid to play on the 15th and have no entitlement to play before that.

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